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Bachelor SEAL (Sleeper SEALs Book 5)

Page 13

by Sharon Hamilton

  “Don’t ask him. I don’t want anyone in the family to get their radar up,” said Stanley. “The community will already be suspicious of us. I mean, look at us.”

  Halley smiled. “You two are very brave.”

  Taylor cocked his head, “Ah, it’s what we were trained to do.”

  “These two were formerly working for Kyle’s team,” Morgan told her.

  “You look so young.”

  “We like being underestimated. But it sucks with the girls,” Stanley said.

  J.J. inserted himself. “I think what they’re saying is, if it comes up, try to learn something, just to see if there’s a connection. We don’t have a reason to suspect Gibril, except that he’s close to you and we know you are the target. He could be an unwitting participant. Who knows? So at this point, we need to keep our eyes and ears open.”

  Halley nodded. “I see. I’ll do what I can.”

  “And you didn’t break it off with him, because that would be very unfortunate.” J.J. drilled another laser beam into Morgan’s face. “I hope that didn’t happen or won’t happen.”

  “No. That didn’t happen. But we’re friends, just not as intimate as we once were, I think. That happened naturally over the course of the past few days on its own. He’s working hard to win me back. I feel kind of sorry for him.”

  “Don’t.” J.J.’s face was completely deadpan.

  “But he’s a very nice man. He’s done nothing but shower me with gifts and affection.”

  “And he could be grooming you.”

  “I think I can be a good judge of character, J.J. Or is it Hank now?”

  Morgan felt her backbone and hackles rise. J.J. would have to be careful, or he’d get a taste of her stubbornness.

  “Just be careful, Halley,” Morgan said as he placed his hand on hers. “Remember, everyone is a suspect, except the people in this room. We don’t know where it’s going to come.”

  “And I have something else, Halley,” J.J. began. “Your computer was fitted with a very sophisticated tracking device. There were malware links installed, giving someone access to certain emails and other things related to your business. Your computer was a portal for someone.”

  “So it will be suspicious for it to have been stolen,” she stated.

  “They’re going to try to make it look like someone from a gang was trying to work on it, get your private information, and we’ll watch them get locked out. If we can, we want to trace who’s monitoring you, but we have to catch them live.”

  “Wow. Is there any possibility this could just be hackers and not something more nefarious?”

  “If it walks like a duck—” Stanley started.

  “It’s not Bigfoot,” ended J.J. “It has all the earmarks of something worse, mainly because of the tracking device. It could even be someone looking for a quick kidnapping, but to get access to your computer, well, you tell me how many people have that opportunity?”

  “There would be only two, or perhaps three. Crystal, her brother—although he’s never been in my home office that I know of—and Gibril.”

  “There you go,” said Morgan.

  “Your assistant, Crystal, how long have you worked together?” J.J. asked.

  “About six months. My other assistant got very ill, some sort of intestinal problems, and had to move back home with her parents in Texas.”

  “So how did you get Crystal and then her brother?”

  “Well, I think I advertised on Craig’s list. She had worked for a big real estate guru and traveled with him from town to town as he sold his tapes and such. I thought she’d be perfect. No one else had those qualifications. She’d even set up events for him at big venues like Las Vegas and New York.”

  “Why did she quit?”

  “It was one of those sexual assault cases. He couldn’t keep his hands to himself. Crystal had to leave.”

  “You checked her references?” Morgan asked.

  “Well, no, under the circumstances. But she showed me the venues, some of his organizing notes. I mean, she had a whole manual about how to do her job.”

  J.J. stared at the tabletop. “Pretty unbelievable, wasn’t it?”

  “Yes. I thought I’d been totally blessed.”

  “And Orestes?” Morgan asked.

  “Well, her brother was former military and fresh out of the service. He worked security, she said.”

  “And you didn’t check him out, either,” asked J.J.

  “No. I don’t even know how you do that sort of thing. You just call up the Marines and say, ‘Hey, can I have a reference?’ I mean how silly would that be?”

