The Euclidian: Unforeseen Alliance

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The Euclidian: Unforeseen Alliance Page 21

by Jay Cannon


  “You don’t say thanks when someone does you a favor. You just say got it, righteous or brotherhood.” With that he sped off.

  “Hey you two,” shouted Betty. “Shouldn’t we be getting to the medic?”

  “You are such a party pooper,” responded Dominique. “But you are probably right.”

  The three made a U-turn and headed for the medical center to get their checkup.

  “Hello I am Valera. I will be your medical technician today. I will tend to your medical needs. I speak some English and will be able to communicate with you.”

  “Hello, I’m Calvin and this is Betty and Dominique. I love your name.”

  “Yes, Valera is nice to hear and easy to say, but try spelling it. My name is spelled with eight letters and two numbers, Vao2le4roa. Somehow it is pronounced Valera and my mother was fine with that.”

  “So is the examination going to be painful?” Asked Dominique.

  “Not at all. Not only will you enjoy it, but you will love how you look and feel once I am done with you.”


  “I’m very experienced in genetics,” said Valera. “My procedures will be effective no matter which species you belong to. I work at the cellular level and can address most of your ailments using cellular regeneration. While I can’t make you live forever, I can give you a healthy life as long as you are alive.”

  “Should we make separate appointments?” Asked Dominique. “You probably won’t be able to treat us all at the same time..”

  “Not to worry. I am assigning an assistant to each one of you. Start by taking off your clothes and walk through this opening,” said Valera pointing to what looked like a disco doorway. “It will cleanse your skin and perform an initial scan of your skin surface. I will need you to stop once you are in the center and raise your spread your legs. Calvin I will need you hold your penis up momentarily.”

  “I’d be happy to. Do you think you could get rid of the extra hair down there?”

  “Yes, but not during this procedure.”

  “Since I’m the man I guess I’ll go first,” said Calvin starting to strip down. “Don’t you ladies get any ideas.”

  “This is not a one-at-a-time exercise,” insisted Valera. Everybody get naked now! If it makes you feel any better your assistants and I will be naked as well.”

  “As if that helps,” complained Dominique. “We wouldn’t even know what to get excited about on your bodies.”

  “You will in time,” smiled Valera.

  Betty and Dominique removed their clothing along with the assistants who snickered in the process. The two ladies followed Calvin through the device, who waited for them on the other side to discuss the experience.

  “What did you think? I felt all tingly across my skin and somehow I just feel clean. Look at my nails even,” Calvin said holding them up to the two ladies.

  “Calvin, I might be more into your cheerfulness if I wasn’t standing here naked,” said Dominique with a sneer.

  “Why are you bothered Dominique? You have a gorgeous body.”

  “Thanks, now stop staring at it.”

  “Calm down Dominique,” urged Betty. “They said we had to be available at a moment’s notice even if we are naked. Plus we don’t want to anger anyone who may be following us.”

  “This way,” each assistant stated in Euclidian.

  “Sorry Calvin,” Dominique said turning back towards him. “I like your body too.”

  “Thanks. Other than this recent captivity, I’ve been working out,” replied Calvin flexing his muscles. Dominique just smiled.

  Each of the three were led to a padded table and requested to lie on their back.

  “Your assistants only speak Euclidian, so please respond in kind when they are speaking to you,” stated Valera. “They will start by removing moles, warts, scars, bumps, tattoos, wrinkles and anything else that is not a normal part of your skin. Your assistant will touch a spot and then use a skin mender pen to address the spot. They will ask if you want the spot addressed. Say ‘ahs’ if you do not want an area modified. You can watch the progress of the treatment on the monitors above you. Grab the monitor and pull it down towards you as needed when you are flipped over to do your other side. I would suggest that you get your tattoos removed. We can later redo them using a safer method. If you are ready they will begin,” Valera ended motioning to the assistants to start.

  Each of the assistants probed, cleared and mended the skin of their patients, returning them to their youthful form. For the most part the three enjoyed the treatment.

