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20 Shades of Shifters_A Paranormal Romance Collection

Page 27

by Demelza Carlton

  The woman had barely said a word during dinner and now wouldn’t shut up. It was totally inappropriate, but Samantha got a kick out of her. Her admiration for Carol Hopkins multiplied from her first impression. She couldn’t believe she lived in this town her whole life, but only recently met Carol. There was another benefit of further integrating the clans.

  Nancy reluctantly started a pot of coffee, never lifting her gaze from the direction of the living room. She knew Nancy well enough to know she was on the verge of tears. Whatever trauma her friend was going through now would be worth it, if the end result was severing her from Dave’s abuse.

  “The boys accused Dave of terrible things,” Nancy confided in them. “None of it is true.”

  Samantha was torn between believing her friend and the knowledge she would lie to protect her husband. He must have convinced her that anything he had done was her fault. She knew her friend would never out right admit she was a victim of abuse.

  She decided to go on the offensive. “When was the last time he hit you?”

  “Oh, Dave never hits me,” her friend claimed.

  The fact that Nancy didn’t look her in the eyes told her everything she needed to know. Nancy never backed down when she felt she was right and always glared at her until Samantha gave in. She didn’t need to hear her friend’s confession, she just needed to be there for her. With a single embrace, Nancy broke down in her arms.

  Nate and Marc had not backed down from their attack, even with two alphas in the room. If anything, they were further agitated by the presence of outsiders in their family matters. Barry stood by his brothers, but didn’t contribute. He had walked away from his family when he left the state to go to school. Even when he returned home, he always had one foot out the door.

  “Lisa said she saw a large bruise on mom’s waist when she was reaching for something,” Nate yelled. “She wouldn’t have even noticed if Mom hadn’t moaned with the effort.”

  “Your wife is lying to you,” his father yelled. “She was always trouble from the moment you brought her home. I should never have let you marry her.”

  “My wife isn’t the one with injuries,” Nate replied at the same volume. “The mother of your children deserves more than being physically abused. I’m taking Mom home to stay with us for the time being. My sons will enjoy having their grandmother around more. She should be enjoying a semi-retirement, instead she is at that damned store from before it opens until she has to come home and fix your dinner.”

  “Nancy is not going anywhere,” his father shouted, “She’s my wife.”

  “Maybe if you treated her with the proper respect,” Marc added. “Rhonda has seen evidence as well, but believed Mom when she lied to her about how she received the bruises she observed. Our wives should have told us and we would have ensured Mom’s safety long before now.”

  His father’s eyes fell upon him. “I told you were no longer welcome in my home. Get out!”

  Barry charged forward and stood his ground before his father. “Not without Mom. Alpha Hopkins has been investigating abuse charges but has been unable to get anything concrete. This ends tonight. She’s going to Nate’s. Once we get her out of danger, we can find out what she wants. But that’s not going to happen as long as you have control over her.”

  His father was about to strike him when Tobias caught his arm before it made contact. “You strike your son, it’s the last thing you do. The only positive thing you have done is produce three strong sons that add to the strength of the pack.”

  “Two,” his father mumbled under his breath. It was clear enough for him to understand.

  “That shows how ignorant you are of the world around you,” their alpha responded. “There is more to a man than how physically strong he is. Maybe that was true in the old days, but packs need more than strong beta wolves. Look at what has happened to Eclipse over the last twenty years. There are drones with cameras that are not impacted by fences and no trespassing signs. Like it or not, the old ways are dead.”

  “You live your lives as humans, not wolves,” his father sneered. “When was the last time you shifted and ran wild?”

  “Every damned day,” Tobias responded. “I ask the same question of you.”

  Barry knew his father shifted after he threw him out of the family. However, he wondered how often his dad allowed his wolf to run free. If their alpha regularly interacted with his father, Tobias would know from his scent how often he shifted.

