Tied up With Love

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Tied up With Love Page 18

by Amelia Thorne

  ‘I know.’

  ‘Then why are you looking at me like that?’

  ‘There’s no look.’

  ‘There was definitely a look.’

  Ethan leaned over the desk towards her. ‘You obviously didn’t get enough sleep last night, that much is clear, but don’t start causing angst and seeing problems where there aren’t any. I know you didn’t take the money so don’t assume that that’s what I’m thinking, because I’m not.’

  He sat back down and deliberately ignored her as he ate the rest of his sandwich. He was angry and she wasn’t sure if it was directed at her or the missing money.

  He’d probably taken the money himself to pay for something, and then just forgotten.

  Kyle wolfed down the rest of his sandwich in just a few bites and licked the sauce off his fingers. ‘We better go. This pick up is quite far away. It’ll take us over an hour to get there and the same coming back to the house.’

  Ethan looked at his watch and swore under his breath. Suddenly there was a hive of activity as the boys hurried round getting ready for the pick up.

  As they hurried out, closing the door behind them, Izzy found herself breathing a sigh of relief. The sexual tension between her and Ethan could be cut with a knife, but she had to admit that the sneaking around added another layer to their relationship. The covert glances, the notes, the stolen kisses; it was as hot as hell. She would just ignore the unease that had settled into her gut with the missing money. She hoped that Ethan didn’t doubt her, that would ruin everything between them if he did.

  She heard Ethan’s voice from outside, shouting to the boys. ‘I’ll just grab my gloves, I’ll be one second.’

  The door slammed open, bounced in its frame and slammed shut again behind Ethan as he quickly gathered her in his arms and kissed her hard. He teased her mouth open, sliding his tongue inside and Izzy heard herself moan. She could taste the sweetness of the jam he’d been eating and coupled with the peanut butter she’d been eating it was the perfect combination, sweet and salty all at once. The smell of his aftershave, all fresh and citrusy, was like sensory overload as his hands roamed her body. She pulled herself tighter against him just as he pulled away. He stared down at her, clearly struggling for breath. Then he kissed her sweetly on the nose and turned to leave.

  ‘Ethan, wait,’

  He turned back.

  ‘Don’t forget your gloves.’

  He grinned and snatched them up from the side and strode out with a definite spring in his step.


  ‘I need a word before you go,’ Ethan said, slamming into the office as Izzy was getting ready to go home.

  He hadn’t come back after the pick up and Kyle had said that he’d asked to be dropped off at home –as he’d leapt out the van and practically sprinted for the house, Kyle assumed there was a woman waiting for him. Izzy had been in a bad mood all afternoon because of it, alternating between being convinced Kyle was wrong and then convincing herself that he was right. Ethan hadn’t replied to her text or her email. She hadn’t wanted to call him, in case the sounds she heard when he answered confirmed her fears.

  What did he want to say now? That the night before had been a mistake? That it was never going to happen again? That he’d already moved on? It couldn’t possibly be about the money.

  ‘Aw, why can’t you leave her alone,’ said Kyle. ‘You’ve been on her back ever since she started at this company. She’s doing a brilliant job and you know that, it wouldn’t hurt you to say it now and again.’

  Ethan opened his mouth to speak but Kyle wasn’t finished.

  ‘I thought you might be in a better mood today after you got laid last night.’

  Izzy felt her eyebrows shoot up into her hair.

  ‘You should have heard him, Izzy, well both of them. She was a screamer. He must be very good at what he does because with every move he made she was moaning and groaning, building into a crescendo of screams.’

  Izzy stared at him, aware that she blushing furiously. Kyle started doing an impression of the noises she had made the night before, getting louder and more guttural with each sound.

  ‘Oh, ah, oh, oh god, ohhhh, oh, ah, Ethan, oh god, aghh, oh, oooh, ah, yes, please, oh god, oh, OH, OH, OH, AHHHH, AGHH, OHHH, ETHAN, OHHHHHHHH.’

  Ethan was staring at him as well.

