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Wicked Fate (The Wicked Trilogy)

Page 15

by Tabatha Vargo

  Chapter 18

  The Language of Flowers

  I’ve heard nothing from any evil-sinister-witch-person and it’s been weeks. I’m beginning to think that maybe Eris was being honest when she said that if Adam left me alone then she would leave me alone, too. But why? Why is it such a horrible thing for Adam and me to be together?

  I figure at some point I’ll run across something in one of the journals. I’m already finding all kinds of cool things.

  Some of the journals have spells written in them—spells for all kinds of different things. I even found one that helps me sleep at night courtesy of dear, old Aunt Bitty. I found spells for making things grow, which obviously I have no need for.

  Actually, it seems like most of the spells in the books are useless to me. They’re for things that I can do by just pointing my finger or thinking it. I figure that maybe we’ve just evolved since back then.

  Every day I have long conversations with my grandparents, filling them in on all that I’ve read. My grandfather says that when he was growing up his father did weird things. I haven’t gotten far enough in the journals yet to let him know whether or not his assumption about his father is correct.

  If what my grandfather says is true that means that the magic skipped every other generation starting with Robert McPherson. None of his children had received any magic, yet there’s a possibility that his grandson, my great grandfather, was a magical man. My grandfather has no magical abilities, yet my mother did. After kind of figuring out the pattern, it still makes no sense. If the magic was skipping generations, how is it that my mother and I could both have the magic? Only time and reading will tell.

  I spend hour-upon-hour in the library with Thaddeus and, even though my mind’s always occupied with school, my grandparents, Thaddeus, or Sire, I always think about Adam and how much I miss him.

  I see him occasionally in school, but it isn’t enough. No matter how hard I try to forget him it just wouldn’t go away. Night time is the worst since I lie in my bed and stare at the ceiling waiting for sleep. My mind goes a million miles an hour with thoughts of Adam.

  There are so many memories in the small amount of time we spent together. Those memories are what keep me going. Those memories get me up in the morning and make me smile when I don’t think I’ll ever smile again. How can it hurt so bad to miss someone that was only a constant in your life for a few months?

  When I’m doing homework, reading journals, or relaxing in the gardens, I wonder to myself if Adam misses me as much as I miss him.

  My answer arrives a few days later. It’s Saturday and, of course, I’m in the library with Thaddeus. I hear a loud knock at the door. There’s a little man at the door with a bouquet of pink camellias and red carnations. It’s a strange looking bouquet.

  I sign a delivery confirmation and then I take the flowers. The delivery man also hands me a gift. It’s wrapped in purple and silver wrapping paper. I can tell by looking at it that it’s a book of some sort. I can also tell by the wrapping paper that it’s from Adam. He’s the only person who cared enough at one point to know my favorite color. Anything he’s sent from that point on was either purple or wrapped in purple.

  I thank the delivery man and sit on the closest couch in the front living room. I lift the flowers and breathe them in. I feel my heart constrict with the thought that Adam might actually be thinking about me.

  I sit the flowers down on the couch beside me and begin to rip at the wrapping paper on the gift. It’s a book, a strange looking old book. The book’s called The Language of Flowers. I flip through a few pages and realize right away the subject content of the book. It’s a listing of different flowers and what they mean. Adam’s trying to communicate with me the only way he knows how without having to worry about breaking his deal with Eris.

  I quickly flip through the book to the page with camellias and carnations on it. When I read what’s on the page I clasp the book to my chest and breathe deeply. It feels so good to know what Adam’s really thinking. I look at the page of the book once more.

  Camellia (Pink) = Longing for you…

  Carnation (Red) = My heart aches for you…

  His heart aches for me! He misses me too! My thoughts are going crazy. Should I go to him or should I just take this for what it is and leave it be?

  I wanted nothing more than to run to his house and throw my arms around him. I miss him so much and to know that he misses me too is enough to make me float. I pick up my flowers and hold them to my nose to smell them once more.

