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Close Love (The Billionaires Club Book 2)

Page 15

by Adams, Zoe

  Lady nodded. “I know he left me stocks in buildings, or something like that.”

  “Yes, he did. He also left you the whole building. But it’s in a trust. Basically, you can’t sell it or draw money on it. He didn’t want it to get lost before you had a chance to grow into it. He made some strict stipulations, but all of them are in your favor. So far.”

  He pointedly looked at Del like he wanted to say something, but thought better of it. “Your grandfather had other strange demands. One was the apartment remain completely undisturbed until the day you walk into it. The place has been locked up and undisturbed since the day he died ten years ago. Regardless of the will, money, and land, he wanted Lady to have his penthouse office. He wanted Lady to have it, and everything in it.”

  Lady looked at Del quietly. Everything had been against them so far. This might be the stroke of a more auspicious turn of events.

  “So I can have his office. Are there taxes?” Lady said doubtfully.

  “No, all of that’s covered in trust. The idea being that you live here, and work on the family’s fashion dynasty.” The lawyer explained smoothly.

  “What if I want to live somewhere else?” Lady asked the loaded question.

  “Well, my dear, you are an adult and can live wherever you want. However, if you want free room and board, move in with your parents or accept your grandfather’s residence.”

  Lady put her hand on Del’s arm. “What about him?”

  “He is an adult. You can choose your own roommate. But neither one of you is eligible for your trust money.”

  “Why should I work when I can’t get paid?” Lady shrugged.

  Joseph Sanford-Leavit waved his hand like it was a trivial matter. “All you get is your stipend, and, of course, all the fashion show expenses are covered by the family.”

  Del could feel Lady burning beside him. He couldn’t imagine anyone dealing with so much in one day. Lady had a lot of important decisions ahead of her. Del’s choices were easy compared to hers. So far every choice presented to her was a hard one.

  “Yeah, but can someone take my penthouse away?” Lady voiced a concern she had previously brought up to Del.

  “What can anyone do? It’s a gift from me to you. This is what I was retained for all those years ago. Protecting Boris Steele’s almost a full time job, even after his death…as you can see. Now, I would be happy to be your lawyer as well. I can raise your stipend and find a loophole here or there to make your life more comfortable. Of course, you’d have to hire me for that.”

  The lawyer held up his hands and cuff links the same color as his suit caught the light. He smiled at the young couple and gold filled teeth flashed from deep molars. The lawyer was extravagant but subtle. Almost like he tried to keep some things hidden.

  Mr. Joseph Sanford-Leavit smoothed his lapel. “It’s all right. You don’t have to decide tonight. You don’t have to decide tomorrow. Just call me when you’re ready. Think about it. You’ve gotten a lot of information for one day.”

  Del liked the idea of keeping things private. He just wasn’t sure if the lawyer was entirely on Lady’s side.

  Del’s past experience proved lawyers slowed down due process and introduced new laws or curve benders each meeting. His initial response to a lawyer was wondering what percentage of money they stood to gain.

  Joseph Sanford-Leavit already told Lady he could have easily taken the property from her. It nagged at Del and he struggled to have a nonchalant dinner. Thank goodness for women. They knew how to talk about hair, fingernails, and clothes. The men eyed each other, made smart comments when required, and drank.

  The dinner ended and the party left the building. A few minutes later, Del closed the door on the new neighbors.

  Lady stood close beside him. She had been a dutiful companion. Del looked at her carefully. She slightly swayed back and forth. Her dress made a ruffling sound.

  “Don’t you look like a tasty treat?” Del gathered her into his arms.

  At the end of the day she smelled like a musky flower. He inhaled deeply. She was his flowery place. Whether it be fresh and innocent or heavy and dizzying. Her pheromones and scents always held flowers.

  “I don’t know. How do I look? I guess I must look like a poor girl, or a lost girl. I haven’t looked in the mirror all day. It’s so hard, you know?”

  Lady began to raise her arms in frustration.

  “Shh,” Del soothed her. “It’s okay. You look just like I want my girl to be.”

  Lady lost her cool and stomped off toward the windows. “Exactly. How unfair for you to wait for me. But I need you to be a full time man. One to keep me out of trouble and harm’s way. But you don’t even like it here. How’s this going to work?”

  Del shook his head. “I don’t know how it’s going to work. But I know it will work out for you.”

  “But what about you? What if you leave me alone with these sharks?”

  “Whew. You’ve got more problems than I thought. Don’t worry so much. You’re right. There’s something to fear from everyone. Especially me. If you’re in danger then it’s because I’m going to spoil you. It’ll make the choice of staying together very easy. Every girl in this city will be jealous of you. And every man will wish they were me.”

  Lady looked at him in disbelief.

  Del continued his efforts to soothe her. “I mean, you knew there’d be some sort of inherited discord with the money. But it’s not a deal breaker. You’re not homeless or even close to the poor house. Things will work out fine. Why don’t you take a bath?”

  Lady looked chastised. “Okay.”

