The Euclidian: Unforeseen Alliance

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The Euclidian: Unforeseen Alliance Page 22

by Jay Cannon

  “Is that a yes or no?” Insisted Li Xiao.

  “It’s a yes and when you lose you must leave the ship.”

  “You go too far Uan!” Cobalt protested. “She has a right to be on the ship.”

  “She should be killed for her behavior, so banishment is letting her off lightly.”

  “You will beat her and then throw her off? I don’t see that as letting her off lightly,” responded Cobalt.

  “Quiet you two!” The captain ordered. “Li Xiao made the challenge it is up to her to accept or reject the conditions.”

  “I accept the conditions,” stated Li Xiao. “And if I win you stop your attacks against Pico and Morgan and I get to have your pulse rifle.”

  Uan looked at the captain for his approval to accept and Captain Shisal nodded. “I accept your offer, but there is little risk from my side. It will be good to see you off our ship.”

  “Then it is settled,” stated Captain Shisal. “We’ll setup an arena here a few days after the ball. Until then I don’t want to hear any more acrimony at my ball. Is that understood?”

  “Sah char,” they both responded.

  “Cobalt, thanks for bringing me to the ball,” stated Xiao. “I apologize for the disruption, but I needed to do something to protect the Earthlings. I’m certain I can defeat him. Plus I wanted to meet the captain.”

  “I was happy to bring you to the ball,” replied Cobalt. “But I don’t understand why you would risk your position on the ship to help strangers. What are you doing with your device?”

  “I’m placing a waypoint on the captain.”

  “Have you lost your mind?”

  “I want to be able to find him to make a deal for my family.”

  “Why do you think he would agree to a deal for your family?”

  “I believe I could find him something valuable enough that he would free my family in exchange for it.”

  “You are taking a big risk Xiao. The captain is not one to be bargained with. As a crewmember he may feel if you find something it belongs to him anyway.”

  “Then I have to make sure that it is so unusual that he is willing to make an exception.”

  “Well, if anyone can do it you can.”

  “Thanks for your confidence in me. This will mean that I have to spend some time on Earth.”

  “Do what you need to Xiao, just stay safe.”

  “I will darling,” said Xiao.


  “Uan, who was that earthling woman you were speaking to,” asked Betty. “And what were you to talking about. You looked angry.”

  “That is the woman that saved that alien I came here to kill. She must have used technology from this ship to beam him and his friends out.”

  “So what were you discussing?”

  “She challenged me to a fight in the arena to save her friends. I accepted and when I win she will be thrown off the ship.”

  “Why would you do that?”

  “Because she betrayed our trust and does not deserve to be part of the crew.”

  “That sounds cruel even for you.”

  “It is the right thing to do. Instead of discussing that interloper we should be enjoying the ball. Can I get you another Tammarian grog?”

  “You’re right. I want to try something different. Just surprise me.”

  “I would love to.”


  Xiao decided that she would recover the twelve zodiac statues that were originally created for the Chinese fountain at Haiyantang in the Yuanming Yuan Garden. Four of the statues were located at China’s Poly Art Museum and one at the Capital Museum in Beijing, which she easily retrieved. Two were being held in a Christie’s warehouse, which Xiao also retrieved. The whereabouts of the other five were unknown. Xiao searched several museums and known collector’s houses to no avail. She finally gave up storing the seven she had found in her apartment before returning to the Andrea.


  Goron had Pura beamed to the Andrea and got her a temporary room to use to prepare for the ball. Pura was given an intricately woven dress that felt as light as a feather. It had a blue and red pattern that sparkled as she held it. At first glance she felt it would be too big for her. But when she put in on it seemed to caress her body. It held in her tummy, lifted her breasts and hugged her buttocks ever so firmly. A personal assistant was assigned to assist Pura.

  “Stowtan bitar Pura I am Inxa your assistant. I help you ready for ball. My English not so good.”

  “Hello Inxa. Thanks for agreeing to help me.”

  “You must greet people with stowtan bitar.”

