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Always in my Heart (The Subzero Series, #2)

Page 11

by Rebecca Elise

  Tyler taps his drumsticks together to count them in and then he starts beating on his drums. I love watching Tyler play the drums. It’s one of the only times he is ever truly focused on something.

  Watching him now makes me miss him more than I ever thought could be possible. I miss his arms wrapped around me and his hands roaming over me. I miss the way he runs his fingers through my hair when we are lying in bed trying to wake up. I miss the way he kisses me and the minty way he tastes when his tongue is in my mouth, like he spends all day sucking on Altoids or something. I miss the way he would smile at me and wiggle his eyebrows when he was in a goofy mood, which was pretty much all of the time. It’s probably safe to say that I just miss him period.

  I glance around as I sip on my martini and spot Chloe and Jocalyn. They are right in front of the stage and kind of hard to miss as they do some sort of dance that involves waving their arms up in the air and doing some sort of half spin/half hop that is nowhere even close to being on time with the music. I scrunch my nose and shake my head, somewhat thankful that I am not over there with them.

  My eyes make their way back to the stage just as they finish their third song and I lock eyes with Tyler. His mouth drops open and his eyes are filled with surprise. Judging by the shocked look on his face, Dean stayed true to his word and didn’t tell Ty that I was coming.

  I want to talk to him. I have no idea what I want to say to him but I know I’m ready to talk. This isn’t the place to do it though. The next time Tyler glances my way, I move my hand up to my face with my thumb up to my ear and my pinky down by my mouth before pointing to him letting him know I am going to call him. Then, just as they finish another song and announce they are going to take a quick break, I turn to walk out.

  Chapter Fourteen – Tyler

  I fly off of my stool so fast I nearly topple my drum set over. I don’t even care. All I see is her moving closer and closer to the door. I run through the crowded bar, pushing a few people out of my way and leap in front of her. Abby jumps back, clearly startled.

  “Hey.” I say.

  That was lame! You haven’t talked to her in a week and the best you can do is hey?

  “Hi.” She offers me a small smile.

  “Could we talk outside? Please? Just for a moment?”

  She hesitates which kills me. If she says no...I don’t know what I’ll do. There’s no way I can go back on stage if she rejects me.

  “Sure Ty.”

  I take her hand in mine, lacing our fingers together and holding on to her as tightly as I possibly can without hurting her hand. My heart swells when she doesn’t try to pull away from me. We walk outside and down the street some ways, stopping to sit on one of the black wrought iron benches that line the street. Turning our legs toward each other, I take her hand again, drawing lazy circles on the back of it with my fingertips.

  “I miss you Abby.”

  She stares at me and for a moment I’m worried she isn’t going to respond.

  “I miss you too.” She says softly.


  She shakes her head, her brown hair moving softly. I fight the urge to reach my hand out and run my fingers through it. She looks down at her hand in mine before looking up at me, her sad brown eyes burning in to mine.

  “I don’t know if there is a but. I think we need to get together sometime and talk. I have some questions I need answered before I can fully move past all of this and we can move on with our relationship.”

  I frown. “So you’re not staying for the rest of the show?”

  “No, I need to get some sleep. I am swamped tomorrow with the bakery opening on Monday but why don’t you come by on opening day? You can have a free bear claw and we can talk.”

  “Yes!” I say a little too enthusiastically. “Yes, absolutely, I will be there!”

  She smiles and nods. “Okay’s a date.”

  I want to touch her so badly, to just feel her body up close to mine. I stretch my arms up in the air and extent my right arm out, draping it behind her over top the back of the bench.

  Wow...I can’t believe I just did the fake yawn and arm around the shoulder maneuver. Maybe next I can pull her hair and slip a note in her pocket that says “Can I have another chance? Check yes or no!”

  I feel her body shake a little bit and glance down to see that she is trying, and failing, to not laugh. I don’t know which is worse, the fact that I seriously just did that slick maneuver or the fact that she caught me. It doesn’t really matter either way so, since I already got caught being lame, I decide to just go for it and drape my arm across my shoulders.

