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20 Shades of Shifters_A Paranormal Romance Collection

Page 169

by Demelza Carlton

  “I didn’t know Ruby Foo’s offered private dining rooms,” she commented as she seated herself at the intimate table, the waiter hovering close by. “Since you base your operations out of Philadelphia, I’m surprised you know the place. They’ve only been open for a few months.”

  He simply raised an eyebrow at her. Cocky man.

  As he pulled out his chair, she admired the cut of his dinner jacket and admitted to herself that she’d looked forward to the dinner, and the conversation. Since her problems began three months ago, she hadn’t had a moment’s relaxation.

  The waiter attentively pushed in Helen’s chair and laid a napkin across her lap. He handed them each a tall menu booklet, trimmed in the same reds and gold of the décor.

  “The menu is gigantic,” she commented, simply to have something to say. “I can’t decide what I want.” As soon as she said that, she regretted it. After all, this was a business dinner, and she’d just shown a form of weakness to the man opposite her, even if it was a tiny indecision.

  David looked up from his own menu and smiled knowingly, “I’m for some negitoro temaki sushi to start, and then I want the ginger shrimp with peppers and Savoy cabbage. It’s wonderful.” His smile deepened. “Want some suggestions? Or are you familiar with Japanese food?”

  “I’m fine, thanks. I think the chef’s choice dim sum appetizers and the tempura crab are for me.” She regained her composure, and took charge. “So you’ve been here before.”

  “Yes, a couple of months ago, when I was here checking up on your firm.” He smiled, taking the sting out of the reminder of his accusations that afternoon. “Everything here is good.”

  “Were you alone?” she asked, and then flushed, knowing how that comment must have sounded. Why did she want to know anyway?

  David hesitated, then spoke, his voice a low, sexy drawl. “That’s a mighty personal question, Ms. Mathews. Are we talking business or pleasure tonight?” His eyes slid to her mouth, and she fought a shiver.

  “Business, of course.” Helen straightened her shoulders, glad she’d decided against a more revealing change of clothes for the evening. A business suit was a shield, of sorts. She reached for her briefcase and pulled out a sheaf of papers. As she laid them on the table, she thought she saw a flash of disappointment cross her companion’s face. She didn’t comment on it. It would be best if she could keep this meeting as professional as possible, relaxation be damned. The waiter chose that moment to arrive to take their drink orders, breaking the tension.

  After she ordered a glass of white wine, and David ordered a bottle of hot sake, Helen cleared the centerpiece from the table and spread out several reports. “I think, with what you have proposed, this office center could be very successful. However, Multoma has a somewhat different agenda than the retail areas you have in mind. We’ve had some great successes combining community planning with office planning or retail development.

  “What I see, when I look at your concept, is a gap. You have office spaces and retail spaces, but similar developments are already located and underused nearby. What I think would create a better draw to the office environment is a professional center, a location to draw in a series of doctor’s offices, perhaps legal facilities and, if we’re lucky, a spa.” She paused, and looked up from the papers to find David staring intently at her.

  “Is there a problem, Mr. Sherman?” Helen considered his expression and wondered if he was going to reject the idea of Multoma putting its own stamp on the project. If that were the case, he could look elsewhere for a developer, and it wasn’t too likely that he’d find one that would accept his proposal without making a few changes.

  David took a mouthful of sake, his expression vague, as he savored the rice wine for longer than necessary.

  “No,” he said, and poured another tiny glassful for himself and a second, which he pushed in front of Helen. “I’m considering the motive behind this suggestion. It wouldn’t have to do with the fact that Multoma owns a good chunk of that nearby, underused retail space, would it?” He raised his eyes to Helen’s.

  A second waiter arrived to take their meal order and Helen breathed an inaudible sigh of relief. Of course Multoma owned those shops, and her directive was to ensure that any new development would bring more public traffic into the area. More retail space would do that, but wouldn’t necessarily increase the rental value of their properties. David surely knew that. He was simply baiting her, trying to imply that Multoma was only interested in his project as a means to improve their own holdings.

