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Breaking The Darkness (The Light and Dark Trilogy Book 1)

Page 9

by Jessica Miller

  The pain.

  I'm weak. There's no ounce of fight left in me anymore. Vyrix stole everything from me.

  My innocence, my family, and my heart, lost.

  I'm a ghost. Not fully here but not fully there. I'm stuck between two different worlds, floating in and out of life without a purpose.

  They say I'm the chosen one.

  How can I be that if I have no will to fight?

  They say I'm strong.

  How am I strong? I've been used, taken advantage of, tortured.

  How can I save others when I can't save myself?

  As I lie on the snow covered ground, with only a thin dress keeping me warm, I look up to the sky as a tear falls out of the corner of my eye.


  Save me from the pain.

  Take me away.

  To another place.

  Where I can live in God's grace.

  All of a sudden warmth surrounds my body.

  I stiffen, instantly becoming known of the tingles spreading through me.


  Go away.

  Leave me be so I can die in peace.

  "I can't leave you alone baby. I won't let you leave me." He puts his head in the crook of my neck, taking in my scent as if he were taking his last breath.

  A sob wracks through my body. "Like you left me? You told me you would protect me. You told me I could trust you. You told me I was yours and you were mine. How can I believe a word you say when you betrayed me?

  You don't love me.

  You never did.

  I was just a pawn in your stupid game." The tears are flowing more freely now.

  He removes his head from my neck and looks deeply into my glass covered eyes. His hand comes up too my cheek and caresses it like he used to.

  "Do you honestly believe that? That I never loved you? Do you even know what I've done for you? I've been through Hell and back for you baby. I've been tortured, I've been broken. You are the light at the end of my tunnel.

  Do you think I enjoyed that kiss?"

  A whimper leaves my mouth and I nod knowing that in fact he did.

  "No baby, I didn't. I thought it was you. She put a curse on me to make me think that the creature in front of me was my beautiful soulmate. If I would have known it wasn't you from the beginning, there's no way in Hell I would have kissed her." He takes a deep breath.

  "You’re it for me. You're the one who is supposed to be there when I wake up in the morning. You're the one who is supposed to be my wife. The one who will give birth to my children. I've loved you ever since I was a little boy.

  From the very first time I saw your beautiful silver eyes, I knew without a doubt you were mine. I've tried staying away from you. I thought that if I backed off, it would give you the chance to choose who you want to be with. I thought that if I...if I gave you space I wouldn't be able to hurt you. When in reality that was the worst mistake I have ever made." He trails his fingers down the side of my face and along my lips.

  "Please baby. I need you to believe me. I'm not strong enough to survive without you. I've lost you once and I won't lose you again. I need you. I want you. Please be mine." His pleading eyes look deeply into mine asking for forgiveness.

  I close my eyes and take a deep breath. There is only one way to find out if he is telling the truth. I take his face in my hands and begin accessing his memories.

  From the very first day he saw me to now begin flashing through my eyes.

  I feel his struggle.

  I feel his pain.

  The first memory is of when we were young. I was playing out on the castle grounds with my brothers when he first saw me.

  They were teasing me. They took away my bear that kept away my nightmares. I was struggling to get it back from them, when he stepped in and saved me.

  After that first meeting we were inseparable. Since him and his family lived in the castle with us, he would sneak in at night to ward off my nightmares.

  He ignored everyone else around him. I was his light. I was his world.

  The next memory that flashes before my eyes is the dreadful day that took place at the castle. The day that I was separated from him and my real family.

  There was an attack on the royal family. Someone was trying to get to me. Someone who wanted to use my powers for their own advantage.

  We were outside playing when there were screams coming from inside the castle. Trace didn't think, he just grabbed my arm and started pulling me along with him.

  His fear on that day is as real now as it was then. His thoughts are surrounding me.

  "Must get her to safety.

  Must protect the princess.

  Must protect the girl I love."

  He tried to get me to safety when he was struck by something and lost my grasp. I was grabbed and taken away from the boy lying on the floor unconscious, never to see him again.

  Memory after memory plays out in my head until I see one that is more disturbing and painful than I ever thought possible.

  The day that Vyrix took Trace away from his family.

  The torture he endured was savage. He was whipped, he was burned. But the worst of all, was when Vyrix forced the demon into Trace's soul. Vyrix forced Trace to take away my memories. He forced him to stay away from me.

  The last and final memory is the day that shattered my heart into a million pieces. His memory is playing out like a movie in my head.

  He had gone to school early to talk to his coach, when he had been grabbed and kissed by who he thought was me.

  Watching that moment again, brings a lump to my throat.

  The memories fade away, and I open my eyes to find those icy blue ones staring back at me. A million things rush through my brain in that moment.

  But the only thing that I want, the only thing I need is him.

  I draw his face close to mine, and bring my lips firmly to his.

  Passion ignites in our kiss.

  Our pain, our anger, and our sadness drifts away.

  Heat travels through my body when his hands move from my face and down to my leg hitching it around him.

