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How to Avoid a Billionaire

Page 2

by Tressie Lockwood

  Steps away from the table, the name Ryder struck a chord, and she faltered. Ryder sprang from his seat in a flash and caught her just as she tumbled forward. If she’d planned it, her clumsiness couldn’t have come off better, because she landed in his arms.

  “Are you okay, Melanie?” The rumble of his voice rolled over her, producing a thrill, but she suppressed it and pulled away.

  “I’m fine, Ryder Neyland.”

  He winced and released her. “You know who I am?”

  “You were declared the eleventh most eligible bachelor in the United States, a billionaire. Who doesn’t know you?”

  He propelled her to their table with a gentle hand at her lower back and waited for her to take a seat before he did as well. “I could have been in the top ten.”

  She rolled her eyes and laughed. “Seriously, what are you doing talking to me?” Her insides had turned to mush at the realization of who he was. If she could get one forkful of food down her throat, it would be a miracle. Of all the people to run into, it had to be him. Then again, she was nobody. He wouldn’t know who she was.

  He reached across the table and took her hand. “Am I not allowed to enjoy a beautiful woman?”

  “Well there is that.” She tried to play it off, but her voice came out sounding breathless. She expected to see triumph in his gaze but found instead attraction and attentiveness. Was this how he conquered women? “I shouldn’t get involved with someone like you.”

  “Someone like me? What do you mean?” Confusion colored the eyes she now saw were a brilliant blue.

  “We’re in different leagues. You’re a playboy.” She slipped her hand from his grasp.

  “So in other words, you’re afraid I’ll make you fall for me?” he teased.

  She chuckled but didn’t acknowledge his words.

  “Would that be so bad?”

  She swallowed and looked at him. “Yes. Who wants to fall for a lady-killer?”

  “It would be fun while it lasted.”

  “I bet.”

  They ordered dinner from the menu, and Melanie scanned the restaurant, noting the booths and workers calling out orders. Customers at the other tables were dressed in shorts and flip-flops. The casual atmosphere made her feel like she and Ryder were way overdressed.

  When her food arrived, Melanie took small bites, the appetite from earlier gone. Ryder had no such qualms as he took a huge bite of his sandwich and ate several chips. She doubted he’d ever been to a place this casual, or not for a very long time. Despite that he appeared relaxed, as if he could blend well in any environment. What was he doing here now?

  He looked up and found her watching him, and she blushed. He stilled then placed his sandwich on the paper it had come wrapped in. “You mesmerize me with those eyes. So unusual.”

  She wanted to say something sassy, but nothing came to mind. “I got them from my dad. He’s Chinese.”

  “Intriguing. And your mother?”

  “My mother is black, so I got her skin tone and this ridiculous hair.” The one part of her that she lamented over was her hair. Even as she mentioned it, she raised a hand to try to smooth the flyaway locks. Growing up, she’d always wished she had inherited the straight black hair from her father’s side. The color came from him, but her mane would not be tamed no matter what products she dumped in it.

  Ryder grasped a few strands between his fingers. “I like it.” He captured her with his teasing gaze. “Tell you what. We’ll both resolve not to fall in love.”

  Melanie burst out laughing. “I don’t think you’re in any danger.”

  He leaned forward, his attention never faltering from her. The humor disappeared so she didn’t know how to read him. “I don’t know about that.”

  Melanie sucked in a ragged breath. She stuffed her sandwich between her lips and took a bite. Chewing gave her time to pull herself together. That is until Ryder found a dab of mayonnaise to the side of her lip and used his thumb to wipe it off. He held it up for her to see, and she stuttered her thanks.

  “You know about me. Tell me more about you.”

  She set her sandwich down with care. “There’s nothing much to tell. Are you really interested?”

  “I am.”

  “I’m an advertising executive.” She paused, waiting for recognition, or at the least a flash of bitterness and got nothing, so she moved on. “I’m new to the business, fresh out of college.”

