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Calico Cross (Cross Series Book 1)

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by Deanna Kinney

  We drove onto the main strip of town and pulled into a parking spot in front of the local diner. Tabby went in to get an application for herself while the rest of us split up and headed in the direction of the place that held our interest. We made the decision that since we only had one car that we should all try to get jobs downtown and close together.

  I headed across the street to the local library. I had always wanted to work in a library and since I loved books so much, it made perfect sense. It was a big and very old building. As I stepped inside, my senses were rushed with the smell of old books. I knew this was the place for me. I was pleasantly surprised to see handfuls of people there. It was a weekday and I had expected the library to be mostly empty.

  “Hello,” I said to the sweetest looking lady I had ever seen. She was short and round and her hair was black with wisps of gray around her face, and it was pulled up into a bun high on top of her head. Her look fit her occupation perfectly.

  “Well hello there, my dear. How can I help you?” she asked, pulling her glasses to the tip of her nose and inspecting me over the rim of them.

  “I was just wondering if you were hiring.”

  “Why yes we are, as a matter of fact, although no one has applied for the position.” She stood straight and put her hands on her lower back, massaging it. “I am getting older and the hours are just so hard on my back.” She smiled sweetly as she studied me from head to toe and handed me an application. “I haven’t seen you around here before. Are you visiting someone?”

  “Oh no. My sisters and I just moved here. We’re renting the house on Cottage Cake Drive.”

  “Oh, the old Peterson home. Yeah, sad what happened there.” Her expression turned grim.

  My eyes went wide and I leaned in closer. “What happened there?” I was always up for a good ol’ story.

  “Well,” she began, perking up and leaning in toward me, “rumor is that Mr. Peterson tried to kill his wife, but she managed to escaped, though just barely. He then killed himself right there in the dining room. Shot himself in the head with his gun they say. It was a terrible tragedy. They were once such a sweet couple. Some say that the house is haunted. Haven’t seen or heard anything strange, now have ya?” Her eyes grew beady as she studied my reaction.

  I covered my mouth to hide my giggle. “I have got to tell my sisters about this.” I took off toward the door. “I’ll come back with my application later!” I shouted over my head but was then hushed by someone behind me.

  I had to wait at the car for fifteen minutes before my sisters finally returned. When I told them what the old lady had said about the family who used to live in our new home, the reactions were mixed. Kiki and Tabby laughed, saying that explained the noises they had heard coming from the basement. But Fancy ‘bout wet her pants and began to shake with fear.

  “Don’t worry, Fan,” I said, rubbing her shoulders reassuringly. “We’re scarier and fiercer than any ghosts living in our new house, or any other for that matter. All we have to do is shift and growl, setting our yellow, or in my case green, eyes aglow, and I’m sure those ghosts will have more respect for the living. They’ve never encountered anything like us before.”

  She perked up and shook her head in agreement. “Yeah, you’re right, Cali. They will be in for the surprise of their lives.” Then she laughed and added, “Or should I say ‘deaths’?”

  All four of us burst into laughter as we jumped into the car and headed back to our lovely haunted house on Cottage Cake Drive.

  Chapter Four

  Back at the house, we all seemed to look at things a little differently since we left town. It wasn’t that we were afraid really. I mean we were supernatural creatures ourselves, but just the idea that ghosts may be watching us was slightly creepy. But when nothing out of the ordinary happened, we were able to relax a little and go about our business.

  Tabby was hired to work at the local diner, Fill’s Diner and Coffee House, while Kiki was hired on at the local bakery, Sweets N Treats. Fancy got a job at the local barber’s simply called Mitchell’s. So everyone had a job but me. It had been two days since I left the library and no call. Then it hit me as I was strolling past my dresser, I never turned in my application. There it was still sitting on my dresser. I grabbed it and quickly filled it out and then headed for the car.

  “I hope no one needs the car for a little while! I need to turn in my application at the library.”

  “Good luck!” Tabby called to me from the kitchen as I ran out the front door.”

  This time I observed, as I strolled to the counter, that the library was practically empty. I was, however, pleased to see the same pleasant lady behind the desk.

  “Well, hello again. Had any encounters with any ghosts?” She asked with a slight giggle.

  “Not yet,” I responded, smiling. “But I did bring back that application.”

  “Oh good,” she said, taking it from my outstretched hand and scanning over it. “It says here that you worked in the library at your high school back in Briarcreek.”

  I nodded. I hated to think about that life. It was filled with so many pains and discomforts.

  “Your name is Calico?” Her voice sounded almost confused.

  “Umm, yes ma’am, but most people call me Cali.”

  “That’s an odd name, but seeing the streaks in your hair it sort of fits, I guess.” She shrugged. “Well, we could probably use you here. Want to start tomorrow after lunch. Be here around one?”

  My excitement was hard to contain. “I sure can!”

  “Great. See you then.”

  “Okay, Miss….” I waited.

  “Oh, sorry. My name is Miss Cherry, but you can call me Celia.”

