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The Key of F: a young adult fantasy romance (Freedom Fight Trilogy Book 1)

Page 17

by Jennifer Haskin

  “Good," Keron said. “Cause I’m going to go buy a bottle of whiskey.”

  “Why don’t you get something for all of us?” Fale asked, oblivious to his black mood. “Lisle can go with you.”

  “Do you have a new name, too?" Izzy asked.

  Keron looked at Fale, who shook her head imperceptibly. “It’s Brock,” he said sourly.

  “You look like a Brock now,” Lisle offered. “Surely they didn’t leave your last name the same.”

  “No.” He looked at Fale again. “It’s Palmquist.”

  “Like Fale…” Izzy said.

  “Are you supposed to be related?" Lisle joked.

  “She’s my wife," Keron said.

  “Oh no,” Fale sighed. “Here we go.”

  “She’s your what?” Izzy and Lisle echoed each other in astonishment.

  “Our new bands have not only changed our identities, they um, they make us legally married,” Fale explained.

  “I need a drink,” Lisle murmured.

  “Like I said…” Keron rolled his head on his shoulders.

  “Okay boys, go to the store. We’ll work on Fale and we’ll toast the transformation when you get back," Izzy commanded. “Then we need a plan.”

  “Who’s we?” Keron asked.

  “All of us,” Izzy said. “We’re a team. I am supporting this girl, and she’s stuck with you, and Lisle is our information source. All of us.”

  Keron hit his forehead with his palm and closed his eyes, but he said, “Fine. If it’s what Fale wants."

  What I want is a time machine.

  “Sure,” she said.

  After the guys left, Izzy put Fale in a robe in her bathroom chair. “Whoa, that is a wicked knife." Izzy pointed to Fale’s enchanted dagger in its thigh sheath.

  “Yeah, it was a gift from Lisle.”

  “No wonder he makes Keron crazy.”


  “You are so blind.” Izzy shook her head.

  “What?” Fale repeated.

  “Never mind. Really,” Izzy said. “They were short on colors at the corner store, so I got black for Keron and white for you.”

  “What do you mean white? Like blonde?”

  “No, like shimmery, snowy white. It was all they had other than hot pink, and we were at least trying for real hair colors here.”

  “Next time choose hot pink," Fale said.


  Izzy made the mixture from two packages and plastered Fale’s long hair. “Now we wait,” Izzy directed. “Tell me about what’s going on with your husband?"

  “He’s been so willing to help me. I get so confused. I should be centered on finding Nelson, keeping the key safe, training, but when he kisses me…”

  “He kisses you?”

  “Yeah.” Fale grinned.

  “You have the same goofy smile as the other day. How long has this been going on?”

  “Not long, Izzy, really. It’s moving so fast.”

  “Has he tried anything you’re not comfortable with?” Izzy asked protectively.

  “No, nothing like that. I accused him of still not liking me and he kissed me like his soul was blazing. It felt right, Iz.”

  “You’re gonna make me cry or puke, I’m not sure which.”

  “Thanks. I mean it. But I need more reassurance, after three years of blowing me off, than some hot kissing and fighting together… He’s been beaten up for my information, and he’s been hiding us from bad guys and holding me while I sleep and fixing my injuries. I guess, he has been giving me more, I just haven’t seen it.”

  “Doesn’t sound like Keron,” Izzy said.

  “Exactly. I’ve gotten to know him," Fale said. “It’s so easy for me to doubt people. I’ve been taught to take care of myself.”

  “So, what is the plan?” Izzy checked the timer.

  “For Keron? Or what?” Fale asked.

  “First Keron, then tell me where you’re staying, and what we do next?”

  “I am taking Keron day by day. Now we can get into the city, we need information. If Nelson is in Garrith, then I must set the people free, and to do that we need to find the machine.”

  “You weren’t in the city?" Izzy asked. “Where have you been?”

  “I don’t know how much you should know, Iz, but if you ever feel like you’re in danger I want you to go there. It’s a little house in the marsh to the north east of the city, not far from the plant, but on the other side of the molten river,” Fale said.

