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Mace of the Apocalypse

Page 20

by Daniel J. Williams

  She shook her head, her distaste clearly showing. “You really need to learn to dress up your food. That thing looks disgusting.” She looked down at the file then back up at Mace.

  “Seventeen victims: Two have left town, eleven can be located, one is still here in the hospital, and three are missing. We even have pictures.”

  Mace raised his eyebrows again, only this time in genuine surprise. “You’ve got pictures? You’re really on the ball here.”

  Jade smiled coyly. “I wish I could take credit, but it was actually Maria. She’s the most organized woman I’ve ever met.”

  Mace said, “hmm” and took another bite of his sandwich, following it immediately with a big gulp of Coke. He swallowed hard and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

  “Open it up. I’d love to see what you have. Any teenagers in there?”

  Jade nodded as she opened the file. “Yeah, six, three of them are the ones missing.” She started spreading out the individual pictures and Mace’s eyes widened as he saw Kevin’s picture and the girl he was with in the room. He shook his head. “Aw shit. I know those two. They were doing the horizontal bop upstairs when we rousted them. That kid gave me some lip and came at me buck naked.”

  Jade looked at him strangely and shook her head as a small smile creased her lips. “You never told me about that. What else was going on up there?”

  Mace put his sandwich down and looked at it in disgust. “You really don’t want to know.”

  He started rifling through the pictures and recognized one of the girls that was with Rob in bed. “Damn, I can account for all three of the missing kids. We’re going to have to keep an eye on Rob’s army. It may not be his for long.”

  Jade bit her lip and looked at the pictures herself before returning her attention to Mace, feeling a little anxious. “I hate to say it but maybe you should make a preemptive strike. End this thing now before it gets out of hand.”

  Mace thought about it for a second before shaking his head. “I’d really prefer not to. I’d like to think that some of them might come around. That’s pretty much a last resort scenario.”

  He looked at the pictures of the three for a few more seconds before putting them back inside the folder. “I’ll talk it over with John and Father Jack and see what the consensus is. What about these others? They won’t be hard to find?”

  The corners of Jade’s mouth turned down as she shook her head. “Shouldn’t be. They are all from the area and as far as I know, none of them have jumped on any of the caravans. I looked over the list and didn’t see any of their names.”

  Mace nodded. “Okay, why don’t you and Maria let them know that they’re needed for a further study. Let’s try to get this underway as fast as possible.”

  Chapter 46

  Rob took a chair and smashed it into the mirror, shattering the chair and the mirror at the same time. His whole body hurt, but the shape and pain of his face was what alarmed him the most. “Oh my God, I look like a fucking freak!”

  He started feeling woozy and staggered back to his bed. He wasn’t even sure where he was. The last thing he remembered was John laying into him and then everything going black. He could feel himself start to tighten in anger and it made his whole body ache. He put his hands to his face and gently touched it, feeling how swollen and tender it had become.

  As he began to become aware of his surroundings the first pains of withdrawal hit and he started looking for his stash. The painkillers would come in very handy right now but he had no idea where they’d put them. He pushed himself off the bed and back to his feet, slowly making his way to what he knew must be the exit of the room. He needed to know what was going on. His head was spinning and he felt like he was going to be sick.

  He opened the door and could barely make out movement in the distance. His right eye was almost completely shut, and the other was swollen and watery. He could tell he was in a hotel, but he was disoriented and felt like laying back down.

  As he took a few steps forward, he could hear shouts coming from in front of him and his eyes began adjusting to the movement. He could see about a dozen of his gang hanging around the center atrium, staring and laughing at something staggering clumsily around in the middle of a pond. He couldn’t get a good view because they were in the way.

  All of a sudden Kevin was in front of him, grinning widely, putting a hand under his elbow for support. “Man, you look like shit. I think you should go back to lying down, but there’s something I’ve got to show you first.”

  He moved him forward slowly and as they approached the other boys Rob could see the looks of shock on their faces at the sight of him.