  She left Del standing alone in the room. He looked around. The place had been cleaned and spiffed up. Now Del could really appreciate the room. Judging by the style of decorations, Del liked Lady’s grandfather. His style was western gentleman. Not the rugged cowboy look, but lots of fine wood and tasseled velvet everywhere. Inlaid tables and engraved sculptures were a heavy, thick addition. The room felt ageless.

  Del pushed a button on the fireplace. The gas silently lit up a fake log with fire. Ornate pokers and shovels sat beside the grate. Del curiously picked up a shovel.

  It was stuck to the ground. Del got down on his knees and looked at it. He gave it a push and a creaking sound began. Del jumped back quickly. The wall turned and opened to another room. Del looked at the hidden room in shock.

  There were old metal mannequins between two sides of tables. This was the elderly Mr. Steele’s workshop. It was completely logical for this to be hidden.

  Del wanted to walk into the room but refrained. He would save the surprise for Lady. It was her room after all, she should be the first to see it.

  Del sat down in the wingback chair and stared at the hidden room. The relaxation he wanted had disappeared. The welcoming fire in the grate only worked with the wall shut. Del could use a drink, but he remained in the chair.

  Lady entered the room a little while later.

  “What’s this?” Lady asked.

  “Oh, it’s just a hidden room. I tried to light a fire and found a fire starter’s room instead.”

  Del dryly chuckled at his own joke.

  Lady was splitting her attention between the new room and a suitcase. “I think its grandpa’s workshop.”

  “Yeah, I know. I wanted to go look, but not without you. So I’ve just been staring at it this the whole time.”

  Lady rolled her eyes at him. “You don’t have to wait for me.”

  Del looked at her heavily. “Yes, I did have to wait for you. I’ve just been sitting here thinking of all the reasons someone would hide their work desk. It makes me think this city is full of sharks.”

  “Well it is full of sharks. There are leaders, followers, and scam artists. My grandfather was a leader.”

  “Yes. He knew you’d be a leader. I know you’re a leader too. Even when you’re making new clothes out of old clothes you’re still genius.”

  “Yes.” Lady grinned. “You eithe
r have it or you don’t. But just like everything else, it can be perfected and practiced. I’ve been practicing fashion my whole life. I can’t wait to see my grandfather’s sketches.”

  Del stood up. “You might be the only one he trusted to see them.”

  Lady nodded. “Are you ready to go in? I’ll follow you.”

  “Why? Do you think its booby trapped?” Del teased.

  Lady laughed. “Maybe.”

  Del entered the little doorway then held out his hand to Lady. Nothing changed. The floor stood firm when he held onto her.

  Maybe it was all the stillness of the air. Or the untouched aura coming from years of dust. The room still emanated respect and demanded obvious observance of craftsmanship.

  Chapter 14

  When things were better, then they were just plain better. The next day, Del woke up in a good mood. Maybe it was because he was in a more comforting environment. But it could also be because Lady made everything better.

  Del sat up and looked around. At night the room had been wood and conservative. It had Victorian antiques with Oriental flair. There were backless long couches made for people to lounge in. They looked plush and inviting. The couches sat facing each other with antiques and trophies between them. Everything made a statement about elegant romance.

  The room had many big things that were manly and oversized. The chair was supposed to look singular, but more than one person could sit in it. Large dark curtains draped heavily across one wall. They soaked up the light and glowed golden red.

  Lady stretched and yawned. “I slept good last night. Did you sleep all right, Del?”

  He loved her saying his name.

  “Yes, I slept very well.” Del’s voice was still gruff with early morning un-use.

  “Good. Today I don’t want to make any major decisions. I just want to go shopping, and do mindless things.” She grinned hopefully with a glint in her eyes.

  “Lucky for you, this man ain’t busy.” Del found her morning, toothy smile irresistible. He grabbed handfuls of her and brought her closer.

  Every day always turned into an action packed day. They were always busy.

  Lady and Del left the penthouse in search of food and coffee. One set of needs being settled reminded them of other things. They spent the day shopping and dropping money. They came back late at night.

  “Whew.” Del sat down in the nearest chair and dropped his bags. “I’ve never had a day like that. I didn’t know shopping could be so exhausting.”

  Lady looked at him quizzically. “How could you know? You’ve been waiting to decorate a home. First you were too busy working, then you were waiting for someone to decorate with.”

  Del studied her. She was so suave and sure of herself. She had to have an agenda, but as yet, there was no fault to be found. He wondered if he had made himself too available. He mentally shrugged, there would always be more of him.

  “You know me pretty well.” He winked.

  Lady sat down lightly on his lap. She put her hand in his and studied them. Del immersed himself in her. He wanted to make her smell like him. He wanted to cover her in his sweat and in his dreams.

  Del wanted so many things. But so did other people. The phone on the table began to ring.

  Both of them looked at each other in surprise. They had never heard the phone ring yet. It was a polite double ring. After a five second interval, it shook the room again. Neither of them had any intention of answering the phone. But the persistent ringing compelled him.

  Del picked up the line. “This is Del.”

