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20 Shades of Shifters_A Paranormal Romance Collection

Page 208

by Demelza Carlton

  That had vanished the moment he had opened the door to the bar and spotted her across the room. His forward momentum halted. Her back was to him, and he allowed himself to stare, blood hunger rising inside him.

  It had been many years since he had felt hunger like this. When they had first been hurled into the Abyss and Lilith had bestowed them with their dark powers, the need to feed had been relentless. Fueled by his craving for revenge, he had slaughtered those he perceived as his enemies—which incorporated just about the whole of mankind. And angels—he still fucking hated them. Back then, he hadn’t been able to step into the sunlight and had lived his life in darkness. Now, nearly two thousand years later, the hunger had faded, and he no longer needed to feed regularly. Sunlight caused him not even a flicker of pain.

  But even in the early days, he had never felt this blood hunger mixed with sexual need. It knocked him off balance. His gums ached, and his dick ached, and he forced himself to push down the hungers. He didn’t want to scare her.

  At that moment, Rachel’s shoulders stiffened as though sensing his focus. She pushed herself to her feet and turned slowly, and his breath caught in his throat. Despite the modern clothing, it was as though Damaris stood in front of him. Her long black hair was loose around her shoulders, her slender figure shown off in tight jeans and a T-shirt that matched her eyes and hugged the fullness of her breasts. So beautiful his heart ached.

  Her eyes widened, and he forced his face to blankness, then strode forward.

  Bella and Phoebe stood as he approached.

  “We’ll be off then,” Bella said, patting his arm as she walked past. “You two have fun.”

  He waited until they’d left, took a step closer, and allowed himself the luxury of just staring at her.

  “You look beautiful,” he said.

  She hooked her long hair behind her ear and gave him a shy smile. “You think I’ll blend in all right now?”

  “I think everyone will be staring at you.” He was certainly staring, and he was obviously making her uncomfortable enough that she shifted from foot to foot.

  “You want to go for a walk and get some lunch?” he asked.

  “Yes, please.”

  He walked her out of the bar, careful not to touch her, then took the elevator to the ground floor and out onto the street. “I just heard from Bryce,” he said, “and Jacob is fine.”

  She smiled. “Good. Do you know when we can go and get him?”

  “We had planned tonight. But we’ve been studying the senator’s schedule, and the best time will be tomorrow. He has a lunch meeting out of town. Security at the house will be at a minimum. We should be able to just go in and take him.”

  “I hope so. I know he’s safe, but I need him back with me.”

  “He will be soon.”

  The day was warm and sunny, and they walked through the park to the Lincoln Memorial, then to the Washington Monument and along to the White House. They were silent, but it was a comfortable silence and he allowed himself a few sideways glances. Rachel was looking at everything. But with all the history and the beautiful buildings, it was clearly the cherry trees she loved the best. They were in blossom right now, filling the air with their scent and carpeting the sidewalks in pink petals. She’d always been close to nature.

  They found a restaurant on one of the squares with a table outside, and he pulled out a chair for her, and took the one beside her, so close they were almost touching. As he sat, his cell rang, and he pulled it out and took the call.

  “That was Brandon,” he said when the call ended. “Apparently, the local police visited your grandfather’s place this morning. They looked around but went away again.”

  “Good. Poor Papi, having to deal with this.” She thought for a moment. “Who’s Brandon?”

  “Brandon is…” Would he be in violation of the covenant if he told her? But he was pretty sure not. Especially if he didn’t tell her the actual link between the werewolves and himself. That every werewolf alive owed their existence to him, if not directly, then somewhere down the line. Alphas had the ability to change humans, but ultimately, they all got their powers from him. “Brandon is the alpha of the werewolf pack at Haven.” They’d moved there just after Rachel and her mother had returned twenty years ago.

  She didn’t seem shocked by his words, but a small frown formed between her brows. She opened her mouth, but the waiter approached at that moment and handed them the menus, and Finn ordered a bottle of white wine.

  She spent a minute looking at the menu, then back at him. “I thought you said werewolves didn’t exist,” she said.

  “No. I said I wasn’t a werewolf. I do know a few though.”

  “I would see them in the forest. Bigger than any normal wolves. I knew they were watching me, but I never felt in any danger. And I never spoke of them—maybe I thought Papi would stop me wandering in the woods if he knew the wolves were so close.”

  “Brandon and his people have been watching out for you since you and your mother returned there.”

  “Why? Why have you been looking out for me all these years?”

  “Your father employed us.” He shrugged. “Maybe he thought the senator might try and get to you even back then.”

  The waiter returned, and she closed the menu. “Will you order for me? I like surprises.”


  Rachel took a sip of wine and closed her eyes as she savored it. She was such a sensualist beneath the prim exterior. Though not so prim anymore. She opened her eyes. “It’s a pity they weren’t watching my mother as well.”

  Something occurred to him. “She drowned, didn’t she?”

  A visible shudder ran through her. “Yes. In the same river you pulled me out of yesterday. That seems like a lifetime ago. It was in the spring, around this time of year, when the snow melts and the river runs high. They think she slipped crossing the bridge and fell in.” She gave him a sharp look. “What are you thinking?”

