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20 Shades of Shifters_A Paranormal Romance Collection

Page 33

by Demelza Carlton

  “A mate’s life,” Barry whispered his answer.

  A smile crept over her face. “Then why are you punishing yourself? A human doctor faced with a madman holding a gun to his wife’s head would kill the man if he had the opportunity. That instinct is greater in a shifter.”

  “I made an oath to do no harm and I broke that promise without blinking,” Barry sneered. “It’s important I come to terms with that. The bottom line is I would take Ian’s life again in a heartbeat.”

  Samantha let out a loud sigh. Barry turned at the sound of air being released from her lungs. He looked like the little boy she had adored. A little boy who was lost.

  “You live in two different worlds, Barry,” Samantha said. “It is honorable you want to heal people. Your research will give hope to members of our older community who have suffered a stroke. That’s why you chose medicine. But there is a wolf inside you, a community you are a member of, and a shifter mate who loves you. You are more than an oath. I wouldn’t be here if you only considered that promise in a vacuum.”

  Barry’s eyes widened. Something she said had gotten through to him. She just wasn’t sure what.

  Before she had the opportunity to continue the discussion, the doorbell rang. She was expecting Levon and couldn’t disregard her alpha’s presence. Maybe whatever Levon had to report would help pull Barry from his funk.

  Samantha extended her hand to Barry and he took it. Together, they entered the house and walked toward the front door. Nancy had gotten to the door before they entered the living room. Levon and Tobias were beside Nancy.

  “Have a seat.” Samantha was always the perfect hostess, even if her guests had chosen an inopportune time to arrive. “Can I get anyone anything to drink.”

  “I’ll pass,” Tobias said. “I’d like to get home to my wife as soon as possible.”

  She always had a pitcher of water in the refrigerator. As everyone was getting settled, she pulled out the water and grabbed a number of glasses, placing everything on a tray she carried into the living room. By the time she put down the tray, everyone was settled.

  “If you give me a minute, I’d like to run upstairs and put on some clothing,” Samantha said.

  Both alphas nodded their consent. The quick trip also gave her a moment to gather her thoughts and take a couple of deep breaths. She threw on a pair of jeans and a light-weight jersey. Four sets of eyes were on her as she descended the staircase.

  She had barely taken her seat when Levon started the discussion. “What did Ian share with you?”

  Although she was safe, there was still concern written on his face. He was concerned not about what happened, but what else was coming. An unease came over her.

  “Ian said he was part of an Alaskan pride that lived primarily in their animal forms,” Samantha answered. “He planned to mark me as his mate and return to his new pride. What’s going on?”

  “Levon and I are concerned that your abduction was the first step in a plot to take us all back to living like the old ways,” Tobias said. “Fifty-one-percent of Alaska is wilderness while California contains fourteen percent. It’s conceivable such packs could exist in our state as well.”

  Samantha couldn’t believe her ears. “As far as I know, Ian was not assisted by any members of his new pride, although he said they would be arriving to take the two of us back to Alaska. There was a human who helped him. He was alive when I left the cabin.”

  Levon rubbed his chin. “After we rescued you, we checked out the cabin. A man was dead in the basement. He had been mauled by a large cat. His killer was a shifter, but I didn’t recognize his scent.”

  Her mouth was suddenly dry. She reached for a glass and filled it with water. The water soothed her throat and calmed her a little.

  “The human’s body was dealt with, as well as Ian’s corpse,” Tobias reported. “With Ian dead, the specific risk to Samantha and Barry is behind us. But we may be facing other problems.”

  Samantha turned to Nancy. Her beliefs would have made her a prime candidate for an outside pack to approach for assistance. Her friend sat back and listened, but didn’t add anything. After everything Nancy had been through because of her, Samantha was the last person who would challenge her friend. Especially in the presence of both their alphas.

  “I am free to return to Colorado with Samantha to continue my studies?” Barry asked.

  Her mate’s coloring was pale. He didn’t seem the same man she knew before her abduction. Maybe they both needed to leave Eclipse and start a new life together.

  “Actually, I think it’s for the best,” Tobias answered. “The two of you need some time together to recover from everything that occurred and the prejudices you will experience here. With the new faction gaining steam, I’d sleep better at nights with the two of you a safe distance away. Besides, Barry’s research will benefit our communities in the future more than anything he can do now in Eclipse.”

  She didn’t like the idea of running away, but she could understand why Tobias recommended they leave. That had been the plan before everything got out of hand. Part of her didn’t feel right about leaving things as they stood in Eclipse without being part of the solution.

  Samantha and Barry were finally alone after an hour long meeting. Nancy left with Tobias, who would drop her off at Marc’s house. Each of the alpha’s offered the couple sanctuary, but Samantha didn’t want to leave her house or have others around. Her home had been secured and the danger directed at her had been neutralized.

  “Do you still want to go to Colorado with me?” Barry asked.