  Levon rubbed his nose. “The son you ridicule stinks of his wolf. So do the other boys, but I don’t smell it on you.”

  His father stood a little taller, rebutting their attacks. “You both are worthless alphas who can lay back and let others work. I run a successful business. In my day, alphas never tired of leading their packs.”

  “Well, your days are over, old man,” Levon drawled.

  There was nothing left to be said. His father would never admit he abused his wife. They needed to get their mother out of this house.

  Samantha guided Nancy toward the front door while Carol unplugged the coffeemaker. Carol had her husband’s car keys and they would drive Nancy to Nate and Lisa’s place. The argument was still going strong as they headed out the door. She would text Barry after they got on the road.

  In Nancy’s misery, she had forgotten what was going on between Samantha and her son. They were best friends again. Not a cougar female interfering with a wolf mated couple. Although, Nancy and Dave were not true mates. A true mate would value his partner too much to ever strike her.

  She opened the back seat driver side door and followed Nancy into the car. It would have been too easy for Nancy to open the door and escape if she changed her mind. To secure her friend, she placed her seat belt around Nancy and clipped the belt in place. She did the same as Carol accelerated out of the driveway. Being the alpha’s mate, Carol knew where all the pack members lived.

  Nate and Lisa lived half a mile from his parents. What was normally considered a comfortable distance where the grandchildren were concerned, was too close for comfort under these circumstances.

  Lisa was outside and helped to escort her mother-in-law from the car into her house. It was the first time Samantha had been in Nate’s home. The boys were asleep in the back of the house, so they tried to be as quiet as they could. Nancy was placed on the couch and she joined her best friend.

  “I’ll text Tobias,” Carol whispered and left to help Lisa in the kitchen.

  If it were her, she would have wanted a drink. Lisa was heating up warm milk for her mother-in-law. When Lisa returned and handed Samantha a mug, she reluctantly accepted it. Nancy would be more likely to drink the warm, soothing beverage if she also drank it. She took a tentative sip and was surprised by the taste. There was a shot of brandy in the milk.

  She turned to watch Nancy sip the delicious drink.

  “What do we do about her clothing?” Carol whispered to Lisa.

  Lisa leaned closer to the alpha’s spouse. “I have some of my mother’s clothing in the guest room. She can wear them until Nate brings over her own stuff. I’ve been expecting this day to happen eventually. The guest room has been set up for her for over a year.”

  Samantha yet again condemned herself for not paying closer attention. Her cell phone buzzed and she noticed Barry had sent her a text. They were leaving his father behind and the rest of them would meet up at Nate’s. Considering the short distance they had to travel, she wasn’t surprised when Barry, Nate, and the others walked through the door.

  Barry came and knelt beside her. “We should head out. I think my mom is overwhelmed with all the people. Tobias is having a couple of wolves watch the house to make sure Dad doesn’t come over and bother her.”

  Although she loved Nancy, she was no longer needed. It had been another long day. She and Barry still had a lot to discuss. They left one protected house, to return to another. She never imagined her life would become so complicated.

  Their drive home would
be longer than the short ride from Nancy’s to Nate’s. She cozied back in the bucket seat of Barry’s rental. This time she stared straight ahead and didn’t pay attention to the shadows the headlights created.

  “Do you think your dad will go after your mom tonight?” she asked.

  He kept his eyes on the road ahead. “Not tonight. He will stew for a while. I hope to God Mom doesn’t go to work tomorrow.”

  “Lisa said she’d keep her home and have her help watch the kids,” she replied. “If Nancy doesn’t agree, she’s ready to throw some serious grandmother guilt nonsense at her. Tobias will have someone watching the house for the near future.”

  Barry snickered. “I thought all the focus would be on us tonight. With all the drama surrounding my parents, I forgot we were in the spotlight.”

  “Well, at least I know what a two-hundred-dollar bottle of wine tastes like.”

