An Angel All His Own (The Gifted Realm Book 5)

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An Angel All His Own (The Gifted Realm Book 5) Page 16

by Jillian Neal

  “Yes,” Kent and Magnus both agreed readily.

  “Draw up the paper work,” Magnus commanded the lawyer for the Angels.

  Unable to wade through the harrowing emotions and the terror, it took Dan a moment to locate the checks in his pocket. Rainer’s eyes closed in supreme relief.

  Dan kept his eyes locked on Ganzmore and Pendergrath. They were both staring at the laptop screen with outraged acrimony.

  “You’re an idiot! You’ve obviously entered something in wrong!” Pendergrath shouted.

  “I didn’t; I swear,” Ganzmore begged for his very life.

  Pendergrath turned to glare at Dan. He slid his folded arm forward on the table just enough to let the .357 Magnum show under his jacket.

  Dan gave a complacent chuckle. He edged his left elbow out to lean against the chair beside him. The grip of his Colt .45 gleamed under the florescent lighting. He’d never show Pendergrath that he’d lost just a little of his ego or that he was consumed with anguish. At that moment, nothing would’ve suited Dan more than to bury several slugs inside Candor Pendergrath.

  Before Dan could allow that fantasy to consume him, new contracts were drawn up, signed, and notarized, while the Governor, Rainer, and Dan smugly handed over checks.

  Pendergrath scowled as Dan and Rainer stood to shake Sawyer’s hand. He stood, dramatically flipped the briefcase full of cash closed, and stalked towards the door, with Malacai and Ganzmore hot on his trail.

  “By the way, Vindico,” he drawled repugnantly as he narrowed his eyes and turned back to Dan, “Nic says to tell you thanks for finally moving on.”

  Dan felt his blood turn to ice as his heart stuttered and seized. It seemed unable to pump the solid mass through his veins.

  “Oh, my God,” he panicked as soon as Pendergrath was gone. His chair shot backwards as he raced from the room, grabbed his cell phone from his pocket, and sprinted into a supply closet on the upper level of the stadium.

  “Answer the damn phone,” he spat on the third ring. He paced frantically in the suffocating space.

  “Hey, good lookin’. Is it over?” He heard the sweetest voice in the world, and his heart thundered back to life and began to fly.

  “Fionna, baby, are you okay?” His voice shook. Hot tears of failure pierced his eyes.

  “Dan, what’s wrong? I’m fine. What happened?”

  Air managed its way back into his lungs.

  “Dan, what’s wrong?” He suddenly heard Garrett’s low tenor demand.

  “I think he knows,” was all Dan could manage.

  “You think he knows, what?”

  “About Fi. Pendergrath just thanked me for moving on.” His entire body cringed in terror. His head throbbed, and he ached with the pain he’d tried so hard to bury in that grave a decade ago. It haunted his weary soul.

  “All right, man; just calm down,” Garrett commanded. “He doesn’t know anything. He’s trying to get to you ‘cause I’m guessing you just pissed him the hell off. She’s standing right here beside me. I’ve got my arm around her. I’m holding her.”

  Dan knew that should piss him off, but the only emotion available to him at that moment was thankfulness that she was alive and safe.

  “She was playing blocks with the boys. They adore her, and the farm is perfectly safe. Don’t freak; I’d never let anyone hurt her. And he doesn’t know anything. How would he?”

  “Get her away from the windows. I’m on my way,” Dan exited the room and sprinted towards the parking deck, until he remembered that he hadn’t driven.

  “Dan, get it together. You’re scaring her,” Garrett commanded.

  “Dammit, Garrett, just do what I said.”

  “Daniel,” Governor Haydenshire called as Dan rushed down the corridor. “Get it together, son. You make incredibly poor decisions when you let your emotions rule you.”

  Dan bit back the words that were forming on his lips. “I need to go.”

  “We’re going, and you’re riding with me. Fionna is perfectly safe. She is with several of your finest officers, not to mention a gaggle of other people at my home.

  “Pendergrath knows nothing other than the fact that he is angry, and he was beaten badly. So this time, why don’t you let his temper play him for a fool instead of you playing that part for him?”

