An Angel All His Own (The Gifted Realm Book 5)

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An Angel All His Own (The Gifted Realm Book 5) Page 15

by Jillian Neal

  With a nod, Dan watched as twenty-eight of Wretchkinside’s bank accounts containing millions of dollars became seized property of the American Gifted Realm. Fitz offered him his hand. This was, to date, their biggest triumph over the Interfeci.

  If Dan hadn’t been so terrified over Fionna’s safety and their relationship, and so concerned that he was going to be left with nothing but a meager savings account, he would have bought the entire Senate a beer.

  No one knew about Dan and Fionna. Other than limited funds, there was no reason he couldn’t own more than twenty percent of the team.

  Knowing that they had to discuss what they’d both been avoiding, Rainer had humbly walked in his office the afternoon before. He’d offered to loan Dan money to secure the purchase, should Pendergrath show up with more. Despite Rainer’s plea that Dan never have to pay him back, just to keep Emily’s team out of Wretchkinside’s clutches, Dan couldn’t accept the loan.

  If he made the purchase with Rainer’s money, he would then promptly be fired for knowingly breaking the law set by the Senate, regarding Summation owners. It wouldn’t take much of a lawyer to make the Sention believe that Dan had accepted a bribe, so that Rainer could own more of the team, and Wretchkinside’s lawyers were the most corrupt in the business.

  “If I wasn’t a completely freaked-out mess, I would be all over you right now,” Fionna stood in Dan’s bathroom with him, as he tied his tie and she reapplied mascara. Dan shook his head at her hyperbole. “I am serious. You, in an expensive suit and tie -- yum. I could be persuaded to do many, many dirty things with you dressed like that.” She shot him a devious grin that made his muscles tighten in need.

  While laughing at her outright, Dan moved behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. He cuddled her closely. That sexy little ass of hers nuzzled at his zipper line, and made him wonder if he had time before the meeting to help her out of the jeans she was wearing. “I will definitely have to remember that,” he growled in her ear as she swayed her backside over what she now felt begging for her attention.

  “You about ready?” He paddled that luscious ass with a few quick slaps, before he willed away his sudden distraction by remembering everything that had to happen that evening before any celebrating could be done. He shoved his wallet in his back pocket, picked his suit coat up off of the bed, stowed his cell phone in the jacket pocket, and then moved to one of the bedside tables.

  He laughed as he noted that the only things in the drawer were his favorite pistol, the Colt .45, and a piece of paper with a heart drawn on it with his initials and Fionna’s drawn in a crossed pattern. All of the condoms were gone.

  She was grinning sheepishly, but trying very hard not to meet his gaze. Dan shook his head as he moved to one of the closets in the room. He pulled the holster he typically wore under his suit coats, and slung his arms through it as he slid the Colt under his arm.

  Fionna’s eyes goggled, and Dan tried not to let her see his grimace. “Why are you wearing a gun?” Panic set in, in full force.

  “Baby,” Dan moved back to her but didn’t touch her as he was currently strapped. “Pendergrath is an extremely dangerous man. He’ll bring some of his thugs with him, and I’m hoping that I’m about to make him extremely irritated. I don’t believe that he’ll do anything violent, but I can’t be certain of that.” He tried to sound calm and soothing. “I’m an officer of the Realm. Actually, I’m the lead officer of the entire American Realm. I not only have to keep the Angels’ stock safe tonight, but I have to make certain that everyone at that meeting is safe, as well.”

  Terror broadcast from her entire being. “What if you get hurt? I… I can’t….” She choked. Her chin trembled.

  Dan flung the holster off, laid it on the counter, and wrapped her up in his arms. His shield radiated around her. She liked to keep him guessing, that was for damn sure. Every reaction to every situation they encountered taught him something new about her. She really seemed to love him as much as he loved her, even if he couldn’t get the words to form on his lips just yet. “I’ll be fine, sweetheart. This is what I do, and in just a little while, I’ll be back to the farm to pick you up, and then we’ll all go out and celebrate.”

  Fionna, Emily, Chloe, and most of the Angels were all staying at the Haydenshires’ farmhouse, with Garrett and Logan and the Elite team, while Rainer and Dan went to the board meeting.

  Fionna nodded as she pulled away from him. “I don’t want to get make-up on your shirt,” she made her excuse as she backed away.

