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20 Shades of Shifters_A Paranormal Romance Collection

Page 137

by Demelza Carlton

  “Have you forgotten, you’re all trying to rob me?”


  “Then what the hell, man?”

  Jonas shrugged. “Like I said—”

  “Yeah, fast and loose. So, the drop will be on me if I don’t get you handled quickly.”

  “Eh. Maybe. Like I said, my goals and those of my MC are not one and the same.”

  Tempest straightened the truck out and continued driving, not knowing what to say or even what to think with the knowledge that Jonas might rob her. His club certainly would. That didn’t make her feel good.

  After a few minutes, he broke the silence between them. “Plus, I still need your blood for my ailing sister.”

  “You going to fill me in more on that?”

  Jonas shifted uncomfortably in the chair before turning toward her. “I’ve told you everything I can.”

  “Can or want to? If you want my help—”

  “Since that’s twice I’ve saved your ass now—”

  “—yes. Twice now.” She snorted. “I’d be more inclined to help you if I knew more about things.”

  “Honestly? I don’t know how she contacted the disease.”

  Tempest peered into her mirror, checking to see if anyone had come up on their rear or not. “Do you know who to take the sample to? How much are we talking here? Vial? Two? I’m Fae but I’m half vampire, so I don’t know if I’ll even have that much to donate.”

  They came upon the exit ramp for the truck stop and Tempest slowed the truck. Keeping her eyes peeled for not just the Firebrand MC, but also Jonas’ friends, she guided the truck into the entrance to the rest stop/fuel station and brought the truck to a complete stop. Killing the engine, she looked at Jonas. “Well?”

  “We have doctors in the Shadowlands. As to your blood, since it seems most of you is Fae, based on your behavior, I’d say a vial or two would suffice, but I’m not a doctor. You are able to resist the draw of the sun putting you to bed, yes?”

  She nodded. “Most of the time. If I push my body, then it takes a toll on me.”

  “I figured. Only older vampires can resist that call to sleep and even then, it’s only for an extra hour or two at most. But those vampires are usually over a thousand years old.”

  She couldn’t imagine vampires living for thousands of years, but then again, the Fae were almost eternal until something in Faery shifted and the Fae started dying out. It was a slow process but rumor had spread that eventually the current generations would finally rest.

  As long as she got her retirement in peace, Tempest had zero fucks to give about such matters.

  “You staying here?”

  Jonas clicked the handle and pushed the door open. He slid out of the cab, his boots hitting the concrete loud enough for her to hear before he stretched his arms above his head. “Nope. Need to stretch.”

  “Suit yourself. Don’t steal my shit.”

  Jonas gave her a mock salute before wandering away from the truck.

  “Where are you going?”

  He waved a hand and kept walking.


  Reaching into the side of the door, she pulled out a small purse that held Earth realm cash. Since oil and gas weren’t natural to Faery, it had to be imported from the Earth realm and that meant the Fae had to use cash to pay for it.

  Or use force and trickery, which was forbidden in every part of Earth.

  The thought to use Fae trickery to get rid of Jonas crossed her mind but her skills in that department were lacking—probably because of the vampire half of her.

  Shoving the nozzle into the now open fuel tank, she selected the diesel option, clicked the handle and locked it. Gas began pumping into the truck. It would take a few minutes, to fill up so she decided to stretch out her own legs by walking into the restrooms. She could pay for her gas using a machine that took her cash, get a receipt and then clean up.

  Once inside, the air of the building hit her in the face like a blast of ice. The Fae had tried so hard to adopt trucker behavior to haul things that they replicated the Earth experience of trucking, right down to the shitty tourist centers and rest stops.

  She deposited her cash, took her receipt and headed into the bathroom. More for the exercise, rather than cleaning up, since her own rig had a shower, Tempest braced herself using the sink and stared into the mirror.

  Her eyes looked more vibrant, the tri-color irises brighter. Her skin had a warmer glow to it and her curves filled out noticeably.