  He released his right hand from the steering wheel and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “We all worked well together tonight. Wolf or cat, we supported each other. Do you want to go straight to bed when we get to your place?”

  She stared at the winding road, partially lit by the headlights. They had entered her pride’s part of town. Cougars liked the higher elevations.

  “Regardless of the threat, I want to run wild tonight.”

  Chapter 22

  When they pulled into her drive, three cougars came out of the forest. They were still far enough back not to be noticed by any traffic on the rarely traveled road. Only cougar shifters would be on this unpaved, mountainous route.

  She handed Barry her house keys. “I’ll be right there.” He headed for the house as she expected him to. There was no question he had seen the cats.

  The larger of the three cougars came forward and shifted into his human form. It was Officer Warren Addams. “Are you in for the night?”

  “No,” she answered. “We are going to run.”

  “A wolf in cougar territory?” There was an edge to his voice.

  “You better get used to it Officer Addams,” she responded in a sharper tone. “Not only do we have traditionalists to worry about, my old boyfriend has reappeared in town. He was a friend of Harvey’s. Your partner wouldn’t have mentioned he called his old friend to bring him up to speed on what’s happening in Eclipse?”

  “Not that I’m aware of, but it’s his right to talk to anyone he chooses,” Warren replied. “You two wanted to make this affair of yours visible for all to see. Well, you got your wish.”

  She wanted to slap the little snot. But that wouldn’t have gotten her anywhere. He was an ignorant bastard and there was nothing she was going to do other than request more open minded cougars to protect her house. Although, she wasn’t altogether sure there were any.

  “We’ll be heading toward the mountains,” Samantha advised him. “Stay out of our way.”

  Barry was waiting for her at the front door. “Trouble?”

  “Nothing a good run won’t cure,” she answered.

  He opened the door and they headed for the rear of the house and the mud room. She was too aggravated to go to her bedroom and bring a change of clothing downstairs for both of them after they finished getting a little exercise. There were a number of discarded clothes they could choose from if they felt the need to dress after they showered. They probably would want to be naked anyway. There were additional ways to work out aggravation.

  There was a patio light she normally turned on before she headed out. Tonight, with the cougars guarding her grounds, she didn’t want any prying eyes. She flipped the lock on her cat door and joined Barry in the corner where they both undressed.

  Barry shifted first and his wolf rubbed against her leg demanding to be petted. His shoulders were approximately three feet off the ground, making him a little bigger than a true timber wolf. His one-hundred-eighty-pound weight transferred from his human to his animal form. A shifter’s true mass never changed.

  She got on her knees and ran her hands from the spot between his ears, over his head, and down his back. Her fingers passed through the stiff hairs of his outer coat to the softer fur underneath. He moved his head to lick her face when she finished her third pass.

  The wolf stepped from her side and barked. He was ready to roam the woods behind her house. Samantha shifted and joined her mate. Being a male, he felt it was his right to lead the way. She followed him out the cat door.

  Samantha had no issues keeping up with Barry’s wolf. Cougars ran faster than wolves. But she didn’t feel the need to race him. It felt great letting her cat run free. Being two predatory animals, any nocturnal forest dwellers stayed clear of them. Even the owls didn’t hoot as they ran past.

  Barry headed due north, scaling the steep slope with ease. Her guards had heeded her warnings; she didn’t sense their presence. Her cat didn’t pick up any trespassers either.

  The land had dried somewhat since the last rain. Rather than being slippery, the forest’s ground was dry in some places and leaves crunched underneath her paws. Like most cats, she didn’t like getting her paws wet.

  Her dinner was well digested and it didn’t weigh her down as she ran full out. She became one with the Earth and everything that had bothered her was forgotten. It had been too long since she allowed her cat to take over her consciousness.

  Barry stopped at the top of the ravine that divided her property from state land. She sailed past him and soon he was following her. There was a mountain stream at the bottom she wanted to drink from. She had the water tested regularly to make sure it was safe. Wildlife in the area were occasionally poisoned by the toxins in the water. The pride and packs were constantly monitoring the aquifers and springs.