  Had her discomfort in leaving been evident to him and the others? It wasn’t unreasonable to re-evaluate their plans after everything that had happened, particularly the threat to their communities. Her indecision had nothing to do with their relationship.

  “The shifters who were coming for Ian and me could be in Eclipse as we speak,” Samantha commented. “I feel like a coward leaving.”

  Samantha regretted the words as soon as she said them. She knew how Barry was going to take what she said personally. His face was growing redder as she looked at him.

  “I didn’t mean—”

  Barry held up his hands to stop her from continuing. “I know what you meant. Although you never mated, you have been loyal to your pride. I’ve done everything short of divorcing my pack. Your discomfort at leaving now is understandable. Although, it doesn’t paint me in a favorable light.”

  She rubbed her temple. A variety of responses crossed her mind. Each being rejected in turn. There seemed to be no silver bullet that would spare Barry the feelings he suffered.

  Her own doubts plagued her. Should she stay and support her pride or leave with her mate? The risk to her pride was no greater now than it was before, just more information was available related to what they could face. She also questioned what impact staying would provide.

  One thing was clear, however. Barry had come for her. Samantha’s feelings toward her mate only intensified after her ordeal. He had killed for her.

  “My place is beside you,” Samantha said. “It doesn’t matter if we stay here or I go to Colorado with you. As long as we are together.”

  She sat on his lap and kissed his lips. He deepened the kiss and wrapped his arms around her. The thought of being in his arms drove her to fight to escape and buy time until Barry and his brothers could rescue her. With Barry, she was no longer alone and was a member of both a pride and a pack. There would be those that argued that point, but Tobias’s and Barry’s families were the only opinions that mattered.

  Barry released her lips. “I need you. Now!” His eyes were a light golden brown, burning for her.

  He rose to his feet with the grace of a dancer. She was still in his arms as he traversed the stairs. There was no chance of her head banging against the wall, it was secured against his chest. She listened as his pulse continued to elevate.

  When he reached her bedroom, he placed her on the bed as if she was fine china
. He removed her clothing and then his own. For a moment, he stood still, watching her. Her eyes were glued to his erection, knowing he would soon be inside her.

  In a heartbeat, his body was above hers and his hands explored her naked flesh. She spread her fingers wide and placed them on his back, performing her own exploration. After the danger they were in, each of them examined the other as if they were lovers for the first time.

  “I thought I lost you,” Barry muttered as his lips caressed her ear.

  She gasped as his tongue explored the outer ring of her ear. It had always been an erogenous zone, but her former lovers rarely took advantage of getting her hot and bothered. They had been selfish in the need for their own release. Barry was nothing like those other men.

  As his tongue continued to lathe her ear, she was helpless to respond. She was lost in the sensations he created. Her uneasy breathing provided any answer he expected.

  He reared back his head and his rod thrust inside her, causing her to scream. She entangled her fingers through his hair and pulled him closer so she could kiss his lips. Their tongues tangled as he continued to enter and withdraw from her core. Between kisses, she fought to breathe.

  Spasms rocked her body as she experienced her first orgasm of the night. Barry shouted as moments later he found his own release. She only tightened her grasp on him. Never would she leave this man.

  “The second thing I’m going to do when we get to Colorado is buy a new mattress.” Samantha announced when she had the ability to complete a sentence.

  Barry looked at her in confusion. “Why?”

  “Because we are going to wear out your old one the first night,” Samantha boasted.

  He rolled over onto his side, laughing in the process. His passion-lit eyes roamed over her face. She felt loved and cherished.

  “I’m going to need a second job to pay for all the mattresses we are going to require,” Barry responded.

  “Oh, no you don’t,” Samantha playfully said. “Every spare moment you have when you are not at the hospital is going to be with me.”

  Barry was beset with a fresh set of laughter. “You are a very demanding mate.”

  She leaned over and kissed his lips. “You bet I am,” Samantha said after she released her lips from his. Her merriment became serious as her eyes stared into his. “I love you beyond reason.” Everything that happened since they had gotten together was proof of her dedication.

  “And I didn’t know what the word meant before I met you again at the bar,” Barry replied. “I love you, Samantha.”

  Their lips met again in a passionate kiss. They didn’t share words from that point on to express their love for each other. A new life was before them in Colorado. She had confidence in the alphas to eliminate the threat to her pride and his pack. Her whole being was invested in the man beside her. He was the true mate to her cougar. His wolf killed to protect her.

  They were starting a new chapter in their lives together. Every step they took would be in a direction they both agreed upon. Their age difference and the animals they could both shift into was irrelevant. What was important was they would deal with what life threw at them as true mates.

  About the Author

  When Evelyn Lederman retired from her career as an insurance executive, she cheerfully anticipated the freedom to finally spend as much time reading as she’d always wanted. The twist in her story came when as-yet unwritten characters started cropping up in her thoughts, asking her to tell their stories. Now, she spends her days in Florida on the beach… with her laptop.

