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After the Internship: A Novella (The Intern #4)

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by Brooke Cumberland

  Just great.

  I decide to shower and get ready anyway. I’ll find something to do.

  I end up back at The Grind Café with my eReader. I order my usual latté and bagel and find a comfortable spot in the corner.

  I’m halfway into my new book when a male voice interrupts me.

  “Well, hey stranger.” I look up and see Jason sitting across from me. He’s smiling wide holding a cup of coffee.

  “Hi!” I smile back. “Your new favorite spot?”

  “It is now,” he mocks. “I work across the street.” He nods behind me.

  I turn around and see an old vintage bookstore. “You work at a bookstore?”

  “Well, kinda. A friend owns it and is on vacation for a couple weeks. He asked me to watch over it while he’s gone. And since I don’t really have a job—and apparently nothing better to do—” He laughs at the irony. “I said I would.”

  “I’ve never been in that one. I read mostly eBooks now.” I hold up my Kindle. “I wouldn’t peg you for a bookstore type of guy,” I tease, remembering what a slacker he was in high school.

  He looks down and scratches the back of his neck. “Yeah, I was a dumb kid. What can I say?” He laughs lightly. “But I graduated, joined the army, and really got my shit together now.”

  “I can tell.” I smile genuinely. “You’ve definitely changed.”

  “So what about you? Engaged to a professional model and planning ‘the wedding of the year?’” He smirks, doing air quotes as if he’s read it in a magazine.

  “I see you’ve done some research now.” I sigh, wishing it wasn’t so easy to know intimate details about my personal life.

  “Well, I had to once I saw you again. I felt like I had to catch up on civilization.” He laughs lightheartedly. I end up laughing with him because he really had been out of the loop while he was gone.

  “I guess I don’t blame you. But—” I warn, pointing a finger at him. “Just don’t believe everything you hear. Bentley isn’t cheating on me with French models, and I’m not secretly pregnant with another man’s baby,” I retort, quoting an article for a gossip magazine.

  “Wow, your life is way more interesting than mine.” He smirks.

  I shake my head at him. “I doubt it. I’m in a coffee house in the middle of the day. How interesting can it really be?”

  “Well, you’re welcome to come keep me company at the store. I get about three customers a day.”

  I think it over, wondering if there’d be any harm in doing so. He knows I’m engaged, so I’m not leading him on, and my afternoon is wide open with nothing else to do.

  “Sure, I can stay for a little bit.”

  We walk over, and as soon as he unlocks the door, the scent of old paperbacks hits my nose.

  “Wow…that smell,” I gush.

  “Yeah, it’s a little strong.” He closes the door behind me.

  “No, I love it. I haven’t been in a bookstore or library in ages.” I close my eyes as I inhale deeply. “God, I could spend all day in here.”

  I run my fingers along a shelf of books. Most of them are old, unknown authors. I pick one up and ruffle through the pages, letting the smell overcome me.

  “You’re welcome in here anytime, Cecilia. I’ll be here all week, unfortunately.” He laughs weakly. “I could use the company,” he says genuinely. I look at him and a feeling of warmth hits me. I feel bad he’s all alone because I know that feeling all too well sometimes. He’s come back from overseas after a year and a half and probably hasn’t settled back into civilization yet.

  “Sure, I’d love to. I don’t know if I’ll be good company, though. I plan to dive into as many books as I can,” I say sweetly.

  “Fine with me.” He stands with his arms crossed, staring intently at me. I can tell he’s genuine. He needs a friend, and if I'm honest, I could use a friend, too.

  I ended up stopping at the store every day for the rest of the week. We would walk over to grab something to eat and coffee every afternoon. It’s become a nice tradition.

  Bentley and I email since it’s easier with the time difference. I’m so excited to see him soon. I leave tomorrow morning for a very long twelve-hour flight.

  “I’m going to miss the smell,” I say, breaking the silence as we eat. “I wish I could bottle it up.”

  “When will you be back?” he asks.

  “A week from tomorrow. Bentley and I will fly back together.”

