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The Voodoo Children: An Urban Fantasy Witch Novel (Retail Witches Series Book 2)

Page 7

by Les Goodrich

“Yeah. It even runs sometimes. I need to get it tuned up though and drive it some before summer. I use it to go to the beach.” Jordan finished with the boot and set it beside the sink. She walked to put on other shoes. Casey moved into the loft and looked around with wide eyes.

  “Your place is amazing.”


  “So do you always wash hiking boots in the kitchen sink?” Brit asked.

  Jordan sat on her bed and laced up her combat boots. “No. Freaking Nettle ambushed me with a pan of mud at the door just now.”

  “Nettle the graveyard hob you told me about?” Casey asked from one of the book case walls.

  “The same,” Jordan came out from her bed corner.

  “I wanna see him.”

  “Someday you’ll see him stuffed above the fireplace. You guys wanna come help me on the roof before it gets dark?”

  “Yeah,” Casey said, barely containing her excitement.

  Jordan smiled and picked up her caddy by the door. She motioned her head toward the hearth. “Grab the broom then.”

  Casey beamed and moved across the room. She looked at the statues on Jordan’s mantle. She was hypnotized by the Morrighan figure. It seemed to undulate as she looked at it and she felt adrenalin course through her. Brit and Jordan were at the door.

  “Come on you,” Jordan said and Casey snapped out of it, grabbed the ash stave of the birch twig broom, and dashed to follow the other girls.

  Jordan ascended the spiral stairs at the end of the balcony with Brit then Casey behind her. “Where’s Mims?” she asked as they emerged on the high rooftop.

  “Wow,” Casey gushed and she paused to turn and view the setting Sun, then caught up with the others at the table in the circle. “Oh man you can see the river from here too.” She walked toward the east end.

  “And the bridge arms when they open,” Jordan said arranging items on the round table.

  “What’s the schrol for?” Brit asked.

  “You know what,” Jordan said.

  “Expecting a demon?”

  Jordan looked to see where Casey was. “We’re not taking any chances.” She looked the other way to gauge the setting Sun. “Dark in about ten minutes. Mims should be here.”

  “I’ll text her,” Brit said pulling her phone out and walking away.

  “Not in the circle,” Jordan said.

  “I know, I know.”

  Jordan went to the side where Casey was. “You get to do the broom tonight.”

  “What do I do with it?”

  “You sweep the circle.”

  “Sweep it?”

  “The circle is a sacred space. It’s a psychic temple that a witch works in. Inside it we perform rituals like giving thanks for deities, or performing heavy magick.”

  “What’s heavy magick?”

  “Heavy magick is when you cast a spell for longterm needed change. A heavy magick spell takes much more energy, time, and concentration than a street spell. The witch has to open themselves to the energy of the Universe. When your psyche is opened like that, you become vulnerable to negative influence. That’s what the circle is for; to protect your mind when you open it to do heavy magick.

  “The other thing the circle does is concentrate the spells. You have to build the energy up slowly, and the circle keeps it contained. When the time is right, you release the spell. Release the energy of it. Set it free so it can go into the world and manifest. Make sense?”

  “Yeah. So you sweep it to get ready?”

  “Yes. You sweep it to remove any grain or crumb of negative energy. Imagine if some girl beats up her boyfriend in a terrible argument over another girl. As she hits him in anger, she stirs lint from his old clothes. A single piece of that lint swirls around and drifts across town and lands on this roof. We don’t want even that single spec of negativity within the circle. The broom is magickal. It gets rid of all that.”

  “And once the circle is clean, we do magick?”

  “You’ll see. Being in the circle is amazing. Think of it like a physical, lucid, walking meditation. The consciousness of the cosmos joins with our own. Anything is possible.”

  Jordan explained to Casey why the table was positioned just to the north of center, so the witch could stand in the center of the circle while at the table. She showed her the representations of each element at the circle edge: a stone at the north for Earth, wind chimes to the east for air, fire pit at the south, and water in the bird bath to the west.

  She explained that each item on the table mirrored those elements and their positions. Incense for air on the right, crystals at the top, cauldron of water on the left, and candles at the closest edge for fire.

