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Warrior Innocent

Page 8

by Wendy Knight


  She turned at her mother's voice. "Mom!" Running across the pavement, she threw herself into her parents’ arms. Their real arms. She could feel them, could touch them, could hear their breathing.

  They were alive.

  She sobbed, clinging to her mom and dad like a little girl—a scared and broken little girl.

  Lil Bit said Scout was the mighty warrior. She wouldn't think so right now.

  Her mom pulled Scout back, holding her at arms’ length. "Look at you. Look at what you've become."

  They both beamed at her. Scout smoothed her hair self-consciously. "I don't have a lot of time for hair and makeup anymore."

  Her mom laughed gently. "That's not what I meant. Look at you. You're so strong. So brave. I'm so proud of you, Scout." Her dad smoothed her hair back, and then they were crying too, all three holding so tight the broken pieces of their hearts were pushed back together.

  "Lil Bit needs you. So much," Scout said, pulling away. "But I can't take you to her yet—"

  Behind them, Ashra whinnied. “There's no need. Lil Bit has come to you.”

  Scout turned, squinting through the darkness. It was true. Lil Bit and her tiny white unicorn flew through the clouds and sank through the sky, landing quietly next to them. Eiene didn't crack the ground when she landed. She barely touched the earth at all.

  "Mama!" Lil Bit screamed and leaped from her unicorn, racing across the dead grass. She threw herself into her parents' arms and cried, just as Scout had done before. Her parents cried with her. Their mom reached for Scout, pulling her into their embrace.

  There were words, garbled and mixed with sobs and cries, reassuring and comforting and all the things expected from a reunited family. And then the little girl Lil Bit stepped back, and wise Lil Bit took over. "We need to get them somewhere safe."

  Scout nodded. "We have a plan."

  Ashra snorted. “We?”

  Sighing, Scout said, "Ashra had an idea, which I agreed to, making it our plan."

  Lil Bit smiled. "Good. Let's get going." She took her mother's hand in her small one, and her father's in the other. Scout smiled. Lil Bit's heart was healed. There would be no more tears at night for her.

  “She healed you, and you've healed her. Good job, princess.”

  Scout smiled and patted Ashra on the neck. "Thanks to you."

  Ashra nickered quietly.

  “Parents, little sister, we have to go.” Scout swung up and held a hand down for her mother. Laila grabbed it and with a little help from Ashra, made it up and settled behind Scout. She slid her arms around Scout's waist. "My fierce warrior." Scout could hear the smile in her voice.

  Something twisted and broke in Scout's soul. Something that had always had an unrelenting hold on Scout's heart—bitterness and anger with talons imbedded down deep where Scout had never been able to shake it. But in that moment, with her mother's words, that bitterness and anger snapped and faded.

  They love me. They love me just like they love Lil Bit.

  Tears soaked Scout's cheeks, dripped off her jaw, and landed against her soft, black shirt. She kept repeating it in awe, over and over. They love me, too.

  Ashra took off, Lil Bit and their dad right behind them. Laila squealed and clamped on to Scout tighter, every so often screeching in terror as they climbed higher and higher into the sky. When Ashra's lightning strike split the air, Laila screamed outright. And if Scout wasn't mistaken, so did their dad. Lil Bit's giggles confirmed it.


  They came out over Washington. The dome still kept them out, but far below them, Scout could see Ari's red-and-black hair as she jogged down the unpaved roads toward the forest and walked right through the dome. Seconds later, just as Ashra was touching down, a doorway shimmered to life and Charity and Shane leaped through with Ari.

  Scout slid off, noted the rising sun, and got right to the point. "We rescued my parents…" She bit her lip and glanced at Ashra, who nickered but had no helpful advice on how to proceed, so Scout rambled on. "We rescued my parents by somewhat unconventional means, and I'm not sure it would be understood in Paradesos."

  Ari smirked, and Charity heaved a long-suffering sigh. "You seem to have found a soul mate," she said to Ari.

  Scout raised an eyebrow. That hadn't been what she'd expected. Charity waved her hand through the air, dismissing it. "You'll get it as you get to know each other better." She turned to Lil Bit. "You called me."

