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The X-Club (A Krinar Story)

Page 2

by Zaires, Anna

  Her heart was now throbbing in her throat.

  Gathering her courage, she knocked again and called out, “Hello?”

  Jay gulped audibly next to her, his face turning pale.

  “Hello?” Amy called out again, louder this time. Nervous or not, she wasn’t leaving until she gave this her best shot.

  “Amy, let’s go—”

  The door quietly slid open.

  A man stood there, his tall, broad-shouldered frame taking up most of the doorway. In the low light, all Amy could see of his face were high cheekbones and a jaw that looked like it had been carved from granite. His eyes glittered darkly underneath thick eyebrows, and his clothes were pale, almost white.

  Stunned, Amy stared at him. Could it be . . . ? Could he be . . . ?

  The man smiled, his teeth flashing white in his bronzed face. “Welcome,” he said softly, and stepped aside, motioning for them to come in.

  Chapter 3

  Her heart beating furiously in her chest, Amy stepped through the doorway, with Jay following on her heels.

  Inside, the room was large, dimly lit, and completely empty. No furniture and no people—except the man who opened the door for them. He stood there calmly, watching them with his dark gaze.

  The door behind them slid shut.

  Amy surreptitiously wiped her sweaty palms on the front of her dress, hoping the man didn’t notice her nervous gesture.

  “Hi there,” Jay said, stepping forward to stand next to Amy. To her surprise, her friend’s voice was steady, and there was a flirtatious smile on his face. “We heard there’s a party here. Is that true?”

  The man didn’t reply for a moment, causing Amy’s anxiety to spike. Then he spoke, his deep voice filled with amusement. “You could say that.”

  “Great.” Jay beamed at him. “That’s what we’re here for.”

  Amy felt a wave of admiration for her friend. She’d always known Jay was great in social situations, but this was far from a typical party setting. For all his reluctance to be here, Jay had clearly brought his A-game.

  “Both of you?” the man asked, still sounding amused.

  “Yes.” Amy forced a bright smile to her lips. If Jay could do this, so could she. “We’re very . . . curious.”

  “Ah.” The man laughed, a low, sensuous sound that sent a shiver down her spine. “Curious, indeed. Well, follow me then.”

  He turned and began walking toward the far side of the room. Amy’s heart skipped a beat. Like the Ks she’d seen on TV, the man didn’t just walk—he flowed, his every movement filled with inhuman power and grace.

  There was no longer any doubt.

  She had just met her first Krinar.

  Jay touched her arm, and her gaze flew up to his. On his face, she could see the same awe and excitement she was feeling. “Oh my God,” she mouthed at him, and he nodded, his eyes wide with shock.

  “Come on,” Amy mouthed again, jerking her chin in the direction of the K, and they both hurried after him, nearly running to keep up.

  The K stopped in front of a wall at the far end of the room and waved his hand in a brief motion. To Amy’s shock, the wall dissolved, creating an oval, man-sized opening. She barely suppressed a gasp. She’d known that the Ks had more advanced technology, of course, but she’d never seen it in action.

  This was definitely going into her article.

  As she was mentally composing the first paragraph of her story, the K stepped through the opening and disappeared inside. Not wanting to lose him, Amy stepped through the opening too, with Jay following after her.

  They ended up in a darkened hallway. After walking a dozen feet, they found themselves in front of another wall. The K waited for them to catch up, and then he created a second opening through which Amy could see multi-colored lights and hear pulsing music.

  “Here we are,” the K said, his English as perfect as any American’s. Amy had always wondered about that—how the aliens knew Earth languages so well. It was speculated that they had some kind of neural language implants, but no one knew for sure.

  It might be another thing for Amy to investigate tonight.

  “Wow, how cool,” Jay exclaimed, playing his role of a ditzy party-goer to perfection. “I love the way you do that, man.”

  The K lifted his eyebrows, but didn’t dignify that statement with a response. Instead, he went in, walking with that startling, animal-like grace. Jay, who seemed to have gotten over his cautious spell, followed him without hesitation. After a momentary pause, Amy went after them, her heart pounding with a mixture of trepidation and excitement.