  “Of course it does. It also has to do with the fact that the government is planning on building its first seniors’ center in the area, one planned to be a nearly self-sufficient town. These facilities will go hand in hand with the government’s project, increase foot and local traffic, and everyone will benefit.” Helen gave him a straight look, daring him to continue to taunt her. She ignored the drink he’d poured for her. This was a good project, but not the only fish in the sea.

  “Okay, so we agree on the development of the area, and the office complex, and I am willing to review your plans on the professional center. Is your company officially interested?” David waited.

  “If it weren’t, I wouldn’t be here. Do we have a deal then?”

  “A probationary one at least, while we work out the details.” David held out his hand to shake on the deal and seal it. Helen clasped her hand in his and for a moment, neither said a word, and neither let go.

  His skin was warm, his hand large on hers. Attraction sizzled up her arm and down her spine. It was a challenge, the way he was staring, daring her to be the first to break eye contact, or let go. She let a small smile play over her lips, trying to show him she recognized his intent without having to comment on it. After all, she knew all about alpha male attitudes. The first one to look away would be admitting they were the weaker of the two. Since she never could give up a challenge, this would make for an interesting partnership, as they felt each other out and looked for any weakness. And, if nothing else, this moment allowed her to appreciate his gorgeous eyes.

  The early arrival of the waiter carrying their appetizers drew the contest to an end, with Helen and David exchanging a sardonic smile as they both let go. A simple staring match would never settle dominance in their partnership, and they both knew it, but it was difficult to resist. They quickly set aside the proposal papers and Helen turned her attention to the steaming dish of dim sum before her. Steam rose from the ceramic bowl of dumplings; the delicate aroma of fish and spices made her mouth water. She almost wiggled in anticipation of the subtle flavors that were sure to match those scents.

  It was then that she noticed an equally interesting aroma coming from David’s plate. As she focused her attention on his plate of sushi, the wild scent of raw fish and pressed seaweed became overpowering. She couldn’t prevent her tongue from slipping between her teeth to lick her lips. David made an odd noise and she glanced up at him. The masculine odor of his skin mixed seductively with his cologne. She breathed him in, absorbed his particular scent, stronger now than it had been in the office. It was heady stuff, and she smiled at the one newfound ability her curse provided her that she actually enjoyed, a stronger sense of smell.

  David leaned toward her over the dinner table. “Don’t stop. I love it when a beautiful woman looks at me like she might devour me.” His voice was husky, and drew her eyes to his lips. They were full and sensual, and she thought she might like to bite them. He tapped her lips with a pair of chopsticks, breaking her flash of desire.

  “Sorry. Your dinner looks wonderful, and I was wondering if perhaps I should have ordered sushi as well,” Helen hedged. Where was her mind headed? Yes, he’s handsome, and powerful, and intelligent. He’s also a business prospect, and a known womanizer. Get a grip!

  “Try some.” He offered a roll carefully with his chopsticks, and she had little choice but to accept it from him. He fed her carefully, dragging the chopsticks over her lips and watching
her as she chewed the delicate morsel slowly. Without a doubt he was teasing her. She couldn’t resist it—she licked her lips again, this time giving him a provocative glance beneath lowered eyelids. Her own appetizer lay cooling in front of her, but she ignored it, preferring to prolong the mocking sensuality that bounced between them. Some things, even things she knew couldn’t go anywhere, were meant to be enjoyed.

  They returned to their separate meals, eating in a not-quite-comfortable silence. It was too electric to be comfortable. She stole glances at him, while he stared at her lips. Did he want a kiss? Helen wanted one…and yet, she didn’t. Teasing was one thing, but a kiss would take them over the edge of what was allowed professionally. And after all the craziness of the last three months, well, she wasn’t sure what would happen if she tried to take things to a physical level.