  Lil Bit nodded proudly. "I can do it to Scout. I've been able to forever. But it's harder with other people."

  Scout finally caught on. When Charity said call, she meant Lil Bit's ability to send her thoughts straight into Charity's head. Shane formed a fist and held it out to Lil Bit, who happily bumped it.

  "You were saying?" Ari asked Scout, a hint of a smile playing across her beautiful face. Scout had never in her life seen anything like Ari, actually. She felt small and helpless next to her.

  “You're only small and helpless when I'm not around.” Scout heard Ashra in her head.

  “I'm small. I'm not helpless without you. This scepter makes a pretty handy bat.”

  “She's looking at you. Maybe you should answer her?”

  "Oh. Sorry." Scout jerked herself out of her head and turned to Ari. "We rescued my parents from Aptavaras, but there's nowhere safe for them."

  "Why can't we go wherever you two have been staying?" Laila asked, gripping Scout's shoulders.

  "Uh…well…" Scout pulled a face. "I wasn't exactly given permission to go to Aptavaras. If they know I went…"

  Lil Bit watched her solemnly but, like Ashra, didn't offer any words of help.

  "So you broke the rules?" Travis asked, raising an eyebrow.

  Scout squirmed. "Yes."

  "To save us."


  "That's loyalty," Ari said, surprising them all. "She risked everything to save you. Everyone should be blessed with such a daughter. Or two." She winked at Lil Bit while Scout stared at her open-mouthed. Travis and Laila both fell silent.

  "I can't take them back to Paradesos, and they can't live alone at home—the soul stealers will come after them. I was hoping they could stay here with you?"

  "Of course." Ari nodded, the black and red hair swirling around her face. She shoved it away impatiently. "We've even got a townhouse that just opened up. Without the war keeping everyone trapped inside, our little colony is dwindling."

  "Your entire colony fits inside that dome?" Scout asked.

  "What dome?" Shane and Ari asked simultaneously.

  Scout pointed to the giant shimmering dome that Ari had just walked through. "That one?"

  Charity smiled. "She sees things we can't. Like her sister."

  Ari pursed her lips. "Interesting. And yes, our whole colony stays protected within these walls, although there's hardly a need for them now." She shared a rueful smile with Shane. "No more bad guys hunting us."

  Scout was intrigued, but the first ray of sunlight fought its way through the clouds, lighting the sky in hues of pink and gold. She had to get back. She turned and hugged each of her parents and then leaped astride Ashra once again.

  "I feel like we just got you back," Laila whispered, tears pooling in her eyes.

  They clung to Lil Bit, and she clung to them, unwilling to let go after what they'd gone through.

  "You know, Lil Bit comes and goes whenever she pleases. She can stay here with you for a while." She smiled. "I can handle Paradesos."

  Lil Bit clapped her hands. "I can do that!"

  "I have to go. I'll check in soon." To Ari, she nodded. "Thank you. So much."

  Ari smiled and raised a hand in good-bye. Ashra snapped her wings, and they flew into the air. Lightning split the sky, and they soared through the gap. Scout twisted for one last wave, and then they were gone, and she and Ashra were safe in Paradesos.

  The new recruits were already gathered in the valley. Trey sat outside her hut, watching as she landed.

ere did you go?" His dark-brown eyes narrowed, but Scout could see the pain in them. She slid off Ashra and took his hand, cradling it against her cheek. "I can't tell you."

  Trey jerked his hand away. "What?"

  She shook her head sadly. "I'm sorry, Trey. I can't tell you. I'm not trying to hurt you. Please believe me, I'm not. But I can't."

  Trey shook his head and shoved past her. "Fine."

  Training that day was difficult and uncomfortable. Scout hadn't slept for days. She felt like she could collapse at any moment, and without Trey's strength, she felt small and lost. She couldn't remember what she was going to say or do, and more than once, she nearly got someone killed because she sent the wrong attack at them.

  Trey avoided her. If they were forced together, he spoke very little, and not at all to her. He'd been mad at her before, but she'd never seen such a fury in his eyes. As soon as training was over, he disappeared. Scout wandered up to his hut, but he wasn't there. Tate smiled apologetically. "He went to play football with the guys."

  Scout nodded and turned to go.