  “Nobody’s faulting you, Halley. We’re trying to figure out how they got in, because it’s certain, someone’s trying awfully hard to get you so tied up you’d be completely off guard and helpless. That’s where we come in.”

  Morgan was glad J.J. had explained it that way, and he could feel Halley was slightly more relieved.

  Morgan checked his watch. “Should I order something for lunch, or do you want me to take Halley somewhere before I run her up to the airport?”

  “God, do you ever stop eating?” she asked him.

  “Only when I’m not hungry.”

  “Up to you guys,” J.J. addressed the boys.

  “I think we’re gonna hit the road. It’s a bit of a drive, and we’re packed, ready to go,” said Taylor.

  “You got your phones?” Morgan asked.

  “Yup. Got our cash, our phones, a couple of clean tee shirts, and some good music for the road. J.J. has our numbers.”

  “And you have mine?” asked Morgan.


  “One other thing, we’ve been lax on the J.J. vs. Hank name. After today, it’s always Hank. I have a family to protect.”

  Morgan realized J.J. was also putting his life on the line, but families were collateral damage in cases like these if they had been overseas. He just never thought he’d have to worry about it in the U.S.

  Halley summed it up well. “Thank you, all of you. You let me know what else I can do. And if I screw up, you make sure and tell me.” She had squeezed Morgan’s hand under the table for special emphasis.

  The boys got up, as did everyone else. There was an exchange of hugs, and then it was just the three of them in the condo.

  “Those kids are amazing, J.J.—Hank,” Morgan corrected. “Now I know how Kyle felt sending us out on our missions.”

  “They’re itching for it. I just hope they have the street smarts to play safe, but they’re committed one hundred percent. You know what they had to go through to get on the Teams,” J.J. reminded him.

  “And I hope their enthusiasm makes up for their lack of real streetfighter experience,” he answered. “So far, we have a good team. Now all we need is a little luck.”

  Halley slipped her arm around Morgan’s waist and drew herself into him, allowing his body to protect her. He searched J.J.’s eyes while he experienced the most important person in the world needing and feeling safe with him. The feeling inside his chest was more than he had a right to experience. It was Heaven itself.

  And J.J. saw every bit of it and nodded his acceptance.

  Chapter 16

  Morgan had offered to get some lunch for the three of them, but J.J. wouldn’t have any of it. “Go spend a few moments, grab something, and then let’s all get back to work.”

  Halley knew he was troubled by something, so she asked him.

  J.J. stood before her and put his hands on her shoulders. “You are a strong woman, a brave and powerful woman. This guy here is as tough as they come, and he’s survived a lot. Under any other circumstances, I’d be thrilled there is a rekindled romance going on here—”

  Morgan had started to object.

  “Nah, nah, hear me out, Morgan.” He focused back on Halley. “He may not be able to focus and concentrate. It helps that you are also the person we’re trying to protect, so that part is okay. But I need him lean, angry with all the blood he ca
n spare rushing to his brain.”

  He was right, of course.

  “So there’s a part of me jumping for joy. There’s another part that’s saying inside, ‘I hope they don’t get us all killed.’ On the Teams, he would have been able to rope himself in. I know what he’s feeling and thinking, because if it was my wife and kids, I’d feel exactly the same. Let’s not get too caught up in the hearts and flowers. This is war. It’s about survival. We have an administration to protect, a country to protect, two thousand lovely ladies to protect, and you. We have the trust and faith that we can do it. We can’t be thinking about anything else.”

  He removed his hands, from her shoulders, stepped back, and then thought of something else.

  “I don’t ever want to see any handholding, kissing, or hugs, even if they look non-sexual, until this whole thing is over with. Good news is your event is only three weeks away. Bad news is, we could be wrong, and it could happen tomorrow.”

  “Thank you, J.J.”

  He got that twinkle in his eye as he squinted and angled his head just to let her know he got the inference.