  “Does it bother you? The traveling and crazy schedule,” he asks, genuinely. We’ve had plenty of time to talk all week, but mostly, I’ve talked because I didn’t want to pressure him in telling me anything he wasn’t comfortable discussing.

  “Yes, sometimes. But I know it’s important for him. Once the wedding is over though, I’ll travel with him more again. It’s just now that it’s less than six months away, I’m staying behind to finish planning the wedding. Or rather, watching his mother plan it.” I roll my eyes.

  “Why don’t you say something?”

  “She doesn’t listen. It’s really no use. Bentley’s supposed to talk to her when we get back. Every time he tries to talk to her on the phone, she changes the conversation.” Sipping my latté, I say, “She’s good like that.”

  “What do you want for your wedding?” he asks sincerely, locking eye contact with me.

  “I want something simple, small. I want purple bridesmaid dresses and white flowers. If I hadn’t already agreed to the venue, I’d want a beach wedding or something outside at least overlooking the water. In fact, I wouldn’t mind flying somewhere just to have an Ocean-side wedding. But I know Mrs. Leighton would never go for it. She’d have a royal fit.”

  “So let her,” he retorts bluntly.

  “What?” I cock my head at him. He can’t be serious.

  He shrugs unapologetically. “Let her. It’s your wedding. You deserve to have exactly what you want.”

  “I wish I could, but then I’d be putting Bentley in a tough spot. He doesn’t want to upset her either. She’s not easy to please, but she’s ten times worse unsatisfied.”

  “Why can’t he just tell her what he wants?”

  I swallow hard, because I know exactly why. It’s because of me. It’s because of what I did at the internship that caused bad blood in his family.

  “It’s complicated.” I shrug. “He’s trying to keep the peace. His family isn’t exactly easy to deal with and his parents love being in the spotlight. It’s hard to make them happy.”

  “But isn’t your happiness more important?” he counters. “If it were me, I’d make sure you had everything you imagined. I wouldn’t care about the cost or who didn’t agree. I’d let you have anything you wanted.”

  I freeze at his confession. I couldn’t tell exactly what he’d meant by that. It was the first time all week he’s crossed that line. I shift uncomfortably, needing to change the subject.

  I stand up and grab my empty coffee cup. I throw it out and brush fake lint off my clothes.

  “I really appreciate you letting me come all week. It’s kept me busy. Most importantly, kept my mind busy.” I smile.

  “Anytime, Cecilia. I’ll be bored now for another week, but I hope you have a great time.”

  “Thank you,” I say sincerely. I wish he didn’t have to be alone. He looks so depressed with no one around to keep him company. “There’s a big time difference, but you can text me if you’d like. I’ll try to text you back.”

  “You don’t have to do that. I know you’ll be busy.” He grabs his own garbage and throws it out.

  “It’s fine. I feel bad you’ll be alone.”

  “Don’t feel bad for me, Cecilia. I’ve been alone a lot longer than you can imagine.”

  I cringe at his confession. I can’t help but wonder what he’s been through over there.

  I bite my cheek in hesitation. “You can talk about it if you want. If you need to, I mean.” I pause. “When you’re ready,” I clarify.

  “Thanks.” He smi
les weakly.

  We say our goodbyes—a part of me sad to be saying goodbye to him—before I have to rush home and pack for a long flight. Jason’s a good person, a friend. I wanted him to be able to tell me things if he felt ready to. I knew it couldn’t be healthy to leave it all bottled up inside.

  Chapter Four


  “I CAN’T WAIT to see you, sweetheart,” I say softly, trying to stay awake. I’d set my alarm so I could talk to her before her flight left in the morning.

  “I’m so excited,” she gushes. “I plan to read and sleep on the flight.” Her voice sounds like heaven when she’s this excited about something.

  “Oh yeah? Which book are you reading on your Kindle?” I ask.

  “Oh, it’s actually a paperback.” I hear her shuffling some things around. “It’s an old book I got from a vintage bookstore. It’s really neat.”

  I adjust the phone so it lies in between my ear and shoulder. Hearing her voice awakens a part of me that’s needy to feel her.

  “Mm, that’s cool. You’ll have to show me,” I say, only half-interested because right now, all I’m capable of thinking about is the growing erection under my sheets.