  ‘And Ethan was roaring. I’ve never heard him roar before. It was hilarious. It sounded like a lion mating next door. The bed was squeaking, the headboard was taking a definite battering. I’ve been lucky enough not to hear him have sex before as he never brings women back to his place. But she must have been something special. No woman has ever spent the night before. But fifteen minutes after the big finish, they were at it again. Then again this morning and again in the shower just before he left. I think he might have tied her up ready for another innings tonight, I didn’t see her leave and when I went round to borrow a cup of sugar there was no answer. So how about you give poor Izzy some slack and get back to the bird you were pounding last night and probably most of the afternoon.’

  Ethan stood. ‘Good advice, now get out.’

  Kyle looked at her apologetically. ‘Sorry Izzy, I tried.’

  She had no words.

  Kyle waved goodbye and left. Ethan went to the door and watched him drive off then he closed the door behind him.

  ‘Is that what I sounded like?’

  He smirked. ‘I liked it.’

  ‘Oh my god, how embarrassing.’

  ‘That’s exactly why I didn’t want them to know about us. They will rip us constantly about it, and while I don’t mind, I don’t want them taking the piss out of you over us being together.’

  Her heart leapt again, but this time with a little ray of hope. Us? Was there still an ‘us’?

  He walked towards her, his eyes were dark and she wasn’t sure if he was angry.

  ‘Why do you look so worried, like I’m about to attack you?’

  ‘It depends what you want to talk to me about.’

  He grinned and immediately closed the gap between them. He took her face in his hands and kissed her. His hands drifted across her shoulders, then down her sides, and in a swift movement he yanked her jumper over her head then filled his hands with her breasts.

  ‘I wasn’t actually planning on doing much talking.’

  He moved in to kiss her again but she shifted back out of his reach.

  ‘Wait. This is what you wanted me to stay behind for? I was worried.’

  His hands roamed her body hungrily, and he quickly undid her trousers and pulled them down. ‘What were you worried about, that I was going to sack you or something? We’ve been through this. Hiring you was the best thing I ever did and not just because I now get to do rude and nasty things to you.’

  Relief gushed through her as he pulled her tightly against him. He kissed her throat and she started to undo his shirt.

  ‘I thought that you were going to tell me last night was a once only thing.’

  His mouth stalled on her neck and she immediately regretted saying it. It sounded so pathetic and needy. She had to quickly distract him. She undid his button on his trousers but he pulled away slightly.

  ‘Is that what you thought? I don’t know what this is. I don’t want a relationship, but this was more than a one night stand for me. I can’t promise you that it’s forever, but I definitely want more.’

  She leaned up and kissed him, barely able to contain her smile.

  ‘Unless… is that what you wanted, was it just a quick shag for you?’

  Her heart swelled for him. For all his strength and size, he was as vulnerable as she was.

  She unzipped his trousers slowly and he looked down at where her hand was.

  ‘I’ll take that as a no.’

  He lifted her onto the desk and quickly removed the rest of her clothes. He was buried deep inside her a few moments later. He kissed her as he moved against her.

  ‘Izzy, I don’t think I will ever g
et enough of you.’

  Chapter Seventeen

  Izzy lay on the sofa with Ethan lying on top of her. He had been kissing her for over half hour. She was never going to get enough of that kiss. He didn’t seem to tire of it either.

  Her stomach gurgled loudly, vibrating slightly against Ethan’s hard abs.

  He pulled away, looking down at her. ‘I should probably take you out for dinner.’

  ‘Like a date?’

  ‘No, definitely not a date. I date women specifically to get them into bed. You’re kind of a foregone conclusion, so not a date.’

  She frowned at this. She wasn’t even worth dating because he knew he could get sex from her whenever he wanted. She had handed herself to him on a plate without so much as a date or dinner.

  ‘So what would dinner be, if it’s not a date?’

  ‘Well mostly it’d be me giving you some food so you don’t pass out on me when I take advantage of you later.’