  “This is better than any spa treatment I have ever had,” stated Dominique. “I just wish it included a massage.”

  “You’re right about that,” stated Betty. “Ahs!” Shouted Betty. “Valera, how do you say wait in Euclidian?”

  “Ema,” responded Valera.

  “Ema!” Stated Betty to her assistant. “He pointed at my areola. He’s just going to remove the mole and not my areola or nipple right?”

  “Sah, he will only remove the mole.”

  “What about the hair around it?”

  “That’s normal so that will stay.”

  “What if I want it removed?”

  “Yea, I like that idea myself,” Dominique chimed in.

  “Permanently or just this one time?” Asked Valera.

  “Permanently,” they both said in unison laughing.

  “Just point where you would like the hair removed permanently and say, unda tepa sita,” said Valera.

  “I like that idea,” said Calvin. “Now I can finally have smooth balls and butt crack.”

  “Shut up Calvin,” yelled Dominique. “We don’t want to hear that.”

  “Oh you can have smooth breasts, but I can’t have smooth balls.”

  “Stop it you two. Valera, how do you say please and thank you?” Asked Betty.

  “You do not say those things in the Euclidian language. You tell people what you want they do it or not. If someone does a good job you just say that instead of saying thank you.”

  “That sounds a little cold.”

  “No, it is just not in our culture.”

  “Goodness, do they have to be all up in my butt crack?” Stated Dominique angrily.

  “They have to check everywhere Dominique,” replied Valera. “They are not interested in you sexually.”

  “Fine, then unda tepa sita while you are in there.”

  Calvin and Betty both laughed. Dominique smiled and shrugged.

  “Can they adjust our breasts,” asked Betty shyly.

  “They can tighten the skin around them to make them perkier. If you want to decrease or increase their size, you will have to do that on your own time,” responded Valera.

  “What about adjusting my penis size?” Asked Calvin.

  “Yes, that can be done, but once again you will have to do that on your own time. However, you should be careful how large you make it, because that will limit your interspecies options.”

  “Wow, I never thought of that. What kind of options is available to me?”

  “This is not an anatomy class or dating service. You will have to figure that out on your own. They are going to process your eyes now removing calcium deposits, floaters and any corneal abrasions. We will also adjust your eyesight so you have perfect vision for your species.”

  “What about changing our eye color?” Asked Betty.

  “On your own time,” replied Valera.

  “Of course.”

  “Next we will adjust your hearing, then your joints and check all your organs. During those tests we will remove any malevolent organisms and boost your immune system. This is what permits us to visit planets without worrying about getting sick or dying. The last thing we will do is your teeth. All fillings, crowns and dentures will be removed and your teeth will be restored to normal health. Since you won’t be able to talk we will do that last.”

  “Can you straighten or whiten our teeth too?”
Asked Calvin.

  “On your own time,” replied Valera, which Betty and Dominique echoing her response.

  “We are going to be busy on our own time,” chuckled Calvin.

  An hour later the three of them emerged from their medical treatments and stood in front of mirrors examining their refurbished bodies.

  “So how do you all feel?” Asked Valera.

  “Great!” They all responded in unison.”

  “I am glad to hear that you are happy with the procedures. You can get any of the cosmetic work you want done at any time. We do not do it here though. Use your UCD to find a zuni fabur or look for a blue light of this color by a door,” Valera said showing them the display on her UCD.

  “The assistants did an amazing job Valera,” stated Betty.

  “I totally agree,” stated Dominique.

  “Ditto,” said Calvin.

  “Okay, time for you all to go. Feel free to come back any time you are having medical issues. Remember, a brilliant smile is the perfect start to a brilliant day,” Valera ended smiling.

  Chapter 25

  Going to the Ball

  “Uan mat blani,” said a voice in Betty’s cabin.

  “Sah,” replied Betty not knowing what else to say.

