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Dyzon_Warriors Of Ition

Page 4

by Maia Starr

  “Good thing I will be just out of reach. On that uncomfortable bench. Sleep well, human,” I said.

  I turned the lights down low, but not completely off. Now that I knew that she was in danger from my own soldiers, it was best to keep some of the dim light in my living quarters on.

  Then, I unbuttoned the three buttons underneath the low-cut V on my uniform. I pulled it off and threw it on the chair. I was about to take off my pants and decided to leave them on. I sat down on the bench and took off my boots and socks. I laid down on the bench, covering my body with the thin cloth. It was not comfortable. But I had slept on the ground in battle; this was no different.

  But what was very uncomfortable was knowing that the human female was laid on her back on my bed. I tried not to look over at her; I wouldn't be able to stop the heated reaction of my body. So I kept my eyes toward the ceiling, listening to her breathing as she fell asleep. It took all of my restraint to not walk over to her and place my body on top of hers. To kiss her and hope that she would kiss me back as she did before. To enjoy her body and enjoy a release. But it was not going to happen, not this night. My head spun with this thought. This was not me. I was ruthless in all things; if I wanted a female, I just took her. But this female, I wanted her to want me.

  Chapter Seven

  Dr. Gina Gonzales

  I was confused. This monster, this Ition alien, had protected me. He had defended me from an attack. Not only did he defend me, but he went on a rampage. He was jealous, possessive, and it was not what I was expecting of this ruthless and cocky alien. I was suddenly looking at this Ition alien, whom I considered to be a monster, with a new perspective. Yes, he was dangerous, yes, he was mysterious and brooding, but he had also rescued me. Something about that made me feel good. I did not understand these new feelings inside of me for this attractive lieutenant. I was supposed to hate him. He was my enemy; that was what my mind was telling me, but my body was having a completely different response.

  Then, I had to sleep in the same room with him. It was hard. On one hand, I felt very safe with him in the room after what had happened. Suddenly I wanted him at my side. I knew that he could protect me from the danger of the soldiers on his ship. But on the other hand, having him sleep so near me made me think about the kiss we had shared before. I was thinking about his body, laying on the bench across the room from me. I didn't want to replay in my mind watching him take off his uniform, seeing his toned chest and six-pack abs with his blue skin that was absolutely beautiful to look at. His broad shoulders and thick muscular arms. I had to move my gaze away from him and look at the ceiling. Seeing him just in his bottoms getting ready to sleep was making me feel very heated and flushed. Something that I was trying to blame on the liquor.

  I wanted to go to him, and I didn't know why. I was glad that there was a chain around me, preventing me from going to him. Then, I fell asleep. I was glad that I had drank as much liquor as I did because it helped to make me pass out and not let my mind continue to wonder over the exquisite body of the lieutenant. I don't know why I was looking at him with such passion and attraction. He was extremely gorgeous, but on the inside, he had a black heart. I had to keep reminding myself that.

  I woke up hours later. I quickly looked over to the bench; he wasn't sitting there. I sat up, uncovering the cloth on my body. The chain rattled with each movement. I held my hand; my wrist felt sore. Then I heard something: water. I realized that he was in the shower. My body felt heated as I thought about his naked body in the water.

  “Get a hold of yourself, woman. You just woke up after all,” I whispered to myself. I stood up and stretched and put on my boots. Then I poured some water and drank it, trying to wake myself up. Then I realized it's something else; the ship had stopped. We weren't moving. I started to grow panicked; did this mean we were on Brokl already? I was going to be handed over to the Commander Reiq Jos so that he could experiment on me. This woke me up.

  Suddenly the door to the washroom opened. Dyzon stepped out. He nearly took my breath away. He was wet. He had a cloth wrapped around his waist, hung very low on his hips, revealing a treasure trail going down to his cock. His long black hair was wet and dripping. He looked at me surprised.

  “I was not aware that you were awake.”

  “The ship has stopped. Have we arrived? Are we on Brokl?”

  “No, we are not. But the ship has stopped, you are right about that. We have made an unscheduled stop. On the planet Alox.”

  “Alox? Are you serious?”

  “Yes, you have heard of it?”

  “Yes, who has not heard of it. It is Infamous. Why are we here?”

  “For your safety.”

  “Me? I don't understand. Alox is said to be known as the most debaucherous planet in the galaxy. It is filled with gambling, prostitution, lecherous drinking, and all sorts of crime. How can that be safe for me?”

  “Because I have given my soldiers twenty-four hours to go give themselves the release they might need. That is an order to stop them from trying to take advantage of the only female on their ship.”

  “Oh,” I said understanding his meaning. I felt stupid and slightly embarrassed.

  “I will only be gone a few hours. Not to worry, I will lock the door and no one will be able to get in.”

  “You are leaving? Do you mean you are leaving the ship?”

  “Yes, don't get any ideas. That chain is going to stay on you. I can't have you trying to break the door panel and escaping; you are safer in here then you are out there.”