  What the hell?

  She didn’t remember anything about attacking Jonas, other than coming out of that haze and having his dick buried between her legs.

  Oh, that pressure felt so damn good until he slipped out.

  She swallowed the lump in her throat and splashed her face with cold water, hoping to re-energize herself for the coming drive. Swearing about her progress, she dried her face off and walked back into the main area, only to see Jonas and a motorcycle parked beside her truck with a burly older looking dude guarding it. He’d pulled the nozzle from her truck and replaced it, capping the tank before slapping the being on the back.

  Fucking bloodsucker. She saw him turn around, curly hair handing just below the top rocker on his cut.

  Great. Another Undead Soul.

  Pushing her way through the door, she stalked toward her truck. “Jonas, what’s going on?”

  He turned and waved as the other vampire mounted his bike, started it up and sped out of the parking lot. “Tempest. We have a private guard now.”

  “We?” She quirked a brow.

  “Yeah. Another of the Undead Souls is escorting us. By the sound of it, you’re going to need it.” He pointed up at the sky. “Can’t you hear the air?

  She stopped halfway between the center and her truck, looked up at the sky. All seemed quiet for a moment until she heard a faint buzzing sound that grew more distorted. It almost sounded like someone was jamming on a buzzer and fucking with the volume of the mic before the sound petered off and resumed. Voices?

  No. She shook her head.

  Those couldn’t be voices.

  The Sluagh they dealt with earlier had spoken in Earth English.


  The voices grew in intensity, then morphed into that eerie buzzing sound again before fading in and out. She broke the distance between them and grabbed Jonas by the arm, hauling him along with her toward the truck.


  Shaking her head, she shoved him in first, not caring that she was shoving him across the rig through the driver’s side. “No. No, Jonas. We’ve got to go. We’ve got to fucking go.”

  Chapter 6

  He didn’t appreciate the hurriedness with which she’d shoved him up the fucking step of the cab and into the car, but he did like her hands on his ass. Maybe later.

  The urgency in her voice told him something else was afoot, and he was missing it.

  Once he’d righted himself and settled into the passenger seat, he turned to see her slamming the door, buckling herself in and practically jamming the key into the ignition in her agitation. “Did you let this fill up all the way?”

  “Yeah. The gauge clicked and I assumed you’d paid.”

  Flipping various switches, Tempest’s gaze moved from gauge to gauge while she mouthed an OK.

  The energy pouring off her seemed intense, focused, yet smelled a little like burnt toast.

  Tempest nodded, put the truck in gear and waited for the brake system to re-balance. Then she swore.


  Unbuckling her seatbelt, she darted into the back of the cab. “You didn’t hear that noise?”

  “I heard something, but it just sounded like hollow buzzing. It’s nothing we’ve ever heard before.”

  She continued rummaging through drawers, apparently looking for something.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I need to find my laptop.”

  “Computers in Faery?”

She glanced over her shoulder. “And I need to pray the fucker will work here so I can disable the governor on this truck.”

  “I think you really need to get up here and get us moving.”

  “You didn’t hear the voices, did you?” She continued searching, making a ton of noise. “Those haunting voices.”

  “Nope.” Jonas slid into the driver’s seat and put the truck in gear before cranking the wheel and hitting the accelerator.

  “’What are you doing?” She rushed back to the front.

  “You see the sky? He pointed at the large cloud cover heading toward them. “That large swarm of clouds is moving quickly in our direction.”


  He peered closer, saw the occasional distorted form in the mass moving slowly toward them.


  “The Wild Hunt.”

  “Now?” He started for the highway. “You serious?”

  “About as serious as I am when I say move, or I’ll kick your ass.”

  He clumsily jerked the rig onto the highway before Tempest yanked him aside and slid in the driver’s seat.

  “You’re a biker. Not a trucker. This is my baby, we clear?”