  “I’ve got a gift for you. Do you know how they found you in the hospital?” He moved his arm in a wide arc and the boys in front of them parted, giving him a clear view of the pond and what was inside. Kevin whispered in his ear. “The little bastard that gave you up is right over there. We’ve planned a little surprise for him. He doesn’t know it yet. I’ve just been waiting for you to wake up.”

  Rob turned his swollen and misshapen head towards Kevin and Kevin tried to suppress a laugh. Rob did look like a freak. Kevin thought he belonged in a circus sideshow. Rob spoke through a broken and swollen mouth, a look of bitterness twisting his face into an even darker cloud. “How do you know who betrayed me?”

  “I was there when he did it. He gave you up to Mace like it was nothing.”

  Rob tried to open his right eye more and a needle of pain shot through his eyebrow. “Where are my drugs? I need some painkillers.”

  Kevin looked slightly annoyed and answered nonchalantly. “I’ve got some in my room. I’ll get you some once we’re done here.”

  Rob held on to him for support, a look of weakness spreading across his face, and the power shift began to take place. “Who did it?”

  Kevin straightened up and pointed his finger at Mike Sullivan, his voice rising as Mike’s eyes widened. “This is the one who betrayed you! He gave you up to be beaten. He should be made an example of for all to see.”

  Mike Sullivan looked around bewildered, unsure if they we’re talking about him, fear registering in his eyes. He nervously pointed a finger at himself. “Me? What are you talking about?”

  Kevin let go of Rob and started walking slowly towards Mike, his voice growing louder and stronger as he spoke. “I stood there in that room and saw you direct Mace right to where Rob was. You gave him up without any kind of fight.”

  Mike was slowly backing up, his hands out at his sides like he didn’t know what was going on. “I didn’t do anything. They were going to hurt me.”

  Kevin smiled at the comment and glanced back at Rob, his voice loud with drama. “He admits it! He admits that he gave you up. What more evidence do you need? He left you to be beaten and mangled by those assholes. He needs to be made an example of. Do you agree?”

  Rob could feel Kevin’s eyes boring into him, waiting for an answer. He hurt all over and felt weak in the knees. He just wanted to go back to bed. He looked at Mike, who was near tears, giving him a pleading look as he stood alone with all eyes upon him. Rob felt nothing for him.

  He turned back towards Kevin and said in a pained, raspy voice through broken teeth and swollen lips. “Make him pay. Weakness deserves no mercy.” He turned and walked back to his room. Most of the boys started cheering at the news, anxious to see the punishment rendered. A few hung back, nervously wondering when it could be there turn, recognizing the madness in the room.

  Kevin took a few strong strides towards Mike, who was backing up quickly pleading his innocence, and hit him with a straight right to the jaw. Mike tried to cover up but Kevin struck again, blood spurting from Mike’s lip. Kevin’s eyes grew wide and he began to feel the power come over him as well as the sexual excitement that came with the violence.

  He grabbed Mike by the hair and slammed his knee into his face, feeling his nose break and watching his head snap back. Kevin let out a moan in arousal and grabbed
him by the hair again, dragging him into the pond towards Butters who was shrieking and tugging at his leg restraints.

  Mike was screaming in terror as Kevin dragged him through the pond, but couldn’t get his balance or upright himself. Kevin yanked on his hair and shoved him into the arms of Butters, who shrieked in rage at the intrusion, clawing at Mike. Mike tried to pull free, but Butters, who was almost half his size, bit savagely into Mike’s arm.

  Mike screamed in pain as Butters tore out a chunk of flesh. Mike immediately started convulsing as the virus spread through his blood stream. He fell to his knees and his eyes rolled back as Butters bit again, this time at his face, biting into his cheek and ripping out skin. The water around them began to turn crimson and Butters chomped down again, this time ripping off Mike’s right ear. Butter’s clawed at his face, blood spouting from the ear wound like a fountain into the pond. The gasps of the boys watching grew in volume as Mike, convulsing harder, flung his arms around in twitches.