  “I’ll do everything in my power to hold up my end of the bargain. After this afternoon, it will be war. I’ll keep my wits about me. I trust you guys, all of you, and I’ll tell you what I told Morgan. I appreciate my freedoms. I can get up on stage and talk about women being powerful. There are only a few places on the planet where that is even a possibility. We have you to thank for that,” she admitted.

  “Thanks. Now go and get her out of your sight, Morgan, or I’m gonna fire your ass and get someone else.”

  She could tell Morgan was furious with the obvious reprimand, but J.J. was totally right. She had to maintain her war-like mindset, look for advantages, and not shrivel in the face of fear. She’d had her time to be completely overwhelmed with the scenario, and Morgan had been there to help her out. Now she was going to have to do it by herself. He wasn’t going to be right there at her side. He’d be doing his job—something much more important than pleasuring her little ass.

  Although it sure had been fun.

  He took her to a burger joint because it was fast. He ordered double on the fries, the largest size shake, and a double patty with onion rings and extra cheese. She guessed his eating was his form of dosing. If she ate that way, she’d be in a coma for a week.

  She picked at her lettuce wrapped Angus burger and stole a couple of his fries. Her ice tea tasted good, but her stomach was still misbehaving. The rule had been not to show affection in public, but that didn’t stop him from warming her thigh with the big muscled inside of his under the table.

  They avoided looking at each other, except for quick stolen glances, mostly because she figured it was as painful to him as it was for her. J.J. was right. It would be healthier for both of them to be apart, to work out all the details without being in such close proximity.

  But as the minutes ticked away, her courage failed. With her chin quivering and droplets of tears falling into her burger, the sadness filled her and her heart felt totally broken. Why couldn’t they have done this sooner? Why had they missed out on those ten years? Why had she overlooked what she now saw in Morgan?

  “Come on,” he said after he threw his burger down and grabbed her hand. He pulled her into the women’s restroom and locked the door.

  This was no time for a quickie like they used to do in the old days. This was all wrong, and she started telling him this. She could barely see him through her tears.

  With his fingers smelling of ketchup and burger sauce, he cupped her face in the palms of his hands and kissed her.

  She tried to talk, but he had his tongue pressing against hers, his mouth devouring her breath and any possible words. His thumbs wiped away her tears when they parted. He wet a paper towel and dabbed her forehead, under her eyes, and under her chin. Her mouth tasted like his burger, including the onion rings, which she hated. She licked her lips, now able to see him at last.

  “Just hold on, Halley. You can do it. J.J. is right. You’re one of the most powerful women I know. You’re brighter, more observant, have more heart and drive, and you’re more stubborn than any Navy SEAL I’ve ever met. We’re way out of your league.”

  She nodded. “Thank you,” she said, but her voice sounded more like a five-year-olds. It was all she could do now.

  “No regrets, Halley. Life is what it is. But for us to have a chance, we’ve got to do some very dangerous things. I need you sharp and solid.”

  “I can do that.”

  “I know you can. I’ve seen you do it tons of times.”

  Someone was knocking on the door.

  “Just a minute,” they both said in unison. Halley slapped her hand over her mouth and made a face.

  “I’m sure they’ve seen it before. Are you better now?”

  “Yes. Thank you.”

  “You can do this, Halley. Look, if I have to live with the images of you and Mr. Sheikh having a romantic dinner or imagine what he’s doing when he’s next to you or perhaps kissing you—”

  “No, Morgan. I can’t do that.”

  “But you have to. I’ll be the first one to shake his hand and apologize if we’ve been wrong about him. But you know it’s important for you to play along.”

  “I know. So I can get naked and dance on tables for him, then?”

  Morgan growled. “Not. Funny.”

  “Can I do this?” She squeezed his package and ran her tongue over his lips, first the upper, then the lower. “Or this?” She took his hand and slipped it up under her short skirt and into her panties.

  “None of that. Don’t even think about that. It’s forbidden.”

  His fingers were exploring her sex and making her hot.