  “I miss you, too, Adam,” I whisper.

  After that day, I glide around the library, I’m walking on air. Even Thaddeus notices the difference in me.

  “You seem awfully happy today,” he drawls.

  “Well, maybe because I am happy today,” I stick my tongue out at him.

  Every couple of days there’s a flower delivery. Sometimes I find random flowers on my porch. The meanings are different each time. There’s a yellow tulip on the courtyard bench, translation—there’s sunshine in your smile. A daffodil on the porch swing, translation—you’re the only one; the sun always shines when I’m with you. That one came after I saw some girl flirting with him in the hallway. I didn’t think he saw me, but I guess he did.

  The language of flowers—it’s surprising and totally sweet.

  Every flower I get makes me smile, except the mass of dead leaves on my porch. Dead leaves aren’t usually noticeable to me, but the way they’re laid out on the porch makes it obvious they were put there on purpose. The book says the dead leaves mean sadness—Adam’s sad. He misses me and he’s sad. Today’s a bad day.

  I think about responding, but it would probably make things worse. Staring at the dead leaves on my porch, I can’t help but wish for spring. Spring means no dead leaves—I’d be fine if I never saw another dead leaf again for the rest of my life.

  There’s a light pink flower lying on the bench the next day at school. I don’t know what it is. Instead of going straight home after school I go to the computer lab to search the flower. I can’t know the message if I don’t know the flower. Twenty minutes on Google and I find out the flower’s a pink primrose.

  I run home and almost shut the door on Sire. I’m just so excited to see what the message is. The message before was so sad and I’m dying to know how he is. I snatch up the book and flip through the pages. I stop at primrose and stare down at the meaning.

  Tears form in my eyes and soon I can hear far away thunder. I’m almost to my breaking point. It won’t be long until I demand to see him with no care at all for the consequences. Maybe there aren’t any consequences; maybe this is just one big joke that Eris is playing on us.

  But why would anyone make the only person left in the world that I love stay away from me? What have I done to deserve this?

  I look back down at the book and I let the tears fall.

  Primrose (Pink) = Unhappy without you…

  I don’t get another flower for a few days after that. In those days it takes everything I have not to go to him. To demand that he be there with me again regardless of what happens. Doesn’t he have a clue? Doesn’t he know that I’d rather accept any consequences, than to go another minute without him?

  It’s becoming too much for me, it’s hard for me to keep my emotions under control. I love this great sunny weather too much to ruin it with overly dramatic outbursts. Instead, I hold it all in as much as I possibly can. There’s still the typical rainy night, but no more blizzards and that’s what’s important.

  I try to stay on top of the journals, but I spend more time daydreaming than researching once Adam starts talking to me through flowers. Thaddeus laughs at me and calls me a sap. I don’t care, call me what you like. I’m in love and nothing anyone can say is going to take that away from me.

  I want to shout it from the roof tops. I want the world to know. Most of all I want to look Adam in his eyes and tell him that I love him with all my heart.

sp; Giving up on the journals, I go for a walk with Sire. We play around in the gardens for a while. Everything still looks so clean. The house is beautiful and white. Even my grandparents can’t believe how great the place looks. Spring’s coming soon and so the azaleas, as well as the other types of flowers, are naturally filling in. Before long the gardens will be filled with beautiful flowers of all kinds. When that happens I’ll sit in these very gardens and dream of all the messages that Adam could send me with each flower.

  A week passes, and still there are no flowers. I can feel myself becoming aggravated. Why isn’t he sending me anything? Maybe he wants me to come to him. Maybe he wants me to send him a message. I’m seriously on the verge of pulling my hair out. That’s when I receive my next message.

  It’s on the walk home from school. I almost miss the rose sticking out of a small slot on the newly refinished fence to my driveway. If Sire hadn’t stopped to pick at some kind of insect in the grass, I would’ve completely missed the bright red rose staring back at me.

