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The Euclidian: Unforeseen Alliance

Page 15

by Jay Cannon

  “You cut her and I’ll put a hole in your head big enough to fly your spaceship through,” threatened Dominique with her gun pointed at Uan’s head. “I’ll bet these bullets still work don’t they? And if you try that camouflage crap I’ll fill this room with lead until I hit you. This gun carries an extended magazine and I’m one angry bitch about now so don’t test me.”

  “Don’t do it man. Just let her go and leave,” Calvin pleaded.

  Uan looked up at Betty who was whimpering uncontrollably under his grip. He slowly slid her back to the floor.

  “Okay, I will take you with me. Just stop crying. It makes you look weak and you are anything, but weak dominatrix.”

  “Just weak for you Uan,” said Betty hugging Uan. “Give me one moment for happy tears and I promise you’ll never see another one.”

  “You cry when you are happy and you cry when you are sad. I do not understand how humans have survived so long.”

  “They’re coming too,” said Betty pointing at Calvin and Dominique. “They can be bodyguards.”

  “You will not need protection on the ship. It is quite safe.”

  “No, they will be your bodyguards to protect you from me.”

  “Okay,” Uan laughed and the room erupted in cheers.

  “Can we take anything with us?” Asked Dominique.

  “You can each take one bag,” replied Uan. “Calvin, grab a bag and take a last look around, because we will not be coming back here. When you are ready I will have the ship pick us up.”

  A half an hour later Calvin walked in with a black Nike duffle bag filled to the point that it couldn’t be closed.

  “Okay, I’m ready for my next great adventure,” stated Calvin.

  Uan stated something into his UCD and moments later they were aboard the Euclidian reconnaissance ship. Uan had a few words with the crew of the ship and then turned to Betty.

  “I let them know the coordinates of your apartment. Are you ready to pick up your stuff?”


  “You will have thirty minutes after which you will just be beamed back to this ship ready or not.”

  “I understand.”

  Uan nodded at the crew and Betty disappeared.

  “Your turn Dominique,” said Uan turning to Dominique. “Show me where you live on my device. This is the club where I first met you.”

  “Wow, how are you doing that. That looks like a live shot.”

  “We have monitoring devices placed all over your planet. I am able to tie into any of them with my device.”

  “Can I move the screen around by touching it?”

  “Yes, just slide the image around by moving your fingers across the surface.”

  “This is pretty cool. There’s my building there. My goodness, the camera is going right inside. I have got to get one of these devices.”

  “You will once you arrive on our ship for indoctrination.”

  “This is my apartment right here.”

  “I will have the crew send you down and you will have thirty minutes to gather your things before they transport you back here.”

  “Trust me. I won’t need fifteen. I assume I can get more clothes where we are going.”

  “Yes, of course. Just shout when you are ready and they will beam you back.”

  Uan nodded to the crew and Dominique was gone. Uan decided to give Captain Shisal a call to update him on the events that had transpired.

  “Captain Shisal, this is Uan calling in. Are you free to talk?”

  “Go ahead Uan,” replied Captain Shisal.

  “I found the alien, but I was unable to kill him.”

  “No to worry. You kept him out of our hair, which is all I cared about. We found a beautiful place to setup camp in a location called Key West, Florida. We are on the West side of the island at the Westin Resort. There’s going to be a formal ball there tomorrow and I want you to be there. I’m sure the time spent here in these primitive conditions must have been miserable.”

  “Yes, but I had my moments of excitement.”

  “Come on down. We’ll have a drink and chat. They’ve got some stuff here they call ganga that you’ve got to try.”

  “That’ll be a bit difficult as I have some Earthlings that are going to be sharing my cabin. They saved my life during the scuffle and I promised to find them a new place to make home since there’s won’t be habitable for a while.”

  “Why don’t we just make them members of the crew so they can get formally loaded into the system and get their own cabins on the junior crew deck. Have logistics setup an indoctrination session for them.”

  “I’m a bit worried about the discipline required for the process. Earthlings aren’t used too intergalactic travel or being around aliens.”

  “If they can’t handle the process then they don’t deserve to be on the ship. They are either captives or they are crew. The Andrea is not a cruise ship.”

  “Understood captain.”

  “If they survive indoctrination get them some ball clothing and bring them to the ball. I’d love to meet them.”

  “They may feel a bit uncomfortable there.”

  “Trust me; they won’t be the only Earthlings at the ball. It’s the same everywhere we go. Capture most of the inhabitants during the first wave of the invasion and befriend the ones that are left. That gives us a chance to understand new species. They can even be great source of conversation for us.”

  “I would like to shield them from the kind of scrutiny and abuse that can happen during those events. After all, they did save my life.”

  “All the more reason to bring them. So it’s settled. The ball starts at 2:70 ship’s time. Just as the sun sets here. Sunset is a big event for the inhabitants. I expect to see you all are here.”

  “Not to worry. We’ll all be there.”

  Ten minutes after going to her apartment Dominique was ready to depart. She left a note for anyone left who might come looking for her. Dear family,

  I’ve hitched a ride on a spaceship to the other side of the universe. I fear I will never return.