  She whispered in his ear. “Put it in one more time, Morgan. Just once more.”

  Again, the sound of banging on the door made the whole room shake, but Morgan had moved aside the elastic of her panties and had his cock inside her. She stepped on the toilet seat to bring herself up for better angle. Watching his blue eyes, she felt the warm, fat shaft of his find its way home.

  “Not very romantic,” he whispered.

  “Should we wait until the manager unlocks the door?”

  But then they heard keys. Morgan pulled out quickly, and she flattened her skirt. They opened the door and dashed down the hallway back to the dining room. A line of people had been waiting to use the rest room.

  She didn’t look at anyone’s face, but ducked and followed the direction his beefy hand was leading her.

  Inside the cab of the truck, Morgan squeezed the steering wheel. “Fuck, Halley. You’re going to be the death of us both. I’m not going to touch you.” He held his palms up as if she was radioactive.

  “Fine,” she said and faced the windshield, a smirk on her face. He always used to hate it when she said fine, because most of the time things were not fine at all, but very messed up. She’d had her last bit of fun, got him to cross the line again. Now it was time to get serious. And now she could.

  “Unbelievable,” he muttered while he tore out of the parking lot.

  At the gate, he let her off at the curb, handing her the bag she’d carry on her shoulder.

  “Safe journeys, Halley. You may not see me, but if it’s safe, we’ll talk. Please keep in touch with J.J. or me if anything at all comes up. I’ll give you updates if and when I can. But please be smart and safe.”


  They chanced another last long look, and this time, she managed to keep her eyes dry.

  “I will be missing you, Morgan.”

  “And you know right now what I’m doing to you in my mind,” he smiled. “Now go kick some ass and take no prisoners, kid.”

  “Roger that. We’re going to make it count.” Halley used her own line for the send off.

  “Make it count, indeed.”

  She turned and, without touching him or gesturing in any way, stepped into the terminal and didn’t dare look back.
r />   The plane ride seemed short and didn’t give her nearly enough time to collect her thoughts. She had been thinking about how to work on her event, knowing that perhaps someone was out there ready to take it all away from her. While it made her angry, she knew the anger would color her decision-making.

  When the plane landed, she texted Gibril, letting him know she was on the ground. She tried calling Crystal, but again only got her voicemail. She had Orestes’ phone number in her old phone, and she blamed herself for not trying him sooner.

  The driver was there as usual.

  “Welcome home, Miss Hansen. You had a good trip?” he asked.

  “It was a sad one. My friend is dying. I should be getting the text any time now.”

  “I’m so sorry. So this was your last time to see him?”

  “Her. Friend from my past.”

  “Well, that’s too bad. Glad you’re back home. It will be good to sleep in your own bed. That’s my favorite thing to do when I come home from a trip.”

  “You have that right. I need to catch up on my sleep.”

  “You have no bags?” he said as he glanced over at the carousel.

  “Nope, just this one.”

  He opened the back passenger door for her, and she slid in, dragging her bag with her.

  “I’ll get that.” The driver tried to put it in the front seat next to him. She pulled it back to her lap.

  “No worries. I’ve got things to look through on the way home, but thanks.”

  Every little deviation from their normal routine was a red flag for her. He’d never been so talkative. His usual nature was pure stoic.

  She also felt his eyes on her, watching her from the rear view mirror from time to time. Had he always been this interested?

  She made a mental note to look over her driver contract and perhaps have J.J. and the guys check out the firm that hired the drivers out. They usually sent this guy, but there were also two others they used. Up until now, there hadn’t been an issue. Now, everything had changed.

  They arrived at her first gate, and she retrieved the clicker and opened the gate. She wondered why she’d never given the driver her codes, like she had the landscapers, but she’d had the little crew of workers now for over five years and she’s trusted them from day one. Gibril had suggested she get a driver so she wouldn’t have to trudge the dark parking lot at SFO by herself when she came home, and since she could afford it, she agreed. It also gave her time to call everyone who needed to know she was back in town.


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