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Royal Pride

Page 38

by Zelda Knight

  © 2021 Isabeau Moon

  Edited by C.W Pubs

  About Bonded

  (The Candle District Series, Book 1)

  Meeting your mate in a bar by chance, while your girlfriend is waiting for you at home. Welcome to the Candle District.

  * * *

  Naemi makes a split decision to take control of her life that leads her down a path she was not expecting.

  * * *

  Arami on the other hand always knew she would be the next Alpha and lives each day controlling every moment of her life with her partner, that is until she meets a stranger that changes everything for her.

  Chapter One


  He was rambling again. My father loved to talk about duty and honor at any given time. You could be commenting on the weather, and somehow the conversation without a doubt would be steered towards duty and honor.

  “Naemi, are you listening?"

  I looked up from my half-eaten plate and nodded, "Yes, Dad."

  "Your brother will be Alpha soon, and you need to set an example. Adem will need all the help he can get considering the situation."

  This conversation had become exhausting. I had heard this same speech a minimum of thirteen times over the past four days. My father had been Alpha of the Bruin Lake Pack for as long as I can remember. But unfortunately, he would never tell me how long it actually was.

  Last month he had decided it was time for him to step down, and my oldest brother Adem would have some huge shoes to fill. Of course, my other three brothers were bummed, but we all knew it would be Adem deep down. He and his massive wolf commanded admiration and obedience. Not to mention all the battles he had won against anyone who had even dared challenge him.

  "Naemi!" My father's voice echoed in my chest. "Daughter, you must marry the Alpha of the Inigo pack. You understand this, don't you?

  My wolf rumbled close to the surface, and I stood knocking my plate over. "What? When was this decided?" I knew he kept saying I needed to set an example, but this was fucking insane. I would not randomly marry someone.

  Daughter, this is how our pack will survive. You know what it has been like."

  I couldn't even look at him, and my wolf strained at being forced at bay. "I am not marrying Decker Bishop! What is this the 16th century?" I turned away. I had to get out of here.

  My father threw the table across the room, making his way to me. He stood above me, and those hard, wary eyes bore into me. It is not ideal, Naemi, but the pack must survive. You will do what your Alpha commands!" My father growled angrily.

  He was right, and usually, I would do just that, but this was too much. Why should I have to make sacrifices?

  "Why can't Adem marry Dolphine, the Alpha's sister? I finally said, keeping my eyes low. I had never stood up or questioned my father before. "That would generate the same result and make more sense. As the Alpha of the Bruin Lake Pack, he should be the one working to make things right. Why is this being put on me? "

  "You dare question your Alpha? Naemi, I know this is something you were unprepared for, so I am trying to keep my temper under control, but don't push me, pup. You live in my house, and you are a part of my pack. You will do as you are told." He turned away from me and proceeded to pick the large wooden table off the floor. "Why don't you go to your room and think about your actions."

  My father was tough as nails with everyone, including me. He kept me on a tight leash, but he had never lost his temper with me before., He had never had any reason to before, and now I knew I had pushed him too far. Usually, I would do just as my father demanded, but today was different. This was my life. He was making permanent decisions about my life without any input from me. I stormed out the front door and stood on the porch, looking out into the bleakness.

  Our pack had taken some hits, but that was usual when located near other rival packs. The issue was that for some reason, females weren't being born as often as males. Just look at my family, for example. My parents had five children, me being the last and only girl. This was common in the Bruin Lake pack now.

  It was suffocating being the youngest and only daughter of the Alpha. I never knew if people were interested in me for me or because of who my father was. Since I was young, I longed for the freedom to be away from my father's rule, calmly waiting for the day I would find my true mate and be able to leave. I shifted under the blanket of moonlight, sighing as my claws dug into the damp ground. And then I darted off into the night as fast as my legs would carry me. I didn't know where I was headed, but I knew that I had to get far away from here. I would not allow my father or Adem to control my life any further.