  “Oh, forgive me. Stowtan bitar Inxa.”

  “Good. Sit here,” requested Inxa placing her in front of what looked to be a mirror. “I change face you tell me when you like.”

  Inxa pressed some buttons on the mirror. Pura looked into the mirror and noticed her face was shaded as with makeup, her cheeks were rosy and she was wearing pink lipstick.

  “Is this my face?” Pura asked. “Or is this some sort of odd reflection?”

  “This your face.”

  “More pink,” said Pura pointing at her cheeks. Inxa responded by making her cheeks less and less pink until Pura asked her to stop.

  “Now smooth out,” Pura said making a rubbing motion over her face. Inxa responded by blending the pink more into her natural skin.

  “Perfect!” Pura said smiling.

  “More red,” Pura said pointing at her lips. “Stop, now darker. There that’s it.”

  “Now we do hair,” Inxa stated. “Look at self.” Pura watched her image as different hair styles came up.

  “That’s it,” said Pura when she saw a circled hair design that looked elegant and futuristic at the same time.

  “Maybe highlights?” Inxa asked.

  “Sure,” replied Pura.

  “Oh my goodness,” Pura said shocked to see her hair sparkling.

  “You no like?”

  “I like very much. When you said highlights I didn’t think you meant this.”

  “No understand, but long as you happy. We done now.”

  A knock at the door signaled that Goron had arrived and it was time to go to the ball. Pura opened the door not knowing what to expect. There was Goron smiling with his shiny green teeth. He was still an alien, but somehow she was comfortable in his presence. He was wearing a tight fitting, long-sleeved shirt that glittered in the light from the hallway. It looked to be made of silk and was soft to the touch. The sleeves clung to his muscular arm and flared at the wrists to reveal what appeared to be a bracelet made from diamonds. However, the large links couldn’t possibly be made from diamonds could they? She thought.

  Goron’s pants were made of the same material as his shirt, but slightly darker. They were snug around the waist and loose on his legs flaring at the bottom around his shiny maroon shoes.

  “Stowtan bitar Goron,” greeted Pura.

  “Stowtan bitar Pura,” Goron responded nodding in approval at her Euclidian greeting.

  “Stowtan bitar Pura. You look stunning,” Stated Dexin. “I hope you don’t mind me joining you to act as translator.”

  “Thank you for the compliment,” replied Pura. “I don’t mind you being here at all.”

  “Goron wishes to give you this flower from our planet in tribute to your great beauty. Inxa can affix it to your hair.”

  Goron handed the flower to Pura and Inxa attached it to her hair.

  “I would be honored if you would join me at our ball,” Goron stated in slow English holding out his arm.

  “I would be delighted too,” Pura said gleefully.

  Pura took out Goron’s outstretched arm and headed into the corridor. Somehow she felt like beauty and the beast. Though Goron had a handsomeness to him, he certainly wasn’t the typical human. His hand felt a little cool to the touch, and strong as if she was holding a piece of stone. His skin was smooth and firm, not soft like human skin. She also detected the scent of ginger which could have been his

  Pura walked into the ballroom and was mesmerized by all the aliens she saw. Most of them were Euclidian, but some of them were from other planets. Somehow it seemed normal and yet again other worldly. She was even surprised to see other humans there, but had yet to meet them. There was also a stronger scent of ginger in the air. I wonder if that is natural for the Euclidian Pura thought.

  A female Euclidian approached Goron smiling. “Stowtan bitar brother.”

  “Stowtan bitar sister,” replied Goron hugging her. “This is my new found Earthling friend Pura,” stated Goron pointing to Pura.

  “Stowtan bitar Pura. Sheeman Vagina,” said Vagina holding out her arm.

  “She said her name is Vagina and she is holding out her right arm for you to take,” Stated Dexin.

  Pura grabbed her arm with her right hand and covered her smile. “What did you say her name was?” Pura asked looking at Dexin.

  “Vagina,” replied Dexin who smiled understanding the question. He explained Pura’s reaction to Vagina who laughed.

