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The Euclidian: Unforeseen Alliance

Page 6

by Jay Cannon

  “Right away sir,” stated the server hurrying off.

  “You mean to tell me that they serve our grog in an establishment like this so far away from my planet,” asked Yoyo.

  “Yes, you can get it almost anywhere these days. The stuff is too good not to have plenty of it on supply.”

  “So is one of your contacts here?”

  “No, not yet, but it’s still early. I am hoping that one of them will arrive soon. The place gets plenty of traffic, especially around this time of day and I wanted to make sure that we got a seat.”

  “What makes this place so popular?”

  “The dancers! See that stage over there with the poles?”


  “It’s going to be full of naked women, men and hermaphrodites from every imaginable species. They dance and grind and wiggle around with their sexy gyrations while clients throw money at them. They are very talented performers.”

  “You can see nudity all the time here and on our ship. Why is seeing nudity here so interesting?”

  “There is a big difference between nudity and sensual performances. They move their bodies in provocative ways, touching themselves and exposing their genitalia in all their glory. The clients love it for scientific and erotic reasons and are happy to pay money to the performers.”

  “Wow, that sounds bizarre. Why would they do that?”

  “Who? The performers or the clients?”


  “The performers dance for the money and the fame they could obtain. The customers are willing to pay to see them dance because they get to learn about the anatomies of different species or just to feed their sexual beast!”

  “Would they let me perform here?”

  “I would think not. You can’t just go up there and walk around naked. You have to perform and look sexy while you are doing it. Living in a cave all your life you probably didn’t have much experience dancing naked. Those goggles and big robe you wear all the time won’t help your cause either. Of course, you could use your abilities to make the clients give you all their money without even dancing. However, if the Euclidian government knew about your abilities you would probably be imprisoned or killed.”

  “There is so much I don’t know about this place. I need to spend more time getting to know it.”

  “What do you expect? You’ve been living in a cave your whole life.”

  “Here are your drinks and food gentlemen,” said the server walking up with a tray.

  “If you don’t mind, I’m a woman,” piped up Yoyo.

  “Forgive my mistake. I was unaware,” replied the server.

  “What are those creatures walking around in the bowl?” Asked Yoyo startled.

  “Those are Gordon creatures. To eat them you take one out of the bowl and place it on the table. When it tries to run you stun it with your fist then pop it in your mouth. When you bite into one it makes a high pitched squeaking sound, stiffens and secretes a fluid that is very exhilarating. That only happens if you eat them alive. You have to wonder why nature would do that to a creature. Being eaten alive has to be a horrible way to go.”

  “Thanks for the graphic explanation. I think I will pass on that delicacy. I don’t need the bad karma. Maybe I’ll just get a vegetarian dish.”

  “Sure, whatever you like. But that will have to wait. One of my possible business partners has appeared. See the man with the uniform that just sat down by the stage?”

  “Yes, I see him.”

  “That’s one of the ones that I want to give me an audience. I’m going to pay one of the ladies to give him a free visit to the Laldexian Room and then you can do your thing. Stay here. I’ll be right back.”

  “It’s setup,” said Commander Filo returning. “We’ll just wait until he leaves and then join him in the Laldexian Room.”

  “What happens in there?” Yoyo asked.

  “That’s where people go to get special acts performed for them.”

  “Like what?”

  “You know, private dances, massages, hand jobs and the like.”

  “Oh, those kind of acts.”

  “There he goes. Let’s get in there before he orders anything extra from the menu.”

  Commander Filo and Yoyo followed the Euclidian officer into the Laldexian room, tipping the server on the way in and asking for privacy.

  “Hello captain. I am Commander Filo and this is my associate Yoyo from Tammaria. May we join you?”

  “Beat it Alpha. I’m here for a little fun, not to have my appetite spoiled by the looks of you.”

  “I’m only here to improve our relations. Tell him Yoyo.”