  “What are you doing?” she asks accusingly. “I know that moan,” she teases.

  “Mm…I can’t help it. You have a sexy phone voice.”

  “A sexy phone voice? That almost sounds like a compliment.”

  I grin although she can’t see me. “It is, sweetheart.” I grip my cock in one hand and begin stroking it. “In fact, it’s fucking turning me on right now.”

  “Oh, really?” she asks in a higher octave. “I think I can help with that.”

  “I wish I was inside of you right now. God, I can’t wait to just spend a whole day in bed with you.” I begin panting as I work myself harder while thinking of Ceci’s perfect body.

  “That sounds like heaven,” she says softly, her words slowly seducing me. “I can’t wait. Until then—” she lingers, shuffling more things around. I hear her luggage hit the floor as she shifts herself comfortably on top of the bed. “Let me help you. You have me dripping wet now. I can’t focus on packing anymore.”

  “Packing is overrated, anyway…it’s not like you’ll need many outfits. I plan to have you naked ninety percent of the time,” I growl, working my cock harder at the image of her.

  “Mm…good point. I hope the hotel is stocked with extra sheets then. And towels. I only plan to shower, sleep, and fuck you.”

  “Jesus, Ceci…” I hiss, loving every naughty thing she’s telling me. “Feel how wet you are for me, sweetheart.”

  “Soaking wet,” she pants. “It feels like it’s been forever.” I grip my shaft, stroking up and down at her words. God, I love when she does this to me. Having to travel without her has made her an expert at phone sex.

  “Good. Now insert your finger. Push it in real deep for me.”

  “Mm…it feels so good. I wish it was your cock buried deep inside.”

  “Imagine it’s me, baby. Insert another finger and fuck yourself hard and deep.”

  “Oh, yes…” she moans. “Is your cock hard and ready for me?” She breathes heavily. I imagine rocking inside her, bringing her over the edge soon.

  “So fucking hard.” I stroke it faster. “I’m ready for you, sweetheart. I’m so close.”

  “Yes. God, yes,” she continues, moaning and panting as her fingers work her deep and hard. “I’m almost there…I can feel it.”

  My body arches off the bed as my release comes close, but I wait in anticipation to hear Ceci come first.

  “Let me hear you, sweetheart. Scream my name,” I demand. I’m so close. I can barely control my breathing. “Imagine your legs wrapped around my waist as I drive deep inside you. I wouldn’t be gentle.”

  “Good, I don’t want gentle,” she pants. “God, I’m so wet. I—” Her words are interrupted with incoherent screams and moans as she erupts roughly around her fingers.

  I’m not far behind her. As soon as I hear her scream my name, I release fiercely around my hand, pumping everything I have.

  “Jesus Christ…” I growl and then I lay motionless on the bed. “I can’t wait to get you back here.”

  * * *

  It feels like forever until Ceci’s flight arrives. We were able to email a few times back and forth so I could check in on her, but I was getting restless—I couldn’t wait to see her.

  I wait anxiously until I see her walking toward me. She looks exhausted but so fucking adorable. I run to her and scoop her up, wrapping my arms around her tightly.

  “God, I missed you!” She wraps her arms around me, but soon, her body stills and arms drop to her sides. “What’s wrong?” I pull back and watch as she cringes.

  The flash of cameras behind us is a dead giveaway that the paparazzi have found me here. They are relentless in capturing every second without even caring how rude and intruding they are.

  “When is the wedding?”

  “Have you set a date?”

  “Are you here to get married? Is it this weekend?”

  “Is Ceci pregnant?”

  I see her scowl as they all ramble off questions at the same time. I wrap my arm around her, keeping our heads down as I lead her to baggage claim.

  I'm used to this every time I travel, but it’s been a while since Ceci has traveled with me. She’s adapted well to my crazy lifestyle, but I know it still bothers her.

  “Just ignore them,” I remind her, whispering closely to her ear. “We’ll be back to the hotel suite in no time.” I smile, kissing her cheek.

  My driver, Antonio, is outside waiting for us as we make our way outside. Antonio grabs her luggage as we make a beeline for the car.