  Angrily, she shoved against him but he didn’t move. ‘And it gives me the chance to hang out with someone I enjoy the company of, so it can kill two birds with one stone.’

  She looked at him, feeling the anger ebb away. ‘So… we’re friends?’

  He pushed the hair back from her face and kissed her briefly. ‘I’m not sure. I don’t really have any friends. Especially not ones I fuck. But I like being with you and spending time with you so I guess so.’

  She smiled.

  ‘It’s not a relationship.’

  ‘I know.’

  This was confusing the hell out of him, she could see that. He was confused by his feelings for her, and how different he was with her – and trying to label exactly what is was between them would just make things worse. And actually she didn’t need the label, she just needed him.

  She stroked her hands through his hair at the back of his neck. ‘We can be friends.’

  He looked down at her and smiled. ‘Good.’ He climbed off her and passed her clothes to her and started dressing himself. He seemed delighted by this new turn of events. ‘So we can tell each other stuff as we’re friends?’

  ‘Yes, of course.’

  ‘Because I’ve been dying to tell someone, but I’ve been sleeping with this incredibly beautiful woman that is amazing in bed.’

  Izzy stared at him. She didn’t want to know this. But then she caught the gleam of mischief in his eyes.

  ‘What does she look like?’

  ‘Oh the cutest bum, wonderful breasts, star tattoos all down her back and when she shouts my name during sex, it’s absolutely the best feeling in the world. Her hair is as black as night and soft as silk and she has the most beautiful grey feline eyes I’ve ever seen. Her smile makes me melt every time I see it and when she turns it on me, I feel like the only person in the world.’

  Izzy swallowed down all the emotions he evoked by saying such lovely things about her. ‘She sounds nice.’

  ‘Hmmm. I like her. A lot. Now get dressed or we’ll be going to the restaurant with you half naked.’

  Izzy quickly threw her clothes on and Ethan wrapped her coat round her shoulders. It was such a small gesture but one that made her melt inside. She was getting into trouble here but there was very little she could do to stop it.


  Sitting opposite his new friend across a candlelit table, Ethan couldn’t be happier. He stared down at Izzy’s fingers entwined with his and couldn’t even find it in him to be scared by it. They were friends. Friends who slept together, admittedly, but she was still his friend and he liked it. He looked across the table at her, unable to take the stupid grin from his face as she tried to eat her meal with one hand. He didn’t do public displays of affection, kissing, hugging, holding hands. He barely even did private displays of affection. The women he used to sleep with already knew the unspoken rules. Dinner and sex, it was as simple as that. But Izzy didn’t know these rules and there was something about her that commanded something different. She needed this tactility and he liked being able to give it to her.

  He liked talking to her too, he liked what she had to say, she was fascinating and he liked the questions she asked. She really listened too; like his boring, sad little life was actually of interest to her.

  ‘Tell me about your life before Kidnap My Wife, what did you do?’ Izzy asked as she put down her fork and stared across the table with those gorgeous grey eyes.

  ‘I was an arsehole.’

  ‘Noooo!’ she gasped, but he knew she was teasing him.

  ‘I was rubbish at school, I played up in lessons a lot. I’m not sure, looking back, if I was just really stupid and played up because I didn’t understand anything or whether I played up and then didn’t understand what was being taught as I was too busy playing the fool. I failed almost every single one of my GCSEs, except art, and when I left school I was faced with the prospect of going to college and sitting through resits of all the exams I just flunked or trying to get a job, but getting a job was near impossible with zero qualifications. Plus people don’t really have much time for the Chase family. We have a bad reputation around here and no one wants to give us a chance. None of us could get a job because of who we were. After my dad died, Kyle started to get into trouble in school too and I hated that I was supposed to be a good role model for him and I had set a really bad example. I wanted to do something that he could be proud of, so four years after I had left school, four years of drifting from one crap dead end job to the next, I joined the army.’

  ‘That’s where you got the scars?’