  “Nothing…maybe. But your father remarried shortly after she died.”

  “You don’t think he had anything to do with her death, do you?”

  “Not your father, no. We corresponded regularly—he liked to hear how you and your mother were doing. I’d swear he loved you. But he was the senator’s only child. And maybe the senator knew that with your mother alive, your father would never remarry. His dynasty would end with you.”

  “And he never liked me.” She emptied her glass. “I don’t want to believe that, but I actually could. He’s not a good person.”

  Her tone held such conviction that he was curious. Damaris had had a little of her half-sister’s empathic ability. “How do you know?” he asked. “What did he do when he visited you?” He’d kill the bastard if he’d hurt her.

  “Nothing bad.” She shrugged. “But I’ve always been able to read people. I remember very little from before we moved to Haven, but I remember him. I was scared of him. He gave off such a bad feeling. It was the same the other day when he visited. But to think he could have had my mother killed…”

  “Maybe not. Perhaps we’ll never know. Forget it for now. Let’s talk of other things.”


  He considered asking what feelings she got from him. But maybe he didn’t want to know. “How do you like DC?”

  “For a visit, I like it a lot. It’s so different, and there’s so much to see. Jacob will love it.”

  “I would have thought you’d want to get him safely back to your little retreat before he gets contaminated by the wicked world.”

  “Are you part of the wicked world? Are you trying to contaminate me?”

  Was she flirting with him? He had no clue.

  “I want Jacob to make his own decision,” she continued. “I’m happy living at Haven, but only because I love the forest and the mountains. Jacob might prefer to go out into the world when he’s older, and I won’t try and stop him.”

  If everything went to crap and he failed, Rachel would di
e. Christ, he prayed that wouldn’t happen. But if it did, Jacob would have to be looked after. And maybe Finn owed it to her to find out what her wishes would be. Within a brief time, he would likely be dead as well, but Torr would look out for the boy. Or if the senator had been neutralized they could return him to Haven.

  Please don’t let it come to that.

  The waiter placed plates of food in front of them, and she fell silent.

  The first course was succulent prawns in a rich sauce. He took one bite, but then sat back and watched her eat. Watched as the tip of her tongue flicked out to lick her lips, and heat shot through him.

  She flashed him a glance. “This is delicious.” She took a sip of wine, then looked at him over the rim of her glass. “I’m probably drinking too much. I had cocktails with Phoebe and Bella. We drink at home, but not this much.”

  “It will help you relax. There’s nothing you can do for Jacob right now.”

  “You’re right.” She emptied her glass and he refilled it. “You’re not drinking.”

  He preferred to watch her. Or maybe he wanted her a little drunk. Maybe then she would let down her guard. How low could he get? “I have a business meeting when I get back,” he said by way of excuse.

  “Oh. I’m not keeping you from anything important, am I?”


  The main course came, chicken in red wine. He put down his knife and fork and gave up the pretense of eating. There was only one thing he was hungry for right now. He sat back and watched her.

  She glanced up. “You’re not eating either.”

  He forced himself to eat. He didn’t want her to end the lunch. Finally, her plate and the bottle were empty.

  She put a hand over her mouth and yawned.

  “You want to get a taxi back?” he asked.

  “Can we walk?”

  Maybe she didn’t want this time to end either. “Of course.” He dropped some notes on the table, stood up, and held out his hand. She looked at it for a moment, and then reached out tentatively and slipped her palm into his. He tugged her to her feet and she swayed slightly. As he slipped his arm around her waist, she glanced up into his face.

  “I know it’s wrong, but it feels so right. Something about you…” She shook her head.

  Was she remembering? But what would happen if she did? Likely she would run a mile in the opposite direction. Still, he couldn’t make himself back away.

  They walked back with her tucked at his side. And for a short while, he allowed himself to forget, to just revel in her company. He could walk like this forever, but all too soon they were back at the Stormlord Securities building. He had to release her to open the door, and it felt like he was losing her. In the elevator, she stood a little distance away and stepped out first when the door opened. She seemed a little unsettled, nibbling on her lower lip and casting him quick little glances, looking away when she caught him watching.

  She had drunk quite a lot, most of the bottle, plus whatever Bella and Phoebe had given her. Maybe he should do the gentlemanly thing and leave her at her door. Go check in with Torr. But he found himself opening her door, ushering her in, following her, closing the door behind them.

  Then he stood, not knowing what to do next. Instinct told him to take her in his arms, but what if he scared her off?

  Before he could make up his mind, she turned to face him, wiping her hands down her jeans, and trapping her lower lip with her teeth. A little line formed between her eyes, and she took a step toward him. He almost stepped back, but held his ground.

  Her hand came up and rested on his shoulder, and he was locked in place. She leaned in, went up on tiptoes, and kissed him lightly on the lips, then backed away quickly.

  And he stood there like an idiot, his whole body flaring to life at the simple touch.

  “I’m sorry,” she murmured. “That was… forward of me. But I’ve been thinking about how you kissed me yesterday. I can’t get it out of my head. I thought maybe I imagined it. That it didn’t feel so good. So I thought if I kissed you again, I could maybe forget it.”