  Shuffling into the passenger seat, and thankful to still be with her, he held up a hand. “Yes, ma’am.”

  She corrected the trajectory of her rig and steered them onto the main highway before hitting the accelerator and gunning the truck. “Fucker won’t get past sixty-eight and we need to not only haul ass, but find cover.”

  “My club will help provide that.”

  “You’re switching sides?”

  He didn’t answer immediately. Truth was, he didn’t know entirely. This much action fueled his need for stimulation other than sex and riding, but he’d kinda grown fond of Tempest. Her feisty attitude only made him want to banter more with her, even though she had a bit of an aggressive side.

  He also hadn’t told her that his sister’s life force was weakening. He’d felt it again when he last rose.

  “I never said that.”

  “Then what’s your play?”

  “Right now? It looks like even if we did hijack your cargo, it wouldn’t matter.”


  He watched her look in his mirror. “Shit, again? Will they ever give up?”

  “Those don’t look like Firebrand.”

  “Where the fuck is our so-called private guard, Jonas?”

  The bikers fast approaching from the rear all looked similar. Dark, swathed in plenty of brown from head to toe, only their eyes were visible through the amount of hair on their heads and faces blowing about from their speed. Oh, and they had wings?


  The bikes they rode weren’t as large as Jonas’ Harley so he doubted they had the power to keep up for longer than short runs, but they had maneuverability.

  That could cause a problem if the roads got too narrow.

  “How far down are we from your clubhouse, Jonas?”

  He shrugged. Good question. He had no idea where his club was.

  Pliny had shown up, thanks to word from Cristin. Pliny told him to watch the things that strayed the skies but said no more once Tempest appeared.

  At least she’d stopped calling him asshole. He deserved it at times, but he’d saved her ass twice, and now it looked like he might be doing it a third time.

  “I don’t know. You still have weapons?”

  “Yeah. Why?”

  “I’m going to start shooting.”

  She jerked a brow up. “Firefight? Are you sure we can win that?”

  He shrugged. “We don’t have a chance. I don’t know what those winged beings on the motorcycles are.”

  “Neither do I. What about that other member?”

  Jonas shrugged. “If he’s smart, he’s zoomed off toward the clubhouse.”

  “Some fucking outlaw you vampires are. Running from a fight.”

  Snorting, Jonas looked out the window. “No. Our assailant assholes are moving in the same direction as us. The same direction Pliny took off in.”

  “Great. We’re fucked.”

  “Guns, Tempest?” He hated raising his voice but his heart started beating again and the pulse was alarming.

  “In the back, bag underneath the table/bed.”

  He went to the back, kneeling before the makeshift bed they’d slept on. A smile crossed his lips but he suppressed it. Now wasn’t the time to think of her glorious body rolling against his or riding on top of him. “Roger that.”

  “Find it?”

  Spotting the large duffle, he grabbed the straps and yanked the bag across the floor. Yanking the zipper down, his eyes widened at the arsenal in the bag. A few shotguns, an AR-15, or two, and a shitload of ammo would help. “Yeah. I think I can hold them off.” He picked up the two AR-15s, checked them for ammo and grabbed two more magazines and shoved them into the pockets of his cut. He grabbed a Browning Hi power as well. Checking the clip, he slid it back into place and slid it in his jeans.

  "How are you going to hold them off?”

  “With my good looks and charm. And a healthy dose of lead.”

  She waved a hand flippantly. “Whatever. Look, those rounds are specially designed to stop your kind and most Fae magic. So be careful.”

  Did he detect concern in her voice?

  This time he let himself enjoy the smile spreading over his lips before shoving the bed against the wall, sliding between the table and booth and opening the window.

  The sight behind them didn’t look promising. The dark sky was beginning to give way to the faintest of pale blue just over the treetops and Jonas spotted the sun beginning to crest just over the horizon. He tried to control the yawn and force his body to wake up but without feeding from Tempest, who was presently engaged in driving, he wouldn’t make it much past dawn.