  I feel her body tighten up, and I am about to move my arm back, when she relaxes and scoots the tiniest bit closer to me.

  “Thank you for the flowers,” She says. “and the chocolate, the pictures, the teddy bear, the dedication on the radio and for sing-a-gram Sam.”

  I let out a small chuckle. “Yeah, I heard he didn’t even sing the right song.”

  “Yeah, I was kind of confused at first until Jack explained it to me. It’s okay though, it’s the thought that counts.”

  “Tyler, let’s go! We need to be back on stage in two minutes!”

  Abby and I turn around at the same time to see Noah standing half in and half out the door at Stoaked. He waves to Abby and she waves back.

  “I’m really sorry.” I say as I turn back to her.

  “No, it’s okay. I should really get going too.”

  I hail a cab for her and, just before she gets in, I spin her around, pull her body close to mine and crush my lips to hers. A small sigh escapes her and in that moment I am positive she still wants me as much as I want her in every single way.

  It takes every single ounce of self-control I possess to break off our kiss. Especially when what I really want to do is push her down in the backseat of the cab, ask the cabbie to avert his eyes and show her just how much I’ve missed her. The only reason I don’t is because make up sex isn’t actually the first thing on my mind, getting her back is, and when we do have make up sex it isn’t going to be in the back of some cab that smells like sweat and limburger cheese.

  “I love you Abigail.” I say, my voice sounding husky and low.

  She smiles again before getting in the cab and driving off, leaving me behind. She didn’t say it back but she didn’t have to. I know she loves me.

  I walk back into Stoaked with a huge smile on my face. I kissed her and she didn’t hit me. All is good in the world. Well, almost good. We still have to have this talk, which will probably be awful before it is anywhere close to being better, but at least she is willing to talk to me now. Progress is being made.

  “Where the hell have you been?” Dean asks me. “It was a quick break not a bloody holiday.”

  “I was only gone maybe five minutes at the most and I was with Abby.”

  “Really? How did that go?”

  “We have a date to talk on Monday and I kissed her and she didn’t punch me so...went well in my book.”

  “Huh...see now I would have punched you if you would have tried snogging me.”

  “Well I’m not snogging you ever so that doesn’t really matter.”

  “If you two are done, we need to get back on stage.” Jack scolds us.

  “Let’s go then.” I say.

  We head back to the stage and I grab the drumsticks I had knocked to the ground during my mad dash to the door. I tap my sticks on my rack toms to count us in and Noah starts singing. Running into Abby is exactly what I needed. I end up playing better than I have ever played before.

  Our set ends and I corner Noah before he has a chance to get far from the stage.

  “Are you going home or are you staying a bit?” I ask him.

  Noah shrugs and lifts his arms up. “I don’t mind staying. There was a hot blonde making eyes at me from the bar.”

  “That is going to have to wait. We are going to have a celebratory drink or two...or three.” I fling my arm around his shou
lders and we start walking towards the bar.

  “What exactly are we celebrating? Not that I couldn’t come up with a reason or two if I needed to.”

  “We are celebrating the fact that Abby came here tonight and she’s gonna come back home.”

  “Is she now? That is fantastic news mate! When is she moving back?”

  “Well...she didn’t quite say exactly. We are getting together on Monday to talk and once we do, she is going to come back home.”

  Noah nods and slaps me on the back. “So she hasn’t actually said she is moving back but...its close enough for me.”

  Dex strides over as we reach the bar.

  “Nice set guys,” He says. “What can I getcha?”

  “Two shots of kamikaze and two All Irish Black and Tans.” I say as I slap my hand down on the bar.

  “Walking on the wild side tonight are we?” Dex asks.

  “Are you mad? I live on the wild side!” I exclaim.

  Dex raises his one eyebrow as he grabs two shot glasses from underneath the bar. “Really? Cause it seems like you haven’t lived on the wild side since you coupled up with Abby?”

