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20 Shades of Shifters_A Paranormal Romance Collection

Page 290

by Demelza Carlton

  “And don’t scare her,” Sabrina chimed in.

  “How the hell am I going to scare her?” Gideon barked.

  “That! What you’re doing right now. Kindred don’t give a crap when you pile on the big bad shifter persona, but it can scare the humans. They need to think we’re just like them, at least on the outside. You should think about going to work too. Otherwise you’ll just be hovering all day,” she suggested.

  “I’m not leaving her alone. She could fall, or need something,” Gideon said, concern coloring his words.

  “I think maybe a day or two and she can be left alone. Her fever is already down. When it’s back to normal she’ll be weak but out of the woods.”

  “Fine, I’ll go back to the office for a little while on Friday. Before you guys go, you should know that there are paparazzi downstairs. Just be prepared.”

  Both Lee and Sabrina let out a growl. Sabrina’s cat and Lee’s wolf didn’t like the idea of the media being around. Kindred needed to keep their remaining secrets.

  “They’re on public property for now. I’m calling King over at KSI to see about getting some extra coverage. I need Tucker and Royce for direct coverage, I don’t want them going off scouting. They’re used to the normal interest in me, but this is different and I have a feeling it’s going to get worse.”

  “King will be able to get you more people. Until then, Faye doesn’t need to know what’s going on. I don’t want to give her anything else to stress about. She should focus on getting better,” Lee suggested.

  “I’ll make sure. Thank you, Lee. Thank your mate for me too. I know she understands your job but she must hate sharing you.”

  “Aiesha doesn’t mind when it’s Clan. She gets a little crankier when other humans are involved. She’s adorably jealous. Even after all these years she still has human instincts she fights. I could tell her all day every day there’s no one for me but her and she’d still give another woman stink-eye for looking at me.”

  Gideon smiled at his friend. He knew Lee’s mate and she adored her wolf more than anyone in the world. She also loved that he had a job he loved.

  “We need to have dinner soon,” Gideon said.

  “Sure, the four of us can get together.”

  Gideon looked to Sabrina. “He wasn’t talking about me,” she sighed, shaking her head.

  “Bring Faye along. I’m sure Aiesha would like to meet her,” Lee encouraged.

  “She’s not my mate, Lee. I think I’m going to be hard-pressed to keep her here for a few days, to tell you the truth.”

  “I guess you’ll need to turn on the charm then, won’t you?” Lee said, his Kindred eyes flashing.

  “I don’t think that’s how it works.”

  “Like any of us know how it works. I can say it happens when it’s supposed to. It also happens when you’re least expecting it. Maybe this woman has caught your attention for a reason.”

  “She caught my attention because I was feeling guilty before the holidays. You know I’m a sucker for this kind of sentimental stuff.”

  Sabrina let out an unladylike snort. “Wow. It’s getting thick in here. Is there anything else you need from me or can I get back to my life?”

  Gideon didn’t worry about Sabrina’s sarcasm. It was all show and he knew the real Kindred beneath. Sabrina was loyal and excellent at her job.

  “Yes, actually. I need you to go shopping tomorrow. Faye will need a few more things.”

  “Like what? I bought two nightgowns with robes.”

  “More. I want her comfortable. We cut off her shirt to do the IV. She can’t go home in a robe.”

  “I’ll take care of it tomorrow. Do you have food in the house if she wakes?”

  “Shit, no. Could you?”

  “I’ll put in an order tonight. It will be here first thing tomorrow morning. What would you do without me?”

  “Hire a dozen people to do your job,” Gideon replied.

  “Damn straight,” she murmured, grabbing her coat and purse before walking out.

  “I should be leaving too. Call me if anything comes up,” Lee said, offering his hand for Gideon to shake.

  “Will do.”

  Gideon walked him to the door and locked it behind him. His elevator was coded so there wasn’t usually any need to lock the door, but he didn’t want to leave anything to chance tonight.

  Climbing the stairs, he walked into his room without a sound. Faye was on her side, her hand tucked under her cheek. The circles under her eyes looked less purple. Her breathing was much smoother than it had been.

  How she managed on her own surprised him. Not that she wasn’t capable. Obviously, she had a job and a place to live. But she didn’t have anyone to turn to. The fact that one of the HR employees was her emergency contact broke his heart.

  What he had seen of her little apartment, if it could be called that, wasn’t fancy. It had little touches here and there that he could tell she had added to make it her own.

  Gideon knew being a mail clerk didn’t pay much, but all his employees made a decent wage. He had to wonder why she didn’t have a nicer place. Or even a bigger one. That one room was her entire existence. Even her kitchen was barely a closet. She took the bus everywhere, which meant that she didn’t have a car or couldn’t afford one.

  It bothered him that she wasn’t living better. A call to Patty in the morning would sort out some of his questions. He probably couldn’t give her a raise just because he didn’t like her apartment. She would probably find that offensive, and she’d be right.

  Gideon was used to a quality of life he’d never really questioned. His family had done well for generations and lived comfortably with their wealth. From being able to vacation at one of their many homes around the world or taking off at a moment’s notice to spend time sunbathing on white sand beaches, there wasn’t anything he couldn’t afford. Anything he could think of he could have.