  Yoyo took off her goggles and let her glowing eyes fall on the captain’s. “Relax captain, we are your friends. Don’t I have friendly eyes?”

  “Yes you do,” replied the captain.

  “I want you to feel comfortable with us. We are your friends. You would like to be friends with us right?”

  “Yes I would.”

  “Good. Commander Filo and I are here to ensure you have a good time with the hope that we can improve the relations between the Alphas and Euclidians. Commander Filo has a proposal that he wants to present to you if that’s okay with you?”

  “Yes, of course. I’d love to hear it,” the captain replied.

  “I’m going to leave you two to talk. Listen to everything he has to say and submit to everything he asks of you.”

  “I would be happy to Yoyo.”

  “Great, I will head back to the bar and wait on you in the booth commander.”

  “I appreciate your help connecting us Yoyo,” said Commander Filo. I’ll join you in a few minutes.

  Commander Filo waited for Yoyo to leave the room and then focused his attention on the captain. “You are Captain Yondel from the Euclidian ship Tez right?”

  “Yes I am.”

  “You participated in the attack on the Alpha home planet that led to its destruction, didn’t you?”

  “I can proudly say that I did.”

  “Wonderful. I want you to enjoy your time here in the Laldexian Room. Tonight when you return home I want you to get some rope and a container of lotion and then stand on a chair. Attach one end of the rope to something sturdy above your head and attach the other end around your neck in a knot that will not be easy to loosen once tightened. Are you with me so far captain?” Commander Filo asked smiling.

  “Yes I am.”

  “Next I want you to drop your pants and shorts around your ankles, place some of the lotion in your hand and rub it on your crotch. Drop the container to the floor and then kick the chair from underneath you. The noose will tighten around your neck, but don’t fight it. Embrace the pain. Enjoy the moment as I will be thinking of you tonight.”

  “I will do as you requested.”

  “Great. Now forget you saw me or my associate Yoyo tonight. The server will be in soon to take care of you.”

  Commander Filo walked out of the Laldexian Room smiling. He contacted the server to make sure the captain got all the attention he needed, and then joined Yoyo back in their booth.

  “How did everything go?” Asked Yoyo.

  “I think it went quite well. I’ll know for sure in the morning. One down three to go.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Engagements Yoyo. Merely engagements,” Commander Filo replied rubbing his hands together and smiling wryly.

  Chapter 6

  Finding Betty

  Betty was enjoying resting on the bed after her horrible ordeal in transit to Boudreau’s place. However, now was not the time to become complacent. She decided to remove the knife from her pants back pocket and place it under her pillow. Though her hands were tied behind her, she was able to wiggle around and push the knife under one of the bed’s pillows. She then laid her head on a pillow and tried to get some needed sleep. After four hours in the back of two SUVs, a plane, truck and sedan she was happy to get some needed shuteye.

  As Betty slept she dream
t of better times when she first became a police officer. She was full of hope and the belief that she could make a difference in the city of DC. While she put several bad guys away, many got away. Some criminals got off due to legal technicalities, some from bribes and others due to witnesses that were found dead.

  The next moment she was in her grandmother’s backyard eating a small bowl of strawberries with cream. She always loved to hold the bowl over her head and let the cream drip into her mouth.

  “Having fun Betty?”

  “Yes, grandma. I love the strawberries. And the cream is so creamy.”

  “What you going to do today little girl?”

  “I’m going to save the whirl,” Betty replied to smiling up at her grandmother.

  Next, Betty was on a horse riding fast after some bad guys. Then she was wearing armor and carrying a lance. The dreaded Blue Beard was coming at her from the opposite direction. She leaned forward, aiming her lance at his chest. Just at the tip was about to hit her opponent she fell from her horse and out of an airplane behind several parachutists. Their chutes opened revealing brightly colored cloth that filled the sky. She floated down on top of the cloths into a field of brilliant flowers.

  Betty’s brother Tommy came over and kicked sand in her face.