  “Fi,” Dan soothed, “I’ll be fine. I promise. I know what I’m doing. You sure you’re ok with Lawson and me dividing the shares?” he asked for the tenth time that day, hoping to get her mind off of the danger that the evening held.

  She nodded and then gave him a hesitant smile. “Yeah, of course.”

  “I don’t want it to be odd for you. Believe me, I’ll be a silent partner.” He didn’t feel like he knew enough about Summation or the Angels to offer the team more than money.

  “Dan, it’s fine. I can’t believe you’re doing this for me. It’s more than I could ever have asked for. Maybe the twins will get my mind off of everything.”

  “Governor Haydenshire really appreciates all of you helping to decorate the farmhouse tonight. They’re trying to get ready for Mr. Nguyen’s arrival, and the pregnancy isn’t getting any easier. They’re quite concerned.”

  Fionna nodded her agreement. “Poor thing has been on bed rest for so long, but when I’m around her I can feel that the baby is going to be really special. If I told her that, she’d think I was crazy.”

  “Emily’s a Receiver and Mrs. Haydenshire is a double Predilect with Receiver energy, even if it isn’t nearly as strong as her Occamy Gifts. She wouldn’t think you were crazy.”

  This brought a genuine smile to Fionna’s face. She trailed out of the bathroom, grabbed her purse, and began drawing measured breaths as Dan pulled the holster back on and covered it with his jacket.

  “I’ll call you as soon as we’re finished, and if you get scared,” Dan felt bile rise in his throat as he forced himself to say, “Garrett will be there.”

  “Garrett isn’t you.”

  His heart gave a quickening beat. He laced his fingers through hers as he led her to the car. “No, he’s not, and I will not let Wretchkinsides, or Eric, or anything hurt my girl, Fi.”

  The Castling Move

  “Wanna drive?” Rainer held up the keys to his brand-new Porsche Boxster convertible. He was still trying to apologize for his slight disrespect earlier in the week, and the uncomfortable conversation about loaning Dan money.

  “Sure, Lawson. Thanks.” Although it was a very nice car, Dan had far too much on his mind to care how he got to the meeting. He knew that Rainer wanted to both impress Dan and try to make up for the quip about keeping the Angels safe, so Dan feigned excitement over the car.

  A chill came over him as he guided the Porsche onto the Angels parking deck. Tension and revenge mixed readily with the gas fumes that permeated the crisp air outside the Arena.

  Rainer’s mouth hung open as he stared longingly at the black Aston Martin Vanquish parked near the door.

  “Do not look impressed. He’s driving that to be intimidating and impressive to the investors. He is the lowest form of scum on this earth, and I intend to bury him under the rock he crawled out from under at the earliest possible opportunity.”

  Rainer seemed uncertain as to how to respond to Dan’s palpable fury. He casted his Porsche, and they entered the Arena. Turning north, they headed towards the opulent boardroom.

  Dan felt his veins fill with chilling hatred as he took in Candor Pendergrath, seated between Shane Ganzmore, one of Wretchkinsides’ lesser accountants, and Adrian Malacai, a smarmy half-teen, half-grown man that Nic was personally training. He’d been released from prison a week before.

  Pendergrath scowled as Dan entered with Vivian Scardoza, and Rainer followed Will into the room. In the Realm financi
al office, only Buffett was higher paid or higher skilled. Pendergrath was surprised by Dan’s arrival but refused to show it.

  “Why, Officer Vindico, what a pleasant surprise. Didn’t get to speak with you the last time we met. It was difficult to catch up with you while you were fleeing the country,” Pendergrath drawled spitefully.

  Dan refused to speak, although several choice phrases pulsed acridly in his mind.

  “Careful now, Adrian; you know when children don’t get their way they tend to pitch fits,” Pendergrath sneered at Malacai, who gave the required chuckle. Medio Sawyer looked extremely concerned as he sat at the head of the long marble table. “Vindico, tell me,” Pendergrath continued as no one could stop him, “do you and Amelia have children yet? Oh, right, I forgot,” Pendergrath tsked, “that didn’t work out, now did it?” He feigned sorrow, and Dan felt his hands clench into tight fists as Rainer gave him a sympathetic glance.