  They were officially inside an x-club.

  * * *

  The first thing Amy noticed was the music. Outside the opening, she’d caught just the pulsing beat, but as soon as she stepped inside, she could hear the weeping undertones of some unknown instrument mixed in with the sharper vibrations. The music wasn’t particularly loud, yet it enveloped her, made her feel cocooned within the melody.

  Over the music, she could hear laughter and a hum of conversations. The spacious room was filled with people—although she wasn’t sure “people” was the right term, given that many of the individuals present were Krinar. The aliens were easy to spot: all of them were tall, dark-haired, and had the kind of stunning beauty one usually observed in supermodels. For a while, there had been rumors that the Ks weren’t biological beings at all, and Amy could see how those rumors had originated. Not only were the Ks incredibly strong and fast, they were also almost too perfect to be real.

  Or at least too perfect to be human.

  The room itself was sparsely furnished, with circular tables standing in each corner. They appeared to be the K version of bars. She could see both humans and Ks milling around those tables, holding glasses with various drinks.

  The lighting in the room was soft, several hues of warm colors blended together. It flattered the light-colored clothing worn by the Ks. The clothes themselves weren’t particularly exotic—pale, floaty dresses for women and shorts with sleeveless shirts for men—but they suited the aliens, emphasizing their golden skin tone and fit, graceful bodies.

  Before Amy could absorb any more details, the K who brought them in turned to look at her. There was a mocking half-smile on his full, perfectly shaped lips.

  “Curiosity satisfied?” he purred, staring at Amy, and her breath caught in her throat as she got a good look at him for the first time.

  The Krinar standing in front of her had a dark, satyr-like beauty that was both alluring and disturbing. His black hair was glossy and straight, long enough to cover his ears and fall carelessly across his forehead. With his masculine nose and strong jaw, he could’ve posed for an army-recruitment ad—except no soldier had a mouth so wickedly sensuous or eyes that spoke of such carnal pleasures.

  Beautiful, thickly lashed brown eyes that were even now traveling over Amy’s curves with unabashed male interest.

  For the first time in her adult life, Amy blushed. She couldn’t help it. It felt like the K was stripping her with his gaze, leaving her standing there naked and vulnerable. Her body felt uncomfortably warm, and her breathing quickened, her pulse speeding up.

  The K wasn’t just looking at her. He was devouring her with his eyes—and Amy’s body was reacting to his stare as if to a physical touch. Her nipples hardened, and liquid heat began to gather between her thighs. The air was so thick with sexual tension, Amy could practically taste it. As the K’s eyes came up to rest on her face, all she could do was stare at him, hopelessly caught by that dark, all-consuming gaze.

  “And who is this, Vair?” A woman’s voice broke the spell, intruding into the sensual bubble that seemed to have formed between Amy and the K.

  Grateful for the interruption, Amy drew in a shuddering breath and tore her eyes away from the Krinar, turning toward the newcomer.

  It was another K, she saw immediately. The woman was smiling seductively, her attention focused on Jay—who was gaping at her with the sam
e helpless fascination Amy had just experienced.

  Fuck. This was not good. This was not good at all. Jay wasn’t exactly known for his self-control around temptation—and the female Krinar standing next to him was nothing if not tempting.

  Dressed in a short white dress, she was nearly six feet tall, with bronzed, toned legs that seemed to stretch into infinity. Her body was perfectly proportioned, slim and feminine at the same time, with a waist that was almost too small for her frame. “Alien Barbie” was the thought that popped into Amy’s head as she studied the woman.

  A very sexy alien Barbie.

  “These are a couple of strays I found in the hallway,” the K—Vair—responded to the woman’s question. His lush lips curved in a sardonic smile as he said, “Shira, meet curious girl and curious boy. Delicious, aren’t they?”

  Before Amy could figure out how to react to that insulting—and rather alarming—statement, Jay stepped forward and extended his hand. “I’m Jay,” he said in a husky tone. “It’s a pleasure to meet you . . . Shira, is it?”

