"Your nails are a little bit big right now, you need to cut them"
He looks at her smiles saying:
"I look also for a pedicure"
"Yes, yes. You wish. If you want to cut them, do it yourself or go to a pedicure”
She said getting up and picking up the rackets and the small ball. She puts a racquet on the top of his stomach challenging him to start playing. He got up, and continued with the erection, she looked at him and said:
"Are you going to play like that?! It is normal for you to be always with an erection?"
Bingo! - He thought amused – Goal achieved.
"This is the side effects of you touching me. I had so many erections with my ex-girlfriend with her I could have five orgasms a day, I used to walk constantly with a ready erection for her, it was crazy, and she was an addiction"
Oh no comments about the perfect ex-girlfriend again - she thought sad, but ignoring to feel that way. Watching her and waiting to see a reaction from her.
"My friend a cold shower, have you two met?!"
"So many times my friend"
He said with a laugh.
Both laughed and began to play with rackets, after some time they were tired and bored, then they began to play with a ball, making marks on the sand trying to make a football field. He had the fastest moves and he wouldn’t let her bring the ball to score a goal. Seeing that she had no chance to score a single goal, she steals the ball and starts running to score, she puts the ball on the floor right just to give a small kick even when he's coming to get the ball to take it from her.
"That is cheating, it’s not fair!"
He screams pretending to be upset and protesting if it was the worst thing in the world what she just had done. Taking her by the waist, she starts kicking him to let her go and screams, he is decided to penalize her that she had cheated and throw her into the water when she returns to the surface taking a few steps back with a smile plunging toward him. Her idea was pulling his toes, trying to get him lose his balance in the water, but he was prepared for her and saw her coming over to him, he dives also and goes to meet her under water, putting his lip on her lips, she immediately rises to the surface to end the kiss, he follows her.
"Sorry, it was a spur of the moment"
He apologized.
"Please don’t repeat trying to be funny, if we are friends, we really are just friends, there will be no more, and I'm serious. Please respect my decision"
"Can you decide to be friends only when we leave the island? Can’t we be special friends and have some fun until we leave?!"
"All right, if that's what you want, I just have to respect it"
"Look, we have to stay here two more days together, rather than each stay in a separate corner, we can enjoy ourselves as friends and concentrate on what we have to do when we leave here and then you never need to see me again, it's very simple"
He looks at her, surprised by the comment.
She was now so determined and confident, is that how she really is, was she always like this or is it is only now?! I always loved a good challenge and she is challenging me –
He thought determinate not leaving her of sight anymore not even when they arrive in London.
Now was JP who was determined not to let her go, now that he was slowly discovering her and loving it, he needed to know more about that woman, she aroused him with so much desire, he couldn’t explain why. Decided to go to the bottom of the question to find it out, he would persuade her.
Perhaps they could always meet at his house, discreetly, when they arrive in London. –
He give it a thought but discard it immediately, thinking she would no longer believe enough in him to go to his house like she went the first time. Now he knew he wanted her in his bed, but things changed and he wasn’t sure if she wanted him anymore, there was only one way, he needed to be near her, he wanted her to feel safe with him. Knowing he would have a bad time to get her right where he would like her to be, he was decided to give her time.
"Are you hungry? Will we eat something? Today it's my turn to cook, but I have to warn you, I don’t cook and my experience is very limited"
Taking her hand and let her out of the water, she let him taking her hand and they went hand in hand to the towels. She began to laugh at the idea that he would cook.
"What are you doing for lunch? I think it must be a lunch plus dinner, just look at the sun's position"
Carolina couldn’t help but continuing laughing at his idea.
"It's a surprise" he said winking his eye.
She laughed and shook her head.
"It must be good"
Caught in towels, dried and went to the cabin.
JP goes to the refrigerator pulls out an aluminium paper dish with a roast ready, which had previously taken to thaw, it was now only heat it in the oven setting the table and filling the glasses of rosé wine she sits at the table waiting for the roast. He wants to know more about her and begins to ask questions.
"Do you like to travel? What countries do you know?"
"I love travelling. I know many countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and South America and central America"
"Do you know New York?"
"Actually I've never been, but it is a city in my list to go for a long time"
"I spend half the time in London and the other half in New York, it is a magnificent city"
"Do you have companies outside the UK?"
She was surprised. He had won her absolute respect, someone who fought alone against the world and has achieved international success, he reminded her father or maybe not.
He really created an empire.
"I have companies in both countries all linked to fashion. Since modelling agency, advertising, photography and films"
"Wow that's a lot. You must be Mr. Grey, the British version ha-ha" She said laughing.
“Congratulations you seem to be a very successful business man and you are a very smart one too. You are the type of man who can make any woman proud of his accomplishes”
He smiled and went to see the roast and it was ready to serve it. She tries it out, they were hungry and it was very good.
