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The Euclidian: Unforeseen Alliance

Page 18

by Jay Cannon

  “Stowtan bitar,” greeted Cobalt holding his fist at shoulder height. They all responded in kind. “That means, greetings shipmate.”

  “We also learned stowtan char,” stated Calvin.

  “Good. Only say that to the captain,” warned Cobalt. “And be sure to have your fists touching and eyes downward.”

  “What is this place?” Asked Dominique stepping into the room viewing all the stations in the huge room with what looked like holograms of the people sitting at the stations.

  “This is where we are going to make your clothing for tomorrow’s ball. Let’s find a spot and I’ll show you how to do that. Here are three stations next to each other,” said Cobalt walking towards the rear of the large room. Place your UCD in the carriage to the right of the screen to activate the system for you. Since you have never used the system before you will need to initialize it with your image. Stand on your pedestal and let the system scan you. Be sure to hold your arms away from your body and place your feet slightly apart.”

  Dominique went first, jumping onto her pedestal. After positioning herself on the pedestal a ring of light came up from the pedestal and disappeared above her head. She stepped down and a pseudo nude image of her appeared on the pedestal where she stood.

  “That avatar represents your body and is what you will use to help you pick out clothing for yourself,” stated Cobalt.

  “But why does it have to be naked. I don’t want people staring at my naked body,” said Dominique.

  “If you look around you will see that no one is staring over here. At any length, you will have to get used to being seen naked on the ship. There are plenty of activities where you are required to be naked to participate in them. You also don’t want to ignore a call from an officer because you are naked. That could cost you a lot more than embarrassment.”

  “You two get up and create your avatars. Then we will view them on your screens.”

  Soon all three of them had their avatars standing on their pedestals and a similar image on their screen.

  “You should see categories of clothing on square icons across the top of the screen. Hats, shoes, shirts, pants coats, underpants, undershirts and so on. Select the shoes icon. A row of icons should appear below the first row representing different shoe categories. Slide your finger over the icons to move the row to the left to see all forty categories. The symbol at the top left of the icon represents the category number. Our numbering system is so simple that anyone not learning it by the end of this exercise will be severely punished, because you are obviously too dumb to be a crewmember here. Take a moment to acquaint yourselves with the numeric symbols.”

  Each one looked at the symbols and noticed their progression.

  “Who would like to try to explain the numbers to me?” Asked Cobalt.

  Betty raised her hand and began explaining. “Zero is represented by an empty circle. One to six are indicated by short slashes around the circle. Adding three dots in the middle of the circle gets you to seven, eight and nine.”

  “Very good Betty. Did everyone understand that? The number nine represents our solar system. Our sun surrounded by six planets and our planet with its three moons. Everyone select shoe category twelve. Those are our formal shoes. A column of shoe icons should have appeared along the right side of the screen. The theme color for the ball is maroon. Use the wheel at the top left to select color 32. Select a pair of shoes that you are comfortable with. They will appear on the feet of your image.”

  “Now select the socks or stockings category. Choose subcategory seven for socks and stockings. Select the style that you are most comfortable with. Now Calvin, select pants and ladies select bloomers. Select pant subcategory fifteen and bloomer subcategory twenty-two. Pick the pair that you like.

  “Cobalt, can you help me pick a pair of pants that would be most appropriate,” asked Calvin.

  “Item number six is worn by most men on the ship,” replied Cobalt.

  Cobalt assisted them with finishing the selection of items for the remainder of their outfits and then asked them to turn around and look at their fully-dressed avatars.

  “Amazing! These clothes look great on us,” stated Dominique.

  “They sure do,” said Calvin.”

  “Move your hands around over your avatars to move them around so you can see each side of the image,” stated Cobalt.

  “This is very nice Cobalt. How do we have these clothes made once we are happy with them?” Asked Betty.

  “When you are ready to have your clothes made, press the yellow button at the lower right hand corner of the screen. Two buttons will appear. Pressing the one on the left will have the clothes delivered here and pressing the one on the right will have them delivered to your room. Press the one on the right.”

  “Are you saying that these intricate designs are going to be ready before the ball tomorrow?” Asked Betty.

  “They will be ready tonight,” replied Cobalt. “As a matter of fact they should be in your cabins within the hour.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding! Can we make anything we want and get it that fast?” Asked Dominique.

  “Yes you can. Right now I need the three of you to face your screens and select the shirt category. Now select subcategory four, followed by seventy-nine and lastly one hundred eighteen.”

  Each of them complied as Cobalt requested.

  “Excellent! You all passed with flying colors. You can go Rean.”

  An Ossie appeared after uncloaking holding a weapon in his hand. He nodded at Cobalt and then walked off.

  “Where did he come from?” Asked Dominique startled.

  “He’s been here the whole time,” stated Calvin. “Didn’t you smell the scent of cinnamon?”

  “How did you know he was here?” Asked Cobalt.

  “I assisted an Ossie on Earth and he bit me so his enzymes would permit me to see him while he’s cloaked.”

  “That’s interesting,” stated Cobalt.