  My fingers thread into the back of his hair drawing him even closer. He breaks away from my lips and puts his lips to my neck giving me a shiver of pleasure from his kiss.

  My hands move from his hair to the bottom of his shirt pushing it up signaling that I want it off. He pulls away from me and takes his shirt completely off tossing it to the side.

  All I can do is lay in awe of his tan naked chest. My fingers reach up and touch his defined abs, then make their way up towards the top of his chest, slowly drawing them towards his back.

  I stiffen feeling the raised marks on his back. My eyes meet his, and find him watching my reaction cautiously. I gulp and bring him down towards me once again, having our lips touch.

  I pull away from him and look into his eyes. "I love you."

  His eyes widen in surprise, and the corner of his lips quirk up into a small smile. He closes the distance between us, and I am lost in the full bliss of his kiss.

  He kisses me for what feels like hours in the snow, when he decides it's time to pull away. He backs away from me, raises his lips to my head placing a light feathered kiss on top.

  He picks up his shirt and is about to put it on when I grab his arm and stop him. He looks at me expectantly.

  "Can I...can I see your back please." He watches me cautiously before he nods in approval and gets up. I follow suit and wait silently for him to turn around.

  I gasp when he turns around. Raised scars cover his perfect body, showing that he in fact was tortured. I walk up to him and start running my fingers over the scars. One by one. Appreciating everything he has done for me, everything that he has been through.

  A black angel wing tattoo covers his back, making him seem less fragile and more deadly. In the middle a big heart is connecting the two wings together, and a small triangle outlines the heart giving it that angel/demon vibe. The design is absolutel
y stunning on him. When I look at the heart once more, I see a small script inside displaying the name Hartley on it.

  "Thank you." I whisper. My fingers trace the design, and I place a kiss to his shoulder. He shivers in pleasure and turns around to face me.

  "Your mine baby. Both my angel and my demon have claimed you as theirs. You've been accepted into my heart, and into my soul. Nothing will come between us anymore. I love you so much."

  Heat spreads through my body of him openly admitting his feelings for me. I step towards him and give him a peck on the lips.

  He puts on his shirt, grabs my hand and takes me inside.

  Soon I will have to tell him.

  I will have to tell him what Vyrix did to me.

  I will have to show him what Vyrix did to us.

  But from this moment on, I know that we are in this together.

  Chapter Twenty-Two:


  Days have passed and the need to tell Trace what happened when I was abducted drains heavily upon me.

  He has to know.

  But I'm afraid that when he finds out he will toss me to the side.

  I may sound weak, but the truth is, Trace is my rock.

  I count on him to have my back, to be there for me and to love me.

  Ever since I accessed his memories, our relationship has heated up.

  Whenever he gets the chance, he kisses me like he's taking his last breath.

  It's like he's afraid of losing me. Like he knows something bad will happen.

  Unfortunately, I already know what's going to happen. And I'm afraid I won't be able to stop it.

  As I sit on the window seat in my room, I look at the beautiful snow covered ground outside.

  I've always loved the snow.

  For me, it brings a sense of peace.

  Whenever I'm in it, I don't think about the cold. I think about the beauty of this world, and know that even though my life is messed up, that others are living their life happy and in peace.

  The past few days we have gotten nothing but snow. Inch after inch has made its way to the ground, leaving us stranded in this big house buried beyond the trees.

  Ever since I arrived back home, Trace has not kept his eyes off me. He's been waiting on me hand and foot, and while it's nice to have him take care of me, I feel like I’m suffocating.

  Maybe it's because I'm scared.

  Scared of what he would do.

  Scared of what people would think.

  I've read the prophecy a hundred times over, and there is nothing in there that states what happened to me.

  There is nothing in there stating that evil would win.

  A tear escapes my eye when the brutal memory seeps into my mind.


  A place that will forever be my home, my torment.

  I will rot here, being tortured every day, sacrificing myself so my loved one's can roam freely.

  After all, I am the chosen one.

  The one sent to destroy the darkness.

  The one sent to sacrifice herself so others can live in peace.

  I rattle my chains but can't break free. Vyrix picks up the scalpel that's laying on the table beside me and raises it to my face.

  You are such a beautiful creature. It would be such a shame to ruin your beautiful face.

  The scalpel slips from my face, he rips open my shirt leaving me only in a bra and completely exposed to this sadistic creature.

  My heart rate spikes, knowing without a doubt he is going to break me to a point of no return.

  "You see Hartley, just because I can't ruin your beautiful face, does not mean I can't go further. I was meant to break you, to test you to your full ability. I need to determine how strong you really are. As of right now, you’re weak and pathetic. Not meant to be a queen, you’re meant to be the lowest of low. The scum of the earth, my slave." He chuckles darkly before roaming his red eyes over my exposed torso.

  All heat leaves my body when he takes the scalpel and makes a deep cut the length of my stomach. I cry out in pain. "Ah yes, I love hearing your sweet voice scream for me. I think torturing you is going to be more fun than when I tortured your weak nephilim. I despise that creature."

  He takes the small knife and makes another long cut across my stomach. "How could he honestly think that you would be his? You were mine the day you were born. I claimed you from the start, and that stupid mother of yours knew I would come back to collect."