  "Hey, maybe—maybe you should try a nap?" Liam came in as Scout was heading out. She slid past him in the doorway and nodded.

  "Yeah. Okay."

  If Trey wanted to throw a tantrum, fine. She was exhausted and didn't have the energy to try to please anyone else that day. Grumpy now, she stomped to her hut and wished for a door to slam. Instead, she shed her work clothes and pulled on soft sweats. Refusing to look out her window to the football game below, she threw herself on her bed and pulled the covers over her head.

  She was glad for the anger. Anger had gotten her through when Trey had abandoned her. Anger had gotten her through when Lil Bit had been taken. Anger would get her through this.

  Anger, she could handle. Heartache and pain, not so much.

  Scout didn't think she'd sleep, but having gone without for so long, it didn't take long before she was out. And of course, waiting there for her was Ariston.

  "Is it too much to ask for just one blasted night's sleep?" she bellowed as soon as he came into view. The soul stealers seemed to feed off her anger, and their screams rose to a fevered pitch. She ignored them.

  If she'd thought to offend Ariston, she failed. He chuckled, raising one black eyebrow. "Something wrong, by any chance?"

  She glared at him. "I'm tired."

  Ariston spread his arms wide. "You're free to come here to rest."

  Scout glared harder.

  Ariston chuckled again, shrugging. "All day, you train soldiers too young to fight in any war. You have a right to be tired."

  "I'm not tired because of training. I love training. I'm teaching those kids how to survive your wrath. If you'd stop sending soul stealers after everyone, I wouldn't have to train anymore. And that's not the reason I'm tired."

  "Convince Iros to give me my soul back, and I'll call my Taraxippus back."

  Scout opened her mouth, but whatever she'd been about to say was instantly forgotten. "What?"

  "That's all I've ever wanted, Scout." Ariston advanced, one purposeful step at a time, until he was standing right in front of her. All he'd have to do was reach out and touch her to take her soul, but Scout couldn't seem to move. She was lost in his eyes—there almost seemed to be a spark in that blackness. "If I have my soul, I can die. Dying means peace."

  "You just—you just want to die?"

  Ariston nodded.

  "Then why? Why steal all the souls? Why not just—" Just what, exactly? He couldn't die. He couldn't find peace. She knew his answer before he said it.

  "I steal the souls to build an army, Scout. You set them free and use their bodies to form an army. Are we really that different, you and I?"

  "You take their souls and shred them. I fight to keep them alive."

  "Are they? Alive, I mean."

  Scout jerked away from him. "They would be if it wasn't for you."

  Ariston was suddenly angry. "You want to end this war that's all my fault, Scout? Then bring me my soul."

  Scout snapped back at him, grateful for someone to finally take her frustration out on. "Yeah. I'll do that. I'll bring you your soul so you can waltz right into Paradesos and slaughter everyone. Great idea, Ariston."

  The jaw in his cheek worked, and his hands trembled. Without another word, he was gone, storming away from her.

  Scout fought her way to consciousness. Ariston was angry, and that was never a good thing.

  Trey ducked through the doorway and was immediately accosted by two angry brothers, scowling for all they were worth. "Scout was looking for you."

  "I'm sure she was," Trey growled. "So she can tell me again how much she doesn't trust me."

  Liam was sprawled across his bed, drawing. Trey hadn't seen him draw for years. That talent had been replaced by video games and sports. "You're an idiot."

  Trey blinked. "What?"

  "So she has a secret. What can she honestly be doing, Trey?" Liam pushed his notebook away and sat up. "Do you think she's leaving in the middle of the night to meet some other guy?"

  Trey scowled. "No."

  "Then what, Trey? She out wrecking havoc? Fighting for the enemy?"

  Trey clenched his teeth. "No."

  Tate joined in. "I bet she's spending her nights selling drugs to kids."

  Liam snickered. "Or raising baby soul stealers."

  "Shut up," Trey snapped. "Scout's an angel. She's literally walking peace. She's the heart of this entire army. She wouldn't do any of those things."

  Liam nodded, the smile instantly gone from his face. "Exactly."

  Tate motioned to the hut next door. "I think she's taking a nap."

