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20 Shades of Shifters_A Paranormal Romance Collection

Page 51

by Demelza Carlton

  They checked the two remaining rooms and found two more males. Liv swiped their keypads and released the cuffs, and then their small group headed to the end of the hallway that Liv said belonged to the other lab.

  Lawson’s heart pounded against his chest as she swiped the card. He heard the lock release and she turned the handle, opening the door. Lawson stepped through first followed by his brother then Liv and Bart. As soon as he entered the room, the stench of death hit him like a bulldozer.

  There were about a dozen wolves lying on tables. Lawson gave a cursory glance around the room and recognized a tan coat on the far side. Rushing over, he froze when he approached the animal.

  A tube ran from the underside of its belly and connected to a large machine. A container beside the machine was full of blood. His father’s blood. Reaching over, he stroked the soft fur. The wolf didn’t move.

  He felt Ryan at his side but didn’t turn to look at him. He couldn’t face his brother. He had failed. He was supposed to save them, and he didn’t make it in time. Dropping to his knees, he broke down as grief consumed him. His father was dead.

  Chapter 22

  Tears streamed down Lawson’s face. His mind raged and shouted denial after denial. Why the fuck hadn’t they taken action sooner? His father was the alpha and pack leader for their community. He was the driving force behind the business and the reason the Scotts were considered such a formidable family.

  Face cradled in his hands, he felt his brother crouch beside him, placing a hand on Lawson’s shoulder. “Lawson, we can’t stay here. We have to get back now,” Ryan demanded and Lawson looked over at his brother. How could he be so callous? Their father was gone. Their lives would never be the same.

  “Fuck you, do you think I care who shows up at this point? I’ll kill everyone that steps through that door,” he growled, shoving away from the hold his brother had on him.

  “Lawson, it’s not that. Dad is gone. You know what that means. We have to get to mom asap,” he declared, a pained gaze meeting his.

  And then it hit Lawson. His dad shared a life force with his mom. When one died, the other followed shortly after. His mom didn’t have much time and they were a few hours away.

  Panic and fear hit hard, and Lawson felt cemented to the floor. He could barely wrap his mind around what was happening. He was in a haze where reality blurred and time stood still even though the clock was ticking against him.

  Luckily, Ryan shot into action, taking control of the situation. “Liv, look around and see if you can find the charts of each shifter here. We’re not leaving them behind. We’ll take them with us and hopefully locate their families. And we aren’t leaving the blood, either, so we’ll have to carry everything with us,” he directed as he started unhooking the machines from the wolves.

  “Yes, I’m on it,” Liv answered, and Lawson locked eyes with her.

  She walked over and he stood up as she stretched out her arms. He stepped into her embrace and she wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “I’m so sorry,” Liv whispered, “This is all my fault.” Lawson looked down and saw remorse in her green eyes.

  “No, don’t go there. Because of you, me, my brother, and all the other males standing outside that door are going to live. You cared so much and risked everything, even your own life. We are indebted to you,” Lawson admitted.

  “I just wish it didn’t have to be like this. Isn’t there anything you can do for your mom?” she asked as a lone tear escaped the corner of her eye.

  He knew Liv had grown attached to his mom in the short time. They immediately bonded, and he could see this was tearing her up, as well.

  “I wish there was, but no. Mates following their other half in death is the shifter way, and when a life force is shared, both know the consequences. I can promise you that she won’t want to live without him. Their connection is that intense,” he explained, his heart breaking at hearing the words come from his mouth.

  “Then we need to hurry and get you and your brother back to her,” she stated, kissing his cheek.

  “I’ll go get the RV from the parking lot and pull it as close to the building as I can,” Bart offered then headed out the door to the lab.

  The other males that had been standing in the hallway came inside and followed Ryan’s instructions. They would have to make more than one trip to load the dozen wolves. They moved around the lab quickly and grabbed as much as they could for the first round. Lawson told Liv to stop by her lab on the way out and grab any personal belongings and supplies that were hers. No fucking way was she stepping foot in this place again.