  “Take that you mean old sister,” yelled Tommy running off.

  “Tommy, come back here,” Betty shouted chasing him. “I’m going to kick your butt.”

  Betty tackled Tommy to the ground and started punching on him while screaming at him at the top of her lungs.

  “I’m the dominatrix. I do all the hitting and you do all the getting.”

  “Okay dominatrix,” a woman’s voice said poking at Betty. “Time to get up so we can clean you up. I can’t believe they didn’t let you go to the bathroom. You smell like shit.”

  “This is how it’s going to go down,” said one of the three ladies that were in the room to clean up Betty. “I’m going to cut you lose and you are going to follow me into the bathroom. The two of them will be in the bathroom watching you get cleaned up and I will be in the hall with a stun gun in case you try to escape. Once you are finished cleaning up, you will put on this gown and go back to the bedroom where food will be waiting on you. After you finish eating we will tie you back up. If you resist in any way you will be stunned, stripped down, tied up and for the men to deal with. Let me know that you understand.”

  “Yes, I understand,” replied Betty. “I won’t give you any trouble.”

  The last thing Betty wanted at that point was to be stunned again. She was starving and felt grimy. Even if she could get away from the three women the chance of getting out of the house and off the island was pretty slim. Though the thought of spending the rest of her short life as a sex slave didn’t necessarily appeal to her either. She decided to be patient and wait for her opportunity to escape.

  Betty was cut loose and she followed the two women into the bathroom. The bathroom smelled wonderfully. Betty took a moment to breathe in the lavender fragrance. Across from the entryway was a charming wooden vanity with intricate carvings and a marble countertop. On the counter was a vase full of white Calla lilies, lotion, liquid soap and an assortment of perfume bottles. Plush towels were neatly folded and laying on heated shelves next to the vanity.

  “There are unopened toothbrushes, toothpaste and deodorant in the vanity drawers,” one of the ladies stated. “You can take a shower or bath if you like.”

  “Is it okay if I take both? I’d first like to sit on the toilet, rinse off in the shower and then take a nice, long, hot bath.”

  “Whatever suits your fancy. Throw your clothes in that trash bin. You won’t ever be wearing those again. That jar by the tub has some pretty neat bath salts. We’re going to sit right here in these chairs and keep an eye on you. Judy’s going to be outside the door.”

  “Can I at least sit on the toilet in privacy? I told you I wouldn’t give you any trouble,” stated Betty.

  “Tell that to Pierre,” the lady replied. “I hear you knocked one of his teeth out.”

  “Yeah, well he deserved it.”

  “Whatever lady.”

  Betty removed her soiled clothes, placed them in the trash bin as directed. She sat on the toilet to properly relieve herself. It never felt so good to take a dump before even if I am being starred at the whole time. It was a little embarrassing making all her bathroom noises and wiping her butt under the scrutiny of two strange women, but what choice did she have.

  Betty whipped herself with the moist towelettes by the toilet, which felt much better than regular toilet paper. She finished and flushed the toilet.

  “I hope the smell wasn’t too noxious for you ladies,” Betty stated with a smile.

  “We been out in this bayou for many a year. Trust me, we have smelled a lot worse,” replied one of the ladies.

  “I’m going to take a shower now,” replied Betty walking towards the shower.

  “What the hell happened to your leg? It looks pretty bad. Let me have the doc take a look at that before you jump in the shower. I don’t want you to get it infected.”

  “I’m sure the men folk would hate to see me lose my leg. That would really spoil the romance,” Betty stated sarcastically.

  “Don’t worry, they would just give you to the guards who would find lots of fun things to do to you over the next couple of years that we keep you alive. I’ll be right back with the doctor. Just sit there on the toilet until I get back.”

  Soon afterwards the doctor showed up to take a look at Betty’s wound.

  “I can’t believe they didn’t call me sooner. The wound has already become infected, but it should heal okay. I’ll clean it out, sew it up and give you a shot to help clear the infection and help the wound heal. I would suggest that they do not have sex with you for a couple of days.”