  Kent, Magnus, Sawyer, and several other people were still standing in the boardroom, having coffee and chatting after the meeting.

  “Get in,” Governor Haydenshire pointed to his minivan, and Dan tried not to grimace as he sank into the passenger seat. “I’m aware it isn’t my future son-in-law’s Porsche, but thus far he hasn’t let me drive it.”

  “I’m sure he would,” Dan forced his lips to move. The Governor’s remark was barely audible to Dan. His mind was still in a wind-tunnel of horrifying fear as he tried to locate calm.

  “Rainer would do pretty much anything for Emily. That’s why I like him so much, not to mention that he’s a whole lot like his old man, and a hell of a guy in general. But right now let’s talk about you.”

  “How did you know I couldn’t afford the stock?” Finally giving up on making any sense of his own thoughts, Dan rubbed his temples and settled into his own defeat.

  The Governor smiled. “Let’s call it a lucky guess, but that’s not what I want to discuss. I certainly won’t pretend that I know at what stage you and Ms. Styler are in this whirlwind relationship you seem to have stumbled upon.” The Governor gave Dan a sideways glance as he continued, “But I will tell you this, you are a better man when you are with her, a better officer, a better person, and she loves you, in spite of everything you’ve been through.”

  “I know that.”

  “Do you? I’m not so sure. You’re either lying to me, or you’re lying to yourself. Because I still don’t think you believe that anyone could love you. But hear me say this, Daniel, she, just like your parents, Lillian and I, your friends, and family, and even Amelia’s parents, don’t blame you for Amelia’s death.”

  “Well, you should,” Dan was unable to keep the words from escaping.

  “No, son, we shouldn’t, because, you see, you didn’t fire that pistol that horrible night. You were a victim, just like she was. But you can’t stand to let yourself believe that. You can’t stand to see it that way, and that’s why you can’t seem to forgive yourself.”

  “You know, Daniel, I came unglued one day at the office during the election. I was convinced something was going to happen to Lillian or one of my kids at the hands of Peterson and Wretchkinsides. I took Lillian’s Suburban out to see Sam. I wanted it inspected by someone I trusted. I had to make certain it was safe. He gave me some excellent advice. He always does. I swear to you if the Realm really wants the best man for Crown, they should elect Sam.”

  Dan tried to listen. He did want to hear the advice over the roar of impending doom occupying his brain.

  “He told me that nothing can kill love like fear, and vice versa. Truer words were never spoken, Daniel. You’ve got to let go of the fear, son; love her and let her love you.”

  With a steadying breath, Dan decided to really listen, instead of trying to come up with excuses to combat what the Governor was saying.

  “You need to have a little faith, because let me tell you something, if you leave her and force her away because you’re trying to protect her, that will be the stupidest thing you’ve ever done. And, yes, that includes telling the German Crown to ‘suck your cock,’ Daniel,” Governor Haydenshire’s tone turned vicious.

  “No one has the power to hurt her like the man who holds her heart in his hands.”

  “That was a pretty specific threat.” Dan just could not allow himself to believe what he was hearing.

  The Governor considered for a moment. “Dan the likelihood that you would’ve gone on for ten years without ever really being involved with anyone else was very slim. It didn’t seem like much of a leap to me. You’ve been dating a few weeks. One of them was in Sydney. You haven’t bee
n photographed at all. The press tends to shy away from you. I don’t see how he could possibly have known anything for certain. He gambled on the fact that you would be seeing someone, as you’re a thirty-two-year-old, warm-blooded, American male. Trust me; it isn’t just the good guys who know that you blame yourself for Amelia’s murder. Rainer says he pushed that button as soon as you arrived, so he decided to twist the knife before he left, nothing more.”

  Dan wanted so desperately to believe the Governor. He just couldn’t quiet the terror in his soul. He needed Fionna. She was the only one who could ever turn the tides of his self-hatred and pull him from their piercing, drowning depths.

  “Go get her,” the Governor gestured to Fionna. She was sitting on the swing on the side porch of the Haydenshires’ farmhouse. Garrett was standing near her, his arms crossed over his chest as he kept constant scan on the horizon. He was keeping her safe.