  A few of the boys backed off and started running away, but most stayed, wide eyed and fascinated by the savagery of the small assailant. Shouts could be heard from various boys, unable to contain their excitement at the display of violence.

  Kevin’s appetite for blood and sex was peaking, and he felt delirious by the bloodshed as he watched Butters rip open Mike’s neck, a geyser of blood spurting from the wound as Mike’s body fell lifeless with a small splash into the crimson water. Butters kept shrieking and reaching for his victim, his restraints holding him back. He swung wildly and screamed in his madness, and the gang of boys realized the true savagery of their small mascot.

  Kevin walked forward and stood over the body of Mike Sullivan, waiting for it to happen. Mike suddenly stirred, his leg’s twitching as the virus kicked in to its final degree. Kevin raised a pistol and fired a shot into Mike Sullivan’s head. The twitching abruptly stopped.

  “See ya. Mike,” Kevin said, smiling at the deed.

  Chapter 47

  That night, lying in bed, John heard a knock on his door. He looked over at the clock: 10:38 pm. He slowly got out of bed and threw a hospital robe on before leaning against the door and asking softly, “Who is it?”

  “It’s Maria. Could I talk to you?”

  His heart beat a little faster at her voice, and he couldn’t imagine what she could want at this hour. “Could you give me a minute? I need to get dressed.”

  He hurried to the small bathroom and turned on the light, staring at himself in the mirror. He didn’t look as bad as he expected. He ran his fingers through his hair, trying to straighten out his pillow head before blowing into his palm, smelling his breath. He took a deep breath and headed back towards the door. He paused for a second and then opened it a crack.

  “What’s wrong, Maria? Is everything alright?”

  His heart jumped as he stared at her. She was wearing a plain white t-shirt and sweat bottoms. She wasn’t wearing a bra. Her breasts were perfectly rounded and inviting as they snuggled underneath the tight fabric and her nipples protruded large and erect. Her hair looked slightly wet, as if she’d just gotten out of the shower, and the smell of perfume drifted through the crack in the door, causing his senses to awaken. He opened his mouth but he couldn’t think of anything to say.

  She smiled at him coyly and he could see a faint blush appear on her cheeks. He opened the door a little wider and felt his face go flush. She took a small step towards him and the pink in her cheeks turned further red. “I can’t stop thinking about you,” she said in a low whisper. “I didn’t want to feel anything for you, but I can’t seem to help myself.”

  He could feel himself getting aroused and was unsure how to continue. He took a small step backwards. “I’m…I’m not sure if this is the right thing to do. I was married…”

  Before he could say anything else she’d moved up to within a few inches of his face, touching his chest and staring at him with a wanton look that left no doubt as to her intentions. She opened his robe slightly and leaned in, and he could feel her nipples press up against his chest. He lowered his hands to her hips, studying her face and taking in the smell of her perfume and shampoo.

  He moved his hands around her waist and pulled her to him, and they kissed for a few seconds before he pulled away. “I don’t know. I don’t know if I can do this.”

  Her eyes were filled with longing and she bit her lip before reaching up and parting his lips with her tongue. His body exploded in tingles of desire and he grabbed her, lifting her slightly off the floor and moving her fully inside his room.

  “I think we’d better close the door,” he whispered hoarsely as he pressed a hand against the inside of her thigh. His sexual excitement was growing rapidly, but it felt pure and passionate without the threat or hint of violence. He shut the door without taking his eyes off her, and a slew of emotions overtook him as she moved towards him, grabbing at the opening of his robe and kissing hotly at his upper chest and neck.

  Flashes of his wife shot through his head, and as they fell onto his bed, he ripped her t-shirt open in his excitement. As his mouth found her breast another flash of his wife appeared, and the waves of sexual excitement were equaled by feelings of betrayal and guilt. He could feel a few tears escape his lids as he pulled off her sweats, and the echo of her moans filled his head as more flashes of his wife strobed through his consciousness.