  His brows went up. “I didn’t think you were that young.”

  “I’m not. I’m twenty-eight, but I took a couple years off school to find myself. Let me tell you, my dad was not happy.”

  He grinned. “Pissed him off?”

  She nodded. “For a little while we weren’t even talking. Or rather, he wasn’t acknowledging my existence. My mom brought him around. He loves her.”

  “That’s a radical difference in culture.”

  “Yes, but my mom fell in love with the Chinese people and their ways.”

  “Did she live there?”

  “Not at first. For years, she dreamed of going there, and oddly enough on her first trip, she met my dad, and they were meant for each other.”

  “Ah, a fairy tale.” She had the feeling he didn’t believe in them. “Please, continue.”

  She eyed him a minute and then went on. “She said she never thought she would get him here, but she eventually did and they stayed. They had me later than most people have kids. She was thirty-nine and he was forty-two. Oh, look at me going on and on. I must be boring you.”

  “Not at all.” He let the tips of his fingers come close to hers, but this time he didn’t touch. The response in her body was no less charged with desire. “I find you fascinating. Tell me you don’t have a lover right now.”

  “You cut to the chase.”

  He shrugged. “I go after what I want. Is there something wrong in that?”

  She decided not to answer or she’d get herself in trouble. They chatted some more before Ryder paid the bill, and they stood to leave. She cringed walking ahead of him, imagining he spotted the run in her pantyhose.

  Melanie headed to her car and turned to face Ryder. “This is me.”

  He waved a hand in the direction of a silver Jaguar XJS.

  “I had a good time. Thank you…” Her words died when he moved so close she felt his body heat. She licked her lips and raised her chin to look up at him.

  “Can I see you again?”

  “I’m not sure about that.”

  “So you aren’t attracted to me?”


  “Melanie, I’m a man who likes to indulge my pleasures. I believe you would give me pleasure.”

  She considered easing away to give herself room but rather stood her ground. He didn’t mince words, and while she admired it, he also made her nervous. “I definitely would.”

  His brows disappeared into his hairline. “You’re confident.”

  “You don’t expect me to be?”

  “It’s refreshing.”

  He stepped closer until her back touched the side of her SUV. When he placed a hand on either side of her, trapping her between his arms, her heart threatened to leap from her chest. The intensity in his gaze didn’t allow for her to so much as glance away. He bent his head toward her, and she found herself wanting to stretch up onto her toes and kiss his lips.

  “You want it. I want it. What’s to stop us?”

  “We just met.”


  For the life of her a reason did not present itself. He leaned even closer, and his breath warmed her lips. She shivered and raised her hands to push him away but instead curled her fingers into her palms before she made impact. She needed him closer. Over and over, she searched her mind for an excuse as to why she shouldn’t do this. She needed to make a rational decision, but rational
wasn’t what she really wanted.

  If she gave into Ryder, she’d be having sex with a man on the first date. Not that she hadn’t had sex with a man the first night she met him before. She’d had a one-night stand or two in her past, but she had put those experiences behind her, preferring a relationship. Ryder tempted her past reason. His sexiness went beyond any of those previous men. He put them to shame just standing there not touching her but raising her temperature all the same.

  She licked her lips and managed to turn away, facing her vehicle, but that position caused her ass to brush his thigh. “I should go.”

  To her surprise, he backed up. “I won’t pressure you.” The about face threw her for a loop, but she could read nothing from his expression. “I had a great time talking to you. May I at least kiss you good night?”

  “Um, sure.”

  That was her first mistake, allowing this man free rein of her lips. The chaste peck deepened into an all-out onslaught of her mouth. He splayed fingers across her jaw and tilted her head back. From the first touch, a cry of pleasure was wrenched from her. She parted her lips even before he thrust his tongue between them. Noise from the restaurant faded away along with the traffic. A low rumble of need rose from Ryder’s throat as his tongue swept along the interior of her mouth. He drew back and she thought she’d live through the experience, but he did so only to capture her bottom lip and suck it between his. She creamed her panties and struggled for breath. Her hands came up without her meaning them to, and she tangled fingers in his shirtfront. Dragging him closer, she kissed him with abandon. Ryder’s hands at her waist brought reality crashing back, but before she could do anything, he released her and stepped away. He stuffed his hands in his pockets.