  He nodded. ‘I was only in the army for ten months. Then something went very badly wrong on a training exercise and I nearly lost my leg in an explosion. I was completely useless to them after that and I was given an honourable discharge. It took a year of physio to get back properly on my feet and three years of dead end jobs before Kidnap My Wife was created and for the first time in my life I was good at something.’

  ‘The company means everything to you doesn’t it?’

  He nodded. ‘It’s not just me though. It means everything to Kyle and Gizmo too. Kyle was heading the same way I was, getting into trouble, skipping school… and then he decided he was going to join the army too and I just…’ He took a swig of his water. ‘He was sixteen, my baby brother and all I could see was him being sent off to Iraq or some other warzone and coming back in a body bag – so in part I wanted something for him to do as well, something that he could put his mind to and enjoy, something that wasn’t the army or getting into trouble.’

  She stared across the table at him, with her large unblinking eyes, listening to every word he said and with something akin to admiration in her eyes. No one looked at him like that. The whole Chase family were a bad lot in most people’s eyes.

  ‘Where does Charlie fit into this timescale?’

  He waited for the punch in his gut at the mention of her name, but it never came. He didn’t like talking about Charlie. But there was something different about talking about her with Izzy. She was so matter of fact, so open and he felt like he could be open with her too. It had been three and a half years and although the pain had almost completely gone, the guilt of how he acted after her death and how he was still acting now was something he was still trying to deal with. Izzy made him want to be a better person and he liked that. He realised she was still waiting for an answer.

  ‘We had dated briefly before I joined the army, when I came out we were friends and she helped me a lot. I’m not sure at what point we became a couple. We were friends that held hands and sometimes slept in the same bed and then friends that kissed and it just sort of progressed from there.’

  He looked down at Izzy’s hand entwined with his again. It was happening again. They were friends that slept together and held hands. He didn’t want this. He removed his hand from her grasp and it immediately felt cold and wrong without her warmth. He looked up and saw the hurt slice through her eyes.


  She made him care and he didn
’t want that.

  ‘I’m just going to the toilet.’

  She stood up and he watched her go. Damn it, he didn’t want to hurt her. He wanted to kiss her and spend the night making love to her. His breath caught in his throat. What was it he had told Izzy? He didn’t make love. He looked towards the front door of the restaurant. Would it be terrible if he ran out the restaurant now and didn’t look back?


  Izzy pushed through the door of the toilets back into the busy restaurant and came face to face with three near identical beautiful women, all with bottle blonde hair and matching orange skin. They were all significantly taller than she was, with tiny waists, big breasts, and stunning clothes that clung everywhere, while she was still in her work clothes.

  ‘Oh look, it’s Ethan’s new plaything,’ the one in the orange dress said.

  ‘And she’s been crying,’ Red High Heels said, without a trace of sympathy.

  She hadn’t been crying, but it was only from sheer determination that she’d managed not to.

  ‘Did he dump you?’ asked Pink Mini Skirt. ‘Doesn’t normally take a girl to a restaurant to do that, he just refuses to take your calls.’

  ‘Have you slept with him yet?’ Red Heels said.

  ‘We’re just friends,’ Izzy said, wishing that her face didn’t go so red and puffy when she got upset. And what kind of fresh hell was this? Not only was the man she was slowly falling for sitting a few yards away – freaking out about his feelings for her, being undecided about whether he wanted friends or just women he fucked – but now the ghosts of girlfriends past were tormenting her.

  ‘He was holding your hand,’ said Orange Dress disdainfully.

  ‘I was holding his hand, he was probably too polite to remove it.’ Izzy wasn’t sure why she felt the need to protect him, or protect what she had with him, but she didn’t want them to pick holes in it. She could do that all by herself. She tried to move past them but Red Heels stopped her, pushing her back firmly.

  ‘Ha, you like him. Oh that’s hilarious. Oh honey, that’s not how this works with Ethan. He brings all his women here, he’ll pretend to listen to you talk, never giving anything of himself back, he’ll go back to yours, fuck you and leave, probably all before midnight. You’ll probably never hear from him again.’


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