  “If it gets too sketchy, I’ll make Lisle take me there. You know, Control has been here twice looking for you?”

  “Yeah, they think I’m a criminal.”

  “How do you know?”

  “One of them scanned me and I almost got caught.”

  “My stars, Fale. Where was Keron?”

  “Fighting. Trying to get information.”

  “And he didn’t get caught?” Izzy tilted her head to the side.

  “He entered as Brock and fought underground in the small, late night fights between volunteers. It wasn’t a ring fight, with the big gamblers. Just the late- night crews, letting off steam. No one keeps track of those, or so Keron tells me,” Fale volunteered. “But now he won’t be recognized, so it might be easier, as long as he stays away from the big rings.”

  “Is that why his face looks like a giant bruise? No rules in the small fights, but no killing, either. I thought you guys met somebody with a weapon.”

  “He said he had other things on his mind…" They both laughed.

  Hearing the front door slam shut, Izzy checked her timer again, and checked Fale’s hair. “Not yet,” she said. “I’ll go get us drinks; you wait here.”

  Fale waited patiently for ten minutes before calling, “Izzy, what’s going on?" Izzy came back looking flustered, a drink in each hand.

  “What is it?”

  Izzy handed Fale a glass, “The guys are back. Here, drink this, then I’ll tell you.”

  Fale warily drank the whole thing while Izzy slammed hers, obviously looking for liquid courage. “Spill, Izzy." Fale handed back her glass.

  “I’ll just refill these.”

  “Izzy Jayn. Stop where you are.” Fale warned.

  “You can’t use the first-middle name combo in situations of duress.”

  “Yes, I can.”

  Izzy wiped her forehead and lay her hand over her eyes. “The liquor store has papers out looking for you. They say you and Keron are responsible for Nelson’s murder.”

  “What the f-” Izzy covered Fale’s mouth. Fale shook her off. “You don’t think he’s really dead, do you? I mean, do you think they have a body?”

  “No, I think he’s gone missing,” Izzy used air quotes, “and they need to pin his disappearance on you, to make you a wanted criminal. It makes people afraid of you, and more likely to turn you in.”

  “It’s messed up,” Fale shook her head slowly.

  “Yeah, we know." Izzy said. “Now I’m going to refill these.”

  Fale sat in shock.

  Nelson’s not really dead, is he? Lisle said he was in Garrith, but what if he’s a machine? A living robot? Would his body be considered dead? Would he be stripped of his humanity? Would he even know who I am? I don’t know.

  “Lisle," she called. There was arguing outside the bathroom, then Lisle popped his head in.


  “How soon can we contact Taran? I need him to look for Nelson. I have to know if he’s a machine or not.”

  “Whenever you’re ready,” he said.

  “I’m ready now.”

  “I don’t think Taran would be comfortable in this situation, Fale.”

  “Oh, I hadn’t thought of that," she said. “We’ll make a plan, then.”

  “Fine with me. I’m glad you like my gift." He nodded to her exposed sheath and ducked out.

  Fale fixed her robe and thought about what her next move should be. She would need to get more information on the princess, or was it q
ueen Effailya? She didn’t know, but it was important to practice her powers and find out what kind of gifts she and Effailya had. The mages most likely had information, but Lisle wanted to help so bad, perhaps she should have him find it. It would give him something to do.

  Izzy came back with more drinks. “Let’s get tipsy,” she said, obviously halfway there. “Your man nearly beat Lisle to death when he got up to come into the bathroom. Then he heard Lisle comment about a gift and slammed back several shots. You might be here awhile. Which gift?" Fale flashed the dagger. “Oh, I think Lisle has an ornery streak.”

  Fale laughed. “He likes to bait Keron. And Keron rises to it every time because his heart is… black and white. He agrees or he doesn’t. He always knows what he wants. Not like me. I see everybody’s side of things, but I can’t seem to make a stand anywhere.”

  “It makes you understanding, Fale, and compassionate. It’s not a bad thing,” Izzy said.

  Fale tipped back her cocktail. “He even knows my favorite things without asking, Iz. I never have to ask for anything when I’m with Keron.”