Who made all that food and left it in the fridge was a very good cook or chef.
Today she felt comfortable enough to tease him and she decides to say to him joking:
"This is very good, you are a great cook"
"Yes! I am"
He pretended to be offended and she hit him with her napkin on his arm just to tease him. They continued to eat talking and laughing, when they finished they cleaned everything up. They were a good cleaning team.
When they left the cabin to go outside it was already night. He challenged her to a walk along the beach, with the full moon as witness, she accepts. While walking along the beach, looking at the moon and stars he grabs her hand, she tries to take her hand out, but he insists they walked in the moonlight listening to the sound of the waves reaching the beach, hand in hand.
"We are here on this island, it's like being in a bubble, and everything looks perfect with you. It was so good if the reality out there could be the same way, why isn’t life as easy as it is on this island?"
Questioning himself saying the words aloud, as JP admired the intense glow of the moon bathed in the water.
"But unfortunately the reality isn’t living in a bubble"
Carolina said, giving him the answer he already knew. They continued the walk to admire now together the blue neon effect that the sea had at night, it was a magical sight and they could both enjoy tonight and together hand in hand. Unable to control her will of repeating to get in the water and get her feet wet with the blue neon plankton, she gets her feet wet, making JP nervous because he didn’t know if the plankton was dangerous or venous and tried to get her out of the water.
“Don’t worry silly I did this the other night while I was alone, it tickles a little, nothing much”
> He convinced her to get of the water anyway even having only her feet wet. Going out of the water because she saw how concerned he looked, she didn’t need any additional stress, leaving while she was walking along the beach with JP a trail of blue neon footprints. They spoke one time serious, sometimes joking with each other, other times in an attempt to challenge and provoke each other while walking. As they returned to the cabin, Carolina goes to the bathroom, takes a shower, dress up and goes to the beach bed to sleep, she was tired. He goes after her.
"You don’t have to sleep here and you know that, don’t you? You can sleep inside with me, I promise that I will behave as a gentleman, bloody hell I am serious."
"I'd rather sleep here, I like to sleep here, and honestly I do"
She told him.
"Can I stay here with you?"
"I'd rather be here alone"
"Okay. Goodnight"
He grabs her shoulders with her hands, coming near her, giving her a kiss on the forehead.
"Good night my dear"
Day 6
The next day they woke up at the same time, they took breakfast together, after breakfast they sat on the porch bored with nothing to do all stretched up.
"I have an idea"
She said very enthusiastic with her idea.
"What is your idea?!"
"Can you fishing?"
"I never tried"
"It doesn’t matter I teach you"
He looks at her suspiciously.
"Do you know by any chance how to fish?!"
"Yes I do! Come on, let’s go. Getting up pulling him by the hand for him to stand up too, he rose slightly annoyed stretching his arms in the air.
"But we don’t have any fishing bait"
He says trying to convince her to give up the crazy idea of going fishing.
"Yes, we do"
She smiles and goes quickly into the kitchen, pulls out a few frozen shrimps, get a small bucket, put the shrimps inside and returned to the balcony. Then she goes to the storage room, and brought two fishing rods with a box of fishing tackle.
"Please help me carrying some stuff to the beach and can you please help me with the two beach chairs so we can sit by the water?"
She asks.
"Yes ma'am captain and bluestocking"
Laughing at her, full of curiosity how she will fish something with that old paraphernalia from the storage room. He puts the chairs side by side along the water, she gives him a fishing rod, and he holds it curious as to see what follows. She takes a shrimp from the bucket and explains him how to thread the shrimp on the hook and make fun of him telling:
"Imagine that the shrimp is a condom and the hook is your erection, just stick with knack and is ready to go"
Both laugh at the result. He gives her a pat on her ass shaking his head, amazed at the same time with her technique when she just put the bait on the hook, she throws the bait to the water, pulling the carriage with line to be stretched, handing the cane and repeating the same process for her.
"Now we just need to wait for some hungry fish to snatches the bait"
She explains to him.
"As I would like to be the bait and you a hungry fish"
JP teased Carolina with joy. She gives him a glare, and he makes a stop sign with his hand, meaning he wouldn’t repeat the same joke again.
Side by side looking at the sea, she said:
"Did you ever saw a boat coming by?"
"I saw passing over there a few, but didn’t bother to make smoke signals, I'm very happy to be here..."
He told her looking sideways, wanting to continue and finish the sentence with ... you, but felt it was better to stay in silence. She looks at him and gives him a lightly pat on the arm.
"And if anyone doesn’t come tomorrow to pick us up? Have you thought about it?"
"If they don’t come, I have to practice on my fishing skills to live here forever with you"
He told her as he stared at her with joy.
"Come on, I'm serious"
"So do I"
And they continue laughing.