  “So why was he here?” Demanded Betty.

  “To kill you if you failed to complete your task or learn our numbering system.”

  “So are we going to be constantly subjected to the threat of death for the entire time that we are on the ship?” Asked Dominique with disgust.

  “Not at all,” responded Cobalt. “But we do need to instill trust and set expectations with our new crewmembers. Make it through the ball tomorrow and you can consider yourselves through your probationary period.”

  “How about we just skip the ball?” Demanded Betty. “I don’t think I could enjoy myself if I’m constantly being tested.”

  “Skipping the ball is not an option. I know it sounds arduous, but you will enjoy yourself. Plus it will be a good way to meet people and get indoctrinated into our society.”

  “I know they seem harsh, but they also appear to be fair as well. At least that is what I have learned from Uan,” stated Calvin.

  “If you are all ready I will help you get to the language center to learn greetings and salutations.”

  Cobalt took them out to the ship’s principal corridor.

  “Into your UCD state gekola platum charmal,” requested Cobalt. “That will navigate you to the language center. I will meet you there. Just think, you finally get to try the transport chairs.”

  Cobalt walked off and the three of them were left staring at their UCD.

  “Do you two have the directions listed as well?” Asked Calvin.

  “Sah,” they both replied in unison and laughed.

  “Let’s go then. I don’t want to get shot for being late.”

  “That creature’s gone right?” Asked Dominique.

  “Ahs, he’s leaning against the wall just a few meters behind us,” replied Calvin.

  “How is it you can see him and we can’t again?”

  “Remember Uan? He’s the same species. I worked for him and he wanted me to be able to see him when he was cloaked, so he bit me to place his enzymes into my bloodstream. Those enzym
es permit me to see Ossies when they are cloaked.”

  “Hey you two, we better get going,” insisted Betty. “The device indicates that we should walk down the hall a short distance.”

  They walked for a few meters and their devices indicated for them to stop in front of a pink light.

  “Now what?” Asked Dominique nervous.

  At that moment a chair popped out of the wall and stopped in front of Dominique.

  “I was afraid of that,” stated Dominique with angst. “You all know I don’t want to be getting into no flying chair.”

  “We don’t have much of a choice,” replied Betty encouragingly.

  Two more chairs came out of the wall and stopped in front of Betty and Calvin.

  “Strap in everyone,” said Calvin. “It could be a rough ride.”

  Dominique finished strapping in first. She noticed a blue light flashing on the arm of the chair and reluctantly pressed it. As soon as she did the chair took off for the high ceiling with Dominique screaming her lungs out.

  “Ahhh, somebody help me!” She shouted as she disappeared into the distance.

  Other chair riders passed by Dominique starring at her in incredulity, wondering why she would be screaming the way she was.

  “We’d better go after her,” stated Betty pressing on her chair’s blue button.

  Calvin quickly followed after her in his chair. Betty instinctively leaned forward to gain speed on Dominique. Soon she passed Dominique, but leaned back to slow down to her speed. She looked over to see Dominique holding on to the arms of her chair in panic with tears streaming down her face.

  “Dominique! Lean back!” Betty shouted.

  Dominique did as Betty requested and her chair started to slow down. Betty matched her speed so she could stay with her.

  “I don’t understand what’s keeping these chairs in the air,” stated Dominique exasperated.

  “I’m sure it’s some safe technology,” replied Betty. “Look around us. There must be hundreds of people up here with us and everyone seems to be calm, but us.”

  “Hey you two. This is not bad once you get the hang of it, said Calvin catching up to the two of them.

  “Dominique, take my hand,” requested Betty. “We’ll ride this out together.”

  Dominique took Betty’s hand. They leaned forward and finished their high speed trip to their destination with Calvin close behind. The chairs slowed down and lowered themselves to the floor near a chair receptacle. The three unstrapped themselves and the chairs disappeared into the walls.

  “Betty, thanks so much for getting me through that,” stated Dominique hugging Betty.

  “No problem girlfriend. Remember, I’m always going to be here for you.”

  “Wasn’t that fun?” Said Calvin walking over to the two ladies.

  “It’d be more fun if I kicked you in the balls,” responded Dominique.

  “Okay, so flying in a chair at tremendous speed high above the ground with no visible means of support could be considered scary to some. I’m more worried about the crazy guy who is still following us. We better get going. My UCD points back that way,” stated Calvin pointing in the way they came.

  “Lead on,” said Betty pushing on Calvin.

  Dominique slowly took up the rear still shaken by the experience. She looked back to see if she could see any evidence of the assassin and saw nothing. But she was scared just the same.

  “Wait up you two,” shouted Dominique running to catch up with Betty and Calvin.

  Their UCDs pointed to a green light just a few meters away.

  The three of them arrived in front of a door with a green light next to it that was pointed to by their UCDs. The door opened and there stood Cobalt. “Stowtan bitar,” stated Cobalt greeting them with his fist raised.

  “Stowtan bitar,” they all responded.

  “Now it’s time for your most important lesson of your indoctrination. This will help you communicate with your new shipmates and integrate into our culture.”