  “I apologize. I had no idea your mouth would be that delicious.”

  Melanie grabbed hold of the door handle behind her. “It’s fine. I…” She hesitated. Her body had ignited from the first touch. One kiss wasn’t enough. She craved more. “I don’t live far from here.”

  She reviewed the state of her apartment in her mind and recalled she’d cleaned it a couple of days ago.

  Ryder’s gaze burned into her. “Are you sure about this?”


  He agreed to follow her in his car, and fifteen minutes later, they arrived at her apartment. She fiddled with the lock, and he nabbed the keys to let them both in. Ryder barely let her take two steps before he dropped kisses along her neck. Her purse hit the floor, she kicked off her heels and tried to climb his big, hard body. Ryder lifted her like she weighed nothing and carried her down the hall while she wrapped her legs around his waist.

  At her bedside, she climbed down and pushed him back, although she felt his incredible strength as if he wouldn’t give in. She struggled to calm the ragged breaths. “I have to take a shower.”

  His blue eyes flashed excitement. “By all means.”

  She contemplated darting into the bathroom and slamming the door in his face but changed her mind. Ryder wet played in her thoughts, and she couldn’t shake the image loose. She toyed with the top button on his shirt. “You’ll join me?”

  His answer was to pinch each button open, exposing a chest free of hair but hard as steel when she ran her fingers over it. Beneath her fingertips, his heart raced, and she explored at her leisure, slipping across to his darker, flat nipples. They called to her to lick and tease, but if she got started they might not reach the shower.

  Ryder grabbed her hands and pinned them to her sides. “If you do that, I’m going to throw you on that bed and take you right now. Is that what you want?”

  Hell yes!

  “I’ll behave.”

  “For now,” he chastened her.

  When he released her, she bent to remove her pantyhose and bit her lip at the sight of his tented pants. Even before he lowered his slacks along with his boxers, she knew what she would see. Ryder had to be nine inches and thick as hell. He had the whole package—handsome, rich and hung. What a woman wouldn’t give to have him on a permanent basis. She needed to be very careful and guard her heart.

  The ruined pantyhose in a pile on the floor, she started for the bathroom.

  “Hold it.”

  She stopped and glanced over her shoulder at him. He twirled his finger in a circle, pointing downward.


  Melanie did and waited. He gestured again.

  “Off. I want to see everything you have for me.”

  She gazed at him and smiled. Maybe he thought she was somehow ashamed of her body and the fact that twenty or thirty extra pounds refused to let her go. Sure she hated it, but despite the extra, she had decent curves, and she liked her big boobs and small waist. The blouse came off first, and then she moved to the skirt. When it pooled at her feet, she stepped out of it, waiting for his reaction. Her panties weren’t bikinis or thongs because she had too much to put into them, but they were red with lace around the legs and hi-cut on the sides. The matching bra looked like it would let her breasts come tumbling free any second. She’d considered a bigger cup size, but for tonight, it had a billionaire’s mouth watering. Score one for me.

  Melanie arched her back and turned away from him. “Can you help me with the clasp? Sometimes it gets stuck.”

  “You’re tiny.” His voice cast low startled her, coming from just behind her. Warm fingers touched her back, and yet she shivered.

  The bra fell to the floor, and his palms came up to cup her breasts. “Can you handle me, Melanie?”

  He just had to keep saying her name in that deep, rumbly tone that drove her crazy. “Of course I can. In fact, do you have a brother so I can do you both?”

  “Oh no, I’m not sharing you.” He smacked her ass and gave her a little nudge toward the bathroom. “We’ll see how much you can take.”