  She writes adult paranormal romance The Worlds Apart and Nightshade Saga series. In addition, Evelyn also has the first of her Young Adult series, ‘Selected’, also published. It is the first book in the Zaratan Trilogy series.

  Contact her at

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  Titles by Evelyn Lederman

  The Worlds Apart Series

  Fantasy Romance

  The Chameleon Soul Mate: Book One

  My Book

  The Crystal Telepath: Book Two

  My Book

  The Warrior Woman: Book Three

  My Book

  The Mind Control Telepath: Book Four

  My Book

  The True Ruler: Book Five

  My Book

  Titles by Evelyn Lederman

  Nightshade Sage Series

  Paranormal Romance

  Nightshade: Book One

  My Book

  Feral Nightshade: Book Two

  My Book

  Lethal Nightshade: Book Three

  My Book

  Deadly Nightshade: Book Four

  My Book

  Titles by Evelyn Lederman


  Young Adult Science Fiction


  My Book


  My Book


  S.E. Smith’s Magic New Mexico

  A Touch of Patience

  My Book

  A Touch of Prudence

  My Book

  A Touch of Harmony

  My Book

  Eliza Gayle’s Southern Shifters

  A Twist of Fate

  My Book


  Brenda Trim and Tami Julka

  Copyright © October 2017 by Brenda Trim and Tami Julka

  eISBN: 978-1-63587-815-8

  Editor: Amanda Fitzpatrick

  Cover Art by: Madison Trim

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writers’ imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction of this work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  All rights reserved. With the exception of quotes used in reviews, this book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by any means existing without written permission from the authors.

  Fate whispers to the wolf, “You cannot withstand the storm” and the wolf whispers back, “I am the storm.” ~Author unknown

  Chapter 1

  Swiping her entry card across the keypad, Liv pulled the door when the green light signaled then walked into a sauna. “Shit, it’s hot in here!” she mumbled to an empty hallway. Was the air conditioning turned off or was it broken?

  For the past two months, she’d worked almost every weekend and knew the air conditioning blasted seven days a week. Then she recalled her boss, Jim, mentioning a new security guard starting this Saturday so maybe he had turned it off without knowing some of the staff worked weekends. There was no way she was going to pull an eight-hour shift today, she thought, fanning her face. She was going to have to find out about the HVAC system.

  Liv quickened her pace to the lab when sweat beaded her brow. Unloading her purse, lunchbox, and armful of binders, she grabbed a hair tie from her purse to secure her long red hair off the back of her neck. Oh yeah, way better, she thought when her body cooled a smidge. As much as she loved her long hair, every summer she contemplated cutting it because it was a heavy nightmare when she was hot.

  Walking to the thermostat, she checked the settings. That was odd. It was set to seventy degrees which was normal for her lab. Typically, she was chilled to the bone while working and kept a lightweight sweater handy. She wouldn’t need that today, she mused, wiping at the droplets on her upper lip.

  She was sweating like a stuck pig and could barely think straight. Shorts and a t-shirt sounded great right about now. Hell, stripping to her bra and panties would be even better. Instead, she had on slacks and a blouse under her lab coat. If she couldn’t find and fix the issue, she was remo
ving the lab coat and didn’t care who might see her and report the infraction. She had dozens, if not hundreds, of slides to examine and with the heat pouring from her body the microscope lens would fog.

  Pulling her cell phone from her pocket, Liv texted her boss to see if he was aware of any problem.

  Remembering the central control panel was in the breakroom, she turned and headed down the main hallway, stuffing pink earbuds in her ears and connecting to her cell phone. With a swipe of a finger, Liv’s favorite song came on and she cranked up the volume to blaring. Bopping down the hall, she tried to forget the temperature and enjoy her jam.

  The long hallway of Primary Research Lab (PRL) seemed to stretch for miles and, of course, the breakroom was at the far end. The gray tile floor and matching colored walls added to the clinical environment and made the walk feel like the proverbial Green Mile.

  Assuming she was alone in the building, Liv’s cowboy boots suddenly felt the need to two-step and her arms agreed, swinging in unison with the fast beat. God, she loved to dance and couldn’t wait to meet her neighbor, Cassie, later that night. They always had fun when they went out and Liv needed a break from working a gazillion hours.

  As she shook her booty to Luke Bryan’s boom-boom, she couldn’t help but notice an open door ahead. Suddenly, her line dancing came to a halt and heat suffused her neck and cheeks. Maybe she wasn’t alone after all.

  Typically, all doors to the various labs were closed and locked unless staff was working. Liv hoped someone else had come in to finish their projects and could explain what was going on with the air conditioning. A cursory glance at her phone screen told her Jim hadn’t replied to her message. Not surprising given the man practically lived at the golf course on weekends.


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