  “Is someone going to kill us if we fail the final exam?” Asked Betty.

  “Of course not,” responded Cobalt.

  “So why is that guy still following us around?”

  “I assure you he is not in here and will not be involved in your lessons during this session.”

  Dominique nudged Calvin and motioned for him to look for the Ossie. Calvin looked around and then shook his head and shrugged to indicate that he saw nothing.

  “Follow me and I will show you to your language pods. You will step inside and the doors will close behind you. Once inside you will watch a couple of holographic images go through a dialog in English and then repeat it several times in Euclidian. One of the images will then disappear and the remaining one will have the same conversation with you. Once you feel you have perfected the conversation you will take a final test. I will meet you here once you are done.”

  Each of them took their lessons and finished their test with flying colors. They rejoined Cobalt once they were done.

  “Good job everyone,” Cobalt said smiling. “Your UCDs have been set to remind you when you need to get ready for the ball tomorrow. You should put on your clothes and get ready at that time. Uan will come by your cabins when it is time to leave and escort each of you to the ball.”

  “That’s it?” Asked Dominique.

  “Yes, that’s it. You will still need to get a medical checkup, learn the different ship’s systems and get assigned a job. However, you can do that another day. For now wander around and enjoy yourselves. Get to know the ship and its people.”

  Chapter 20

  Saving Family

  Li Xiao’s family did not have a basement or storm cellar that they could go to. There was no nearby underground garage, cave or large body of water where they could hide. She could only hope she could get there in time to save them. Li Xiao transported to her parent’s house near her grandmother.

  “Grandmother, where is everyone?”

  “Li Xiao, where did you come from? Why are you dressed like that?”

  “Grandmother, I do not have time to explain now. Please tell me where my parents are?”

  “They went to a friend’s place to see if they could get the generator going. You know the power went out everywhere. People from far away villages have come her talking about how the electricity is out all over. Cars, generators, radios, lawn equipment, none of it works. Flashlights work just fine. I don’t know why they work.”

  “Grandmother please, can you look at my map device and show me where they are?”

  “They are right down the street in town. I can’t see your map thing without my glasses.”

  “Where are your glasses?”

  “I don’t know. I lost them in the dark.”

  “Forget it grandmother. Let’s take the bikes. If I didn’t think it would give you a heart attack I would just pop us to town.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Nothing grandmother. Let’s focus on where to go.”

  “They’re just down the road in the village. One of the shops has a generator in the alley behind the shop. I think everyone in town is there. Nothing else to do with no electricity.”

  “I think I know the place. Grab your bike and come on. I’ll ride ahead and see you when you catch up.”

  “You go. I’m slow, but I’ll be there.”

  Li Xiao grabbed one of the bikes on the side of the house and rode quickly towards town. Why today of all days are they away from the house? She thought. I don’t know why I’m worrying, the aliens are probably not anywhere near here. They probably won’t even bother coming to this place with such few people. Here’s the alley and there they are down there wasting time on that zapped generator.

  Li Xiao rode her bike quickly through the bustling alley towards her parents and several townspeople that she recognized. As she approached them they suddenly started to disappear.

  “No! Stop! They’re my people,” Li Xiao screamed jumping
off her bike and running towards the spot where her parents were last standing that now stood empty. “Grandmother!” Li Xiao shouted, turning to see she was gone as well. Her empty bike rolled towards her and then fill silent in front of her.

  My aunt and uncle! Li Xiao thought as she grabbed her transport device set the coordinates and pressed the transport button. She arrived to an empty apartment. They were both gone along with her two young cousins Ema and Maya. She fell to her knees and shook her head. All these powers and I can’t save my own family!

  Li Xiao lifted her device and clicked on the waypoint that she had set for her mother. She could see her parents and grandmother together in a holding cell. They look and sound okay. I’ll just go and get them.

  Li Xiao pressed the transport button over and over again, but she failed to transport. The Andrea’s defenses would not permit her to transport onboard the ship. Somehow having the transport device spared her from being captured, but did not permit her to save her family.

  Li Xiao took a moment to watch her family in captivity. Just like them to complain about no tea to drink after they’ve been captured by aliens.

  Li Xiao spent a few more moments watching her family before deciding to return to her apartment just as Cobalt arrived.

  “Hello Xiao,” Cobalt said hugging her. “I’m glad you’re alright.”

  “Cobalt, they took my family. You have to help me get them back.”

  “I cannot Xiao. They are beyond my ability to assist you.”

  “What good was freeing those people from prison for them to just be put into another one?”

  “You knew this day would come and it wasn’t in my power to help you. Though many people are gone, there is still much you can do to help this world.”

  “There’s not much left to help. Plus why would I want to stay here when everyone I care for is on your ship?”

  “Then come with me. Spend the rest of your life with me. There is so much I could show you.”

  “I would just be a freak on a ship, in a world full of aliens unlike me.”

  “It wouldn’t be as bad as you think. There are already earthlings who are part of the crew aboard our vessel. I promise you that you will fit in aboard the Andrea. It could also give you a chance to rejoin your family.”


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