  “Great. See you tomorrow, Celia.” I bounced out of that building with a renewed sense of accomplishment. One thought was screaming at me; I was really going to be happy here… and then I ran head first into a huge brick building—my new neighbor, and landed flat on my butt. Great!

  A huge hand reached down and grabbed my arm, pulling me to my feet. The impact left me a little dizzy and confused. Was this the neighbor I hated so passionately?

  “Why don’t you get your head out of the clouds, scout, and watch where you’re going?” he growled, glaring down at me just like he did that day on his porch.

  Why, yes, now I remembered. This was the neighbor I hated so passionately. Anger rushed me and I bit down on my lip to keep my comments from bursting out and getting my little butt into trouble. Instead, I did a sarcastic curtsy, and a hand gesture that was very unlike me, and zipped around him, making my way quickly to the car. Once inside the anger came pouring out, and I banged my hand on the steering wheel several times. I watched as the evil man walked into the library…. my library!

  When I got home, I shared with the girls about my new job and most importantly my interaction with ‘the savage’. They thought it was funny, but I was not amused. This guy needed a serious dose of manners, and I was planning to be the one to teach him. How? I didn’t know, but hopefully it would come to me. In the meantime, I would continue to leave cookies in his mailbox.

  The next day, Kiki dropped me off at the library at five minutes till one. I was not going to be late for my first day on the new job. None of them had work that day, and the plan was for me to call them when it was time to be picked up.

  For the next five hours Celia took me around and showed me all the ropes. Working at a public library was different from working at the one in my high school. For one thing, this one was much bigger and older. I was in love with everything about it.

  Ten minutes before my shift was to be over ‘the savage’ entered. Great! Just when my day was perfect. He acted as if he didn’t see me when clearly he had as he strolled to one of the aisles and disappeared.

  “Great! The jerk is here,” I mumbled but clearly not low enough because Celia heard me.

  “Oh you mean, Dane? Have you met the handsome man before?” She leaned in closer, eager for my respon

  “Unfortunately yes.”

  “I take it you don’t like him?” Her eyes were questioning.

  “Is it that obvious, and does anyone?”

  “Oh yes. Many people like Dane. He has helped a lot of people in this community in the eight or so years he’s lived here.”

  My eyes widened in surprise. Surely she was thinking of someone else and not the jerk that had yelled at us when we entered his property. “Really?”

  “Oh yes. Now he’s not one for the ladies, which I find strange being that he is so handsome and all. And many have tried to get his attention, but he seems to ignore them.”

  “Well, they’re better off if you ask me,” I responded. “Why is he in here so often anyway? I ran into him here yesterday as well.”

  “Oh, he comes in here often to check out books about farming and planting.”

  “Why doesn’t he just goggle it on the internet?”

  “Oh, Dane doesn’t use the internet. He doesn’t even own a computer.”

  That explained a lot.

  When my shift ended, I quickly exited the building and pulled out my phone, eager to get as far away from ‘the savage’ as possible. That’s odd, I thought as my sisters, one by one, ignored their phones. I huffed and kept trying, but no one answered. I left multiple messages… and waited.

  I paced back and forth as I made another call to Tabby. “Tabby, please pick up. I need you to come and get me. Call me.” I huffed again and hung up.

  “Need a ride?” I heard the deep and unfriendly voice speak behind my back.

  “No!” I snapped without looking at him. “I’d rather walk.” And that’s just what I did.

  * * * * * *

  Dane’s POV

  I was still puzzled by my strange behavior. I didn’t know why I burst onto my porch and addressed those girls with such hostility. That was not the man I had become to be or wanted to be.

  There was something about that girl with the oddly streaked hair and brilliant green eyes that struck me as I watched her through the window before they even approached. I instantly felt like she had come to take something from me, maybe even expose me. It was a sensation I had never felt before and couldn’t explain. It set off an anger I hadn’t felt in a long time. Was I sorry for how I treated my new neighbors? No. Not if it kept them away from me, especially the one with the green eyes; the one with the power to hurt me. I had to keep her away, at all costs. And it wouldn’t be easy.

  I knew I should’ve just walked away when I heard her leave that message to her sisters. She could easily find another way home, but the gentleman inside me, and maybe something else if I were being honest, made me ask if she needed a ride.

  I asked the question even as I was scolding myself for doing so.

  This girl was bad news for me, and I knew it, even if she didn’t. As long as I continued with my nasty attitude, then she would continue to hate me, and that was just what I needed her to do. She needed to hate me with all she possessed. And judging by the look she gave me when I helped her to her feet, that was exactly what she felt.

  Chapter Five

  I was just outside of town when a dirty blue pickup truck pulled up beside me. The savage rolled his window down. “Listen, scout, get in the car. It’s a hot day out. It’ll take you an hour to walk home.”

  I knew that walking was not a big deal for me, but it was a hot day out. That was no lie. I stopped, put my hands on my hips, and stared straight at him. “I would rather this hot sun beat down on me until my flesh burns off and my bones turn to ash than ride anywhere with you. Now, go away!” And I stomped off like a little girl knocked down during recess.

  “That only happens to vampires, but fine! Have it your way!” And then he was gone, with only his dust choking my throat and lungs.