  United In Time

  Dan felt his heart begin to beat in rhythm, as he watched her sip a mug of something warm enough to form steamy swirls in the cold night air.

  “This isn’t exactly away from the windows,” Dan lamented as he ran up the stairs.

  Garrett laughed, “Sorry, I kind of assumed that at this point you know her better than I do, but if you believe for one second that Fionna Styler will stay anywhere she doesn’t want to be, then maybe I was wrong.”

  Fionna gave him his smile as Dan took the seat beside her, “Go away, Haydenshire.”

  Garrett slapped Dan on the back as he followed the Governor into the kitchen.

  “I’m sorry I came unglued,” Dan began as Fionna nestled her head on his shoulder. Dan let the peace of just being in contact with her wash through him.

  “I assume that I am now sleeping with one of the owners of the Arlington Angels.”

  Dan nodded his agreement. It was the first moment he’d even given thought to the fact that he was now an owner.

  “Yeah, since I’m an owner now I think I might renege on my offer to be a silent partner, and demand that those contracts are rewritten to include sick days without penalty for all of you.”

  “Do you want to tell me what happened or do you want to listen to what I have to say first?“ Fionna’s tone was soft and soothing, but there was a strength that Dan hadn’t expected.

  “Governor Haydenshire, Lawson, and I split the available stock. We basically barred Wretchkinsides from ever hoping to get a foothold again. I couldn’t have done it if the Governor hadn’t stepped in.”

  Fionna leaned up and brushed a tender kiss along his jaw.

  “There are a lot of people who love and care about you and about us.”

  “Fionna, I have never been so terrified in my entire life as when Pendergrath thanked me for moving on.” He just couldn’t keep the terror at bay. Even in her presence, it began to permeate his soul again.

  Fionna nodded and then took his hand. She forced her intoxicating love and soothing peace through the depths of his terror.

  “I just… I can’t let anything happen to you,” Dan pled as he shoved his thumb and fingers in his own eyes in an effort to dam the emotion pooling there.

  “Dan, listen to me. I don’t think you really heard what I was saying when we talked in Sydney, so I’m asking you to really listen this time.”

  “You can’t keep trying to do this alone, and I can’t let you continue to try. I am safe. No one who shouldn’t know about us knows that I am completely in love with you. I wish, just for a moment, that you could feel things the way I feel them.”

  “Don’t you see, Dan? You’ve forever changed me, and that is what was supposed to happen. But now our timelines have to form together. They’ve united. I can feel when something bad is going to happen to me. If one of them found out, I would know. I could feel that. I knew I would be safe tonight. I knew you would be safe, even if I got a little scared because I love you so much. But, I suppose you’re not the only one who’s resisted our path.”

  She was so confident, but how could she always know? How could he really believe that their need and desire for one another wasn’t influencing her reads?

  “It’s not,” she stared through him. In the depths of his eyes, she accessed his soul. Without ever dropping his frenzied gaze, she proved her powers. “I want to move in with you.”

  “No,” he shook his head adamantly. “I don’t want you to do anything just because that’s what I want. I told you I’m a selfish bastard, Fi.”

  Fionna gave him another one of his smiles, and Dan swore the effect could cure the most heinous of diseases.

  “Dan, that’s what I was just telling you. We aren’t made to be apart anymore. Tutu says our path has formed as one,” her face suddenly glowed in embarrassment.

  “You talked to your grandmother about us?”

  She cast her sheepish gaze downward. Dan felt the absence as she pulled away.

  “What else did she say?” He just needed her to keep talking. Her voice carried his life’s blood.

  “That it wasn’t going to be easy,” she sighed. Dan wondered what that meant exactly, and just how much Tutu really knew. “We’ve intertwined our lives, Dan, and that means that I have to change, too. I can’t hold on to my house, or my island, or my past because I’m willing to give all of that away to have a future with you.” She stumbled over her plea. Her eyes desperately sought agreement from his.

  Dan smiled at her adoringly as he snuggled her closer. “Tutu sounds almost as smart as you, sweetheart, and I would love to give up my past and trade it for a future with you. We both have to change because we have to change together, right? So, can you just give me a little time?”