  “Maybe we could call you Gina while we are on Earth at least,” suggested Pura.

  Dexin explained to Vagina and they both nodded.

  “I think you just made a new friend,” Goron stated to his sister placing his arm on her shoulder. They all laughed.

  At the end of evening Goron took Pura back to her room aboard the Andrea with Dexin nearby.

  “Pura, Goron says he would still like to spend the evening with you, but you are under no obligation to do so,” stated Dexin.

  “Tell him I had a great evening and I don’t want it to end now. I’ll take a shower and meet him my bedroom. Do you think I could get a robe.”

  “There should be one in the bathroom hanging on the wall. Goron states that he will see you back here in fifteen minutes. The computer will announce him and just say sah to have the door opened for him.”

  “Sah, okay. I’m learning Euclidian.”

  Pura took her shower, put on her robe and sat on the bed waiting for Goron to show up.

  “Mat blani Goron,” the computer announced.

  “Sah,” replied Pura.

  Goron entered and kneeled before her. Pura took a deep breath and pulled him into the bed next to her. Pura found Goron passionate and patient. I don’t know what I was afraid of. This is just wonderful. Pura thought.

  The next morning Goron was still holding Pura. I hope he enjoyed the evening as much as I did. Pura thought.

  Goron stirred and looked down at Pura in his arms. “Please stay,” is all he said.

  “Sah,” Pura said smiling up at him. Goron smiled and kissed her on the forehead sighing heavily. Pura climbed on top of Goron and decided to greet the morning with him.

  Chapter 26

  Chaell Learns to Chill

  With the planet’s military dismantled, most of its population held captive aboard the Andrea and the ball over, Captain Shisal decided to take some leave to relax and see what he could pick out for himself.


  “Aye captain.”

  “I’m going to take a couple of days off to pick out some personal items and then spend some time at the island across from the camp to relax.”

  “Aye, aye captain.”

  “I love warm sunny beaches. It will be interesting to experience them on this planet.”

  “Be sure to take some guards with you.”

  “I’ll take a couple with me. Phoebe will be there as well. In addition we have the patrols there as if they’ll be needed. You have the bridge XO!”

  “I have the bridge captain.”

  Phoebe was waiting outside the bridge door for Captain Shisal. She was his bodyguard. A woman trained for combat during the war with the Alphas on the planet Delta. The captain did not leave the ship without her. They headed down the corridor to the transport room.

  “So captain, are you ready to go ashore?”

  “Indeed I am. My bag is already packed. I’ll beam it down once after we arrive at the resort I have staked out for us. First I want to check out a few of their museums and zoos. I hear they have some fabulous items down there.”

  “Captain you can always use a remote monitor to view them. There’s no reason to visit each place in person. I’m just worried about your safety.”

  “You can stop calling me captain for a while Phoebe. We are friends you know. As for my safety, we’ve got the planet on lockdown.”

  “It’s not the planet’s population I’m worried about. It is your last mission right? Someone may be looking to relieve you of your command a little early.”

  “Now I think you are being a worry wart. I have seen no indication that anyone wants to take over the ship. Plus we have all the upgraded security precautions in place. As soon as there is a hint of danger our UCDs would pick it up and beam us back to the ship.”

  “So the fact that the other three ship’s captains that were involved in the destruction of the Alpha home planet are now dead doesn’t bother you either?”

  “I didn’t know you knew about that. There are no Alphas on our ship in any position of power. Even then, none of them will be on the planet while we are there, so I feel pretty safe.”

  “Okay, you’re the captain.”

  “For the next two days I’m just Chaell.”

  “You know on this planet Chaell means to take it easy.”

  “Great! Then we should both just Chaell. That’s an order Phoebe!”

  “Aye captain.”

  “Transport officer, drop us off at the Tower of London. I want to get a close look at the jewels they have on display there. Of course they won’t be on display there much longer. I have a friend in mind who has a birthday coming up,” said Chaell winking at Phoebe who just turned her head.