  I ran further and further than I had ever before. It hit me all of a sudden. I had left home with no clothes, no phone, nothing. This was probably the best yet dumbest decision I had ever made. Through the dark mist, I continued. Nothing else mattered except running. The feeling of freedom started settling in the further I was from Bruin Lakes. My mind was blank, and no destinations would come to mind until suddenly I remembered Shademire. It was perfect, and it was the largest supernatural safe haven around. I could literally get lost there. Until I reached my destination, I would stick to the forest and out of the other small supe towns along the way. There was no need to bring attention to myself. I felt a surge of excitement followed by energy at the thought of disappearing in Shademire.

  Chapter Two


  "Congratulations, Alpha!" my older brother yelled as he attempted to lock me in a chokehold. I loved Kanji, but I was stronger than him. So, I played it off and allowed him to get the upper hand. “Whoa, dad, maybe I should have been Alpha. Look at this."

  My father and mother both laughed. I was incredibly pleased that Kanji was so accepting when I was named Alpha of our clan. He was the oldest and, everyone had pretty much thought he had it in the bag.

  "Nah, I'm joking, sis. I always knew you were faster and stronger than me. You personify the best of our family, and the Candle District Clan is lucky to have you as our Alpha."

  "Kissing up to the Alpha already, huh?" My mother joked, and my brother rolled his eyes. "Your brother is right, Arami." She grabbed my shoulders and pulled me into a hug before kissing me on my forehead. "You are strong, intelligent, and have the respect of the entire clan. I was in tears when your father announced you as the new Alpha, and everyone cheered and welcomed you openly. I'm very proud of you, daughter."

  "I assume there will be a wedding next." My father interjected straight-faced."

  "Dad. Marriage is the furthest thing from my mind right now. I want to make sure that I am focused on being a successful leader and following in your footsteps to ensure the longevity of our clan." I had been waiting for this topic to arise.

  "Where is Marlize anyway?" My mother looked around. Her glossy black hair was cut short and blunt right at her jawline. "I don't remember seeing her after the ceremony."

  I smiled uncomfortably and shrugged. I was secretly relieved that Marlize was not here right now. We had gotten into a mini argument. Earlier today, I had introduced her to the Clan Elders as my partner and not my mate. It had just happened. It wasn't intentional, but I knew I messed up as soon as the word left my lips. Her usually oversized smile became fixed and forced. I attempted to apologize once everything was over, but she politely stormed away.

  I loved Marlize, and my family had grown to love her as well. She was a lone dragon visiting the neighboring town of Shademire when we met. I hadn't even thought about it and automatically approached her as she left a coffee shop. Her teal-colored curls caught the sun like waves in the sea. All in the span of a year, she was accepted as a member of our clan, and we had moved in together and had even brought up the subject of marriage a few times. But that is all that happened. I hadn't even actually claimed her yet. I knew it bothered her, but that claiming bite just hovered above our relationship and remained unmentioned for some reason.

  Looking up, I noticed my mother's glare. My father
and brother saw it as well and decided to politely excuse themselves. She sat on the couch near the door and patted the seat for me to sit as well. I was the Alpha, but I would, of course, listen to my mom. Taking a breath, I sat next to her and exhaled slowly. I glanced around at my father's office. I guess I should say my office now, and I was absolutely positive that I would be redecorating soon. The only thing I loved was the immense ornate wooden table in the center used for necessary Clan meetings. It had been in our family for generations.


  Feeling my mother's gaze burning an invisible hole in the side of my face, I finally turned to face her, realizing she must have called my name more than once. "Mom, everything is fine," I assured her.

  The look on her face instantly told me she knew otherwise. "What is going on? You can talk to me."

  "Mom, nothing is going on. I was just named Alpha. Everything is perfect."

  "Your father and I are pleased that you are taking your new role seriously. However, it is not an excuse to avoid or neglect your mate."

  "Marlize isn't my mate, mom."