  It’s a beautiful single red rose in full bloom. It’s perfectly shaped and has all the thorns removed. It smells so sweet; I keep it under my nose the whole way to the house. When I get in my front door I throw down my book bag and go straight for my book.

  Flipping through the pages, red thornless rose practically jumps off the page at me. I read the meaning and my heart slams against my ribs. This is the final straw! I can’t do this anymore. I don’t care anymore; I’m going to see Adam. I have to see him!

  No one’s stopping me, regardless of how powerful or evil they are. I look down at the page one more time to make sure I’m not seeing things and then I sit the book down on the table. I get up and make my way to the front door. I’m going to see Adam.

  Rose Full Bloom (Thornless; red) = I love you; love at first sight…

  Chapter 19


  I make it to Adam’s house in less time than usual. I notice his truck in the driveway with the hood up. He’s bent over it doing something to the engine. Quietly, I watch him as he works. He looks so adorable, all greasy with a red rag sticking out of his back pocket. I want to run to him and demand that he say I love you out loud so I can hear it.

  He notices me staring at him and turns his sights on me. Backing away from the hood, he uses the back of his arm to wipe sweat from his forehead. He pulls the rag out of his back pocket and starts wiping the blackness from his hands.

  “Thank you for the flowers,” I blurt out.

  “You shouldn’t be here, Mage.”

  “Why not?” I calmly ask.

  “You know why,” he won’t look me in the eye.

  “Nothing’s going to happen, Adam. It’s been how long now? Look! I’m still alive!” I say.

  I hold my arms up and spin around.

  “Please, Mage, just leave,” he turns towards the garage to leave.

  Anger courses through my veins. I’m not going anywhere. I’m sick of being alone, sick of missing him.

  I need him more now than ever and it’s time that I get what I want for once. Adam’s not someone I’m willing to live without, I don’t care what it takes.

  Without caring who’s watching, I point to the hood of his truck and it comes down with a loud smash. Finally, he turns and looks at me.

  “Don’t do things like that in the open, Mage. My mom might see you through the window.”

  “I don’t care!” I scream. “I don’t care about any of it anymore!”

  Tears gather in my eyes, but I refuse to let them drop. I hear thunder from afar, so I try to calm myself a bit. He stands there staring at me, before he slowly walks my way. He stops in front of me, anger on his face. Standing my ground, I don’t budge. It’s time he sees my determination.

  “You didn’t see the things I saw,” he whispers softly. “I never want you to go through that…never. Please don’t do this, okay?”

  A tear finally escapes and rolls down my cheek.

  “You really have no idea, do you?” my voice cracks.

  “Sure, that lady hasn’t come back yet, but how do we know that the moment I come back into your life that won’t change? We don’t know that and I won’t put your life in jeopardy no matter what. So, please don’t ask me to,” his determination is clear.

  If my heart wasn’t already breaking, the look on Adam’s face would surely do the job. I reach out to touch his face and he swats my hand away.

  “Understand this, nothing those people can do to me can hurt nearly as bad as I hurt right now. I miss you, Adam,” another tear falls. “You say the words right now, tell me you never want to see me again and I’ll leave. Tell me to get out of your life and never come back and I’ll walk. But everything has to stop! No more sending flowers, no more anything. I can’t take this, it’s making me crazy,” the tears fall harder and it starts to rain. “If you’re going to take yourself out of my life then let’s do it right. So say the words and I’m gone, that’s the only way I’ll go away.”

  I pray deep down inside that he doesn’t say those words to me. I don’t think I could handle him telling me to get out of his life.

  My breath is ringing in my ears and the rain is splashing against my face. It’s not an angry storm, it’s a gloomy drizzle. I inhale deeply and I wait. Either way, before I leave here today he’s either going to tell me to get out of his life, or he’s going to tell me he loves me. I won’t leave without one or the other.

  “I can’t,” he finally says.

  “Say it, Adam!” I yell.