  “Ugh, I forgot how annoying they are.” She frowns, shifting her body to the other side of the car. Fortunately, the windows are tinted and the paparazzi have finally given up when they can no longer see us.

  “Don’t worry. They’re gone now. Angie made sure none were allowed in the hotel, so they can’t bother us once we get there.” I smile and grab her hand to place a soft kiss. “I’m so happy you’re finally here.”

  She turns toward me and smiles back. “Me, too. But all I can think about is getting something to eat—besides airport food—and a bed. I’m so tired.”

  I wrap my arm around her so she can rest her head on my shoulder. “I’m pretty sure that’s all we’re going to do tomorrow. Eat and lay in bed naked,” I confirm.

  She giggles lightly. “I never said naked…”

  “You didn’t have to because I already know.”

  “You really are a cocky son-of-a-bitch.” She laughs, wrapping her arms around my waist as she sinks into my chest.

  I ended up carrying her up to our suite. She passed out before we even arrived, so I didn’t want to disturb her. I lay her as quietly as I can down on the bed, making sure to cover her up so she stays warm. I look at her and think how fucking beautiful she is and how lucky I am that, after everything we’ve been through, it’s lead us to right here.

  Chapter Five


  Paradise—or not

  I WAKE UP to the breathtaking smell of breakfast—crepes, bacon, and fresh fruit. Bentley’s even ordered my favorite—homemade pure maple syrup.

  “This smells delicious.” I inhale dramatically, smiling up at Bentley who’s only wearing his briefs. “And looks delicious.”

  “How do you know? I haven’t uncovered them yet.” He gives me a sly smirk.

  “I wasn’t talking about the food that time…”

  “I see you’ve recovered from your jet leg,” he teases.

  I yawn, stretching my hands over my head. “Not really. I woke up to eat, and then I plan to pass back out.”

  He uncovers our breakfast and serves everything to me while I’m still in bed. He sets everything on a tray and sets it on the white, plush comforter. I take a moment to just look around—Bentley’s serving me breakfast in bed in a gorgeous five-
star hotel in a luxury suite. The patio doors are slightly open, letting the fresh breeze in. Everything is covered in white, and the sun is shining perfectly outside. It looks like a dream. However, fortunately for me, this is my reality.

  “You all right?” he asks, handing me a glass of orange juice.

  I smile at him and nod. “Yes, perfect. Just soaking in the moment.”

  After I finish, he sets everything back on the room service cart and crawls on top of the bed next to me. He sits adjacent, rubbing a hand over my cheek. “It’s a perfect moment,” I say, leaning my head into his embrace. “Like paradise.”

  “All the moments with you are perfect. No matter what we’re doing, what country we’re in, or what the weather is like—they’re all perfect.” He lovingly rubs the pad of his thumb under my eye.

  “A girl could definitely get use to this.”

  “You’re plenty use to it,” he mocks.

  “I don’t mean just the materialistic things. I mean—you. Just being with you. The downtime is nice, but even when things are crazy around us.”

  He shifts and grabs my hips so I’m now straddling him. He brushes my hair back, cupping my face. He presses our foreheads together like a sealed bond that can’t be broken before taking my mouth in his. The kiss is filled with passion and love, deep and tender. His tongue mixes with mine while heat and desire brew between us as I rock my hips against his.

  He grabs my thighs, rocking us harder together. I feel his thick cock hard against me, begging for attention. He pulls my shirt down, revealing my shoulder. His lips trail down my neck, landing right over my tattoo and scar, kissing fiercely as we rock back and forth together.

  “Mm, Ceci. God—” he pants against my blistering skin, desperately wishing to rip all the cotton that’s keeping our bodies from connecting. “It’s amazing what this body does to me.”

  I arch my body, giving him better access to my shoulder and chest. He palms my breast, massaging it firmly in his hand, as he continues his trail of kisses.

  “Let me touch you,” I plead. “I need to feel you.”

  He palms my breast harder, trailing his lips down to my nipple. He sucks—hard. I gasp at the sensation, my chest heaving as he continues his pleasurable torture. I lean back, giving him complete access to my body, begging him to take it.


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