  What did Faye want? She lived a small life and he wanted to know why.

  Stepping back out of the room, he left her to sleep. Heading downstairs to the office he had set up in the space intended to be maid’s quarters, he checked his email, taking care of replies and cancelling meetings for the next day.

  He also sent off a quick email to his mother because he didn’t want her showing up unannounced. He knew that she would be interested in the woman he had in his home.

  Gideon also made a call to King Security International.

  The phone rang twice before it picked up.

  “Gideon, surprised to be hearing from you.” King’s voice rumbled through the phone line, the big bear shifter was always available to other Kindred, but Gideon still felt the need to apologize.

  “I’m sorry for the time. I know it’s after business hours.”

  “Like I run on nine to five. What can I do for you?

  “I need another body down here.”

  “Something wrong with Royce and Tucker?”

  “No, they’re exceptional, as always.”

  “That’s not what Tucker said. He’s pretty upset about the garage incident yesterday.”

  Gideon should have guessed Tucker would have called his boss about that right away.

  “We were both caught unawares. There was no sense of danger because the jerk just wanted to get his photo. I’m having the building review its security procedures since someone snuck into the secured area.”

  King grunted. “Tucker thinks they actually got in upstairs and went down to the garage.”

  “Either way, he got a picture that’s causing me all sorts of hell.”

  “I saw it. I think everyone has seen it.”

  “Some days I really wish I had a mate so they could stop speculating. Maybe I should hire a fake one? Does your company help with things like that?”

  “I’m going to have to give a big no on that one. It’s your own fault you’re so rich and handsome.”

  “Yeah, that’s my problem. Anyway, I want Tucker and Royce to maintain their r
otation as drivers. I would like someone to do building sweeps and advanced recon.”

  King paused. “How long do you think you’ll be needing the extra person? How long is this woman staying with you?”

  “Until she’s well. She’s got a bad case of the flu and was probably a day from a serious medical situation if I hadn’t stopped by. She’s an employee without family. I’m just helping her out. I don’t want this picture business to bother her either. I haven’t figured out how to keep them away from her when she leaves here. I may need that man to help cover her at her home. I can’t leave her to the wolves.”

  “Don’t let the wolves hear you say that. They won’t take kindly.”

  “I’d rather have a bear covering her.”

  “Can do. I think Anson should be available. I’ll give him a call.”

  “Great. Send me a text and I’ll have a plane waiting for him at Boeing Field when he’s ready to go.”

  “He does like flying private. All seats are first class and the drink bar is always open,” King laughed.

  “Thank you, King. I appreciate it.”

  “That’s what we’re here for.”

  Gideon ended the call and leaned back in his chair.

  There was a woman he’d taken on responsibility for sleeping upstairs. Because he’d gotten involved in her life, everything had become much more complicated, and she didn’t even know it yet. He’d have to tell her that she couldn’t go home yet. But when she did, he would make sure she was safe. He was worried that when she got a little strength back, she wasn’t going to be so easily controlled.

  Gideon didn’t understand why he cared. This employee shouldn’t be at his house and he shouldn’t be caring for her in such an intimate way, but there was a connection between them that he couldn’t deny. Maybe his mother was right, maybe he was missing something in his life.

  No, it wasn’t that. He didn’t need to fill any void in his life. At least he didn’t think that he did. His concern was just that. Concern for someone that obviously could use a helping hand. He was there first so he got to help. He was going to do his best, make sure she was healthy and then hopefully make sure that this incident didn’t follow her in a way that interrupted her life.

  It was a tall order since he had no control over what intrigued the general populace. It baffled him what kept their attention. A body wrapped in a blanket being carried by the most eligible Kindred bachelor on the West Coast was apparently top news.

  “Fuck,” he growled into the empty room. He ran his hands through his hair, realizing he needed a shower and a change of clothes. Food wouldn’t be a bad idea either. Pulling up the screen on his computer, he put in an online order to his favorite steakhouse. He had just enough time to shower and change before they delivered.

  He needed his rest too. Not that he wasn’t going to lie half-awake listening for his guest. He didn’t trust her to move around on her own yet. So far, their interactions had been awkward, but he hoped that he could fix that.

  Chapter 12

  Faye felt almost alive. Of course, she was lying flat on her back staring at the ceiling. Moving of her limbs was next and that could be a make or break moment. Stretching, she could feel the weakness in her arms and legs, like she’d been lying around for days. Which she had. She was alive but still felt like hell. Having no idea what day it was, she should be in a panic about work and the shelter. But it couldn’t be the weekend. Not yet, anyway.

  A small amount of light crept through the windows. The sheers muted the color of the sunrise. Faye could remember her conversations the previous night. Sabrina helping her to the restroom. The embarrassment of that fact hadn’t faded.

  Not that there was anything she could do about it. Maybe in the future she would bribe someone else to deliver Gideon’s mail. She might even pay a messenger service to hand deliver it. Not that she could afford such a thing.

  Swinging her legs off the bed, she slowly stood. Being upright was definitely a challenge but she had to power through. There were too many things waiting for her and being sick for the better part of a week was not helping anything.