  Just before the meeting was called to order, Crown Governor Haydenshire made an entrance with none other than Buffett behind him. He took a seat at the table and gave Pendergrath the signature Haydenshire smirk. The one all of his sons had in duplication.

  “Why, Governor Haydenshire, how nice of you to come. I haven’t gotten the chance to congratulate you on your victory. I suppose good taste and refinement just don’t hold water in this Realm,” Pendergrath sneered.

  “That’s Crown Governor, Candor. Don’t ever forget that.”

  Dan, Will, and Rainer all held back their grins, and tried to remain professional as immense pride swelled through them.

  Thomas Kent entered and looked highly irritated as he fell into his seat. Pendergrath slithered excitedly in his chair. Laptops from all of the financial counselors were heaved onto the table and set up. Pendergrath pulled out the sleek, black leather briefcase he’d gotten from the bank, and Dan gave him a cocky smile that left him wondering, much to Dan’s delight.

  After the reading of the minutes from the last meeting, Medio Sawyer opened the floor up to new business. Kent stood, and Dan felt his stomach turn. Eric and his father ranked just above Pendergrath and Wretchkinsides, in his book.

  “Medio Sawyer, board members,” he greeted, “I have decided to liquidate my stake in the team. I’ll be focusing on my son’s campaign.”

  Magnus stood, “I think I’ll be selling as well.” He glanced nervously at Pendergrath, who looked like the cat that swallowed the canary.

  Sawyer sighed as he nodded. “And I assume you gentlemen are all here to try to purchase the available shares.”

  Dan, Rainer, and Pendergrath, all nodded. Sawyer glanced towards the Crown Governor, but seemed to think better of asking why he was at the board meeting.

  Pendergrath stood, “I’m fully prepared to purchase both of these men’s shares.” He dramatically popped the clasps on the briefcase revealing the $780,000.

  Pendergrath picked up a bound stack of hundreds and placed it in Kent’s hand. “You’ll find, gentlemen, that cash spends quite nicely; if say you didn’t want to reinvest it and deal with pesky things like taxes and such.”

  Governor Haydenshire narrowed his eyes. “I’d be careful with talk like that, Candor. The Crown Governor and the Chief of Iodex are sitting right here, and you’re suggesting that these men commit tax fraud.”

  “How much is that?” Magnus pointed to the briefcase. As most men had never seen that much cash, Dan was surprised that he looked intrigued. “Not that I won’t be paying taxes, Governor.”

  “That, sir is only the beginning,” Pendergrath’s sly half-smile formed on his greasy face.

  Magnus scoffed, “My shares alone are worth several million.”

  “Yes, they are,” Dan stated confidently. The current value of the Arlington Angels stood at just over $64 million, not including the current season’s ticket sales or the value on the Arena.

  Kent and Magnus’s shares combined were worth just over $24 million. Dan and Rainer both had $12 million in cashier’s checks in their pockets. Rainer had quite a bit more in his wallet, but was trying to keep the price low. Dan could not afford to spend over $13 million on this investment.

  With a nod to Rainer, who smiled and stood, Dan let Lawson have his day.

  “Officer Vindico and I would like to split the available shares for the current value of the stock. We’re prepared to give you $24 million right now.”

  Suddenly the briefcase full of cash didn’t look so appealing, in light of the fact that the Crown Governor was watching the exchange.

  Pendergrath looked mutinous as he glared at Dan, who gave him a sneering grin.

  “Fine, I’ll give you $40 million,” Pendergrath pulled a few checks from his jacket pocket.

  “Put your money where your mouth is, Soap,” Dan laughed outright at Pendergrath’s given thug nickname. “I don’t think you have forty mil with you. Let’s see the funding,” Dan gestured his head to Ganzmore.

  Pendergrath scoffed as Dan went on. “This man is a criminal. He’s been imprisoned on numerous occasions, all for financial crimes. If I were you, I’d want to make absolutely certain that you’re going to get paid. He’s very, very slippery.”

  “Let’s see the funding,” Magnus agreed.

  “Daniel, you amuse me. Show them,” Pendergrath huffed.

  As Ganzmore began typing passcodes and PINs into his laptop, Pendergrath turned to Kent. “You know, if we work something out here this evening, I could ensure a victory for your son. Elections happen to be my specialty.”