  Luckily, no one was around as they exited PRL which was good because it was still daylight. Bart had created a VIP parking space not far from the front door, tearing up the manicured lawn in the process. Liv carried the files to her Jeep as Lawson, and the others unloaded what they had carried out. Ryan transported their dad’s wolf, gently laying him inside the vehicle.

  Lawson unloaded several containers of blood then reached inside the passenger door to grab his cell phone. Several missed calls lit up the screen. He didn’t have to look at them to know who it was. His sisters were blowing up his phone. No doubt his mom was aware their father had died before anyone else. She would’ve felt his life force end.

  “Hey, I guess I’ll follow you back to Hollow Rock,” Liv said, walking up behind him, diverting his attention away from the phone. “I assume you’ll be riding with your brother,” Liv said as she looked to the wolf laying inside the RV.

  Lawson wanted to go with her, for several reasons, but knew his place was with his family right now.

  “Yes, I need to go with him. This won’t be easy for either of us,” he replied, pulling her into his arms.

  She melted against his chest, soothing the ache that suffocated him. With a simple touch, she had the power to calm his storm no matter how fierce its rage. At that moment, he realized how much he needed this female by his side.

  Bending down, he claimed her lips. Lemony sugar enveloped and comforted him. Her soft kiss sent warmth spreading throughout his body. His hands cupped her delicate face, and she moaned softly then lightly kissed his lips again before pulling away.

  “I’ll be right behind you. I’m here for you, whatever you need. Just ask,” Liv volunteered freely, reaching to twine their hands.

  Just then, Bart piped in. “I think we’ve got everything. Let’s get going before company arrives.”

  Lawson walked Liv to her Jeep and opened the driver door for her. “Drive safe,” he commented, leaning over to kiss her one more time.

  “You too,” she replied, giving him a sympathetic smile, causing his gut to twist at what he faced next.

  Turning, he walked back to the vehicle, his heart heavy. He should be ecstatic to leave the place that had held him prisoner for such a long time, but he wasn’t. In fact, he would gladly spend the rest of his days in those metal cuffs if it would bring back his father.

  As soon as Liv pulled up to the hotel, she saw Lawson’s sisters surrounding the RV parked in front of her. Lawson filed out of the passenger seat, and Ryan climbed down from the side door to the hysterical women. Her heart was breaking for this family, and she was helpless to make it better. Climbing down from her vehicle, she walked towards the group.

  “Hurry, Lawson. You and Ryan. She doesn’t have much longer,” Haylee sobbed, grabbing Ryan’s hand as she led him towards the large building.

  Lawson followed with his arm cradled around Brenlee’s waist and it looked like he was practically holding her up she was crying so uncontrollably.

  “What do we do about the wolves?” Liv asked, looking inside the vehicle as Bart came to her side.

  Jacob Scott’s wolf was an exquisite creature with a beautiful tan fur, reminding her how badly she wanted to meet Lawson’s wolf.

  “We talked briefly about that on the way here. The other shifters will take care of it. They will take them to the barn for now. We will look through the paperw
ork tonight and see if we can’t determine names and family information. From what I gathered, their mother will shift soon, and she will carry their father on her back and find a place in the woods for them to be laid to rest. Shifters don’t believe in traditional burials. The family will find them the day after she leaves and create a pyre to burn in their honor,” Bart explained to Liv as the newest members of their group unloaded the wolves, except for Lawson’s dad.

  Liv wished she had met Jacob Scott. He had instilled such high morals and values in the man she had come to love. She would like to have thanked him in person.

  “Hey, TKO, you okay? I haven’t had a chance to talk about what happened in the office,” Bart asked, pulling her out of her musings.

  He pulled her to him and wrapped her in an embrace. Thinking about what had happened, she acknowledged that Lawson had saved her life. Jim wouldn’t have killed her but he would’ve destroyed her in every other way had he raped her. She hugged Bart tight, thankful he was there with her right now. Lawson had his family to tend to, and she needed a friend.