  His mouth was dry, and he swallowed. “And can you?”

  She stared into his eyes and slowly shook her head. “But that wasn’t the same.”

  “It wasn’t?”

  She shook her head. “I don’t know how to kiss you properly.” She licked her lips. “Not like you kissed me.”

  Heat streaked through him. Was she being deliberately provocative? But he didn’t think she knew how. Along with kissing, provocation had never been a part of her life. “You want me to show you?”

  She considered him, lips pursed. “Have you done a lot of kissing, Finn?”

  Maybe she was being provocative, after all. There was a teasing tone in her voice. He liked it. “Not in a while.” A fucking long while, but the specifics would take far too much explanation. And were against the rules.

  Her hair was loose around her shoulders, and he slid his palm under the silky strands, gliding his hand along the soft skin of her throat, curling his fingers around the back of her neck and pulling her close. She tipped up her face to him, giving tacit permission, and he lowered his head and placed his lips on hers. For a second, he held himself still, just luxuriating in being so close, touching her. But need was building inside him, to taste her, give her pleasure, make her remember that she knew exactly how to kiss. Damaris had been a sensual lover, often initiating their lovemaking. She’d loved experimenting, testing the limits of his control.

  He parted his lips, his tongue pushing inside, and she opened to him. His senses reeled with the taste of her, the scent of her in his nostrils, the touch of her tongue against his. Then sliding, firmer, filling his mouth. He deepened the kiss, and it was as though the world faded from around them and they were back to where it all began. Kissing beneath the heat of the desert sun. Making love on the soft, silky sand. She was all he had ever wanted. He would give up Heaven to be with her. He had given up Heaven.

  His hands slid down her back to cup her ass, pull her hard against him. For a moment she remained pliant in his arms, pushing up against him, so his balls ached, and he thought he might explode with the need to be deep inside her. Then a tension ran through her, and she went still in his arms.


  But he forced himself to relax. To take his hands from her and step back, though it nearly killed him. He stroked her cheek, staring down into the turmoil in her eyes. “What is it, sweetheart?”

  She pursed her lips, glancing away as though to give herself time to think. When she looked back, a sadness lurked in her eyes. “Being with you feels so right. As though this is where I’m meant to be.”

  At her words, something twisted inside him. Hope, maybe, where there had been none for two thousand years.

  “But what if kissing like this really is a sin against God?” she asked.

  She searched his face as though seeking an answer. But he would never believe that. They had broken the laws of Heaven by stealing the Elixir, but he would never believe that their love was a sin. “Something that feels so right can’t be a sin.”

  She swallowed. “Maybe.”

  “Talk to me. Tell me what’s bothering you.”

  “All my life, I’ve had this feeling that I’m being punished for something I did wrong, something I don’t even remember. And part of that punishment is losing the things and people I love.” She shook her head. “Papi says it’s nonsense, but I don’t know. And right now, with Jacob… I just can’t let go of the feeling.”

  He was pushing too hard. He had to step back. How could she think of anything when her son was still not with her? But he was running out of time. “We’ll get him back.”

  “I know. I trust you. I don’t know why, but I do.”

  “Good. And afterward, I’ll kiss you again.”

  She smiled, her face lighting up. “I’d like that.”

  “I need to check in with Torr. I’ll let you know what’s happening.”

ht now, he couldn’t trust himself to stay with her. His body was on fire from her touch. He’d find out what was happening. Hopefully, Torr would have arranged the meeting. And they needed to go over the plan to rescue Jacob.

  Soon. Because he wanted that kiss. And so much more.

  Chapter 13

  Rachel stared at the closed door.

  Her whole body tingled from the kiss, her skin on fire, heat coiling in her belly. She’d felt the hardness of his erection against her, and everything inside her had melted. Her breasts still ached.

  How had she not known a kiss could make her feel so good? Want so much more?

  She’d been so forward. She would never have believed she could be so bold as to kiss a man.

  But she’d been telling the truth. All morning, she’d been having flashbacks to his kiss.

  The alcohol had obviously loosened her inhibitions. Not that she was blaming the drink. She wasn’t blaming anything but herself. And blame wasn’t the right word anyway.

  There was no blame.

  From the moment she’d seen him, there had been something about Finn that called to her. Something familiar and yet wildly beyond anything she had ever imagined. Part of her wished she had given in, maybe they would be in that big bed now, Finn’s hard body on her, in her.

  She shivered.

  But she couldn’t get the thought of Jacob out of her head. He’d come between them, forcing a wedge that had been like an icy deluge.

  What if she was committing a sin, and Jacob would be punished? Papi would say that wasn’t how God worked. But ever since Jacob was born, in the back of her mind, there had always been the thought that he would one day have to pay for her actions. That it had happened before and would happen again.

  Which was crazy.

  All the same, she’d tried to hold herself at a distance, telling herself that if she didn’t love him, maybe he wouldn’t be punished for her sins. It hadn’t worked. She loved him so much, and as soon as she got him back, she would make sure he knew that.

  Was he lying somewhere, thinking she didn’t care? That she had left him and wouldn’t come after him?


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