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by Shelia M. Goss

  Nathan really knew how to lay the guilt on David. After thinking about it, David responded, “I’ll be there. But I’m not staying for the entire service.”

  “Now, David, you have to stay and hear the Word. God has a word for you today.”

  David sat up in bed, ignoring Nathan’s comment. “Since it’s after nine, I better get dressed so I can find me a seat.”

  “Don’t worry about that. I’ll make sure a seat is saved for you. The ushers will direct you to the front.”

  “You’ve thought of everything, haven’t you?”

  “Almost everything.”

  David could imagine Nathan wearing a smirk on his face. He ended their call, got up, took a shower, and then put on one of his tailor-made suits. He opted for a black and gray pin-striped one and his gold, wing-tipped, matching shoes.

  He decided to give his driver the day off. He jumped in his silver Jaguar and headed to Church On the Way, where Nathan was the senior pastor. David had always wanted to ask Nathan why the church’s name was Church On the Way, but never had.

  David eased his car into the first available parking spot he could find. Several people seemed to recognize him as he entered the church, but they wouldn’t approach him. Instead, he heard people murmuring about him.

  “Sir, this part of the sanctuary is full. We’re asking everyone else to go to the balcony,” the slim usher said to David as he searched for a seat.

  “My name’s David King, and I’m here as a special guest of Pastor McDaniel,” David said in a calm voice.

  “Oh my goodness. I can’t believe I’m actually talking to the David King. Why didn’t you say something? We have a seat saved for you up front. I’ll personally escort you.”

  “No need to. Just point me in the right direction, and I’ll find it.”

  The usher pointed to the right side of the sanctuary. “Just tell Ms. Simmons, the usher up front, who you are, and she’ll show you exactly where your seat is.”

  David walked down the aisle. It had been months since he had actually taken the time to attend anyone’s church. He was usually either in another city or flying in from another city. Although he didn’t attend church on a regular basis, he felt like he had a close relationship with God.

  Ms. Simmons showed him to his seat. When he looked up toward the pulpit, Nathan acknowledged him with a huge smile. David was glad he’d come. It was the least he could do for their dying classmate.

  Nathan introduced them both. The congregation clapped. When Nathan asked David to render a solo, the congregation was shocked. Few people knew that David could sing. They knew David only as the king of media.

  The pianist rose from the piano bench, and David sat down on it. He took a few seconds to get reacquainted with the piano keys and then looked in Jonathan’s direction. “This is dedicated to my friend Jonathan and anyone else who may be going through the storms of life,” he told the congregation.

  From the moment David started playing and opened up his voice, the congregation was mesmerized. There was not a dry eye in the church after David sang his rendition of the Twenty-third Psalm.

  David felt the presence of God, and it took him a while to remember he was in the presence of others. Once his song was over, he graciously went back to his seat.

  Nathan said, “It’s going to be hard to preach after that heartfelt selection.”

  “Amen,” was heard around the room.

  “But the Lord has a word for you today. A word that will hopefully make some of you change your wicked ways.” Nathan looked directly at David.

  Chapter 19

  Sheba had never been so embarrassed in her life. Uriah could have handled the phone call with David differently. David wasn’t lying. Uriah actually wanted to be where he was. All this time he’d been telling her that he wished he could be with her, but his job was actually his first priority.

  Fine. She was tired of sitting around the house, being Delilah’s maid and waiting eagerly by her cell phone for calls from Uriah. She was going shopping, and Uriah had better hope he had enough money to pay the bill when it arrived. She retrieved his gold MasterCard from underneath the socks in his dresser drawer.

  He didn’t know she knew about his hiding spot. Yes, she had found it some time ago, but she’d vowed never to use the card unless it was an emergency. Her sanity was an emergency.

  Delilah was lying on the couch, reading one of her books she had lying around.

  “Delilah, I’ll be back. I’m going to the store.”

  “Can you pick me up a book? I’m enjoying the New Day Divas series. One of the characters reminds me of myself.”

  “I should have all the books already. Just check my bookshelf.”

  “I did, and you’re missing the latest one.”

  Sheba realized she had been so wrapped up with missing Uriah that she had slacked off on her book purchases. “I’ll swing by the store and see if they have it.”

  “If they don’t, let me know so I can order it from Amazon,” Delilah yelled.

  Four hours later, Sheba returned to the house, carrying several department store bags. She had so many bags, she had to make two trips to the car to bring them all in.

  Delilah walked in her bedroom. “I hope you have something in there for me.”

  “I did see a cute outfit I thought you would like,” Sheba said. She rummaged through one of the bags. She held up a purple satin blouse and black jeans.

  Delilah inspected them. “Thanks, sis. Did you remember the book?”

  “I sure did.” Sheba found the bag with the books. “I also found books by other authors you might like.”

  Delilah removed some of the books. “I haven’t heard of some of these, but if they are anything like the book I’m reading now, I can’t wait to read them.”

  “We can both read them and discuss them later,” Sheba said.

  Delilah read the back of one of the books. “Oh, before I forget, your hubby called you.”

  Sheba froze. “Did he leave a message on the answering machine, or did you answer the phone?”