  Much love,


  Dominique paused for a moment before standing up and preparing to depart. Now I guess I’m supposed to shout out as if they’ll hear me on the ship, she thought to herself. “I’M READY TO RETURN.” As if that is supposed to work. “Whoa!”

  “Welcome back Dominique,” greeted Calvin. “You didn’t bring much,” he stated noticing her simple Coach bag.

  “I’m hoping to start over. Louisiana was sort of a dead end for me. I’m happy to be gone though I’m a bit apprehensive about my future. I didn’t think I’d be leaving home on an alien spacecraft.”

  “Me either. All in all I’d rather be visiting a new place with Uan than taking my chances on a post-apocalyptic Earth. I’ve seen too many of those movies and none of them end well. Even when the good guys win they are stuck in a place that is not worth living.”

  “Oddly enough I’ve never seen one where the aliens have a successful invasion and some Earthlings get to start a life on another planet.”

  “I admit I’m a bit nervous. However, the way Uan explained it to me; it will be like being on the Champs Elysees in Paris. There will be so many people from so many places you sort of get lost in the mélange of it all.”

  “That’s good. I hope he has a large cabin. I hate sharing, but it would be better than being stuck in a large room with the other captives.”

  “I heard that. I wonder what the bathrooms are like. They have to have at least fifteen kinds humanoid poop to deal with.”

  “Yep, and what are showers like and can I get I get my hair done? I wonder if they’ve ever seen a fro before? Do you think he is just faking us out and will stick us in with the other captured humans once we are on the ship?”

  “No, that’s not going to happen. Uan doesn’t lie. He has no reason to. He’s not afraid of anyone or anything.”

  “He seems to be soft on Betty though, if you
can call almost cutting her throat and then asking her to join him on the ship soft,” Dominique said with a smile.

  “One day I’ll have to tell you about the whole dominatrix bit she pulled on him. That made him respect her. I think that’s as close to love as he gets.”

  Suddenly Betty appeared aboard the ship with a trunk.

  “Speak of the devil. Hey girl,” greeted Dominique.

  “Hey Dominique,” replied Betty.

  “I see you got an entire Louis Vuitton trunk.”

  “I wish I could have brought more. We don’t know if they have skillets, plates or even silverware where we are going. So I got as much kitchen stuff as I could carry. Plus heirlooms, clothes, weapons and my dominatrix gear. You know Uan would be pissed if I forgot that.”

  “You’ve got to turn me on to that dominatrix stuff when you get a chance.”

  “I’d love to.”

  “I spoke with the captain,” Uan broke in, “and he is going to let you be members of the crew. You will get your own cabins and universal connection devices (UCD). However, you will eventually be assigned jobs on the ship and expected to perform.”

  “I think we can handle that once we learn the language,” stated Calvin.

  “They will teach you Euclidian once you are on the ship. It is a requirement as a crewmember. I will teach you something now. stowtan char means greetings captain. You must use that when you meet the captain tomorrow tonight at the ball.”

  “We’re going to a ball? I don’t have anything to wear,” said Dominique frantically.

  “That will be taken care of on the ship. It is more important that you learn the greeting. So say it, stowtan char, with your fists together and eyes looking down,” stated Uan emphatically.

  “Stowtan char,” they all repeated.

  “The captain is not one to be disrespected. That can easily get you killed,” said Uan.

  “Maybe we should skip the ball,” stated Calvin nervously.

  “That would not be wise. He is expecting you. He did agree to let you on his ship as crewmembers.”

  “Boy do I regret that decision,” exclaimed Dominique.

  “On the contrary, this is one of the most life changing decisions that you have ever made. You will not regret this decision,” replied Calvin.

  “I’m game honey,” stated Betty holding Uan’s arm.

  “Please do not call me honey in public,” stated Uan pushing Betty away from him. “I prefer to keep our amorous moments within the confines of private spaces if you do not mind.”

  The ship’s crew was snickering in the background, which unnerved Uan.

  “I think it is time we headed to the Andrea and started your indoctrination”, stated Uan. “Is everyone ready to go?”

  They all nodded, Uan turned to the crew and within an instant they were in the indoctrination area of the Andrea.

  Chapter 17

  Failed Attack

  “I seen ‘em I tell you. Just hanging out at the beach just like they’s on vacation. If we had a bunch a guns we could take ‘em out. None of them’s carrying weapons ‘cept a couple a guards. Them flying things are off to the edge a the island covering the beach an the bridge.”

  “Fine Jeb, but won’t their flying ships shoot us down before we can get off the bridge?” Asked Ezekiel.

  “That’s it though. We don’t walk across the bridge, we row under it.”

  “That sounds pretty clever, but won’t they still see us?”

  “They didn’t see me,” chuckled Jeb. “It was at night and I went right up on the beach. I was staring at them from one of their beach bungalows. Big fellas they were, along with the women. There were even different types of aliens there.”

  “You mean like in that bar on Star Wars?”

  “Yep, just like that. They obviously don’t have a problem with prejudice. That wouldn’t play well in my house.”

  “Mine neither.”

  “You know what the strangest thing was Ezekiel?”

  “What’s that Jeb?”