  Warm water cascaded down on Melanie, and it felt incredible, but nothing compared to Ryder’s hands as he washed her body. His thumbs grazed her taut nipples, leaving tiny bubbles from the gel behind. He moved on too soon to her belly, but she lost the ability to think when he reached her pussy and cupped it with the palm of his hand. She grabbed hold of his forearms and rested her forehead against his chest. He gave her a squeeze and nudged her swollen clit. Her fingers spasmed on his arms as she panted.

  “Ryder,” she moaned, “we’re supposed to be washing off.”

  “Are we?” He pressed her clit, and she could have keened but bit it off. “I thought I was preparing this for when I suck it.”

  He rinsed the suds away and dropped to his knees. Melanie’s resistance left from the first moment he wrapped his lips around her bud. She tossed a leg over his shoulder and held the back of his head while she rode his tongue. “Oh, yes, like that,” she pleaded.

  Ryder parted her folds and ran his tongue from her opening straight up to her clit. A spasm of pleasure rocked her body, and she almost lost balance. His hand came around to support her with splayed fingers over her ass. He drove her forward and licked her pussy like he’d never tasted one before. He snaked his tongue inside, and she whimpered his name. She drew back and arched forward, wanting more. The man knew what kind of rhythm would bring her to orgasm, and she found herself on the edge of one.

  When he stood with her on the brink, she itched to drag him back and force him to his knees. His grin told her he read her feelings. “Don’t worry, angel. I’m going to eat you up.”

  He climbed out of the shower, leaving her confused, but he reappeared right away and held up a few condom packets. The packet landed on the side of the tub where he tossed it, and he pushed a hand between her legs, drew her close, and began massaging there until she came close to climax once again.

  Ryder found her lips with his, and she tasted her own essence on his tongue. He drew back to look into her eyes. “I’ve never been with a black woman. I find you delicious.” He ran a thumb over her lips. �
�I have a high sex drive, but you’re taking me to a point that feels like I’m losing control. Will you take responsibility for what you’re causing?”

  Heat scorched her from head to toe. “It’s not my fault. You’re so big and hard.” To demonstrate, she curled her fingers around his cock, loving the thickness and the smooth skin. Her pussy pulsed with longing for him to bury himself inside her.

  Ryder jerked her chin up and covered her mouth in a rough kiss. He ran his hand down her throat to her chest, lower to her belly and stopped. When his mouth covered her clit, she lost it. Her orgasm detonated, contracting her core muscles, and ricocheted in every direction. She screamed in ecstasy and dug her nails into his shoulders. He licked her tender clit over and over as the vibrations took hold, and when they at last began to ease, he moved down to her opening. Melanie didn’t expect him to eat her out, but he lapped at her juices, moaning as he did. Every drop landed on his tongue, and then he stood.

  She gasped to see the color of his eyes had changed to dark ocean. Ryder grabbed a condom and ripped the packaging apart. He rolled the condom down his bobbing staff and then scooped her off her feet. A gasp of surprise was all she managed before he plunged his big cock deep into her pussy. She held onto him, the aftershocks of another orgasm shaking her. The walls of her entrance stretched around his girth, but Ryder hardly seemed to notice. He plunged to the hilt, breath hissing between his teeth. She had moments of adjustment to his size, and then he began a slow grind. He raised her hips high and let her slide down his shaft until he filled her. Over and over, the movement drove her insane. She scarcely caught her breath his invasion overwhelmed her so much.

  Water cascaded from his head, dripped over dark lashes, and down a narrow, straight nose. Ryder heeded none of it while he pounded into her pussy. She held onto his shoulders, her legs tossed over his forearms. His fingers bit into her hips, and she moaned. Ryder froze then tugged his dick out of her. He backed her up and leaned her against the chilly tiles. A hand above her head, he held her around the waist with one arm and panted, his eyes shut, head bowed.


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