  The woman laughed, her voice low and throaty. “Yes, indeed, sweet thing. It’s Shira. Why don’t I show you around?” And clasping Jay’s proffered hand with her long fingers, she led Amy’s friend toward one of the bars, her body moving as sinuously as a cat’s.

  Jay went with her without a word of protest, apparently too mesmerized to remember his earlier concerns—or the fact that he was there to help Amy with the story, not to be some K Barbie’s sex toy for the night.

  “Don’t worry,” Vair said, as though reading Amy’s mind. His voice was filled with dark amusement. “Shira will take care of him.”

  Reluctantly, Amy turned toward him, her heartbeat accelerating as their eyes met once again. “I’m not worried,” she managed to respond. “We’re here to have fun, after all.”

  “Of course you are, darling.” Vair’s teeth flashed white. “And fun you shall have. Would you like something to drink, or would you prefer to dance?”

  Amy blinked at him. “Dance?” The music had a good tempo, but it wasn’t exactly dance-floor loud. And no one around them was dancing.

  Not to mention, she wasn’t going within touching distance of Vair if she could help it. The club may have been a place to hook up with the Ks, but that’s not what Amy was there for.

  “Yes, dance.” His smile widened at her incredulous look. “Like this.” He made a small gesture with his hand, and all of a sudden, the room darkened, the soft light taking on a reddish-purple hue. The music picked up pace and grew in volume, the throbbing beat permeating Amy’s body. All around them, she could feel the energy of the room changing as conversations trailed off and groups coalesced into pairs, beginning to sway in unmistakably dance-like movements.

  Startled, Amy stepped back. “What . . . how—?”

  “I own this place,” Vair murmured, moving closer to her. “Did I neglect to mention that?”

  Amy swallowed. “Um, yes. I think you did.” Holy fuck. This was the club owner—and he seemed to want her for some reason. This was either a big problem or a big opportunity.

  “How long have you owned it?” she asked, her inner reporter deciding that it was the latter. This was an excellent chance to get some information—even if it meant she’d have to put up with an alien’s sexual advances.

  Which weren’t nearly as unwelcome as she would’ve liked.

  “A while.” Vair stepped even closer, stopping less than a foot away from her.

  Amy sucked in her breath, tilting her head back to gaze up at him. It was like looking up at a mountain. She’d known he was tall, of course, but she hadn’t realized how freaking large he was. The K was well over six feet in height, with muscles that would’ve done a bodybuilder proud. He towered over her five-foot-five frame, making her feel as tiny as a child. Even as a human man, he would’ve been incredibly strong, and the Krinar were known to be much, much stronger than humans.

  Her belly clenched with fear and arousal as she reflected on the fact that he could do anything he wanted to her. Anything at all. Like Jay said, the Ks were, for all intents and purposes, above the law.

  “How long is a while?” she persisted, doing her best to ignore her skyrocketing pulse. “Ever since you guys arrived?”

  He laughed. “No. Only since things settled down.”

  Ah. Finally they were getting somewhere. Amy guessed that “things settling down” was a euphemism for the end of the Great Panic—the dark months that followed the Ks’ arrival on Earth. By that timeline, the club had been around less than eighteen months.

  Mentally jotting down that tidbit, Amy gave Vair an encouraging smile. “How amazing. And what prompted you to open one in New York? I thought that you don’t like our cities—”

  “Why wouldn’t I like your cities?” He quirked his eyebrows.

  “Not you personally. I’m talking about your people. The Krinar.”

  “I can’t speak for the Krinar as a whole, darling.” He looked amused. “Just like you can’t speak for the entire population of Earth. I’m just one individual, and I happen to like this city of yours. I find it very . . . stimulating.” His eyes slid down Amy’s body again, leaving no doubt about the kind of stimulation he had in mind.

  Amy felt a treacherous warmth in her cheeks as her body reacted to that look again. “Right, of course,” she murmured, racking her brain for a way to turn the conversation to a less sexually charged topic. “So why—?”