  “I forgot you’re a sappy drunk," Izzy said sourly. “Let’s check your hair. It’s been like an hour.”

  They rinsed out Fale’s hair thoroughly. “Am I done?” Fale asked.

  “Nope. Now you have to put on the toner for thirty minutes," Izzy instructed.

  “This chair is making my butt fall asleep,” Fale exclaimed.

  “Beauty is pain,” Izzy said.

  When Izzy finished Fale’s hair, she pulled out a silk kimono. “What is that?" Fale asked.

  “It’s a dress, dummy."

  Not for me.

  “It’s nice, Iz, but I can’t fight in a dress.”

  “You don’t have to, Bryla. In fact, you shouldn’t." Izzy held it up. “Come on. Humor me.”

  The dress fit Fale beautifully. It was royal blue silk, which set off her new hair brilliantly. Light pink and white blossoms covered the fabric, and a gorgeous ice blue obi went across her middle as a sash. The silk glided over her body like a spring breeze from the mountains. Izzy pulled it tightly across Fale so she wouldn’t have too many folds of fabric to deal with. She was overwhelmed with gratitude toward Izzy for helping her. “Thank you,” she said gratefully. “You know so much fabric makes me crazy.”

  The sleeves went to Fale’s mid forearm and fell to her knees, brushing the silk on her legs. The dress emphasized her hourglass figure with a tie in the middle decorated by a silver flower with a royal blue stone in the center.

  When Fale saw herself in the mirror she said, “Oh, Izzy. It’s gorgeous. You’ve made me too lovely, now people will notice me for sure. I won’t be able to hide." A tiny tear lay on her lashes.

  Izzy said, “Stop it. You’ll make me cry." Izzy opened the bathroom door and shouted, “Ta da.”

  Fale walked to the door tentatively. The first face she saw was Lisle’s and his mouth was open. So far so good. Then she lit on Keron who was standing and walking towards her with a serious look on his face. She couldn’t tell, was it good or bad? Izzy smiled and moved over by Lisle. Keron came to Fale and took the additional step that pressed his body into hers, pushing her into the bathroom and shutting the door.

  “Do you like it?” Her voice shook.

  “Like it so much, I wanna take it off."

  Ooh. He likes it.

  “What about my hair?" She led.

  Keron put his hands in it and gently pulled her head back. “Amazing. So soft.” He whispered against her mouth. Fale ran her fingernails through his now raven colored hair and down to his neck.

  “Kiss me,” she said.

  “Gladly.” He wrapped his arms around her and picked her up, setting her on the bathroom counter to make them more even heighted. She laughed and threw her arms around his neck, kissing him again.

  Keron moved closer and his valezsan leg hit the cabinets with a loud thunk. “What’s going on in there?” Izzy asked. “That’s enough. Come out of my bathroom.”

  When Fale laughed, Izzy repeated, “Fale Valine, get out here.”

  “Okay, okay,” Fale called.

  “You don’t have to go just because Izzy tells you,” Keron said.

  “It’s something we made up when we started hanging out, because I had no mom and hers was always gone. If we use the first-middle name combo, then we must do it. It’s mostly for our own good,” she explained.

  “Wish I’d known that when I was trying to get you to jump off the balcony." They attempted quiet laughter.

  “Help me down?" Fale asked.

  “Sure." Keron slid his hands to her waist, causing her to shiver, and lifted her down.

  Opening the bathroom door, Fale noticed how red Lisle’s face was as he looked down. She hadn’t meant to make anyone uncomfortable and she felt bad. “Do you think we pass the anonymous test?” she asked.

  “I think I should go into a beauty business." Izzy said.

  “Unrecognizable,” Lisle affirmed.

  “We need to strategize, buy some food, then go back to the house." Fale said, turning to Keron.

  “What’s the next step then?” Keron asked. “We really gonna drag Izzy and Lisle into this?”

  “Lisle’s already involved,” Fale began.

  “And you can’t keep me from joining this party,” Izzy declared with hands on her hips.

  “Izzy is my self-appointed defender,” Fale said to Keron.

  “Someone has to be. She has too much compassion and no common sense,” Izzy said.

  “Thanks,” Fale said facetiously.