  “Shit, Tempest.”

  “You don’t sound like you can handle a bunch of fucking bikers, Jonas.”

  “It’s not that.”


  She must have realized the sun was cresting.

  “You fucker. You goddamn bloodsucking fucker. Stay the fuck awake, Jonas and I promise I won’t kill you.”

  He chortled. “I’m already undead. You can’t kill me.”

  “Fine.” He saw her throw up a hand out of the corner of his eye. “You can fuck me again if we survive this.”

  She really did like him!

  “And I get your blood for my sister.”

  “Fuck, seriously?”

  “Yeah, Tempest. I told you I’m all in.”

  “Shit.” He heard her sigh heavily. “Fuck me, and my blood for your sister.”

  “Thanks.” He wasn’t sure he could seriously hold up his end, though. The weight of exhaustion was crashing down on him. Negotiating that point meant she would honor her word or risk being forsworn.

  When he took aim at one of the horrific creatures riding alongside the truck, and fired, the Fae merely dodged the shot.

  Wind blew hard against the back of his head and made it harder to steady his aim. He lined up and took another shot, three bullets puncturing the front wheel of the bike and sending the creature flying over the edge as his bike swerved off the road and flipped. “Gotcha, you fuck.”

  Looking down, Jonas watched pavement speed past them. He adjusted his aim and fired a few more rounds to dissuade anyone else from coming up on their right.


  “Yeah babe?”

  “Better get up here.”

  He took another look, fired off two more bursts then pulled back, slammed the window shut and headed to the front. “I don’t see anything.”

  Hearing the tapping noise above, he looked up, aimed up at the two large boots that walked on top of the rig.

  She jerked his arm back down. “You fuck, that’s bulletproof.”

  “Oh.” He slung the gun over his shoulder and lowered the passenger side window again.

  “You can’t take tha
t with you in raven form, can you?”

  “No, but remember, I can move faster than you. Keep the truck steady.”

  “Damn you Jonas. Be careful.”

  Jonas gave her a quick peck on the cheek. “Knew you cared.”

  “Barely.” She gritted her teeth and steadied the truck.

  Climbing on top of the window, Jonas twisted to see the thighs of a fucking tall, muscular creature with large wings spread slightly. Brown clothing covered even darker colored skin and his face had too much hair for Jonas’ comfort. Best part? Mental status of the creature.

  Unaware. Perfect.

  This time the wind blew hard against his face, making his hair fly against him and partially blocking out his vision.

  “I’m going to try to pick up speed, Jonas.”

  Moving his hair out of the way, he pulled the gun out of his pocket and took aim. “Just keep the truck steady.” Firing off two shots nailed the creature in the calf, sending him dropping off the truck. “Thank fuck.”

  Fighting off another yawn, Jonas gripped the top of the truck with one hand, placing one foot beside the other and tried to remain fixed against the truck. No, a fall wouldn’t kill him but it would sure as fuck hurt. He slid the pistol back into his cut and inched forward.

  He needed to get to a higher place so he could monitor shit from directly behind them and clinging to the top of the truck was the only way.

  Wind from behind him unseated his balance even more. He couldn’t jump and shift into a bird, not without getting creamed by the front of the cargo hold. He was fast but at this point, not fast enough.

  “Fuck.” He gripped the edge of the window and held on tight enough to turn his knuckles an even brighter shade of white.

  He’d never wanted to do battle on the top of a moving vehicle. For one, it sounded stupid. But he’d managed to crest the top of the truck, though a glance behind him showed the damn sun rising.

  His knees went slack and he had to catch himself.

  He crouched low, moved his hair to one side of his body and fought off another yawn. Scanning behind the large cargo, Jonas realized he could only see in front of him, not on the sides due to the height of the container.

  A few motorcycles trailed the truck from a distance.

  Jonas slid the AR-15 off his shoulder and took aim at the five approaching bikers. Firing off two bursts made the bikers scatter.


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