  A broad grin of relief formed on those luscious lips. She nodded. Unable to help himself, Dan leaned in and kissed her hesitantly. He traced her bottom lip with his tongue. He needed to taste her. She pulled him closer, and he added to the intensity. He groaned from the heavenly taste of her as she filled his mouth.

  Feeling like he was sixteen again, he and Fionna made out on the side porch of the Haydenshires’ farmhouse. They both kept their hands in places the Governor would approve of, even though Dan pulled a quilt off of the swing and covered Fionna in it.

  They stayed lip-locked for a solid half hour before going back in the kitchen.

  “’Bout damn time,” Garrett laughed. “No one could leave.”

  Fionna giggled sweetly. “You could have left. We wouldn’t have stopped, but you could still have left.”

  “Fitzroy’s called three times. Wants to know where we all are,” Rainer held up his cell phone.

  “We’re all going to Frye’s to celebrate,” Garrett reminded all of the Angels and most of Iodex, who’d all taken refuge in the kitchen. No one wanted to interrupt Dan and Fionna’s talking or their kissing.

  Anxiety consumed Dan. Fionna was still holding his hand. She shook her head at him.

  “Since all of Iodex and all of the Angels are going, wouldn’t it be more weird if I wasn’t there?”

  “We’ll all be there. Just don’t hang all over her, and this will be fine. Come out into the world, Danny. You will survive,” Garrett continued to chastise.

  Dan immediately formulated rules for their evening. He’d stay away from her, as hard as that would be. She wanted to go have fun, and he just wanted to keep her safe.

  “Let’s take the Expedition. I’ll even drive,” Garrett offered. “You coming, Dad?”

  The Governor shook his head, as Mrs. Haydenshire bid everyone good night and told them to have a good time. She cupped Dan’s face in her hands, tearing up slightly, and patted his cheek. “I’m just so happy for you.”

  Fionna cracked up as Dan tried to think of a response.

  “I think I’ll stay home with your mother and celebrate,” The Governor took his wife’s hands and guided her away from Dan.

  “Ugh, Dad, please,” Logan pretended to gag as everyone headed outside.

  “Your mom looks much better,” Rainer commented to Emily as they
moved into the barn where all of the cars were parked.

  “Yeah,” Emily giggled, “they took her off bed rest yesterday, because baby Abigail seems to do better when Mom’s actually using more of her own energy.” Dan and Fionna listened intently to the good news. “Adeline monitored her, and today they took her off ‘pelvic rest.’” She used finger quotes and gave a slight shudder. Rainer and Dan both cracked up.

  “Thought the Governor was a little anxious to get home,” Dan had no idea how he was able to joke, but Fionna laughed and pulled his arm around her shoulders. She was right. They were forever changed. He couldn’t go on without her. He just had to keep her safe.

  Informative Night Off

  Dan and Fitz enjoyed a glass of Scotch while Chloe, Emily, and Fionna all began downing glasses of wine. Dan had relaxed some when he discovered that Frye’s was empty that night. As it was the restaurant where Iodex, the Sention, Senate officials, and even the Governors ate most often, it wasn’t a likely hangout for Wretchkinsides and the Interfeci.

  Adeline sipped wine, as well, though not with the same vigor that the Angels were downing drinks. Fitzroy shook his head.

  “I’m not gonna get any sleep tonight, either.”

  Dan laughed and shook his head. If Fionna wanted to blow off a little steam with her friends and a few bottles of wine, she definitely deserved that. “Are you kidding me? If she keeps going like that, I’ll be carrying her to bed, sound asleep.”

  Fitz chuckled. “Ah, a sleepy drunk. Well, that sucks, but I gotta tell you, Dan, she’s amazing. Don’t scare yourself out of this. You need to hold on to her tight.”

  “Yeah, well you’re the second guy today who’s told me that.” Dan tried not to let his gaze linger too long on Fionna. She was laughing with Emily. Her cheeks held a rosy glow. Her hair hung loosely down her back, and the low-cut shirt she was wearing showed just enough of her cleavage to make him long to see more. He couldn’t seem to keep his eyes off of her curves.


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