  “Honestly, I haven’t had time to think about it. I meant what I said about putting Jim out of business and in jail. Can you help me?”

  “Absolutely. First thing when I get home, I’ll be making some calls. I think we have plenty of evidence against Jim,” Bart offered, keeping an arm around her waist as he led them to the hotel.

  “I don’t have a job now. Not sure how I’m going to handle that. I need to call my mom and tell her what happened. And Cassie, too. Maybe she needs a roommate,” Liv said with a laugh, because if she didn’t laugh she might break down crying. The thought of the financial strain this was going to cause had her head pounding.

  “Don’t worry about that. We’ll figure it out. You will find another job. Any research company would be lucky to have you on board. I’ll put out some feelers for that, as well,” Bart suggested, and Liv felt better. He was such a great friend, and she didn’t know what she would do without him sometimes.

  “Thank you so much. If you don’t mind, I might hang here for a bit while I figure things out,” Liv said as they walked into the large family room and took a seat on one of the sofas.

  “Of course, if you think that’s best. Listen, Liv, I’m going to say this, and I’ll never bring it up again. I watched Lawson today and how he reacted to what happened to you. It’s obvious he cares very much. I still think this is bound to be a train wreck between the two of you. Shifters and humans don’t mix. But I will support your decision and help in any way I can. You’re my TKO, and I love you,” Bart professed and leaned over, lightly pressing his lips to hers.

  Bart was a man of his word. He wouldn’t turn his back on her or Lawson. She returned the peck and hoped the additional kiss he added to her mouth was nothing more than a moment shared between friends.

  “Liv,” came a soft voice. She turned from Bart to see Hannah standing in the doorway. “Would you please come with me? My mom would like to speak with you.”

  “Yes, of course.” She stood up, and Bart said he would touch base with her before he headed back to Chattanooga. Liv followed Hannah to the third floor where the women had been staying.

  Nervousness had Liv biting her lip. Why did Madeline want to see her? Was she upset that she hadn’t gotten to the lab sooner to save Jacob? She followed Hannah into the room and was shocked at the scene before her eyes. The two men were on either side of her bed, each one holding one of their mother’s hands. But that wasn’t what was odd. Laughter filled the room as Madeline talked.

  “And then your father sat outside my window for a month straight, his wolf howling for hours on end until I agreed to date him,” Madeline whispered. She was pale and weak but had a smile on her face.

  “Oh, Mom, I’ve heard that story a hundred times and it never gets old,” Haylee said from the foot of the bed. Madeline looked up when she saw Brenlee and Liv walk in.

  “Olivia, my dear. Please come and sit by me,” she announced and Lawson patted beside where he was sitting. Liv walked over and took her place beside Lawson. Madeline released Lawson’s hand and placed her palm over Liv’s.

  “My family owes you so much. Thank you for bringing my boys home. Their sisters will need them now more than ever. You have made Lawson very happy. I’ve never seen him this way with any female that wasn’t family, and believe me, there have been plenty,” she teased, winking in his direction.

  He barked out a laugh. “Don’t go starting trouble for me, Mom. I’m trying to woo her if you hadn’t noticed,” he responded, leaning over to kiss his mother’s cheek.

  “Well, remember this, son. Don’t ever stop wooing. Then she’ll love you until the end of time,” she commented, coughing her effort to speak. A small amount of blood came up, and Ryan quickly wiped it away with a towel he was holding.

  “I’ll remember,” he promised, looking to Liv as he said it. The curl to his upper lip had her blushing to the roots.

  “Now, I’d like to be serious for just a moment,” Madeline said, trying to sit up straighter in the bed. “I’ve given this serious thought and discussed it with my children. The containers of blood that were taken from the lab. One of them belongs to Jacob, and I’m offering it to you. Run the tests needed and see if it will help the humans. It may or may not be the answer you are looking for, but I trust you to handle this the right way, not at the expense of my people.”