  "Trey!" Kylin burst through the door. "There's an attack. A big one. We've got to go."

  Trey grabbed his scepter and raced out the door, Tate and Liam on his heels. Torz landed in front of him, nearly knocking him over. The armor encased Trey, hot metal against his skin. Kylin was jumping from the misty stairs to her unicorn, but her eyes still watched him.

  Havik and Iros landed hard between them. "We've got to move. Where's Scout?"

  "She's—" Trey started, but he was cut off.

  "I'm right here." Scout and Ashra circled the sky above them. Ashra's eyes were flaming, her horn shot sparks, and Scout had her scepter in her hand. Trey had seen many things in the last few months, but that moment was the most beautiful he could remember. That was his Scout. Not tired, not crying, not hiding anything. She was a warrior.

  "Let's go!" Iros swung his scepter, and Trey leaped astride Torz. His brothers rode beside him, friends and recruits behind. Havik split the sky as Iros screamed, "For Paradesos!"

  With the heat of fire and the rush of wings, huge black bodies took to the sky as one giant force. Scout and Ashra took their place at Iros's side, and Trey and Torz on the other. Together, they led their army through the split, emerging on the other side.

  Paris, if Trey wasn't mistaken. But it was dark now, no lights or laughter. It was no longer the city of love; it was the city of death. Trey could see below them the many bodies left behind from the soul stealers' attacks. And above them, swarming around the Eiffel Tower, were hundreds upon hundreds of Taraxippus.

  Scout leaned low over Ashra's back. "Scout—Ashra! Not yet—" But Iros's words were drowned out as Ashra took off, racing across the sky to hit the swarm first. Scout fought with the fury of a thousand souls. Her scepter was lit in flames, shooting attacks so fast the Taraxippus fell from the sky like raindrops. She was like one possessed.

  Slower, with the force of the army behind them, Torz and Havik fought their way to her side. Thunder swirled around them, lightning splitting from Havik's horn over and over, catching everything in its path.

  "Scout!" Trey yelled. Her head jerked up, and she met his gaze. Understanding lit her eyes, and she nodded.

  Ashra slid sideways through the fray. Scout raised her scepter, and Trey did the same. He could hear her war cry above the chaos, and he joined her, rope-like flames leap
ing from scepter and horn, winding together until they merged with Scout and Ashra's attack.

  It caused an explosion of sparkling flames, shooting out on impact and catching everything in its path. Soul stealers caught fire, their screams rending the night, and they burned as they fell through the sky.

  Trey grinned maniacally. That attack took a lot of magic, but it was worth it every time.

  Ashra had swung away and was now fighting her way up through the monsters. Trey and Torz followed, keeping their place parallel to Scout's. This time, Tate and Liam joined them, forming a fiery diamond. The four attackers slithered through the Taraxippus and when the magic collided, the impact was enough to knock them all head-over-tail and they all tumbled away from the blast.

  Iros and Havik shot by as Torz struggled to regain his balance. "That's a risky move," Iros yelled. "One person's late, all of you die."

  Trey swung his scepter up, using it as a bat to knock the claws off the nearest soul stealer. Iros grinned recklessly as they came around the other side, firing flames into the demon's rib cage. It sank out of sight as Iros yelled, "Can you do it again?"

  "Yes, sir, we can!" Scout called from above.

  Trey looked for his brothers, both of whom were already fighting to get into position. Trey did the same, hoping they didn't die this time.

  They didn't. They did, however, kill many more soul stealers. Trey could see his brothers were running low on magic. It showed in the weak light of their scepters, the sweat foaming on their unicorns, and the exhaustion in all of their faces.

  Scout and Ashra, though, seemed fine. Ashra's wings were lit, and she ignited everything near them. Scout's scepter moved like a baton, spinning with fire shooting from the orb, attacking everything in every direction.

  "Forget Athena. Scout's the new goddess of war!" Aella's grin was half-masked behind her helmet, but he could still see her white teeth gleaming in the darkness.

  Trey agreed.

  But he was spending too much time watching Scout battle, and not enough time fighting. Claws ripped at his armor, tearing through and into the skin. He bellowed in pain and swung around to fight, but couldn't shake the claws.


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