  He wanted to stop but couldn’t, the urge and need too great, and he cried out as he entered her, thrusting deep and hard as she moaned in ecstasy. She scratched at his back with her nails and he felt a slight twinge of pain, triggering something inside of him.

  The flashes of his wife were playing faster in his head and he began to feel hatred for himself and Maria for their actions. He thrust harder inside her as his anger grew and she winced from the pressure. The look of pain excited and enraged him and he felt himself put his hands around her throat, almost like they had a mind of their own.

  He began to choke her and she squirmed against his grip, pulling at his arms and grabbing at his face as the pressure tightened, and he cried out in horror at what he was doing. He watched as her eyes rolled back in her head and it sent a wave of sexual excitement and nausea through him. She caught him with a nail across his cheek and it sent ripples of pleasure through him. He released his grip for a moment, wanting to stop, but something came over him and he slammed her in her face with his fist, moaning with excitement at the pleasure it released. He was feeling close to climaxing and he hit her again, hating himself for what he was doing and crying out in both horror and pleasure.

  Tears were flowing down his face as she flailed her arms and began to black out. His excitement was peaking and he thrust harder and faster, squeezing her neck until he could feel it snap as he climaxed, and he screamed in mind blowing pleasure at the completion of the act

  He rolled on his side and stared at the ceiling, tingling and lost in the ecstasy of the moment. As his orgasm began to subside, he moved his head towards Maria and the realization of what he’d just done came crashing down on him like a two story building. He stumbled out of bed, crying out and staring at her lifeless body, unable to take his eyes off of it. He began pacing the room, not knowing what to do.

  “Oh my God! Oh my God!” He fell to his knees, crying out in terror as he stared at her naked body. He began wailing, calling out his wife’s name as he tore at his hair with the madness of an infected.

  Father McCann, who had been sleeping next door, had been awakened by the screaming and jumped out of his bed to see what was wrong. He ran to John’s door and started knocking loudly, calling his name and asking if everything was all right. Inside, John was consumed with horror at his actions and grabbed the sawed-off shotgun that had been resting against the wall. He sat down and placed it between his legs, continuing to stare at the body on the bed.

  As Father McCann placed his ear against the door John pulled the trigger, blowing off his face and throwing Father McCann away from the door by the shock o
f the explosion. He fell to the ground and seemed to watch in slow motion as people started running towards him from different doors along the hallway. He could see Mace running in his direction, but the loud ringing in his head disoriented his thought process.

  “What happened?” Mace yelled, but Father McCann felt dazed and just looked at him blankly. He finally pointed with his finger to John’s door and slowly shook his head. Mace turned and moved swiftly to the door, kicking it in and yelling out in shock at the sight before him.

  The first thing he saw was Maria’s naked body. Her head was twisted at an odd angle and her eyes were wide open, frozen in a look of terror that stared at the wall next to him. He followed her gaze to find John’s body lying against the wall with the shotgun between his knees. There was nothing left of his face but raw meat, and the sight made him gag as bile shot from his stomach into his mouth. He spit it out and turned away. He left the room and clutched the doorway, woozy, with people all staring at him or peaking in and screaming at the bodies inside.

  Through watering eyes, he saw Jade running down the hall and he pulled himself together enough to move towards her to shield her from the carnage inside. She was staring at him in disbelief as she turned her attention from the open doorway ten feet away.

  “What is it?” Her voice was almost pleading. Her eyes began to water as people either turned away crying or screaming. “What is it!?” She yelled again.

  Mace put his arms around her and held her tight, whispering in her ear, “It’s John and Maria. They’re gone.”

  She pulled back from him and scanned his face, searching for any hint of a lie. “What? No! How?” Her constitution was weak from the pregnancy and she turned and ran to Father McCann’s room, slamming the bathroom door to get sick.

  Chapter 48

  The hospital went into shut down mode for a few days following John and Maria’s deaths, with most people trying to deal with the tragedy in quiet reflection. There was a weight to the air that seemed to crush all that entered the hospital and the mood remained low as people quietly questioned the safety of anyone who had been bitten after receiving the antidote.


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