  David leaned closer, looking at her eyes, and Helen looked away. She could only imagine what he thought of her odd eye coloring. Perhaps he thought she wore special contact lenses to appear more exotic. The color certainly wasn’t natural, but it was one of those things she was slowly becoming accustomed to. Time to cut dinner short.

  “Thank you for introducing me to Ruby Foo’s. It’s been interesting. My office will be in contact with yours on Monday to send you our revised proposal.” She opted for her most businesslike tone and stood up from the table, and it seemed effective in backing him off a little. If anything were going to happen between them, she would be the one in control, not him.

  David stood as well and grinned. “But I’ll see you tomorrow. I’ve got one more day in New York, and I expect you to spend a little of it with me, as my new partner…and all.”

  Helen pursed her lips in frustration. How could she say no? He was laughing at her, but she had to comply. “Fine. Why don’t we meet for lunch?”

  “Sounds good. After we take a look at the site, of course. I like to get my bearings physically before I make any final decisions about building. I’ve been there before, but I’d like to see it through your eyes. I’ll pick you up at ten o’clock.” He swept his fingers through his hair, his voice charmingly smooth.

  “No, I’ll meet you at the site. I’d rather take my SUV.”

  “Ooh, a woman who enjoys the feeling of power under her. My mom always said to look out for women who drove big trucks,” he teased.

  She shook her head, having trouble associating the laughing man with the serious businessman, the same way she’d thought it difficult to associate the demanding and accusing agent with the sexy man before her.

  “Right then,” he said, stepping away from the table. “I’ll meet you at my site in the morning.”

  He was pressing her again, pushing her to follow his lead. His site. For now, she ignored it, but tomorrow would be different. She’d show him it would be her plans, not his, that directed the development. Having another successful project under her name would shut everyone up, absences or no.

  Chapter 3

  It was only six o’clock in the morning. Helen stared at her wardrobe and sighed. How did she pick out clothes that said ‘Yes, I’m tough, and good at what I do, but I’m also a woman outside the office, not that I care if you notice’? That was a complicated message and said something about her interest in David that she could little afford. On the practical side, it would also have to be something she could stomp around the potential development site in, and that might be a little rough.

  At last she decided on a semi-casual ensemble that consisted of a single-breasted linen blazer and silk shell top, and contrasting blue jeans and leather ankle boots. The blazer and shell were a pale, frosted-blue, and looked great with her black hair. Even better, the jeans made her long legs a focal point, without resorting to another skirt. The whole selection process had destroyed her closet. When was the last time she’d taken this much time with her appearance? The answer came quickly. The last time was the night of the annual company party, and that was something she didn’t want to think about just now.

  She dressed quickly, efficiently. A quick trip to the mirror and a few flicks of her brush tamed her wild hair. Make-up was minimal. She certainly wasn’t going to try to encourage the man. She had a feeling he’d be doing that all on his own, despite his words about business first.

  Her own inclinations were going to be firmly squashed, at least when it came to this man. She reached absently for her favorite silver bracelet, thinking about his broad shoulders. A sudden burst of pain shot through her hand and she screamed in both frustration and agony as she threw the offending piece of jewelry across the room.

  Helen fisted her burning hand, fingers wrapped tightly against the pain there. She squeezed her eyes tight as she stood in front of the mirror. Those damn yellow eyes! A sob escaped her lips. It didn’t matter what she wore, or what she looked like, now. Of course business would come first. It would come last, too. There was no way she was ever going to have a personal relationship again, not in this condition. She opened her eyes. The golden color was still there. She opened her hand. Although the pain was gone, a blistered patch of red glared up at her from her palm.

  Chill air crept down the back of David’s neck. He glanced around quickly. Where the hell was he? An intense growling sounded close by and his heart raced. He was in the woods, but where? How? The trees around him cast deep black shadows, although the moon glowed above—a full round circle of silver light.

  The tree limbs stood bare of leaves; layers of snow trimmed each branch and the ground around him. The low-pitched, rumbling growl reached him again, and the sensation of being watched competed with the cold air to send shivers down his back.