  Kent was instantly intrigued, and Governor Haydenshire looked sick as he pulled his cell phone from his pocket. He casted the phone and laid it out on the table.

  “Lachland, this is Stephan. I’m so sorry to bother you and Yvette this evening. I just needed a quick favor.” Certainly no one was going to interrupt or stop the Crown Governor, so everyone waited and listened intently. “I do hope you’re doing well.”

  “We take it a day at a time,” Peterson spoke quietly. “What did you need, Stephen?” Dan noted that he didn’t sound put out by the request. He sounded as if his life had left him with nothing more than bone-weary exhaustion. The Petersons had buried their only daughter just a few weeks before. She’d been killed when Peterson had taken the offer made to him by Wretchkinsides, promising him that he’d be the next Crown Governor. Samantha had been a pawn in the sick game, and when Peterson had lost to Governor Haydenshire, she’d been the punishment as well.

  “I’m currently sitting in a room with Adrian Malacai and Candor Pendergrath. They’ve just offered to help Thomas Kent get his son, Eric, elected to your old seat on the board. I just wondered if you might give Mr. Kent some advice before he accepts their help,” Governor Haydenshire stared Pendergrath down.

  “Put him on the phone,” Peterson demanded.

  Dan shot Pendergrath a smirk. Governor Haydenshire gestured to his cell phone on the table as Kent nodded confusedly and picked it up. Governor Haydenshire immediately dropped the cast.

  “This is Thomas Kent,” he stated warily. Whatever Peterson decided to share, he leapt immediately and the table watched as Kent’s eyes goggled. He gasped audibly a minute into the conversation, and Dan narrowed his eyes at Pendergrath. His face was glowing red in his fury, and utter hatred etched his facade.

  “You’ll often find that consequences have very little pity, Mr. Pendergrath,” Governor Haydenshire stated firmly.

  “Yes, uh, well thank you for your advice, and I’m terribly sorry for your loss,” Mr. Kent ended the call and handed the phone back to the Governor.

  Kent turned to Magnus, “I really think we should accept Officer Vindico and Officer Lawson’s offer. It’s more than the stock is worth after the last loss.”

  “Yes, but his offer is almost double the price,” Magnus gestured to Pendergrath.

  Ice-cold sweat dripped down Dan’s neck. He didn’t have $20 million. He couldn’t match Pendergrath’s offer, and he still didn’t know how much money was in the Haliburtons in the back o
f that ridiculous Vanquish on the parking deck.

  Rainer’s hand brushed over the checkbook in his pants pocket, almost without conscious thought. He was desperate to buy the stock and ignore the new law.

  Dan braced. Pendergrath, even more than Wretchkinsides, did not like to lose

  “Sir, I can’t seem to access any available funds from your accounts,” Ganzmore looked reluctant to explain the problem to Pendergrath. “I’ve checked all four of your personal accounts and each of the business accounts as well.”

  Pendergrath was mutinous.

  “What do you mean, you blubbering imbecile? Where is the money?” He turned back to Magnus and tried to plaster on confidence. “He’s an idiot, and he will pay for this. I have $30 million with me tonight, gentlemen. That is a very fair price for what you’re offering.” The panic in his voice did nothing to soothe either Magnus or Kent.

  Dan willed his heart to beat in rhythm. He couldn’t match $30 million, either. He was going to lose, and he was going to do the very thing he’d sworn to Fionna that he’d never do. He was going to let her down.

  Suddenly, he felt wounded by his own stupidity. Every promise he’d made her, every vow he’d made to himself that he could keep her safe and make her all his own, was massacred in his defeat. How could he have been so incredibly foolish? He could never have anything good. He didn’t deserve her. He never would. He was nothing more than a forced sacrifice in this deadly game that he’d stupidly made her a part of.

  Check Mate

  “I’m not certain what your financial woes might be, Candor, but I’d like to make another offer,” Governor Haydenshire’s soothing intonation brought a shock of air to Dan’s lungs.

  Everyone turned their attention to the Crown.

  “I’d like to split the available stock three ways. It seems to me the more you divide the shares the less possibility there is of someone getting their hands on it who might not have the team’s best interest at heart.” He glared at Pendergrath. “I think it would be wise for my son-in-law and his boss to give you both $10 million. I will write you a check this evening, gentlemen, for $15 million. I assume that might be something we can all agree on.”


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