  “They all had to go to the bathroom just like we do. They were going in and out of the restroom like nobody’s business. They laugh and kid around too. You’d almost think they were human. Makes you want to go up and chat with them.”

  “All except for they took all the people off the planet and now they are stealing all our resources. Sort a like we did when we first discovered America.”

  “So do you think they took all the people for slaves or food?”

  “Hard to say. They don’t seem like the type to eat humans. I mean they seem civilized and all. After they finished scooping people up they just ignored the rest of us. I’ve seen them fly overhead and not pay me no mind. It’s like they got their quota and we’re just not worth the extra effort.”

  “Maybe they worried about their game warden fining them for having too big a catch,” Ezekiel said laughing.

  “You just a dang fool ain’t ya.”

  “Come on, you know I’m just funin. Let’s get back to the militia and hatch ourselves a plan.”


  Later that night two boat loads of gun toting militiamen headed towards the island of Key West with simple handheld motors that they were able to build from spare parts. They stayed underneath the roadway to stay hidden from the Euclidian air craft. They could see the glowing edges of the Euclidian attack vehicles hovering overhead. The vehicles either didn’t see them or didn’t care about them.

  “Jeb, why the heck did you bring those damn water balloons? You think they are going to want to play games with us?” Asked Ezekiel.

  “They balloons alright, but they ain’t filled with water. It’s my backup plan in case our guns don’t work,” replied Jeb.

  “Whatever you say Jeb. Lookie, we actually done made it to shore without being spotted.”

  “Listen up everybody,” Jeb jumped in, “them aliens are about a mile up the beach at that Hyatt resort. Once we get there, the first team is going to go around to the other side of the main building. We’ll wait on this side of the resort until team one is in position. Team one, when you are ready start unloading on those alien bastards and we’ll join in from this side. Any questions? Then let’s head out,” commanded Jeb.

  Jeb was the commander of what was left of the twenty-first militia regiment. His military experience consisted of two years in the army before getting a general discharge under honorable conditions because he was considered mentally unfit for duty. He still wanted to be patriotic so he joined a local militia group. He and Ezekiel missed being grabbed by the aliens because they were passed out drunk in Jeb’s uncle’s basement. Pissed because so many of their relatives were taken by the aliens they decided to fight back in any way that they could.

  After fifteen minutes the two teams arrived at the resort where the aliens were partying. The team that Jeb led hid behind a beach house while team one continued around the other side of the main building.

  “We’ll just wait here until we hear the shots from the other side. There only appear to be three guards. Everybody make sure your safety is off, you have a round in the chamber and keep your fingers off the trigger until you are ready to shoot those aliens,” advised Jeb.

  “And when we start off, spread out. It will be harder for them to pick us off and we don’t want to shoot each other in the back neither,” stated Ezekiel.

  Ezekiel met Jeb in the militia. They grew up in nearby small towns in the southern tip of Florida. Ezekiel liked to shoot guns so joined the militia where he could learn to shoot a lot of different guns. Jeb taught Ezekiel what he learned from the army and they soon became good friends. He found out about the alien abduction from a neighbor who saw his wife and son beamed away from the top of the stairs leading to the fruit cellar. He came up from the cellar to see what had happened and his backyard that was previously full of family and friends was empty. He met with Ezekiel and joined the militia to go after the aliens.

  Jeb and Ezekiel always thought they might have t
o defend their country from invaders, but never thought that the invaders would come from beyond their solar system.

  Bang! Bang! The sound of gunfire came from the opposite side of the resort.

  “That’s them. Let’s move out!” Commanded Jeb.

  Upon hearing the shots, one of the Euclidian guards went to the other side of the beach to engage the attackers. The two remaining guards held their ground and called for air cover. When Jeb’s group attacked the remaining guard they were unable to injure him with their gunfire. She seemed to be protected by some sort of personal force field. The guard easily picked off a couple of members from Jeb’s team and after the attack ships arrived most of the remaining members of the team were killed off. Jeb made it back behind the beach hut where he stashed his balloons.

  I’m not going to let those damned aliens kill us off without killing at least one of them. Let’s see how they like these alcohol balloons, thought Jeb.

  Jeb tossed two balloons at each of the guards who were now guarding his side of the beach. The balloons were filled with rubbing alcohol, which ignited on impact with the guards. The two guards panicked and ran into the water. Jeb jumped up and down shouting with joy.

  “Take that you damned aliens. Think you’re invincible do ya?”

  Before he could enjoy his triumph Jeb was vaporized by one of the hovering attack ships. The only person left out of the two teams was a woman who took shelter next to a towel hut near the pool. Its awning shielded her from the attack ships.


  After the party recommenced one of the party goers noticed her hiding in a corner. Several of them came over to get a closer look at what an Earthling looked like. As they drew near she became incredibly frightened. She fell to her knees, put her face to the ground and placed her hands out in front of her.

  “Please don’t hurt me,” she begged.

  The crowd started to laugh not knowing what she was saying. A Majorellen that spoke English came forward to speak to her.

  “Hello female. I am Dexin. What is your name?”

  The lady looked up at Dexin wide-eyed, surprised that the odd looking creature could speak English.


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