  The cold stream water tasted wonderful. She found a grassy area that didn’t require she get wet to lap up the water. Barry stood beside her and quenched his thirst.

  His head snapped to the west. She had picked up the same wind-carried scent. A deer was further down stream. Since they both had a substantial dinner, neither were drawn by the smell. Animals only hunted when they were hungry. Shifters acted the same way.

  Barry’s wolf rubbed against her. His coarse fur felt wonderful against her short beige coat. Although it shouldn’t occur in their animal forms, she was aroused. She rubbed against him to communicate her desire for him.

  His bark echoed throughout the night. There was no mistaking what he wanted. They simultaneously ran full out in the direction of her house.

  Not lowering her guard for a moment, she was still aware of the scents around her. The closer they got to her home, the more pronounced the smell of cougar shifters became. The odor was familiar. The scents belonged to the three shifters who guarded her home. There wasn’t a fourth scent intermingling with the officers.

  She entered through the swinging door to her patio. Barry was right behind her, never more than two strides back since they started home. There was a comfort to him entering her home, both in their animal forms.

  Samantha shifted and opened the door to the mudroom. Barry was back in his human form and secured the door to the patio. Any animal could rip through the mesh, but there was no sense in being careless with any aspect of their security. Why make it easier for a would-be predator?

  Her body was covered with a few still wet leaves and soil. They both needed to shower before they entered the rest of her house. The mudroom shower was large enough for several shifters to bathe after returning to their human forms.

  In the last year, she had replaced the showerheads and fixtures throughout the house. She turned on the water and waited until it warmed. If they kept the house, she’d finally breakdown and install a second hot water heater for this shower. It was something she always meant to do, but never got around to.

  She was about to step into the stall when Barry entered. His rod was fully erect. Although she was no longer in heat, she burned for him. The very sight of him made her wet. His nostrils flared at the scent of her arousal.

  He bac
ked her into the stream of water. The liquid cascaded down her body, but she barely noticed it. Her whole being was focused on her mate.

  His eyes were a lighter shade of brown; another sign he was as excited as she was. She bit her lower lip, waiting for him to make the first move.

  She didn’t have to wait long. He picked up a bar of soap and began to bathe her. The water at their feet was slightly discolored from the mud rinsing off their bodies. Each time he stroked her skin, she moaned in response.

  When he grabbed her round behind, he brought her closer to him. His arousal rubbed against her inner thigh. The contact almost made her swoon. She was reacting like an inexperienced virgin.

  His lips tasted hers. She had continually moved her wet hair out of her face, but now she placed her arms around his neck. When his tongue rubbed against her lips, she opened for him. There was a slight hint of peppermint to his taste, courtesy of the candy he popped in his mouth as he left the restaurant. She could also pick up the taste of the beef they both enjoyed for dinner.

  Her hands released his neck and combed through his hair. His normally wavy hair was now straight and slick.

  He lifted his mouth from hers and knelt before her. She expected him to wash her legs. When his hands reached between her legs she yelped in response. It was a sound a wolf made, not a feline. Once he removed his hands, she thought he was done. She was wrong. His tongue whirled through her feminine folds. She grabbed a hold of his shoulders to steady herself.

  His tongue breached the folds and targeted the little nub that would give her pleasure beyond description. When his tongue found her clit, she cried out. Her screams echoed throughout the tiled stall.

  Barry looked up at her. “Do you mind if your mattress gets wet? I don’t think I can hold out long enough for both of us to dry off.”

  “Don’t care,” she grunted. “I need you now.”

  To make it perfectly clear she meant what she said, Samantha squatted and took possession of his erection. He grabbed her under her arms and lifted her as he rose. She was pushed against the stall’s far wall as he entered her. Her legs had already wrapped around his waist.


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