  “So the table is the smaller version of the circle. As above so below. To remind us that our consciousness is a mirror of Universal intelligence. Within this circle, the two connect.”

  “Can I sweep now? How do I do it?”

  “Normally yes, but Mims should be hearing all of this too. Where the hell is Mims?” Jordan asked as Brit walked back up.

  “She’s almost here.”

  Jordan lit the fire in the little fire pit, and the candles on the altar. She instructed Casey on what to say as she swept. She told her to go from the inside out, and deasil.

  “Jee-sil?” Casey asked.

  “Yes but we spell it d-e-a-s-i-l. Some wiccans spell it d-e-O-s-i-l, but the old Scottish term where the word comes from is spelled with an a. We all say jee-sil. It just means clockwise. Counterclockwise is widdershins.”

  “Why don’t we just say clockwise and counterclockwise?”

  “Because clocks are for time and the circle is beyond time.”

  “And because deasil and widdershins sounds more witchy,” Brit added.

  “Exactly. Good enough?”

  “Good enough,” Casey said.

  Brit’s phone chirped and Jordan shot her a look. “Mims is here,” Brit said.

  “Tell her to come up,” Jordan said. Brit replied to Mims, turned the phone volume off, and walked to put her phone on the ground outside the circle. Casey saw her and did the same.

  “Ready?” Jordan asked Casey.

  “Ready,” Casey said and she swung the broom and felt its weight and balance.

  Mims came up the stairs. “Sorry I’m late.”

  “It’s okay,” Jordan said with a smile and she nodded to Brit and squashed Brit’s reaction to be critical of Mims’s tardiness. “Really and truly it is. There are a thousand reasons for us to be happy right here, right now. A minute late is no crime, especially in the pagan world. Right?”

  “Right,” Brit said. “No negativity in the circle.”

  “Right,” Jordan said. “So you know the basics of this Mims?”

  “I think so. The circle is a living energy space we make to focus energy and protect the open mind.”

  Jordan and Brit smiled and Casey and Mims said hello and shook hands. “Exactly right,” Jordan said. “Now Casey will clear the space for us.”

  Casey began to sweep the circle. “Sweep the circle with the broom. Cast away the dust and gloom. Make the circle clean and bright for witches, magick, love, and light.” She continued deasil around the circle sweeping a leaf or two and chanting the while. “Sweep the circle with the broom. Cast away the dust and gloom. Make the circle clean and bright. Witches, magick, love, and light.”

  Luna cried a squeaky little meow at the stairs. “Come on,” Jordan said and the cat ran across the roof into the circle and chased at the broom as Casey swept. “Stop it,” Jordan said and she scooted at Luna with her foot. Casey finished.

  “Very well done,” Jordan said. She lifted her wand and breathed deeply. “Do you girls have wands yet?”

  “Not yet,” Casey said.

  “No,” Mims said.

  “That’s fine. You don’t need them. Brit?”

  Brit lifted a plum wood wand. “Check that out,” she said.

  “Oh man,” Jordan said and she jumped to Brit and looked at the wand wh
ere Brit held it up and turned it in the failing light. It was a glossy deep redwood color and the handle was ribbed and painted black. Encircling the hilt and just above the turned handle were set five, square, flat, blue-green, amazonite crystals. “That’s gorgeous. Where’d you get it?”

  “Carol gave it to me.” Brit proudly said and she handed the wand to Jordan who took it carefully. As she did she felt a rush of restlessness and the sudden urge to pack up her Jeep and drive across the country in search of pure adventure. “Holy crap,” she said and she looked up to Brit.

  “I know, right?” Brit laughed and took the wand back. “I call it the adventure wand. I’ll give you back your old mangrove wand. It’s at my place.”

  “I don’t need that back. You can have it. Give it to someone who needs it someday, juts like I gave it to you.”

  “Thank you Jordy.”

  “Have you used this one yet?” Jordan asked and she admired the gems around the hilt.

  “I tried to light the incense at the store with it the other day.”

  “Did it work?”

  “I lit a palm frond on fire.”

  Jordan laughed. “Okay then. Don’t point that thing at me until you get used to it.”

  “I won’t.”