  Though they were friends Phoebe tried to remain emotionally detached knowing that he was looking for a romantic relationship. She was only focused on going back to her planet and joining the resistance against the Alpha occupation.

  “Aye captain,” responded the transport officer. “On your mark captain.”


  Instantly the two were transported to the Jewel House at the Tower of London. The security team in place at the Tower of London was briefed about the captain’s arrival. One of the guards escorted them to the most remarkable set of jewels.

  “Will you look at the size of that jewel Phoebe? I bet that crown would fit your head just fine,” smiled Chaell.

  “I’m not interested in jewels and crowns Chaell. You want to excite me get me some weapons.”

  “I’d love to Phoebe, but there is nothing on this planet that I would consider a weapon worth using to go into battle. Their nuclear weapons are the most powerful thing they have, but they leave so much pollution in their wake that you would be insane to use them unless you just wanted to make a planet unlivable. That’s why we got rid of them right away. You have to wonder what these people were thinking. They ought to pay us for saving them from a fate worse than death.”

  “I’m thinking the ones on the ship aren’t thinking that.”

  “Oh they’ll be fine. They’re used to the whole slavery thing. Enough of that talk Phoebe, tell me what you like here.”

  “If I pick something out will you stop harassing me about a gift for the rest of the trip?”

  “Sure Phoebe. Come on, whisper in my ear.”

  “I like the ring with the giant red stone.”

  “So be it.”

  With that Chaell reached over, lifted the ring from the open case and handed it to her. Phoebe slipped the ring onto one of her large fingers.

  “Fits like it was made for me.”

  “It might as well have been. It’s yours now.”

  Chaell sent a couple of other pieces to his quarters and the rest were marked for storage with the rest of the items being taken from the planet for resale. Chaell visited the Louvre, Smithsonian, The Forbidden City and several other museums before heading to the London Zoo to get a look at t
he animals.

  “Look at that gorgeous creature. That long neck and long legs. It moves so gracefully. I’ve got to have one of those.”

  “You might want to get two. Just in case you want to expand the herd or something.”

  “I get it. I know how the whole procreation thing works. Even though I haven’t engaged in it for a while.”

  “Wow, look at those animals over there,” said Phoebe pointing at some elephants and walking away.

  Chaell sighed watching her walk away. “Praetor,” Chaell said to the guard assisting him.

  “Yes captain,” he responded.

  “Place two of the animals in my private storage. Make sure that they are different genders.”

  “Aye, aye captain.”

  “No, make it four. Better yet, just take them all,” said Chaell frustrated with the whole ordeal. He then walked over to catch up with Phoebe.

  “So you like those animals?”

  “Yes, they are so powerful and gentle at the same time. They lumber around so slowly, but at any moment they could grab you up and snap you in two.”

  “I’ll add them to my collection for you.”

  “Chaell if you take them you need to do it for you. Realistically, I will probably never get to see them again once we’ve left this planet.”

  “That’s fine. I’ll use them to remind me of you.” Chaell instructed the guard to store those animals as well before turning back to Phoebe. “I’ve had enough of this animal collecting,” stated Chaell. “Are you ready to relax Phoebe? I picked out a nice beach on an island near our camp where we can relax.”

  “You know how I love to swim. Where is this place?”

  “It’s on an island called Sunset Key across the bay from our camp. I was assured that it is deserted so we should be safe from any of the indigenous population.”

  “So what are you waiting for?”

  “Guards, have the ship take us to the bay on Sunset Key.”

  “Aye, aye captain,” replied one of the guards.

  Chaell, Phoebe and the two guards arrived on a pristine beach at a vacant resort.

  “What do you think?” Asked Chaell.

  “I love it,” replied Phoebe.

  “So let’s dive in.”

  Chaell stripped off his clothes, dropped them on the beach and leapt into the water. Phoebe watched him, admiring his muscular body as he dove into the water. I can’t believe that a man with such huge responsibilities can just turn it off and enjoy himself like that. All I can do is think about those damn Alphas on my home planet and how to get rid of them.


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