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THE DEAL: Novel Page 16

by Bvlgari, M. F.

  Carolina was impressed with his story while she knew from his face expression that he was still in pain while he tells her and remembers everything in his mind.

  "Wow you should have gone through hell, but I see you today as a man with a very solid and strong personality."

  She said truthfully, resting her hand on top of his hand pressing it gently, trying to give him some kind of comfort.

  Recalling when her mother died of cancer, she was only 12, getting to live with his father, watching her father suffer daily as her mother fade with the disease and the suffering she carried after her mother had gone. She couldn’t forget that her father had ignored her completely as a child, forgetting to care about her completely who was also suffering with the loss, needing affection and support from her father. There was no money in the world that could save her mother and Carolina got out of that cursed mansion full of bitterness and empty of love when she turned 18 years, she went to live alone in a small studio, working during the day and studying at night, cutting off the contact with her father completely for years. She kept her thoughts to her, she didn’t want him to feel what she was feeling for him right now, and she felt genuinely sorry for him.

  Aware that she was touching his hand, she takes her hand off as she had been burned in the skin.

  "Thank you for your support, but today I'm fine, now I feel strong and I am a happy man"

  Strong in all areas of certainty - she thought - but happy?!

  She had a few doubts.

  "I am sure that one day you will find a woman who will make you even happier, happier than you are right now. Then it will be perfect."

  She told him without thinking of the words because after opening her mouth and realize what she had said aloud, she was amazed to look at him momentarily to avoid the discomfort of what she had just said, she puts quickly the prawns ready on the table, while the quiche was cooling down. They began to eat and she saw in his expression that he enjoyed the food.

  "What do you think of the shrimps, have you had ever eating that?"

  Carolina asks.

  "It's the first time I have shrimps made this way and I love them, you can continue to invite me to eat it"

  He confessed while smiling with those powerful and seductive blue eyes where she get lost so easy, or used to, and now she strove to maximum to block that effect and stay emotionless to it. She said teasing him:

  "My dear friend ...I will think about your case"

  Throughout the dinner they spoke about themselves, where they had grown up, things they liked to do, about their work. Carolina just generalized talk about her childhood, avoiding telling him what he should know, because she thought they were there just for a few more days and then they will never see each other again, it wasn’t worth it to let him know everything about her. They talked about nonsense’s, tearing each other to laugh.

  After dinner they were playing cards, played black jack, he earns first, she wanted the rematch she didn’t accept the defeat, they played again, and she wins. Playing a third time and at last cards, he wins. They start the checkers game and she wins in all, he ends up frustrated with himself it was obvious he didn’t like to lose at anything. Then he had the idea to play cards but the game ‘who take the highest strength card has the right to ask a question to the other, the other being obliged to answer honestly’.

  Unconsciously he felt the need to know more about her, and so it was a good excuse to ask a few questions he needed to know the answers too.

  They began and he draws the highest card and asks the first question:

  "When was the last time you had sex before reaching the island?"

  When Carolina hears the question, she remember Nils, she hadn’t really remembered him since they arrived on the island.

  "Well, the last time was with my boyfriend Nils, maybe a week ago or so. Days before reaching the island, I'm not sure."

  She replied without really knowing what would be his reaction to learn that she still had a boyfriend. He looks at her in awe of the response, not expected her to say that she had a boyfriend. Was she really telling the truth?! Or was it only to piss him off? He knew she had begun dating someone months ago, but he always thought it would not last.

  But after all that time they are still together?

  How serious can it be?

  Will he lose her forever for that boyfriend when they arrive in London?

  Taking new cards, each one takes over and she takes the highest card. She thinks about a question that she could do to him and this was the opportunity to ask him the questions that she wanted to see answered honestly.

  "Why did you fell in love with a woman 10 years older and not by any other, what made the difference?"

  He smiled, looked at the floor and looking at the endless remembering the good times he had lived with his ex-girlfriend confided.

  "We already knew each other for a few years and she worked in one of my business, the models agency in the recruitment area. She was a model when she was new, so she knew the business. Earlier she didn’t bring herself to my attention because she was older and was my employee. But she was confident, she wasn’t pretentious, didn’t give me much attention, challenged me intellectually, it wasn’t like other women who just ran after me, she had high moral values, very intelligent with a degree education, drop-dead gorgeous, simply magnificent and unique."

  Wow there is really no way to compete with someone so perfect - thought Carolina, but made no comment.

  Again they took a card each, being his turn to ask the question.

  "When we leave the island, will you tell your boyfriend what happened here?"

  Now Carolina had been caught completely of guard, she hadn’t even thought about it herself, she didn’t know what was going to tell Nils when she got back.

  Will he believe in the true story that seems more fiction than anything else?!

  She sighed, looked away not knowing what to say, shrugged saying.

  "To be honest I haven’t thought about it yet, I don’t know what I'll say to him. Most likely he will not believe in the truth and will probably end everything because I screwed up and he won’t have me back after this whole mess."

  He looked at her carefully trying to capture every word she said.

  Then she may become available after we leave here, interesting. Interesting, what, what, she is not a woman to me.