  “Just go, okay?” he sounds strained and tired.

  I point to his truck and it cranks with a loud roar.

  “Say it,” the motor revs loudly.

  He looks around nervously to see if anyone is watching. Let them watch!

  “Mage, please stop it. I’m not going to tell you those things okay, so just stop!” he backs away towards his truck.

  I rev the engine harder and louder. He’s going to say what I want him to say whether he likes it or not. The tires on the back of the truck start to spin hard in the driveway, black rubber sticks to the concrete. The smell of burnt rubber assaults my nose, but I won’t let up. The tires squeal loudly and the truck doesn’t move.

  “My mom is going to come out here! Stop it!”

  He runs to the truck and tries to open the driver’s side door, it doesn’t open. I’m not going to make it that easy for him. After realizing the door isn’t going to open, he turns and walks back towards me with a quick and determined stride. His eyes are hard and demanding.

  He grabs the tops of my arms and pulls me to him. Before I know what’s about to happen he leans down and kisses me hard. My mind spins and the sounds of the squealing tires and revving engine stop instantly. I kiss him back throwing my arms around his neck to pull him closer to me.

  I kiss him like it’ll be the last time, like I’ve never kissed him before. His warm breath blows against my cheek and his tongue tickles mine. I press harder against him, I can’t get close enough. He releases my lips and lays his forehead against mine. His breathing is hard and fast.

  “I can’t tell you to get out of my life, Mage, I can’t. Not when I want you there so badly.”

  “Why?” my voice sounds foreign to my own ears.

  “Why, what?” he asks.

  “Why do you want me in your life? Is it because I’m fun to watch or…?”

  “You know why,” he says.

  He moves away breaking the eye contact.

  “I want to hear you say it,” I don’t let up.

  That’s an understatement. I don’t just want to hear him say those three little words; I need to hear him say it. My life’s been one big catastrophe after another until Adam came around. I need to know that there’s still something good in my world. I have to know that just because physically he isn’t in my life, mentally and emotionally I’m in his.

  He roughly runs his hand through his thick hair, his emerald eyes devour mine.

I love you, Mage. Is that what you want to hear? I think you’re the brightest, most beautiful person I’ve ever met and I’m not afraid to admit that I’m crazy about you. Happy?” he asks angrily.

  My face hurts from smiling so much and the rain has stopped completely. I don’t predict there to be any rain in the forecast for quite some time—at least not any rain from me. Adam smiles sweetly back at me as if he knows what I’m thinking.

  I reach out and grab his face forcing him to me. I softly kiss his lips.

  “Then, that’s all that matters. I don’t care what happens. There’s no way that I would let anything happen to you and I don’t plan on going anywhere anytime soon. I’m not going to have someone tell me who can be in my life and who can’t. I’m not going to let anyone take me away from you, I don’t care who I have to fight or how.”

  Before he can object I put my finger over his lips.

  “Let me finish. I love you, too. You’re the only person left in my life. I’m not going to let anyone make you go away.”

  “What do you mean I’m the only person left in your life? What about your grandfather?” he looks concerned.

  I don’t say anything as I shake my head. I can’t bring myself to say it out loud. Adam reaches out and hugs me close.

  “I’m so sorry, baby.”

  I’m thankful that I’ve finally broken out of my shell. I’ve taken the steps to put Adam back in my life. I look up at the sky—there are a few rain clouds left. That’s not surprising.

  What is surprising is the new development that’s occurring. I know when I’m mad there are thunderstorms and small earthquakes. I know when I’m sad or upset there’s rain or blizzards. Being in love brings about some pretty cool stuff.

  I stare at the multi-colored spectrums of light that are bouncing off of the clouds and reflective surfaces.

  There’s at least ten different rainbow strands placed in different locations in the sky. One comes down and covers me and Adam. There’s so much color you can’t tell where one rainbow ends and the other starts. We’re standing in a rainbow. If that’s the case, then Adam’s my pot of gold.


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