  “Good riddance,” I said out loud for only myself to hear. It was more of a pout really, because my feet were beginning to hurt. Dang these shoes! Beauty before comfort, beauty before comfort. Fancy’s words rang in my ears.

  As I walked, I continued to call my sisters; still no answer. What could possibly keep them from their phones? I wondered.

  I had been walking for almost twenty minutes when I spotted the savage’s truck pulled up alongside another car on the side of the road. It looked like someone was in trouble. There was a young man waving his arms around in the air in a desperate fashion.

  I ran to catch up.

  What I saw as I approached the troubled man and his car was a young woman in the backseat with her knees spread into the air. She was having a baby! Right now!

  ‘The savage’ sprang into action and began barking out commands, ordering me to the other side of the car to cradle the woman’s head and hold her hand. He then gently ordered the husband of the woman to calm down and breathe. The husband was freaking out worse than the woman.

  Dane’s mannerisms then shifted and became soft as he spoke clearly and calmly to the woman. “Ma’am, my name is Dane and this is…” he looked at me then, waiting.

  “Calico,” I offered.

  He eyed me in a curious manner but added, “…and we are here to help you. You can trust us. Okay?”

  “The woman nodded and squealed as she began to push hard.

  It all happened so fast. One minute I was climbing into the car and taking hold of her hand, and in the next minute ‘the savage’ was pulling the slime covered baby out of the woman and holding it in his giant hands. The look in his eyes shocked me. It was a look of such kindness and caring that it took my breath away. Was this the same turkey from just days ago? He laid the baby briefly in the seat and ripped his shirt off and wrapped it around the shaking baby.

  I was speechless and had to make myself look away. Look at his face, Cali. Look at his face. Look at his face.

  “Ma’am,” he said, his eyes moist with unshed tears, “it’s a boy.”

  She began to cry, and the father’s eyes rolled to the back of his head and then he collapsed onto the ground.

  I have to admit that I myself shed a few tears. I had never been a part of something so sweet and special before. It was something I knew I would never forget.

  Since the father was unconscious, I drove the car with the couple and the new baby to the hospital, with ‘the savage’ following closely behind us.

  I wasn’t ready to leave them just yet. They were so grateful for our help, but I was truly confused. I wanted to really hate the man I now called ‘the savage’, but I had seen a different side of him, no doubt a side he didn’t want me to see. Why the charades? What was it that he was protecting?

  I mean I understood wanting to keep a side of yourself hidden, my sisters and I were doing that very thing; running away from a life ripped straight from the scenes of a horror film.

  We were not like others. We were not totally human. We were something else entirely. Something that would scare the people of this small town, sending them running for the hills for safety, and yet we were not in any way dangerous, at least not to these people who seemed so innocent and nice.

  What were we exactly? Well, some refer to us as shape shifters, but truthfully we were were-cats… were-cougars to be more accurate. We didn’t shift into the full animal image and therefore were not shape shifters. We could shift at any time and we became half human/half cougar. There were few of us left these days. The other cat packs, or any packs for that matter, felt threatened by us. With our lean muscles and stealth speed we were a powerful force to be reckoned with. But for my sisters and I, we just wanted to live a normal, peaceful life; a life away from fighting for dominance and the politics of the packs. It was all so stupid anyway. I mean who really cared about who was better? Well, I didn’t anyway. And nothing could persuade me to do so, especially not some conceited, control freak like that old Cutler Creed.

  I was glad that was one part of our lives that was behind us. Now we were starting a new life; a life full of promises and hope.

  I pulled the car up to the hospital doors, an
d I helped the lady and her baby in as Dane carried the still unconscious father in and sat him in a chair by the door. Once all the information was given, Dane and I left, and he again offered me a ride. This time I gave it some thought and eventually agreed.

  The ride home was a quiet one. We didn’t speak at all, and when he pulled to a stop in my driveway, I gave him a slight nod and exited the car and entered my home without a backward glance. Once inside, I took a slight peep out of the front window and his truck was gone.

  Chapter Six

  “Where have you guys been?! I’ve been trying to call you for over two hours!” I snapped once I was in the kitchen.

  They were sitting at the kitchen table eating dinner as if nothing had happened. “What are you talking about?” Tabby asked, her big brown eyes wide with curiosity. “And who brought you home?”

  “I asked you first. I have been trying to call you. Why didn’t any of you answer your phones?” I glanced around at each one of them.

  All three of them shrugged in unison. “We can’t find our phones. They just disappeared,” Kiki added. “And who brought you home?”

  “Our new neighbor brought me home.”

  “The savage?” the twins asked in unison.

  I nodded, rolling my eyes.

  They immediately began teasing me and so I told them the whole story of me walking home and then coming across the woman having a baby. They were fascinated by my story; especially about the part where our new and mean neighbor delivered the baby and all. They were as confused by his shift in behavior as I was.

  As I lay in bed that night, I replayed the images of the day over and over again in my mind. This Dane guy was full of surprises. His demeanor had switched so quickly. Was he bipolar perhaps? I fell asleep with those thoughts jumping around in my confused head.


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