  The door to Betty’s cabin opened and there stood Uan dressed for the ball.

  “Uan you look simply resplendent,” stated Betty smiling.

  “Betty you look quite ravishing yourself. This is going to be a great evening.”

  “Yes it is. Let’s go get the others.”

  Uan and Betty entered the corridor to find Calvin and Dominique nervously waiting for them.

  “Stowtan bitar everyone,” Uan greeted them.

  “Stowtan bitar Uan,” they responded.

  “You all look lovely. I’m sure you are going to have a wonderful time at the ball this evening. I’m going to take you to the ball and introduce you to the captain. After that you will be on your own. I urge you all to stay as long as possible and try to greet people. Use your UCD to connect with people. You can speak English into it and it will translate your statements into the local language of the listener and vice versa. I hope you are inspired by this opportunity to embrace your new lives as a great new adventure. When you are ready to return to the ship just say trey into your UCD and you will arrive safely back in your cabins. Now if you are ready, everyone say jestala into your UCD to arrive at the entrance to the ball.”

  They did as Uan requested and there they were at the entrance to the ball.

  “What do you think of the place?” Asked Uan.

  “This place is swank,” replied Calvin.

  “I really love it,” stated Dominique shaking with anticipation.

  “I think we’re going to have fun tonight,” said Betty. “Can we meet the captain right away so we can get to the fun part?”

  “Sure,” replied Uan. “The receiving line is over here. Just remember what I taught you and you will be fine.”

  There’s that smell of ginger again, Dominique thought to herself.

  The three waited nervously for their turn to meet Captain Shisal hoping that they wouldn’t say anything that might get them killed.

  “Look at this place. Someone put a lot of work into it to make it look like a Euclidian event. The walls and floors are covered in elaborate tapestry,” noticed Betty.

  “How are they making them sparkle the way they do?” Asked Calvin. “And look at the ceiling with that elaborate scene of space that keeps changing. What are those floating disks doing? Look it just took that guys plate and napkin. How cool is that? Floating bussers.”

  “Speaking of floating, look at those floating, luminescent chandeliers,” stated Dominique. “They are just divine. And did you check out all the people? This is like the Chalmun's Cantina on steroids. Is that the captain there with the gold collar on his coat?” Asked Dominique with a quiver in her voice.

  “Yes, that’s him,” replied Uan.

  “Wow, he is huge. I don’t think I can do this.”

  “Look at him Dominique. You see how he is smiling and greeting everyone?”


  “Well he is excited to meet everyone here at the ball and he is especially looking forward to meeting the new crewmembers from Earth. Remember he personally approved your request to join his crew.”

  “Okay, I’ll try to relax.”

  “Trust me, you will enjoy meeting him and you are going to have tremendous fun tonight.”

  When they finally reached the captain Uan greeted him first.

  “Stowtan char. It’s good to see you again captain. This looks to be a wonderful ball.”

  “Stowtan bitar Uan. I hope you are doing well.

  “Yes I am captain. I would like to introduce you to three new crewmembers from this planet.”

  “Stowtan char, sheeman Calvin.”

  “Stowtan bitar Calvin,” replied the captain.

  “Stowtan char, sheeman Betty. I’m excited to be your new crewmember.”

  “Stowtan bitar Betty,” replied the captain. “I am glad to see you are taking time to learn our language.”

  “My pleasure captain. I am hoping to be a diplomat for you some day.”

  “If you keep learning the way you have I’m sure you will do just fine.”

  “I will captain.”

  “Stowtan char, sheeman Dominique.”

  “Stowtan bitar Dominique,” replied the captain. “You are quite lovely. I’m glad you joined us tonight.”

  Dominique panicked and looked at Uan wide-eyed not knowing how to respond. Uan started to come to her rescue, but Captain Shisal waved him off. Captain Shisal raised his UCD to his head and motioned for Dominique to do the same. Dominique did so and the captain spoke to her again.