  All pain drains away with what he just said. My face becomes pale and my eyes widen. He looks back into my eyes and a dark smile crosses his face.

  "What's the matter? Didn't know that your mother had promised you to me?" I shake my head with what little strength I have left.

  He chuckles quietly to himself and then raises his gaze back to mine. "Your adoptive mother was weak. A stupid human that doesn't have the courage to stand up for her own daughter. I can't seem to figure out why you loved them so much. They aren't your real family. Just your father's stupid brother and his wife.

  Before you were born, your mother was working for me. She had seduced your father and married into the royal family, so she could give me information on the supposed "chosen one" who was sent to destroy me. She signed a deal with the devil, and promised me she would hand over the King and Queen's daughter so I could do with her what I pleased. What I didn't expect was for her to fall in love with you and your family.

  She took back her word, and because of that, she sentenced your real family to death. Unfortunately, that bitch escaped my grasp, and took you and your father with her. I was pissed. It took me years to finally track you down, and when I did, well I got my revenge." He walks away from me leaving blood oozing out of my body when I see him pick up a burning iron rod. My eyes widen at the thought of being burned.

  I struggle even harder to break free of the binds that hold me. "I wouldn't do that child. There is no point. You have not fully accessed your abilities yet, so there is no way out. But don't worry, I will send you back to that nephilim when I'm done with you, and when you’re ready, I will take what's mine."

  Tears escape my eyes at the thought of going back. He turns around and walks back over to me, fire burning in his eyes.

  "Now tell me darling, have you ever thought of having kids?"

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  A knock on the door breaks me from my thoughts.

  I look away from the window and towards the figure standing in the doorway.

  My heart rate speeds up at the sight of him. He walks in further and closes the door shut behind him.

  He keeps his gaze locked on mine, as he continues to move closer. With every step he takes, the further the memory digs into my brain, pushing me to tell him.

  What if I lose him?

  He reaches me and his hands touch my face. The sparks shoot up my limbs and then he leans in. The breath of his lips is hot on my face. He sends a single kiss to the tip of my nose. Then kisses my cheek, slowly making his way down to my lips.

  When our lips meet, the fire burns. He licks my lips asking for an opening and I let him take control. He removes his hands from my face, slipping them underneath me, picking me up and bringing me over to the bed.

  Without breaking his lips from mine, he lays me down gently on the bed. The intensity of this kiss has me losing control. Pulling away from me, he hovers over me, looking deeply into my eyes. His hand grabs my chin and turns it up towards him, "You mean everything to me, do you understand that?"

  I nod, and his mouth claims mine once again. His tongue seeps into my mouth, proving his dominance in the relationship.

  His hands traipse over me, feeling every inch and still as gentle as I was a fragile doll. The love that we have for each other ignites into a frenzy, leaving us wanting more.

  My hands grab the back of his head, bringing him closer to me until one single thought crosses my mind.

  It's gone.

  A cold shower washes over me.

  I push him aw
ay from me, sit up, and back up until I'm sitting against the headboard.

  Tiny wrinkles formed on his forehead. "What's wrong?"

  Tell him.

  Now is the time.

  Must tell him.

  "When I was...when Vyrix had taken me..." I start but immediately stop. Tears well up in my eyes and I look away from him and down to my hands.

  "You don't have to tell me what happened. I won't push you. I just want you to be okay," He comes back over to me, and takes my hand into his.

  "Vyrix did something to me. Something bad, and I know that when I tell won't want anything to do with me." I risk glancing at him and see his jaw clenched.

  "What.Did.He.Do?" His eyes have turned black, and small orange flames are swirling about, showing his demon has come full surface.

  "It's not something you will care about now, but..."

  "Hartley," His hand clenches around mine. "What did he do?"

  I sigh, take a deep breath, and look into his gaze. "He took away my ability to have kids."

  His face pales, he lets go of my hand, and walks out of the room.

  Rejection hits me like a ton of bricks.

  "He won't want you anymore.

  A man, no matter the age, will want his future wife to be the bearer of his children. If I simply take away that ability, you will no longer be appealing to him.

  He will toss you out just like a piece of trash. You’ll be yesterday's news, just another irrelevant detail in his life. Why would he keep someone as useless as you? He wouldn't, now, would he?"

  He traced a long, pale finger lightly along my neck as he circled around behind me. Taunting me. Daring me to do something, to rise up against him. He toyed with a lock of my hair, giving it an almost playful yank -- but I knew there was no humor in this act.

  "Once he rejects you, your heart will break and you will have no choice but to become the Dark Queen."

  I'm done.

  I'm done living my life like this.

  I'm done relying on someone to fight my battles for me.

  I've become weak.

  Not anymore.

  I get up, walk to my closet and get out my duffel bag. I start throwing whatever I can inside, so I can leave.

  I'm interrupted when a blinding pain runs through my hands. I look down and see a spark ignite and catch onto the bag. I back away from the bag and begin to panic, when a fire breaks out among the bed.


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