  “I answered. I thought it could be you calling or something.”

  “What did he say?” Sheba stopped unpacking the bags.

  “He thought he had the wrong number at first, but I assured him, he didn’t.”

  “And ...” Sheba’s heart rate increased.

  “He wanted to know what I was doing at his house and why you weren’t here.”

  “Did he sound upset?” Sheba asked.

  “He wasn’t upset until I told him that I had been here for a few weeks, and that it wasn’t my fault he didn’t know what was going on in his own house.” Delilah placed the book she held back in the bag.

  “Did you have to be so mean about it?”

  Delilah said, “Are you keeping secrets from your husband? I wasn’t aware he didn’t know I was here.”

  Sheba went back to removing the items she’d bought from the bags. “Mind your own business. What goes on between me and Uriah is our business alone.”

  “I’m just saying, sis. You act like y’all have the perfect relationship, but if you’re keeping secrets, what’s perfect about that?”

  Sheba tried to control her rage. She clenched the bag tighter. “Look, Delilah, Uriah and I are just fine. No, he didn’t want you here. You want to know why?” Sheba looked Delilah in the eyes. “He doesn’t trust you. He believes all the things people have been saying about you.”

  Delilah crossed her arms. “Well, there’s no love lost here. I don’t like your husband, either. So him and I have something in common.”

  “You don’t know him to not like him.”

  “Sis, I don’t have to spend years with someone to know I don’t like them. There’s no law that says we have to like each other, anyway.”

  “You put me in an awkward position.”

  “I didn’t ask to come here. You invited me. If me being here is causing problems with your husband, don’t blame me.” Delilah didn’t fli

  Sheba rolled her eyes. “I just wished you hadn’t answered the phone. I was going to tell him eventually.”

  “I’m feeling much better, so I can get my stuff and go if you like.”

  Sheba felt torn. She didn’t want to anger her husband, but she didn’t want Delilah to leave, either. “No. Uriah’s miles away. He should be happy you’re here with me so I won’t have to be in this big old house all by myself.”

  “Exactly. I don’t know why he’s tripping.”

  Sheba’s phone rang. “It’s Uriah,” she said out loud to Delilah. She sat on her bed, in between the bags, and answered the phone.

  “You went behind my back and moved your sister in, anyway. How could you defy me like that, Sheba?” Uriah asked.

  “I’ll let you have your privacy,” Delilah said as she left Sheba alone to deal with Uriah’s wrath.

  “Calm down. It’s no big deal. At least I’m not home alone. Be glad about that,” Sheba reasoned.

  “I don’t trust her, and you shouldn’t, either.”

  “Baby, don’t get me started on trust. I trusted you to do what was right for us, but you haven’t. You’re there and I’m here.”

  “Sheba, I don’t know what your problem is, but you need to get it together. I’m dealing with enough stress. I shouldn’t have to worry about my wife.”

  “Worry about your wife? You act like I’m out there whoring around. Delilah’s my sister, and it’s not my fault you have a problem with her,” Sheba yelled.

  “I want that woman out of my house,” Uriah snapped.

  “Are you coming home?” Sheba asked.

  “I’ll be home in four months.”

  “Then, she’s staying as long as she needs to.” Sheba hung up the phone.

  She looked up into the face of Delilah, who was standing in the middle of the doorway, with a sneer on her face.

  Chapter 20

  David sat at the table with Nathan and Jonathan and enjoyed a dinner with two old college friends. With them, he could be himself. No one was trying to impress him, hoping he would do something for them. He didn’t get to hang with Nathan as much as he liked.

  The occasion saddened David, however, because this could well be the last time he saw Jonathan alive. His friend’s normally two-hundred-pound frame was now a mere one hundred and twenty-five pounds. He admired Jonathan for the strength he showed, despite knowing that the cancer had spread to all his vital organs.

  “David, thank you, brother, for singing for me today,” Jonathan said.

  “Anything for you.”

  “I wanted to see my two old buddies before I left this side.”

  Nathan said, “This is a time to rejoice. You’re going home to be with our Father.”

  David smiled, although he felt like crying. “Yes, to your home going. Save a place for me.”

  They each held up their glass and toasted.

  Two days later, while in between meetings, Nathan called David on his private number. “He’s gone, David. Jonathan’s gone.”

  David ended the call as tears flowed down his face. He called Trisha. “Cancel my calls for the next few hours.”

  He got on his knees at the foot of his desk and prayed fervently. “Lord, please take this pain away. I know Jonathan is in a better place, because he’s now in your presence. He’s left behind a wife and two children. Lord, be with them and protect them as they deal with their loss. Thank you for letting me spend time with him before he departed this world. It is our selfishness that makes us want our friends and loved ones to be with us forever.

  “Lord, please ease the pain for his loved ones. Let them know that you will never leave them or forsake them. Lord, I cry out to you and ask you to have mercy on me, as I know that lately I’ve not been doing what you would want me to do. Lord, I’ve failed you, and I ask that you show mercy on me. Please forgive me, Father, for I can’t control this thing inside of me that won’t let me stop lusting after another man’s wife. Amen.”