  “You are quite lovely. I’m glad you joined us tonight,” Captain Shisal repeated into his UCD. This time Dominique heard it in English from her UCD.

  “I am honored to be here captain,” Dominique said smiling and wiping away her tears. “I really love your outfit. Maybe we could dance later.”

  Captain Shisal let out a hearty laugh. “Why wait.” He took her hand led her to a nearby dance floor and waltzed around with her for a few moments. A crowd gathered around them, but Dominique could only see the captain and for now she was the bell of the ball. The captain soon ended the dance and bowed to Dominique before returning to the receiving line.

  “Dominique! What did you say to him to get a dance you lucky thing you?” Asked Betty gushing.

  “I just said we should dance later and he dragged me out here. I have no idea why I said that. It just sort of blurted out.”

  “Well it seems like you said the right thing. I don’t think he’s going to be killing you anytime soon. I guess you feel like an idiot now for being so nervous.”

  “I’m just glad we are finished with the introductions. Let’s get some drinks and have some fun. I’m going to do a lot of dancing tonight.”

  “It looks like you three are going to be just fine at the ball,” stated Uan joining the group.

  “So what should we do first?” Asked Calvin excitedly. “After all the tension of the indoctrination I am ready to have some fun.”

  “How about some drinks?” Asked Betty. “I want to try that Tammarian grog I keep hearing about.”

  “Make that two,” stated Calvin.

  “Make it three,” chimed in Dominique. “I can’t wait to try my UCD again with the bartender.”

  “Why not make it four. I quite enjoy them myself,” stated Uan.

  The four walked up to the nearest bar and used their UCD to order three Tammarian grogs.

  “I can’t believe it worked that easily,” stated Calvin. “Cheers everyone. To our new adventure.”

  “To our new adventure,” repeated Betty, Dominique and Uan. They all clinked glassed and took a sip.

  “Wow, now that’s a drink,” stated Calvin.

  “No kidding,” agreed Dominique.

“Is it okay if I take Betty away from you two and show her around?” Asked Uan.

  “Of course,” responded Calvin.

  “Yes, we’ll be fine,” added Dominique.

  With that Uan and Betty disappeared into the crowd while Calvin and Dominique decided to look for food.


  “Cobalt and Li Xiao arrived at the ball in matching outfits that drew the attention of the crowd. Everyone wanted to know who the masked woman was, except of course for Uan. He had a good idea and he was not happy to see her again.

  “Betty, excuse me for a moment, I need to say hello to an old friend,” said Uan walking towards Li Xiao.

  “Stowtan bitar,” Uan greeted Li Xiao angrily.

  “Stowtan bitar. So good to see you again,” Li Xiao replied happily in perfect Euclidian.

  “I wish I could say the same. At least you had the character to not pretend you don’t recognize me. I’m surprised that you speak Euclidian.”

  “I’m a crewmember on the Andrea. I’m expected to speak Euclidian.”

  “Cobalt, this traitor interrupted me when I was attempting to kill an escapee for the captain. She could have jeopardized the entire mission.”

  “He is not my handler,” Li Xiao broke in continuing in Euclidian. “If you have a problem with me, then talk to me!”

  “Maybe I should talk to the captain. I’m sure he would love to hear your story.”

  “Uan what is this I hear,” said Captain Shisal walking up. “From what I can tell the mission has been a success.”

  “Stowtan char. I am Li Xiao a new crewmember. Forgive the disturbance my captain,” Li Xiao interjected. “It’s a personal matter that we can handle in the arena.”

  “Stowtan bitar Li Xiao. You have made quite a brave challenge. An Earthling challenging an Ossie in the arena. That should draw quite a crowd.”

  “I will make quick work of this feeble Earthling,” boasted Uan.

  “I agree that I am hardly a match for someone with your powers,” stated Li Xiao. “So we should make it more of a fair fight. You can’t use your cloaking ability and you must take a shot of beer before the fight.”

  Uan smirked, “You’ve been tracking me haven’t you?”


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