  My mother sighed deeply as she smoothed her hair on each side. "Mate or not, you have claimed her. You do not go around telling people she is not your mate." Her voice was severe. "We do not always find our true mate, Arami, and that is okay. You have found someone you love, and that is all that matters."

  My foot started tapping, and I realized I was becoming annoyed with my mother. I knew she only wanted the best for me, but this wasn't her business. I would figure my love life out in my own way and on my own time.

  Her eyes went from my tapping foot and then quickly to my face. "Arami, I am not telling you how to live your life or what to do, but if Marlize is not the one you want to be with, then you need to let it be known. It's not fair to string her along."

  "Marlize has been with me through a lot, Mom. I cannot just abandon her."

  "You would not be abandoning her, but either claim her as your mate or move on." My mother was doing her best to get her point across without sounding bias, but I knew that she was not Marlize's biggest fan.

  "I can't do this right now. You aren't even giving me time to experience being named new Alpha before you throw all this relationship and mate shit on me. Sorry for the language, but I've had enough." I rose from the couch and grabbed my keys and phone off the smooth wooden table. "We'll discuss this later." The words came out harshly, and I hoped my mother would not push the subject any further.

  "Of course, daughter." She nodded and stood as well. "We will talk later."

  I left immediately, relieved that she got the hint. I would deal with my mother and Marlize later. Right now, I definitely needed a drink.

  Chapter Three


  When I finally came upon Shademire, I didn't have any money or clothes, but no one gave the wolf roaming around town a second look. Even the humans didn't care. We hadn't had any humans in Bruin Lakes. It was a tiny wolf town far from any human-populated areas, but here it was full of humans, shifters, witches, and more.

  I wandered until I reached the Moonglow Inn at the edge of town. I had been sleeping in the woods for a few days now. I longed to shift, take a hot shower and sleep in a bed. It was just my luck running into Astair Kidane and her cat familiar in the town's pumpkin patch, which is a whole other story. Astair's family runs the Moonglow Inn, and they generously offered the newbie in town a room. I offered to work to pay my way, but they declined.

  The sun radiated into every corner of the small room, and I glanced at the clock next to the bed. It was almost noon. Feeling wholly re-energized and ready for the day, I popped out of bed. Today, my goal was to explore the neighboring Candle District. It was less well known than Shademire, so I figured I could find a job there and say off the radar.

  I hastily showered and pulled on a white t-shirt and jeans from the clothes I had gotten from Astair. The lobby was buzzing with people. There was no one around the day before, but today it seemed like a busload of tourists had decided to drop in. I noticed Astair waving, trying to get my attention from the front desk. Her wild curly hair was in a neat puff today and her cat, who usually was nipping at her ankles, was nowhere to be found.

  "It's Samhain. Witches come from all over the country to be a part of our festivities here." Then, after studying my face for a bit, she suddenly shook her head. "I know what you are thinking, but you are not taking a room away from another guest."

  "As long as you're sure that I’m not a burden. I'm going job hunting today, and I am keeping track so I can pay you and your family back for everything."

  Astair gave a huge grin and rolled her eyes. "Dude. Stop. I told you we are happy to help. I wish I could go and show you around town today, but as you can see, we are kind of swamped today. Maybe tomorrow we can hang out?"

  I nodded and made my way through the cacophony of people in the grand lobby.

  I followed winding cobblestone roads to the edge of town. There wasn't a sign or anything, but I could instantly tell I was in Candle District. The streets were no longer cobble but paved, and dim lanterns lined both sides of the road. The people on the roads also seemed a bit less friendly than Shademire.

  After walking around the main street for a bit, I stumbled upon a bar called the Jagged Flame. I had never really been on my own much that was mostly impossible in Bruin Lake. My father was the Alpha, and I had four overprotective older brothers. So now here I was in a bar in a strange town swaying to the beat, watching sweaty bodies grind against each other. The bar was full of shifters of all kinds. I thought I smelled a witch or two as well. I ordered a drink, nonalcoholic, of course, at the bar, then sat at a high wooden table in the corner. It felt nice to be on my own, although I did wish that my bestie, Jada was with me. I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts. It was challenging, but I could not stay home and be forced to marry some rando, especially a rando from Inigo pack. They treated their mates like shit.