  I frown. “What the bloody hell is that supposed to mean?”

  Dex grabs a bottle of vodka as he lets out a chuckle. “Relax man. All I am saying is that you aren’t as wild and crazy as you used to be. I mean, when is the last time you pulled a prank or did some crazy stunt or challenged someone to some ridiculous contest.”

  My eyes widen...he was right. I used to get calls nearly every single day from Chloe regarding something I had done. Now the only calls I get regarding my stupidity involve my relationship, or whatever you would call it, with Cath.

  Dex slides the two shots across the bar and begins pouring our black and tans. Noah and I hold up our shot glasses in cheers and toss them back. I squeeze my eyes shut and shake my head as the vodka stings the back of my throat.

  My god that was strong!

  “I’ll have you know I pulled a prank on this mug right here just last month.” I say pointing my finger at Noah.

  “I’m going to point out that you said last month. It’s been a month since you pulled a prank. That used to be a part of your daily routine man,” Dex shakes his head slowly. “So...what did you do?”

  I laugh. “I filled the air vents in his car with glitter and baby powder. Then I made sure the knobs were turned all the way up.”

  Dex passes us our pint glasses as he laughs along with me.

  “I turned on my car and got smacked in the face with a powder and glitter bomb!” Noah exclaims. “I had a date that night you arse. I’m still cleaning glitter out of my car.”

  “I believe I did you a favor. That girl was a horrid nightmare.” I say as I raise my glass to my lips to take a swig.

  “You only think that because she didn’t like you one bit.”

  “Exactly! There was clearly something wrong with her and anyway this isn’t about your choice in women. Is Dex right? Have I changed?”

  “Well...I mean...You have changed since you started seeing Abby but not in a bad way.”

  All of the sudden I feel the need to prove that I am still the wild and crazy Tyler I’ve always been.

  “Barkeep, hit me with another kamikaze.” I say as I smack my hand on the bar top again.

  “Don’t call me barkeep. Either call me Dex or Dexter.” He says to me.

  He moves to grab another shot glass and I see the muscles in his enormous bicep ripple underneath his black shirt. I shrink back feeling a little intimidated. The whole band considers Dex to be a friend, so I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t punch me, but since there’s no way I could hit him back without injuring myself, I’m not taking my chances.

  “Sorry, another kamikaze” I try again.

  Dex slides the shot glass across the bar to me. “If you break anything, if you even scratch something, you are paying for it.”

  “I always do.” I say before throwing back my shot.

  “So what are we going to do?” Noah asks. He has never been one to shy away from a challenge.

  “Flaming darts?”

  Noah glances over my shoulder, presumably at Dex, and looks back at me, shaking his head.

  “Probably not a good idea.” He says.

  “It’s not.” Dex adds.

  I am about to suggest a barstool handstand contest, which is always a crowd pleaser, when I see a streak of blue out of the corner of my eye. I turn to see a young chap with shaggy blue hair holding what I assume is one of our shirts.

  “Oye! You...the bloke with blue hair!” I call out.

  He turns to look at me in disbelief and I wave him over. He looks hesitant for a moment, glancing over at the guy next to him. He walks towards me and once he is within arm’s reach I throw my arm around his shoulders. I look at Noah and point to my new friend.

  “Would you look at this? I have found the long lost brother my mum never told me I had!” I exclaimed.

  Noah raises his pint glass in the air. “Cheers to that!”

  “What’s your name?” I ask as I give him a hearty shake.

  “Nate but everybody calls me Scraps.”

  “Would you look at that? He’s a yanker! My girlfriend, Abby, is one too.”

  We start chatting, or if I am being accurate, Scraps is chatting and I feel as though I am yammering nonstop at an excessively loud volume. He jumps back a bit as I yell my name at him.

  Scraps asks me to take a picture with him as the guy he was standing with a few moments ago walks over to us. His friend, Mason I think he was called, snaps a photo for us.