  Slowly, he turned in a circle, scanning the darkness between the pools of moonlight. Something moved. He caught another flicker off to his left. There was more than one of the creatures in the woods, watching him. The beating of his heart seemed louder now than the crunch of the snow at his feet. The only other noises were the harsh gasps he made as he tried to get enough air, and the soft growls he continued to hear from the trees. Four sets of golden eyes shone out at him from the shadows.

  A crashing noise reverberated through the clearing where David stood. He whirled toward the racket, shocked by the sound. A flash of white preceded his realization that what he was seeing was a woman. She fled like a wounded deer through the forest, breaking small branches as she went and crying out in pain and fear. She rushed toward him, and he grasped then that the white color was her naked flesh.

  The woman raced closer, her dark hair streaming out behind her. Her body was fantastic. She had long supple limbs, shapely breasts and a narrow waist that drew his eyes down toward her feminine core. Then he realized her hands and feet were coated in mud. Welts covered her legs and arms. She looked at him through her pain, and cried soundlessly for help. It was Helen Mathews.

  Her eyes reflected the same golden color as those from the darkness in the woods. David whipped around, checking for the creatures that had been watching him. There was no sign of anything, but howls called from where Helen had breached the woods, sounding a call for the hunt.

  She reached him and grabbed at his hands. “Run!” she panted the words out. “Run for your life!” She dragged him with her, and then stumbled. David looked back as he heard the howling start again. Great gray wolves stalked them, growing closer, grinning in their toothy way at prey that could not escape. He turned to Helen. She was grinning now too, her eyes golden in the moonlight. He dropped her hand, and she began to howl. He ran, ran and…

  David woke, gasping for breath. He clutched at the bedding, sweat drenching his body and dampening the soft cotton sheets. He sat up, and nearly died on the spot as he took in the wolf across from his bed in the early morning light. Then he slumped to the mattress as he recognized it as the poster he’d purchased from the National Conservation Organization.

  “Holy crap. Wolves and naked women equal too much business and not enough sex.” Still, his heart pounded and he could remember the vision of Helen, beau
tiful, naked, and in pain.

  It had to be their sexually charged meeting last night and the anticipation of their meeting this morning that caused the dream. Mix that liberally with the mystery of her unexplained absence and a dose of the wildlife channel before bed last night and bang—one hair-raising subconscious experience. The problem with that little theory though, was that it was obvious that she was on his mind, and under his skin. That hadn’t happened in a long time. Not since Sharon. And Sharon was dead.

  He rolled out of bed, the soft sheets falling away from his naked body. A slight chill ran down his spine as cool air touched drying sweat. A shower first, then coffee, and then he’d tackle his approach to Ms. Mathews. If he could get her to admit what she’d been doing last week some of the mystery would disappear. As less of an enigma, she would be less of a challenge, less of an interest, at least on a personal level. He hoped. While a challenge was good, he didn’t need a woman who would want to take over and rule his life.

  Most of the proposed site was swamp. Not the sort that wildlife experts would call home to any important species though; this mess was caused by humans alone and was new and raw, no doubt caused by the construction somewhere further up the river, probably last year’s series of new strip-malls.

  Helen scanned the brush and caught movement here and there, but found little of interest. Windborne trash, mostly. She kept her breathing shallow. There was a scent of dead something nearby, and although some small part of her insisted she investigate, sniff it out, she kept her feet firmly planted on dry ground. She wouldn’t let the change direct her if she could stop it.

  She couldn’t help her reaction, though, when her ears caught the sound of an approaching vehicle. Her body swiveled toward the sound and her stance altered to a more challenging posture. She resisted the urge to open her mouth to taste the air, but inhaled deeply as a man stepped from the now parked Jeep. David. His scent carried to her on the breeze and her posture changed again as a tingle of pleasure slid through her body, causing her breasts to peak with interest. Damn.


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