They spent more than one hour without feeling a fish bite as he was already all stretched in the chair, almost to languish hassle, he had no fishing skills, nor patience for fishing. She checks the baits that had however disappeared, chooses to put artificial lures they had found in the box with fishing tackle. Another hour goes by and suddenly when it seemed there was no longer hope to catch a fish, she sees his line moving, she jump from her chair in one impulse grabs his cane, dropping hers and begins to pull the line with the reel catching one fish. Surprised by her determination and agility to know what she was doing, JP was impressed.
He was astounded when she grabs the fish still living and squirming behind the head avoiding the spikes and takes it off from the hook. The fish was big enough for a meal for two, Carolina was sure it was a grouper. She was sure it wasn’t a poisonous fish, she was afraid to be wrong, but she had seen many times grouper and bought often fresh slices of grouper to grill before.
"What will you do with the fish? Are you gonna throw it back to the water?"
JP questioned.
"I was thinking a fire and roast it here on the beach. What do you think? "
"Do you know how to do it?"
"I Know"
She smiled.
"I'm impressed with you, seriously I am"
He told her truthfully.
"I think I can stay here with you forever because I know I will not starve"
"You’d die of boredom here with me, and we have to return to know what happened to us and whether there is a real marriage or not"
"I know"
He said containing no disappointment in the voice of having to return back to reality.
They took the fish to the kitchen to be protected from the sun until they had hunger for cooking.
They went swimming enjoying snorkling together to see the colourful fishes that walked around, that they found along a little farther coral reef at the other side of the island taking time to explore together. Then played with rackets again and had sunbathing. When they finally felt hungry, Carolina made a pit in the sand, and with dry branches and palm bits she made a small fire, letting the fire get only embers and preparing a green banana leaf to wrap the fish after it was washed and cleaned with salt inside a silver foil and put it on the fathoms. About 20 minutes later, they were both on the beach eating directly from banana leaf with a fork and cold white wine.
A perfect afternoon
Both thought without admitting to each other.
"This is very good, sometimes we you think that we need to have good dinners, we need to go to a sophisticated restaurant with the most exotic food there, and then when we eat a fresh fish grilled only with salt, it tastes as the best delicacies"
He admitted giving her congratulations.
"Thank you"
Said Carolina proud about her skills and because he was impressed with her, it make her feel good about herself. They raised their wine glasses and toasted to the simple but excellent meal they just had together. Now that Carolina didn’t think much about him, about a relationship with him, because they were always together, she saw him differently, he wasn’t as intimidated as he was before, although she continued to feel that tingle when he touched her, and had always the desire to have him. She loved to have him always around her and the feeling that we cared about her a little bit, it made her feel comfortable and safe. But she learned now to control her desire for him and to appreciate herself rather than be carried away by emotions and carnal desires for him. They were able to be construed as friends, at least the days passed in a more pleasant and even fun way.
Getting stuck on that island with him was the best thing that could have happened to both, she realized that he was a normal man like any other, taking him out of the pedestal that she had placed since she meet him. And best of all is that if they were starting to understand each other in a way that she had already giv
en up hope. If they had continued in London, he was still distracted by other women, and on the island he had to focus only on her, she liked that feeling of power over him. To be the only woman he could enjoy during those days. They continued on the beach the night away, falling asleep on the beach towels next to the fire.
During the night she woke up, feeling uncomfortable to be sleeping in the sand that seemed too hard now, she got up and went lying on the beach bed. He felt her going up, got up too and went to his bed in the cabin. When he reached his bed, he couldn’t sleep, just thinking of her, about both alone on that island, he wanted her so dearly, but now not only felt that carnal desire for her, he was worried about her, about her feelings, didn’t want her to suffer for him, but also he didn’t want to make any blunder to pull her away from him. So he had to strive to fulfil his word and behave always as a gentleman, it’s was the only way not to lose her. If she wanted to be with him again, it needed to be her choice, she was the one who needed to take the first step, and he would wait for her. He couldn’t understand why he was behaving that way was he scared of by starting having feelings for her.
Unable to sleep, he got up and left the cabin. In silence he went to watch her sleep, when he arrived next to her, she was still fast asleep, sat on the floor beside the bed, put his arms at the bedside and stood there just watching her sleep. Carolina still asleep, turned in bed to the other side, uncovering her body, he gets up and covered her very carefully and touching with his lips her shoulder, and returned to the cabin. What JP didn’t know was that she felt his kiss on the shoulder and his concern to cover her. She understood that he was starting to change, but didn’t want to believe it, she thought that he was doing the effort of change just to convince her to have sex with him again and then he would do the same thing as before. But she was still decided not to give it away this time. Not anymore. She was happy to return the next day to London.
THE DEAL: Novel Page 17