  “Is it okay if I take a shower and bath?”

  “Sure, just put some of this ointment on the wound once you have finished and apply a clean bandage.”

  The doctor took care of Betty’s leg and prepared to leave. Betty thanked him and stepped into the shower. The shower was a large sized stall made from Italian marble. It had several shower heads protruding from every possible direction. She felt clean just looking at them. Betty turned on every head full blast, all the way hot. She stood in the middle and let the hot streams of water wash the funk from her body. A tube of aromatic, liquid soap sat on a shelf. She squeezed it all over her body and rubbed it in. She couldn’t help but want to pleasure herself, but there were too many eyes on her. She dreaded the thought that the remainder of her sex life would be forced on her by men she didn’t like and end with her death.

  Oh what the hell, what are they going to do to me? Kidnap me and lock me up in some house in some backwoods swamp, she thought. Betty grabbed a handful of the liquid soap and rubbed herself into oblivion.

  Betty finished her shower and dried off with one of the large, warm, fluffy towels. They were the color of gold. At least I will live in style the few miserable months that I have left on this planet.

  Betty ran hot water into the sunken tub, bending over to sprinkle some of the fragrant bath salts from the jar on the tub under the watchful eyes of the two female guards.

  “Nice ass,” one of the ladies stated giggling. “Did you enjoy touching yourself in the shower?”

  “You can be assured that I wasn’t thinking about either of you,” Betty snapped. She hated being out of control. That’s one of the reasons she became a police officer. However, she decided she’d better get used to it if she wanted to survive in captivity. As long as she was alive she had a chance to escape. For years she played the role of dominatrix in her off hours, making men cry out in pain and grovel at her feet. Now she’ll probably be the one groveling if she couldn’t escape. However, the heavily guarded bridge leading from a compound surrounded by a swamp full of alligators made her chances of escape pretty slim.

  Betty sank down into the tub, enjoyi
ng the warmth of the water against her skin and its fragrance in her nostrils. She let sleep over take her and rested there until awoken by her guards.

  “Time’s up sleeping beauty,” one of the ladies watching her stated. “Put on this gown and we’ll take you back to the room for some food and sleep. Looks like you got out of sex for the night.”

  “Lucky me,” replied Betty sarcastically. She placed some of the ointment on her wound as the doctor instructed and covered it with a fresh bandage. She put on her gown and followed her escorts back to the room. No sooner had she lain down than a servant brought her some food.

  “Good evening miss,” spoke the servant. “I brought you a large bowl of jambalaya with rice and a glass of red wine. I hope you enjoy it.”

  “I’m sure I will,” replied Betty. “Thank you for bringing it.”

  “You’re welcome. Just place the tray by the door when you are done. There’s bottled water on the dresser if you need it. Good night miss.”

  “Goodnight sir,” replied Betty.

  Betty finished her food and placed the tray by the door. Later two of the guards came in.

  “Betty I’m just going to tie your hands together in front of you,” stated one of the guards grabbing Betty by the wrists. “Somebody will be outside your door all night. Stay away from the door and the window unless you want to be tied up to the bed. You don’t bother us and we won’t bother you,” ended the guard walking out the door with the tray in her hand and the other guard close behind her.

  “Got it,” replied Betty.

  After the wonderful bath and food Betty laid down and was out cold in no time, even with her hands tied. She dreamt of great battles, flying fantasies and sitting with her grandmother. A few hours later she awoke in a dark room to the sound of gunfire. She thought this could be an opportunity for her to sneak out. She retrieved her knife from under the pillow and cut herself loose. She grabbed one of the chairs in the room, sat down on the floor and worked away at the chair until she got one of the legs loose. With the chair leg in one hand the knife in the other she looked out the window to see if you could view the commotion. Unfortunately there was nothing to see from the window except the bars that covered it.


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