  Not that I had an experience, but my parents were true mates, and I witnessed their love every day until mom passed last summer. I missed my mom more than anything. If she was here, there was no way she would have let my dad and Adem try to barter me off to the Inigo. I couldn't even think about it without being disgusted. I had never imagined my father would even think that would be okay or ever treat me like property. I was upset, but I knew my father loved me. After decades of being the Alpha, I guess he was used to putting the needs of the pack first.

  In an instant, panic struck me, and I felt an icy shiver take over me. They had found me. I knew what it felt like when my Alpha was nearby. I would not go easily. I could sense a strong alpha, but it was neither Adem nor my father. I glanced around and failed to recognize any familiar faces. I eventually noticed a woman standing at the bar. Her silky chestnut hair grazed the top of her well-fit jeans that showed off her rounded butt.

  I cleared my throat and sat back in my chair. Why am I looking at this woman's ass? Either way, nice ass or not, I was pretty sure that she was the alpha shifter I had sensed.

  The woman must have felt my eyes blazing a hole in the back of her head or her ass, and she turned, locked eyes with me, then flashed a confident grin before resuming her business at the bar. I was utterly embarrassed and, at that moment, decided to finish my drink and get the fuck out of there.

  She turned from the bar, her sleek hair shimmering in the dim lights of the room. She started to approach my table, and it was like she was walking towards me in slow motion. My heart started beating faster, and I swear I forgot how to breathe for like two whole minutes.

  The stranger put two drinks on the table and pushed one closer to me. "The bartender told me what you were drinking. Do you mind if I sit down?"

  Words were just not happening right now, so I nodded yes and smiled. She pushed the drink closer, and I reached out to grab it. I didn't want her to think I was ungrateful or anything. I quickly jerked my back when I felt the spark that shot through my hand. I was sure s
he experienced it as well, but I wanted to feel it again.

  I extended my hand. "I'm Naemi." I watched as the beautiful woman stared at me with her mouth open in an almost half-smile.

  "Arami,” she said as she shook my hand and the sensation of touching her became even more intense.

  I had initiated this second touch, but the spark intimidated me, and I hurriedly withdrew my hand. I could feel the energy radiating from her. She definitely was an alpha shifter and a powerful one at that. My hand still had that tingly feeling, and I rubbed it while wondering what Arami was.

  What the hell was happening? I had never been so affected by anyone like this before. Though I was incredibly inexperienced, I knew that this feeling was no doubt attraction. I smiled at Arami as I eventually remembered to breathe and slowly exhaled.

  This moment should have been uncomfortable, but it wasn't. There was no cumbersome embarrassment, and Arami's deep cinnamon eyes locked with mine, and I instantaneously wanted her. I watched as her rosy lips parted into a half-smile before she reached for her drink. Desire smoldered within me, and Arami's eyes flashed with unrestrained hunger.

  I tried to find anything to look at, my drink, my hands, the drunk people attempting to twerk on the dance floor, but everything in me pulled my focus back to Arami. I could feel the heat rush through my face.

  Arami, seemingly trying to ease the tension, put her drink down and cleared her throat. "So, where are you from?"

  "What makes you think that I'm not from around here?"

  "I would have noticed you. You would have noticed me too." She smiled and licked her lips. The look on her face became practically possessive, and I felt a wave of relief when Arami's phone began ringing. She huffed, then rolled her eyes. "I have to go, Naemi, but I'll be seeing you again. Soon I hope." She added before downing the rest of her drink and standing from the table. She turned, and her glossy hair swayed with her as she began walking towards the door. Not before I inhaled deeply, making sure to memorize her scent. She glanced over her shoulder before she disappeared out the door, and I was left with the feeling that she knew.


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