  “Hello, Mr. Ericson. This is Mr. Sanford-Leavit. It’s good I caught you first.” He said it as though many victims were to follow. “I have business with Lady as well. But there are a few questions for you. Firstly, it would be best if we were up front and honest with each other. We both know you’re with Lady solely for her money.”

  Del felt his insides turn to ice. He’d been waiting for the accusation. Now he just needed to defend himself.

  “Umm. I’m pretty sure we were both in the same meeting when we found out she doesn’t have money for a few more years yet.”

  The lawyer laughed. “That’s all comparative. It depends what she gets the money for and how she spends it.”

  “What?” Del asked.

  “Well, if she wants to fluff off, shop, and party she’ll actually receive more money from her inheritance. If she were to work, she would receive less.” The lawyer let this information sink in.

  Del couldn’t resist the quip that bit at his tongue. “I already noticed how everyone has ideas about Lady making a fool of herself. It could happen on the runway with fashion or in star studded company. Which would you prefer, sir?”

  The lawyer was silent on the other end of the line.

  Del continued, “I’ll be the first to admit I’m new in Lady’s life. It leaves my head spinning the way she reaches out to me. I know what she needs me for. I can assure you, Mr. Sanford-Leavit, we’ll call if we need anything.”

  Del hung up the phone with a twist of his wrist.

  Lady looked at him in relief.

  “Thank you, Del. You’re right of course. You know what I need, and always say the right thing. I don’t know what happened first when we met. I don’t know if I fell in love with you at first sight, or a second later.”

  Lady’s romantic words demanded a verbal response from Del.

  “I love you too.” Del wrapped himself up in Lady’s arms.

  His fingers slid through her hair. His mouth found hers in an opening kiss. The things they did together were seamlessly easy.

  Del’s support for her grew daily. Whatever Lady needed, Del would help her receive, do, or achieve.

  She had a lot of things. There were modeling agencies to visit. Not just one, but they went to more than a handful of them. Lady was very specific about what she wanted. They traipsed through the city for weeks.

  Lady would find someone she liked, but then see them on billboards representing competition. She refused to cross contaminate peoples vision. What belonged to others, belonged to others. She wanted innocent and the brand had to cover the model as well.

  Del could understand. Her perfection didn’t bother him in the least. She needed the right models. Having the right face and body for the right piece of clothing was hard. But trusting someone to represent all her hard work turned into an agonizing experience. Del likened it to putting a dull blade on farm equipment. It might get the job done, but the result would be poor and slow at best.

  There were other things to be done as well. Lady shopped for supplies. The fashion district was all over the place. Lady went through every bolt of fine Italian linen and Japanese silk. The suppliers were on every side of the city. It didn’t stop with visiting a tradesman of every nationality.

  Lady was resourceful. She looked for drapes as well. Not just in the usual stores, but in used stores.

  Every day with Lady took Del on an adventure. Lady always came through with high flying colors. She would find a piece of clothing and make Del roll his eyes. With a few snips and seams re-hemmed, the old dress would be unrecognizable.

  Del realized love was truly blind. Lady could wear anything, even his t-shirt, and look totally hot.

  On Thanksgiving Day, Lady took Del to her parents’ house. Thankfully, questions were suspended for the holiday. The meal tasted even better without the previous drama that had accompanied other run-ins with them.

  Lady sticking to the family name was so far a good decision, and would lead to many more amicable meetings.

  The other remarkable event was buying a truck. Del had picked it out and Lady handed over cash for it. Del had insisted on a topper for the back of it. Lady insisted on new rims of black and polished chrome.

  The truck received a lot of city miles before they sped toward the farm. He couldn’t wait to see how things in the wide open spaces of the country were fairing. Houses were meant to be occupied, and Del couldn’t wait to get home.
  Chapter 15

  Everything on Del’s farm had remained the same. The old clapboard house still leaned toward the large shade tree beside it. The snow-covered field sprawled around it like a barren wasteland.

  Del always considered land and its price per square foot. The subject would always be close to his heart. He knew his self-worth and exactly what ownership involved.

  He stood up taller and breathed deeper. He felt large to own so much land. He stretched his shoulders and yawned. He gave himself over to the feeling of largeness. Del liked to be master of a domain and ruler of the estate.

  Del embraced his surroundings. He didn’t realize until that moment what he missed about the farm so much. But now he knew. The wide open spaces freed him. Fresh winds and new memories were waiting.

  For the first time he actually considered himself wealthy and privileged. This really was an estate, whether it be an old farm house or a new one. It made him very proud to call it his home.

  He smiled widely at Lady. She studied him closely with a very serious look on her face.

  Del knew his feelings were transparent.

  “It’s nice to be home. Let’s celebrate.”

  Del left the truck with its load of goods. He walked around the hood and met Lady by the sidewalk. He picked her up and carried her into the house.

  She giggled as he lifted her off the ground. It only added to his bravado. His swagger quickly overtook the long walk.

  Del’s arms were so large. They wrapped around her easily. He slid the key into the lock and the door opened.

  Del carried her straight to his bed. Their first night back at the farmhouse was spent relaxing and recovering from the long drive.


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