  “Okay. Let’s do this,” Jordan said and the others watched as she elegantly cast the circle with her wand and the invocation, then with the twig asperger and water, then with the incense. She finished, saying, “Round and round, the power is bound. This circle tonight in otherworld light. No evil may enter and no destructive energy may be projected from here. Only balance, love, and joy may enter, and only balance, love and joy may be projected from here for the benefit of all.”

  When she was done she returned to the altar and the energy of the circle was overwhelming. The air was electric and Luna purred and patrolled the perimeter.

  “Brit,” Jordan cued and Brit took her wand and raised it and both arms in an open pose to the sky.

  “This circle is cast. With air, by wand and thought. With Earth and water by body and emotion. And by fire with passion and enthusiasm. May these elements be thanked as they guard and protect our circle, and carry forth our magick to manifest in love and light. May God and Goddess rejoice with us within this circle tonight. May they protect us, and bless our sacred space for the love and benefit of all. May Lord, Lady, and Great Spirit reveal their presence and our connection to the All. Blessed be.”

  The air in the circle pulsed and the stars grew brighter. Clouds overhead parted and the first quarter Moon poured pale light upon the rooftop. With that Brit and Jordan relaxed.

  Casey and Mims stood in awe. Both girls were moved beyond anything they could have imagined. The pure power of the Universe coursed through their experience and the entire circle resonated with a single beautiful note and that note was the song of all things and it was within them and it was them and it was every plant and it was every planet and it was every star and between those things was neither separation nor distance and the absolute truth of it laid bare. This was no hallucination. It was the way all things had always been and the way all things would be forever.

  Casey and Mims were overwhelmed by the feeling and they instantly knew that if every person in the world could feel such undeniable living oneness, that there would be no hate, no violence, and no war. They looked to each other and exchanged thoughts of understanding. Brit and Jordan felt it too, as they had many times. And Mims was never late for any witchraft function or event ever again.

  At the altar Jordan lit a charcoal disc and set it upon the rice ash tray and covered it with sticky crumbs of dragonsblood resin and the sweet magickal smoke curled and twisted and writhed within the circle and the ghostly threads climbed to the top of the energy cone and rose into space. She moved closer to Casey and Mims and Brit came up as well and the four witches held hands. Luna patrolled nonstop just inside the circle.

  Jordan cast a spell to protect the children being affected by the robberies and she asked the others to picture any and all children in the world as happy and healthy and loved. She gathered the wishes for balance and light and released them with her intention that any children involved with this situation be blessed and helped and cared for.

  Brit cast a spell for the right action and guidance of Mims and Casey and all young witches in all directions.

  They said blessings for Carol and Tanner and all of their family and friends. Then Jordan said blessings for all witches, Light Tribe, Ashenguild, and Shadowclan, and asked that they all find the love and peace they desire and deserve.

  The girls danced and chanted old witchcraft chants that Brit taught them. In the end, they sat near the center and Jordan spoke.

  “Brittany and I will help you, but we might need help sometimes too. Witchcraft is a path of nature and balance and it’s the energy and magick of the Universe. You’ll only get out of it, what you pour into it. If it’s for you, then you’ll know it. It won’t be a struggle. It’ll be a joy. But like all things, it is energy. You get what you expect. What you give your attention to, expands. Be mindful of your thoughts.”

  “Thank you Jordan,” Brit said. Casey and Mims said the same and Luna the cat stopped at the southern edge of the circle by the fire pit and hissed. Jordan jumped up and Brit with her. They moved to the south edge and saw, on the edge of the parapet wall, a grimy, snarling Lutin in its goblin aspect. It’s greasy hair was tied back under a black bandana and its face was racoon-like but hideous. It paced the wall but never looked away from the circle.

  “Can it see us?” Brit asked.

  “Oh my God!” Casey shrieked.

  “Shush!” Jordan snapped and Casey put her hand over her mouth.

  “Can it see us in here?” Brit asked again.

  “I don’t think so,” Jordan said and she stepped to one side. She jumped in the air but the Lutin only paced and looked bleakly in their direction. She clapped and the Lutin jerked its head toward her. “No I don’t think it can see through the circle, but it can hear us.”

  “That thing isn’t here by accident,” Brit said.