  David wiped the tears from his face with the handkerchief in his pocket. He stood up and then sat down in the chair behind his desk. He swiveled the chair around and stared out the window. He was in deep thought. The sound of his private phone line ringing broke his trance.

  Nathan’s voice was on the other end. “Just calling to check on you.”

  “I know we were expecting him to die. Just not this soon.”

  “Our time’s not God’s time,” Nathan said.

  “It’s still hard. I know he’s in a better place.”

  “He’s no longer in pain.”

  “That’s what I keep telling myself. If his wife needs anything, and I do mean anything, let me know. I’ll take care of it.”

  “I’ve checked with her. Fortunately, Jonathan had a nice life insurance policy before he got diagnosed, and he kept the policy up. Financially, she should be fine.”

  “I’m still going to set something up for his kids. That’s the least I can do.”

  “That’s nice of you. I’m sure she’ll appreciate it.”

  David hung up with Nathan and called his banker. After allocating funds to Jonathan’s kids, David went back to his normal routine. After putting in a twelve-hour day, he left to go home to his empty house.

  Here he was, one of the richest men in the world. He could have any woman he wanted, yet he yearned for one woman. The one woman who seemed to be off-limits. A woman who was another man’s wife.

  Thinking about the loss of Jonathan put more things in perspective. Life was too short not to get what he wanted out of it. He wanted Sheba, and as the clock ticked, he knew time was of the essence. Who knew how much time he had left? No one did, so he had to make the rest of his time on earth count.

  David picked up the phone and dialed Delilah’s cell phone number. “Delilah, I’ll be in Shreveport tomorrow. Will Sheba be off?”

  Delilah responded, “Yes, I think so. I’ll make sure she’s home.”

  “Good. See you then. And please don’t let her know I’m coming.”

  David called Trisha at home. “Trisha, I’ll be working out of the Shreveport office tomorrow. You can forward all important calls to my cell phone.”

  “Yes, sir. You were supposed to be meeting with the head of NBN tomorrow. Do you want me to reschedule it for another day?”

  “No need to. Call them and have them meet me at eight, and I can still be in Shreveport by noon.”

  “Consider it done.”

  David got a restless night of sleep, handled his business the next morning at his Dallas office, and flew to Shreveport to check on operations there. After wrapping up business matters in the Shreveport office, he raced to his rental car, got behind the wheel, and headed to Sheba’s house.

  Chapter 21

  “Somebody’s at the door,” Delilah yelled out.

  Sheba rolled her eyes. Delilah was closer to the front door but didn’t move from the couch. How did she expect to walk better if she didn’t get her behind off the couch and move?

  “You could have gotten the door,” Sheba said as she passed by the living room door and peeked out the window. “David, what are you doing here?” Sheba asked as she yanked the front door open.

  “I came to check on Delilah. I heard she was staying with you,” he said.

  “She is, but I know you didn’t come all the way to Shreveport to see my sister.”

  “You must have forgotten that I have a company here. Now, are you going to let me in and let me see Delilah, or are we going to give your neighbors something to talk about because some handsome man is standing on your porch while your husband is away?”

  Sheba wanted to wipe the smirk off his face. She moved over to the side and allowed him entrance. “You better be glad you’re my husband’s boss, or I would have slammed the door in your face.”

  “I love a woman with pizzazz.”

  “She’s in the living room.”

  David remained standing in the same spot. “I’ve never been to your hous
e before, so can you please escort me to your living room?”

  “We don’t live in a big mansion like you. Just walk that way and you’ll see it.” Sheba pointed. She brushed past David, and he followed behind her. “Delilah, you have company.”

  “I do?” Delilah swung her legs around and planted them on the floor. She quickly ran her hands through her hair. She tried to stand up but failed.

  David rushed to her side. “Stay sitting. I just wanted to check on my favorite patient.”

  “I’m doing fine. I go to rehab three times a week, and my sister is taking great care of me.” Delilah pointed in Sheba’s direction.

  Sheba said, “I’ll excuse you two so you can talk. I need to go cook dinner.”

  “Why don’t I treat you lovely ladies to dinner?” David asked.

  “I’m really not up for getting out,” Delilah said. “But you and Sheba can go right ahead.”

  “It’s probably best that I don’t leave her alone,” Sheba quickly added.

  “Nonsense. I’m a big girl. I can take care of myself. Besides, I’m going to need you to bring me a doggie bag, because any restaurant he takes you to is probably going to be an expensive one.”

  David looked at Sheba. “So what do you say? Can I treat you to dinner? It’s the least I can do.”

  Sheba thought about it. David was right. He could treat her to dinner since he’d sent her husband across the globe. “You know what? I’m going to take you up on your offer. Give me twenty minutes, and I’ll be ready.”

  “Great. That’ll give me and Delilah time to talk.” He winked at his accomplice.

  Thirty minutes later Sheba followed David outside. “Surprised you’re slumming it today,” Sheba said as David held her car door open and she got inside the black SUV.

  “What do you mean by that?” David was puzzled.

  “No driver. You’re actually driving yourself somewhere. I’m surprised you even know how to drive.”


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