  Liv was stunned. She didn’t know what to say. Madeline was offering the blood of a shifter that had shared his life force. Lawson had told her it was that blood that altered and might be the answer to curing cancer.

  “I…I don’t know what…are you sure?” Liv stammered, questioning if she heard wrong or misunderstood.

  “I’m very sure. And if it turns out to be beneficial, maybe credit can be given to my sweet Jacob,” Madeline whispered and began crying.

  Tears formed in Liv’s eyes and a large lump formed in her throat. What an incredible gesture from this woman who had not only lost the man she loved but was facing death. Selfless was the only word that came to Liv’s mind.

  “I promise that your family’s legacy will be known to all. I’m honored that you’ve chosen me, Madeline. Thank you,” she croaked through a shaky voice, lightly squeezing the woman’s hand.

  “Now, if you don’t mind, Olivia, I need a few minutes alone with my children. The time has come for my last run,” she disclosed, and Liv saw the same fire behind her gray eyes that she had seen in Lawson’s a few times.

  Her wolf was ready to take over.

  “Yes, of course,” she replied, rubbing Lawson’s shoulder before she took her leave.

  As Liv left the room and shut the door behind her, the lump in her throat exploded, and the suppressed tears escaped. Running straight to her room, she swore she heard the call of the wild echo throughout the large hotel.

  Chapter 23

  Liv hopped off the ATV and walked towards the large barn, looking for Lawson. Ryan told her he was there working on the iron gate for the front of the property. It had been two weeks since his mom and dad’s pyre, and Lawson had kept to himself, preoccupied with various projects.

  Liv had given him space but missed Lawson terribly. They were sharing a room together but he had barely touched her and she wondered if things had changed between them. Death had a way of forcing people to look at their own lives and ask the deeper questions, sometimes resulting in change.

  Liv walked inside the barn, but it was empty. She saw Lawson’s makeshift table with a large piece of black metal laying on top and walked over. It was one of the gate doors, and she was awed at the intricate carving. An image of a sun cresting the horizon took up the top portion and in the door’s center were two large initials, SH.

  Wracking her brain for who or what they could represent, she came up empty handed.

  “Lawson,” she called out and walked out of the barn and around the side to where the lake was. Maybe he was taking a break. Making her way to the sandy are
a, she plopped down in the sand, kicking off her flip-flops to cool her feet in the water. Lawson was nowhere to be found.

  She looked out across the calm water and recalled the day she and Lawson had gone skinny-dipping. That was the first time they made love, and her core ached to have him fill her again. He had lost so much since that day, and she feared they would never get back to what they once shared.

  Sweat broke across her back and suddenly she was tempted to take a quick dip in the water. Maybe Lawson would show up and join her. Quickly removing her nylon shorts and tank then her undergarments, she waded out into the water, enjoying the chill that refreshed her heated skin. She walked out far enough to dunk her head and then made her way back to shore.

  Laying back on the sand, she figured she could dry off in the sun and then head back to the hotel to see if Lawson was there. Closing her eyes, she let the hot sun beat down on her wet body, quickly drying the droplets on her skin. She heard nearby crickets and a few chirping birds and allowed the peacefulness to calm her mind.

  She hadn’t relaxed in weeks. It seemed like a lifetime ago that she had walked into PRL to a broken air conditioner and stumbled upon Lawson by accident. She hadn’t seen her mom in almost a month and knew she was worried about her. She needed to go and visit her soon. Liv was going back and forth to Chattanooga until she sold her house. Thankfully, Cassie had been a huge help, showing the place to potential buyers, so she had fewer trips to make.

  A shadow moved across her closed lids, and Liv cracked her eyes, expecting to see a bird overhead. A deep growl rumbled in her ear. Looming over her body was the biggest wolf she had ever seen, gray eyes pinned on hers. Was this Lawson’s wolf?

  Heart pounding in her chest, she lay still. She was completely naked and felt more vulnerable to this animal than when Jim attacked her. Swallowing hard against the fear trapped in her throat, she prayed it would see she wasn’t a threat and go away.


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