  Thoughts clouded his imagination and he didn’t like to feel vulnerable.

  "Will you stay with him or do you prefer to be alone?"

  Questioning her further forgetting that he could only ask one question at a time.

  "Ah you still need to play first and take the highest card to ask make new question don’t you?"

  Trying to avoid the question, because she didn’t know what would she do after returning to London, but knew she had to answer if she lost the next round. By a sheer of luck she won this time and had the right to make him a new question.

  "Have you met many women through the application which you end up having sex with them?"

  "Yes, I did."

  She felt that this game with questions could become too intimate, it could turn to a point where she could regret answer to honest with him, he didn’t deserve to know the truth, she doesn’t want to be asked about her feelings for him or if she was in love for him. It was something she wanted to avoid the most, especially now that they agreed to stay only friends and any expectations of a relationship is now closed forever. So she decided to say that she was tired of playing, arguing in a friendly manner that she wanted to stop. JP ends up agreeing with her and suggests going for a little bit to the Jacuzzi which is still uncapped waiting for someone to use it.

  At first Carolina found it was a good idea, but after saying yes, she wasn’t so sure anymore, she wanted to stay away from him and not be touched by him at any point anymore. He notices that she showed up hesitantly and said:

  "Don’t worry because I know you want us to be just friends. I can h
ave lots of flows but not being a gentleman isn’t one of them, I will completely respect your decision, is the only thing I can do for you. Common let’s go"

  Rising holding out his hand to help her up, but she didn’t accept his hand, standing up without difficulty alone. It was a magnificent evening full of stars with the full moon high above, he didn’t hesitate and before he goes in, he takes his shorts off, she left her bikini on and he went naked.


  Making clear what she was thinking with her expression on her face. He had done it on purpose while he looked at her perceived her thoughts, said to her:

  "What? You've seen me naked so many times and there is no one else on the island, what is the problem?!"

  "There is no problem at all"

  She replied hesitant to get in the Jacuzzi.

  The Jacuzzi had space for 8 people, giving almost space to swim in it.

  JP as any man he likes gadgets, he quickly found the buttons starting to press in all of them to discover what they could do, and the Jacuzzi gave lights of various colours, giving the illusion that the water changed colour. He found that the Jacuzzi had radio, turned the radio on but didn’t work there and finally found more buttons to make the Jacuzzi bubbling, it had several buttons for each type of bubbles, he could chose bubbles only for the legs or only for the back, or both at the same time, he could even chose several levels of intensity for the bubbles.

  Without delay he pressed to maximum, starting almost immediately bubbling everywhere.

  They looked like being inside a pot of boiling water and it was somehow funny and tickling.

  Thought Carolina making her laughing while she closes her eyes to appreciate the bubbles, she enjoyed the bubbling, massaging all her body making her relaxed. The pressure of the water jets ending in bubbles was just a great pleasure of relaxation, Carolina closed her eyes leaving her body go with the bubbling flow and JP did the same. When both were relaxing and enjoying the water massage their legs touch each other, without taking it away, they remained touching and feeling the water and each other, ignoring the fact they were touching each other. Feeling very tired after about 10minutes, they were already with their skin wrinkled, and Carolina went out of the Jacuzzi. He looks at her without knowing why she was going away and says to her:

  "Are you going?"

  "Yes, I am feeling very relaxed already"

  He laughed, turning to put her head back closing her eyes for a few more minutes. She went taking a shower in the cabin, wearing a new dress and white lingerie. When she were looking at clothes to wear, she looked at the bed and thought that the best is to sleep on the beach bed as usual, she couldn’t dare to sleep inside, she wouldn’t allow to happen anything between them ever again. Leaving the cabin, she looked for the summer blanket to cover herself when it was cold during the night as she went to bed on the beach and falls asleep almost immediately.

  JP left the Jacuzzi, turning the Jacuzzi off and covering it he went inside to take a shower when he returned to go to Carolina beach bed to tell her that she could sleep inside without any problem, he saw that she was already fast asleep. He leaned over her taking a careful look at her face and took a lock of hair away from her face touching her slightly with his lips on her cheek, admiring her for a few minutes. He liked to see her, she started to be beautiful in his head, but he couldn’t admit it. He took the summer blanket and covered her, going to his bedroom to sleep. Trying to sleep, but he couldn’t stop thinking about her. Finally he fall asleep and dreamt about her, they were getting married at the beach, wearing the same clothe they had the first day they arrived at the island. They looked happy and very much in love.

  Day 5

  Carolina woke up very hungry, got up and went to the kitchen in the cabin to prepare her breakfast. When she arrives at the kitchen, he was already preparing breakfast for him. Looking at her, he asks if she wants him to make her breakfast, she appreciates the gesture, but she would like to prepare the breakfast herself. They sit at the table to eat breakfast and he can’t help it and asks:

  "Why did you sleep yesterday on the beach in bed again?"

  "Because you sleep in the bedroom and as the cabin has only one bed and we are not a couple ... I think you’ve got the answer"

  She answered in sarcastic way looking at him while both had breakfast.