  “No,” Jordan agreed. “We’d have to open the circle for me to try to blast it.”

  “What is that?” Mims asked.

  “It’s a Lutin,” Brit said.

  “Are you sure?” Mims asked.

  “Oh, we’re sure,” Brit said and she looked at Jordan.

  “What does it want?” Casey asked.

  “How long has it been here?” Brit asked Jordan directly.

  Jordan moved down to Luna, reached out for her, and the cat lurched and hissed, jumpy from watching the vile pacing Lutin. “Shhhh, it’s okay. It’s okay. Come here.”

  The cat turned and moved slowly to Jordan who sat and cradled the cat’s head in her hands. She looked deeply into the cat’s eyes. The two connected and Jordan saw Brit consecrating the cast circle. She stood back up and Luna resumed her hissing patrol at the south edge.

  “Since the beginning.” Jordan was furious. She gripped her wand and stood at the south edge with Luna.

  “What about the schrol? What about Luna?” Brit asked.

  “The schrol worked. It kept that thing out of he circle and it kept it from seeing in. We should have paid more attention to Luna. It might have been invisible until just now. I don’t know. Open the circle.”

  Brit stood at the east side of the circle, steadied her wand arm, then made a slicing motion through the circle wall. Blue light rippled in lace ribbons and the cold air of the world rushed in.

  “Hinder-Ice!” shouted Jordan and dashed her wand. The startled Lutin shifted into a white cat and jumped into the top of a palm tree at the roof edge. Ice formed on the parapet wall where the creature had been and began to melt. Brit ran to the wall and looked over.

  “I knew I’d never hit it!” Jordan snarled.

  “Is that thing bad?” Casey asked.

  “Generally,” Jordan said. “It’s bad that now it knows you and Mims are training to be
new Light Tribe witches,” Jordan said. “And it knows that we’re concerned about the kids being hexed. I’m not gonna sit still for someone sending that little bastard to spy on me at my own house.”

  The others moved to where Brit was and looked over the wall but the white cat was nowhere to be seen.

  “So who sent it?” Brit asked.

  “I have a pretty good idea,” Jordan said.

  Chapter 8

  First Blood

  Jordan was up early and it took a few tries, but she started her Jeep. She went back upstairs while it warmed up. She packed her things for the day and, as always, tucked her blackthorn wand into the deep outside pocket of her backpack. She drove through the cold air with the Jeep heater on and the soft top and windows flapping. The heater smelled like burning lint and did little to warm the cab, so she shut it off. She turned onto Cuna Street and parked in front of The Poison Apple. She stormed across the sidewalk with her backpack strap over one shoulder, stopped at the store steps, took a few deep breaths to relax, then put the second strap over her other shoulder and calmly walked up to the door.

  At the end of the store porch she saw a white cat crouched on the floor facing her.

  “You better get!” she said and she stomped toward the cat, sending it scurrying between the porch rails and around the back of the building. Jordan turned and opened the door.

  Inside The Poison Apple was splendidly dark and wicked. Black candles burned in alcoves and the walls were hung with skulls, dim paintings of gothic castles and temples, and macabre items of every sort. Racks of ceremonial clothing shared floor space with tables of glowing bottled potions, hex books, countless feathers, bones, and dark crystals. The haunting sounds of a Gregorian chant echoed from somewhere deep in the store and the source seemed to change locations as Jordan moved among the displays and the vocal music was distant and forlorn.

  Jordan turned to see Darkspell holding hands and staring at her from the far end of a bookshelf row. Jordan opened her mouth to speak, but the two girls turned in silence and vanished into the depths of the store.

  “Well, come in,” a cold but familiar voice said and Jordan moved to the southwest corner where Datura stood behind the low counter at the register. She leaned forward, her hands pressed on the counter, her manicured black nails clicking on the black varnished wood. As Jordan approached Datura stood up straight and placed her hands on her hips. Her high white collar peaked at her ears and folded in sharp points down to her shoulders. Her black fitted suit coat buttoned at the low waist of her tight silk slacks. Her white shirt opened and the plunging neckline dove down in a V to reveal a narrow center strip of her bare chest and flat stomach where a long silver chain held a silver pentacle.


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