  “I’m going to find out more about the princess and Garrith for Fale." Lisle said.

  “We need the machine to get everyone out of Garrith, too. It’s what the legend says,” Keron replied.

  “Gasten must have it if he’s sending people there. Lisle, can you dig around for that, too?” Fale asked.

  “If I can,” he said. “I don’t want to look too curious.”

  “Do you think they suspect you?" Fale fretted.

  “It’s impossible to know what they see and what their plan is,” he said.

  “Do they know you’re here?” Izzy asked. “Could we be trapped?”

  “Not helping, Iz,” Keron said.

  “This might be too much, Lisle." Fale worried about Lisle’s safety. Asking so many questions to the wizards could tip them off and put Lisle in the most dangerous role of all.

  “I don’t think I was followed,” Lisle said. “Gasten is personally interested in me because of you; he’ll talk to me. If he feels like I am being loyal, he’ll bring me in on the plan, if I offer to deliver you.”

  “Absolutely not," Keron stated.

  “I won’t do it. I’ll just say I am. But then you guys must hide me when I don’t come through,” Lisle explained.

  “You can stay here as long as you need to," Izzy offered.

  “We’ll hide you," Fale said.

  “Where?" Keron asked her.

  “We still have the couch. He can sleep on it," Fale said to him.

  “Fine,” Keron agreed. “But if this gets even close to dangerous for you- I’m putting a stop to it.”

  “Yes sir.” She saluted him.

  “You’re not her father,” Lisle said irritably. “She is good at fending for herself.”

  “She needs his help, Lisle,” Izzy interjected before Keron could say any of the things on his mind.

  “Maybe it is time to go,” Fale said. She hugged Izzy and kissed her cheek. “Thank you for making us over.”

  “Don’t leave me in the dark,” Izzy said. “Let’s meet here in two days. Does that give you enough time, Lisle?”

  “I should have something by then. And Fale and I need to contact Taran.”

  “Great. We’ll be here,” Fale took her bag and Keron’s arm. “Bye, guys." They left with Keron still fuming.

  Chapter 12

  Fale and Keron hoped their new disguises would prevent them from attracting attention. They we
re wrong. In fact, they made a striking couple. Handsome and lovely, valezsan and flesh, black and white. They bought what they could easily carry and headed back to the house as quickly as they could.

  Keron opened the door for Fale and stepped aside. “Thank you,” she said, slipping off her boots and going to the kitchen to unload groceries.

  “Mmm hmm,” he mumbled, watching her walk.

  Fale laughed lightly. “If you stare at me anymore, I might disappear in a puff of smoke or something.”

  “Can’t help it." He came up behind her, helping her set her grocery bags down, then his own. “Izzy did such a good job on your hair. And I’ve never seen you in a dress.”

  “There’s a reason for that," Fale chided. “I can’t fight in a dress.”

  “Bet you can.”

  “How much?” Fale felt the pressure of their situation but shoved it to the back of her mind. She needed a break from the worry and stress being laid on her. So, she played along with Keron to lighten the mood.

  Keron’s brows shot up. “You’re a betting girl? Okay, say a nice back massage when you’re done showing me.”

  “You mean now?" she asked.

  “There’s no better time,” he said. “Plus, watching you with swords is sexy.”

  Fale laughed nervously. “All right. We’ll eat and then I’ll prove to you I cannot fight in a dress. And then I win.”

  “As you desire." Keron bowed to her.

  They made spaghetti in tomato sauce with Fale’s fresh bread and salad. It was the best meal they’d eaten in a week. Fale sat back with the biggest smile and said, “You do the dishes while I clean my blades.”

  “Can do,” Keron agreed.

  Fale went into the living room and got out her swords from where she’d stashed them behind the couch. She wiped and oiled them, taking the utmost care. This time, without injury, her hand held steady. Fale inspected her weapons and stood up to make a few practice swings. She thought her sleeves would be in the way, but the silk flowed gracefully down her body.

  She took a wide step and her kimono gave her room until she kicked, then it opened at its split, exposing her leg. Keron came into the room. “No starting without me.”

  “Fine,” Fale said.


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