  Walking to the bathroom, she was proud of herself that her gait was steady. She needed a shower, but she still had the IV port in her hand. Closing the bathroom door, she flipped the lock on the door just in case.

  Coming across a first aid kit under the sink, she set it on the counter then rifling through the cupboards provided the other supplies she needed.

  Bracing herself, she pulled out the IV from her hand and immediately applied the gauze to staunch any blood flow. Luckily, they had already covered IVs in her vet tech class. The procedure was basically the same for animals and humans. Covering the gauze with the waterproof bandage, she laid out additional supplies to redress her wound after a shower.

  Getting naked in Gideon’s house was not something she ever thought would happen. It was mortifying, but her stale body demanded a scrubbing.

  She only had the nightgown on and wasn’t sure where her clothes were. Spying a robe that matched the fabric of her nightgown hanging on the door, she picked it off the hook. Under it was another nightgown and robe, the same style, just in a light baby blue color.

  She would have to thank Sabrina for that.

  Peeking into the shower, she found a built-in bench and almost cried in relief. There were soaps and shampoos too, all in natural scents. She was relieved that she didn’t have to worry about smelling like a lumberjack after getting clean.

  Turning on the shower, she located an artfully stacked tower of fluffy white towels near the tub on a shelf. Running her hand over them, she marveled at the fabric used to make them. Her towels were serviceable and practical. These were so soft they probably wouldn’t even get the water off you.

  Taking two, she came back to the shower and undressed. Stepping in, she moaned as the flow of hot water hit her body. A day ago the heat would have been overwhelming to her. Now her fever was at a low enough level that she could enjoy the warmth of the water. She soaked a bit more before grabbing the shampoo and taking a seat on the bench.

  She didn’t want to risk falling in the shower and having someone, anyone, come in there. The horror and everlasting embarrassment would probably finish off what the flu didn’t.

  Soaping her hair, she enjoyed it so much she washed it again. Luckily there was conditioner too so she let it sit while she steamed. She probably should have been more conscious of the water she was using, but she decided it was medically necessary.

  Faye finished in the shower and wrapped herself in the fluffy towels. She’d already breached Gideon’s privacy by looking through his drawers. She’d made a point to not really look at anything, though the urge to poke around was teasing at her.

  Towel drying her hair, she untangled it the best she could with her fingers before braiding it and securing it with the band she’d found in her mess of hair during the shower.

  She tended to her bandage then put on the clean gown and robe. She felt almost human. That made her want to giggle. In the home of a Kindred you could make that distinction.

  If she just had a toothbrush, she would be set. Before she was ready to face whoever was downstairs, a knock sounded at the door. She wasn’t expecting it and yelped, startled by the sound.

  “Faye? Are you all right?” Gideon sounded worried on the other side.

  Opening the door, she found him standing in the doorway. “Sorry, you scared me!”

  “I apologize. I heard the shower and I thought you were done. Then I worried you might have needed assistance. I was waiting here to see if you called out.”

  That was thoughtful, she thought. “I’m okay. But I’d kill for a toothbrush.”

  “Spares are under that cabinet,” he said pointing to the one closest to the door.

  “Thank you.” She wasn’t sure what the protocol was for standing in a robe in front of what was effectively your boss. There was a moment between them as they stared at each other.

ally Gideon spoke, “I’ll give you a moment. If you’ll join me downstairs, I can get you something to eat.”

  “Thank you, I’d appreciate that.”

  Gideon nodded and left. Retrieving a toothbrush, she brushed her teeth then brushed again. She found mouthwash and used that as well. Not sure what to do with the items in the spotless bathroom, she arranged them in a neat line. She was so used to finding every nook and corner to store things. An excess of space was such a luxury. People that had more than they needed rarely thought about not having it. She wasn’t prejudiced towards wealthy people, but from experience she knew that those that had money rarely appreciated it.

  She was making judgments against Gideon that weren’t fair. Faye could blame it on not feeling well. She knew that the annual budget for charitable contributions at Thayr was large. There was no doubt that Kindred never tried to keep what they had just to themselves.

  Gathering her courage, she walked out into the bedroom and went straight for the door before she lost her pluck. She stopped at the top of the stairs and took in the room below her. Her memory of it was fuzzy at best. It looked like the lobby of a fancy hotel. Some tables had a single ornate piece of artwork, but others were bare. A fireplace across from the lovely but cozy-looking seating area was burning, artificial gas flames comforting and warming the stark space.

  Blue sky shone through the windows on the other side of the room. She caught a glimpse of the city skyline and a view of the Willamette River and the surrounding downtown area stretching the length of the apartment.

  From her vantage point, she could see the hallway that led into the kitchen area. She reached the bottom of the stairs and paused, unsure of what to do next. Faye felt strong-ish for the moment, her body not betraying her yet. She knew she had maybe an hour before sleep called to her again.


  Faye looked up to see Gideon walking towards her with a large mug in his hand.

  “Hi,” she said lamely. She felt so uncomfortable; her hands kept shaking so she kept them clenched, shoving them into the pockets of her robe.


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