  “Why are you leaving the ship?”

  “I already told you. We all need release. I am no exception.”

  I gasped. “You are going to go see a prostitute?” I didn't know why I was asking him. Why did I care? I should be happy to have him away, so I could try to escape again. Instead, my mouth was saying my thoughts before I could stop them. I was having an outburst of jealousy, and it made me angry to think I felt that sort of feeling toward him. I should not. Yet, I couldn't stop looking at his toned stomach, his deep crevices of muscular form that moved down into the waistline of the cloth around his hips, begging me to look there. My eyes kept moving toward his cock; I had to force myself to look at his dark eyes.

  “Yes, I am going to go see a prostitute, perhaps several of them. Does that bother you?” he said with a cocky grin. I wanted to slap it off of him or kiss his lips. I couldn’t decide.

  “No!” I shouted.

  “Okay, I can see that it doesn’t.” He laughed. It was as if he could see right through me. I felt embarrassed even more than before. I had to make up something to cover my vulnerability.

  “I just think it would be better if you stayed on the ship. What if something were to happen to me? Your soldier got in here before; I am sure they can do it again.”

  “Trust me: that is not going to happen. They have all left the ship except for those on duty that will be taking shifts. All of them have a guarantee of a sure thing out there; why would they waste time trying to break in here and then have to face their own death? You are safe.”

  He walked over to his uniform and trousers on the bench. He grabbed the cloth around his waist. He was going to take it off. I panicked.

  “I need to use the washroom!”

  He looked at me and smiled. The cuff came off of my wrist. I walked to the washroom and closed the door. I splashed cold water on my face. My heart was beating very fast. I was turned on by him. Then I thought about him going to some prostitutes, slipping his cock inside of them. I felt angry. I felt possessive and jealous. Guilt came over me; I should not be feeling these things. Had I forgotten who I was? I was a human from of the Earth system fighting the Order of the Ition Domain from taking over our home. How could I easily forget that and give into the lust I was feeling? It was wrong. Yet, the fact that it was wrong was what was making it feel so damn good. It was taboo. It was exciting. I needed to escape.

  When I came out of the washroom, Lieutenant Draxel was fu
lly dressed. His hair was still a little damp. But my attention was on the soldiers working on the chain. I was confused. They were changing it out, putting in a longer chain.

  “What is this?”

  “A longer chain. One long enough for you to reach into the washroom, but not long enough to reach the door panel. This will suit you well while I am gone. Sit down and take off your boots.”

  “What?” I asked.

  “All done, Lieutenant.”

  “Good. You soldiers take your leave; remember, twenty-four hours.”

  “Yes, Lieutenant. Thank you,” the soldiers said and then walked out.

  “I said sit down and take off your boots, or would you like me to do it for you?” he said.


  I was so confused. I walked to the bed and pulled off my boots. He walked over to me. He kneeled down beside me. He grabbed one foot and put it in his hand. My foot looked so small in his large blue hand. I felt a tingle go up my body. Holding my foot was very intimate. Then he grabbed the cuff on the chain and clamped it over my ankle.

  “There, that will give your wrist some rest,” he said. “And give you the use of your hands if you wish to shower and eat,” he said pointing at the table. There were two trays of food and large jugs of water on it.

  “Two trays?”

  “Yes. All for you. Like I said, I will be gone for hours. Enjoy,” he said as he stood up slowly. His face moved up my legs, and slowly he rose, towering over me. He gave me that cocky grin again, and then he walked out. I could hear the door locking from the outside. I exhaled as I realized I had been holding my breath when he was that close to me.

  What was happening to me? Now he was off to go fuck prostitutes while he left me chained up. I was so pissed off, and I did not know why. It was more than the fact that I was held captive by an Ition alien; it was that he was going elsewhere for his release. I should be thankful for that. But I wasn't.

  Chapter Eight

  Lieutenant Dyzon Draxel

  All throughout the night, I would look over at the sleeping human. I wanted to go to her. I wanted to climb into my bed and lay next to her, to feel the heat of her body. But I knew that I would not be able to stop there. She had already been through enough for the day. I kept waking up, thinking of her.

  When the morning finally came, I had a completely hard cock. I quickly moved to the shower. I removed my pants and took a very hot shower, massaging my hard cock in my hand thinking about the human that was so close and yet completely off-limits. I jerked my cock faster and faster until finally I had some release. But although physically I felt satisfied, I still had a hunger. I still had an appetite, and I realize that she would be the only one to satisfy it. We had landed an hour before, this was good. I would be able to get off the ship and go to satisfy my appetite in the brothel. I had to.

  When I walked out of the washroom, I did not expect to see her standing there. She looked at me confused. When I saw her eyes moved to my cock, I realized it wasn't confusion; it was desire. She wanted me. I remember the way that she had kissed me. She had opened her mouth allowing me in, only to push me away. She was looking at me with that same need. With only the wet cloth over me, I wanted to go to her. I wanted to throw her on the bed and take her. But I restrained myself.