  “Well, we have to go but let me buy you a pint before we leave.” Scraps says as he waves Dex over. He orders me a Guinness, which Dex pours straight away and hands to me.

  “Thank you. That was so nice of you.” I say, a little too happily.

  I go to give Scraps a good old fashioned American bro hug, something I learned from Abby’s brother, and when I do, I end up spilling my Guinness down his shirt.

  “Party foul!” Noah exclaims.

  Scraps doesn’t look particularly amused as he takes a step and shakes his beer soaked shirt a little bit. He flashes me a look that makes me think he is contemplating punching me. I pat him on the shoulder and say “Don’t get your knickers in a twist chap” and remind him that he has one of our shirts to change into.


  I wake up the next morning and feel pissed out of my mind. I’m starting to think Dex went heavy on the vodka for a reason. Either he was trying to entice me into doing something outrageous, which I refrained from doing...I think any way, or he was just feeling a little bit heavy handed when it came to tipping the bottle.

  I groan out loud as I drag myself out of bed. For the first time in a week I am glad that Abby is at Jack’s and not here to see me in this glorious moment.

  Ugh...all I can smell is Guinness.

  I have a flashback to spilling beer on that kid, Scraps, shirt last night; I got some on myself as well. I stumble into the kitchen and pop two aspirin in my mouth before I proceed to drink my weight in water. I feel like I haven’t drank a single drop of water in weeks!

  Opening up one of the cabinets, I pull out Abby’s tin of coffee and get to work setting the coffee machine to brew. What I really need is a coffee IV that I can just stick into my arm and allow it to just start flowing into my body. I’ll bet that would really jump start my day.

  I drink a mug of coffee and take a nice, long hot shower. Two more cups of coffee after that and I am feeling a bit better. A little over caffeinated maybe but less pissing drunk than I was before so that’s a positive.

  I wonder if I should go to the bakery and see if there is anything I can help Abby with. I know she said we would talk on Monday, which is only tomorrow, but we don’t have to talk today. I could just go and help her so she doesn’t get stressed or overwhelmed right?

  I’m not completely useless in the kitchen but I am certainly no where even close to bein
g as good as she is. I don’t have to bake anything though. I could help her clean something or...I don’t them a tune as they work. Of course I can’t exactly cart my drums down to the bakery. I’m decent on the guitar but I’m not sure if I am good enough to motivate people. I certainly don’t want to have the opposite effect on Abby’s staff. Somehow I don’t think that would win me any points with her.

  Maybe I should just stay where I am at and not get in her way. That way I can guarantee that I am not doing anything to annoy, anger and/or frustrate her. Maybe I should straighten up so that the flat doesn’t look as if I have been throwing frat parties. Okay, so it isn’t that messy but it’s not exactly as nice and tidy as Abby keeps it.

  That’s what I’ll do, I’ll straighten up but in a guy’s way that says “look I can clean but I still need you around.”

  Then maybe I should go buy her more flowers. Flowers and maybe I can go get The Holiday and 28 Days Later since Abby thinks Jude Law and Cillian Murphy are “so incredibly hot.” Though I guess a movie about a viral outbreak that turns the infected into murderous maniacs isn’t exactly the type of movie that screams “I love you and I’m so glad you’re home”’s the thought that counts...right?

  Chapter Fifteen – Abby

  I can’t believe the opening day of my bakery is finally here! I have been waiting for this day since I was ten and attempted to turn my parent’s kitchen and sun room into my own personal bakery. They thought it was cute when I passed out menus that I drew myself to the neighbors until I woke them up at four in the morning clanging around muffin tins and glass mixing bowls as I attempted to make blueberry muffins.

  As promised, Chloe was patiently waiting at the door when I unlocked it at seven. Although she opted to buy an apple and cream cheese Danish instead of the cupcake she originally planned to get.

  “I’m off to work and the boys have studio time today but Jack and I will be in later on to help out any way we can.” Chloe says as she is leaving.


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