  "All right, I won’t bother you with it anymore. So what can we do today? We have to create anything to spend time, unfortunately already eliminated sex from our list and the table games, so what can we do next? I ran out of ideas"

  She shrugged her shoulders, had no idea. But she remembered that existed outside the cabin a storage room, she never opened it but maybe they would find something interesting there.

  "Come with me"

  She gets up, when out of the cabin, he goes after her while she had already gone out of the door toward the door of the storeroom. She tried to open the door but she couldn’t, he helped her open it, it was trapped, but with the strength of both, they managed to open the door. For a brief moment they were close together again and she feels that electricity going through her body, feeling his smell and her breath accelerated unintentionally. But now she unknowingly had the same effect on him, when she was very close to him he felt her hair on his face and her smell, and the sweet scent of her skin feeling the desire for her to form in his body. He tried to concentrate in what he was doing there and looked for something they could do in the coming days with the things they could find there.

  When they opened the door they saw that there were beach rackets, a beach ball, fishing gear, rescue buoy with a rope, beach chairs, still packed snorkling equipment among other things. They took the rackets and the beach ball to play at the beach.

  But before they started playing he said to her, that he was going for a swim, asking if she wanted to join him, she refused of fear they reached the same ending as the day before, she didn’t want to give him more opportunity to take advantage of her weakness. She knew she couldn’t resist him if he came too close, so it was essential to maintain a minimally safe distance.

  But now she thought all the time that she would be strong for her, she would resist him at any cost because she didn’t want to let him near her.

  I need to resist him at any cost.

  But he wasn’t make her life easy, he took all his clothe off and walked naked in front of her, he saw that she was looking at his body, giving him a cheeky look and pretending to be shocking. Then he smiled at her and she gives him a look of not dare, he plays her shorts and t-shirt up dropping with laughter on her, turning his back goes running into the sea plunging returning moments later to surface and start swimming without apparent effort. Carolina looked at him as one admires a Greek Adonis, now she didn’t feel ashamed to look at him and was enjoying the view, though he knew she was watching him, she didn’t care. She fetched a giant poof that was near the beach bed, puts it on the beach with half in water and half out, just to be lying with her legs in the water, waiting for him to finish his swimming routine and to play rackets together.

  After about half hour tired of swimming JP went out of the water toward Carolina, catching her off guard throws up wet and naked on her, surprised by his attitude, she screams, trying to push him away instinctively and with all her strength. He leaves off her only when he can put her a wet kiss on Carolina's face, then shook his head leaving the hair dripping wet up to Carolina, forcing her to give a new scream raising her feet and pushing him away.

  "Let's play?"

  Said JP when he walked away fetching the racquets without waiting for Carolina response.

  "Don’t you dress up?"

  "Why, we're the only ones here. Ah but first I want to ask you for a favour, I know that every time you go to the bathroom you put sunscreen on your body”

  He said smiling to her, trying to convince her.

  “You come always from inside with your skin full of cream, could you put a little bit in my back?"

  Asks h
e gently.

  "Sure, but put your shorts first on. I'll get the sunscreen inside"

  On the way to the cabin she was afraid that putting cream on his body, it could take another step to disaster like it happen before, she needed to be strong for her. She tries to visualize that she will be strong and will be able to go through this one more obstacle. Back to his side with cream and beach towels for them to dry out and lay down on it and to put the cream. He was making sure that he was still naked waiting for her. Carolina didn’t comment, he lies on his back and she puts on her knees beside him beginning the task of putting cream on his neck, shoulders, arms, back, buttocks, and legs gently with hands full of cream to absorb well into the skin with circular movements. After the back, he turns around facing her, and she sees that he is excited, he is looking at her waiting for her to begin to put the cream on the front, but she stops and doesn’t continue.

  He knows why, he tries to calm her down saying:

  "Don’t worry, it's the effect you have on me constantly, get used to it"

  She sighed slightly and couldn’t find any amusement on it anymore. The front massage on him looked like a minefield. But she didn’t want to give weaker party and she wanted to show him once and for all that he wasn’t that important in her life. Putting the cream in both hands, passed them in his shoulders, on his hairy chest, arms and again in his hairy chest that she loved and sighed inwardly, holding back the most she could to continue her mission to finish successful putting the sunscreen. She remembers when was the last time she went with her tongue that beautiful chest of his, the pile yarn he had in the abdomen, jumping the navel and following the belly up to her trimmed pubic hair.

  Returning to the present she continues, puts more cream and follows the stomach, belly, legs and his feet. She had to say anything, because she didn’t want the situation fail to appear embarrassing. He was still with an erection and it was distracting her. Estimating that his erection would distract her, he didn’t mean to but he loved every second to see how she was handling the situation and the care that she had not to touch him in his private parts. He felt powerful just knowing she wasn’t indifferent to him, he did it on purpose to cause it, and it was so easy to have an erection with her, even without her to play with, the more she massaged his body with those small, delicate and smooth hands it was enough to stay on. He knew if she touched him to put cream that he would get hard, it would be enough to be ready for her, he wanted her to know the effect she has on him. And then he couldn’t still admit that he was starting to like her a lot, he wanted to think it was just a sexual desire but it started to be something else and he didn’t know.


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