  “Why don’t we dance?” Vair interrupted, and Amy realized that nearly everyone around them was swaying and gyrating to the music—including Jay and his Barbie on the other side of the room.

  And before she could figure out how to refuse, Vair closed the remaining distance between them, pulling her into his embrace.

  Chapter 4

  As Vair’s powerful arms closed around her, drawing her against his muscular body, Amy’s breathing turned fast and irregular. She could feel his warmth, smell his clean masculine scent, and a wave of heat spread through her, making her inner muscles tighten with need.

  Shocked and embarrassed by the potency of her reaction, Amy attempted to pull away, splaying her palms on Vair’s chest to keep him at a distance. “Wait, I’m not good at dancing—”

  “You don’t need to be.” He smiled down at her, ignoring her weak attempts to push him away. “I’ll lead.”


  “Just relax, darling,” he murmured, beginning to move to the pulsing beat of the music. The steely muscles in his chest flexed under her fingertips, and his thigh brushed against her legs, causing her heartbeat to spike. “Isn’t this what you came for?”

  Amy drew in a shaky breath, her mind racing as she stared up at his dark, sensual gaze. No, she wanted to scream. No, it wasn’t. “I just wanted to see how things were,” she whispered instead, hoping the half-truth wouldn’t get her kicked out. Her voice sounded breathless, as if she’d sprinted a mile. “I’ve never seen one of you in person, and I was curious, like I told you . . .”

  “Ah, yes, that infamous curiosity of yours.” His smile took on a mocking edge. “You do know what this place is for, don’t you, little human?”

  Amy moistened her lower lip, willing her frantic heartbeat to slow. “Of course. But I’d like to just observe this first time. I hope it’s not a problem.” If it was, she’d have to leave, as she had no intention of sleeping with anyone to get a story.

  She wasn’t that dedicated to her career.

  At her response, Vair’s eyes darkened, and the smile faded from his lips. “I see.”

  Amy waited for him to say something else, but he didn’t. Instead, he kept his hold on her, leaving her no choice but to move with him to the music. His hands were gentle on her waist, yet every time she tried to pull away, his grip tightened, making it clear he wasn’t quite ready to let her go. After a couple of attempts to discreetly extricate herself from his embrace, Amy gave up, not wanting to cause a scene.

  Just a dance, she told her
self. It’s only a dance. She was fine with a dance if he didn’t insist on anything more—and he didn’t seem inclined to, for now at least. He held her at a careful distance, close enough for her to be acutely aware of his warm, muscular body, but not so close that she’d be plastered against him. A couple of times, she thought she felt something hard brushing against her belly, but she couldn’t be sure as the contact was brief.

  Still, the idea that it could’ve been his erection—that he wanted her like that—was nearly as exciting as it was scary.

  Article. Focus on the article, Amy. “So, Vair, tell me a little bit about yourself.” She kept her gaze locked on his face, hoping that talking would distract her from the growing ache in her core. “What made you decide to come to Earth?”

  He smiled, his eyes gleaming. “I was bored.”

  “Bored?” She hadn’t expected to hear that. “Why?”

  “Because I ran out of ways to amuse myself on Krina. I require a lot of amusement, you see.”

  Amy wet her lips. She had a feeling they were again venturing into dangerous territory. “What did you do on Krina? Professionally, I mean?” Did the Ks even have jobs? She wasn’t sure, but it seemed like a safer topic than whatever it was Vair did to “amuse” himself.

  “Professionally?” His smile turned sardonic. “Not much. Or too much. Depends on your perspective, I guess.”

  “Oh.” Amy stared at him, puzzled. “You mean you changed your career?”

  “You could call it that.” He laughed softly, looking down at her. “What about you, little human? What is it that you do . . . professionally?”

  “I’m a grad student,” Amy lied. “I’m getting my Master’s in English literature.”

  “Your Master’s?” He lifted his eyebrows.

  She felt herself flushing for some reason. “It’s an advanced degree one gets after college,” she explained, unsure if Vair was messing with her or if he was genuinely unfamiliar with the term. “One step above a Bachelor’s degree.”


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