  Then, she surprised me when she grew jealous when I told her where I was going. Maybe she didn't hate me as much as she said she did. Why else would she care?

  I made it a point to make sure that she had a longer chain. I wouldn't be there to release her for eating or using the washroom. But I made sure it wasn't long enough to reach the door. She had already proven that she could escape. I still had to keep her chained, just on a longer one for her convenience. Even this was me showing mercy, something that I never did for anyone, especially not a prisoner.

  After leaving her, which was hard to do, I joined the rest of my soldiers; there were plenty of brothels in the town of Campara where we had landed. There were lights all around, almost too dizzying. It was a city that never slept. There were gambling rooms all around. Aliens shouted, inviting us in. There were drunken aliens fighting. There were drunken aliens making bets over creatures fighting in a pen. It was complete debauchery. I smiled. This is exactly what I needed after feeling so much mercy and sympathy for a human female. That was not who I was. I needed to remember; I was ruthless. I was merciless. I was Dyzon Draxel.

  “This will do,” I said 5 soldiers and I walk to the front door of a large red building, a brothel. There were naked females of various alien species in the windows dancing. My other soldiers had already been off the ship as soon as we landed. We were the stragglers.

  “Oh, a strong Ition. Pick anything you like,” a female Pasian said as she approached us as soon as we walked in. There were females all around lounging on chairs and benches. Walking around seductively, trying to get us to buy. I scanned the room. There were no human females, not that there would be. There never were.

  I motioned to the female Pasian, who seem to be the madam of the joint. She walked over to me. I whispered in her ear. “Do you have a human female?”

  “No. I am sorry. There are none of those in any of the brothels in this city. But there are plenty more to choose from,” she said moving her arm out over the room.

  I knew that it was a long shot, but I had to try. I walked around the room looking at the many female species available to us. There were all kinds from Pasians, to Qiots, to Ition and Binkaras. None of them suited me. None of them were of my appetite. But since the Ition females were the closest to a human female, I picked one with platinum blonde hair and blue eyes. Of course, her skin was blue just like mine, and she was long and tall, nothing like the small pale human, but she would do. I held out my hand to her. She put her hand in mine.

  “You must pay first,” the madam whispered in my ear.

  “Of course,” I handed her some coin, more than the prostitute was worth.

  “For this, you can have two,” she said and snapped her fingers. Another Ition female looped herself around my arm. I grinned. “This will do.”

  The two led me upstairs, to a luxurious room with a large bed in the middle. I moved to the bar and poured myself a drink. “Take your clothes off. Both of you.”

  They giggled and began to undress for me in an entertaining fashion while I drank the strong whiskey. They stood naked in front of me. This was good. My cock was hard, rigid. This would take my mind off the human female. So why was I thinking of her?

  The two Ition females walked over to me. They had their hands all over me, purring and kissing. One took off my uniform, while the other kneeled down in front of me, pulling off my boots and pants. Then she put my cock in her mouth. It felt good. This was good. But as I looked down at her, I imagined that her platinum blonde hair was the hair of the human. Then it started to really feel good. The other Ition kissed my neck, kissed my back. Before I knew it, I felt like myself again. I growled and picked up the Ition that was kneeling in front of me and took her to the bed. I entered her, all the while thinking about the human female Gina. I closed my eyes, imagining the warmth around my cock was her body. It only mildly worked.

  When I was done with those two, I felt only half satisfied. I knew it was no use. I wanted Gina. I decided to leave the brothel and attend to other business. There was another reason that I was having my ship stop on Alox. A secret of my own. It was fortunate that the ship's crew and my soldiers were occupied.

  I left the entertainment quarter of the city and walked to the other side, to a darker part. A place of curses for hire and of magic. There was one that I wanted to see.

  “Take me to him,” I said putting a coin into the hands of a child Pasian. He nodded and turned. I followed him down a narrow alley, one that my body barely fit in. I had to turn sideways in order to move. He moved aside a beaded curtain that led into a dark room. I walked in.

  “Dyzon, it has been a long time,” Soothsayer Xana said.

  “Yes, it ha
s. I have come seeking your counsel,” I said putting a coin on the table. He looked at it and then motioned for me to sit down across from him. In the dim light, I could see various bubbling concoctions, crystals hanging from the ceiling, items of magic and mystique strewn about.

  “What do you wish to know?”

  “I wish to know all that there is to know about the copper sphere.”

  “The copper sphere? That is a sacred object, a sacred object to my kind, the Pasian. I do not belong to that sect, so I don't know what they know about it, but I do know more than the average creature.”

  “Tell me,” I said.

  “The copper sphere. Some say that it is not just an artifact, but that it is a source. Some say that it is a source of energy.”

  “What kind of energy?” Suddenly, it was starting to make sense. It was starting to make sense why the Commander Reiq Jos had such an interest in it. It wasn't just because it was a priceless artifact; it was energy. This meant that it must be related to Ition strength. It had to be.


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