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An Angel All His Own (The Gifted Realm Book 5)

Page 19

by Jillian Neal

  Before Dan could make a rebuttal, Fionna’s eyes narrowed. “I’m moving in with Dan after Christmas.”

  Dan coughed as he took a sip of his water. He had no idea what the reaction to that might be.

  “What?” Mr. Styler screeched. “May-le-a!” Mr. Styler drew her nickname out several syllables longer than it normally was.

  “Samuel,” Mrs. Styler soothed, “please eat. We’ll discuss this later.”

  Silence loomed over the table like blackening storm clouds. Mr. Styler kept a steady glower headed Dan’s way. Dan tried to think of something to say. It seemed Fionna both loved and hated her father. He drew out her rebellious side like nothing Dan had ever seen. Her indignation was visible in her features and, every time her father scowled at Dan, she huffed audibly. As the food was consumed, Dan sat anxiously awaiting an opportunity to plead his case to Fionna’s parents.

  “Maylea, why don’t you and Dan go in the living room, and your father and I will bring in dessert and coffee?” Gretta suggested.

  “I can help,” Fiona offered her mother sweetly. She was letting her father know precisely where her loyalties lay.

  “No, sweetheart, why don’t you and Dan go have a seat? Enjoy each other’s company.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Fionna stood, with one last dagger shot towards her father from her eyes.

  “Dinner was delicious. Can I help you clear the table?” Dan may have been out of practice, but he was raised right.

  “Thank you, but we’ll get it. Maylea always loves the Christmas tree. It’s her favorite. Go sit with her. She would like that.”

  Fionna smiled and nodded her agreement. Dan took her hand as she led him back into the living room. He sank onto the worn, plaid sofa. He was shocked when Fionna curled up in her customary ball in his lap. Her father would most definitely not like her in that position, but Dan wrapped his arms around her and let her bury her face in his neck. Her father could get over it.

  “Samuel, when will you learn that you cannot keep her from doing what is in her heart?” Gretta’s frustration was audible, as they were only one room away. “There is nothing wrong with her taking a chance on love. You are doing nothing but pushing her away again. She loves him, Samuel. I can feel that. And he loves her as much as he is able right now. It will continue to grow,” Gretta stated this information as if she’d known Dan his entire life.

  “Yeah, I know. She’s kind of incredible,” Fionna whispered with a sigh.

  “Why must she always think with her heart, never her head? This is why she keeps getting hurt. She never listens,” her father shot back angrily.

  “Because that is what makes her Maylea. That is why he loves her, and she will never be anything but who she was made to be, Samuel. She is happier now than she has been since you insisted we move her up here. I have a good feeling about this. Now, make some of Maylea’s coffee, and try to get her to forgive you before he takes her home.”

  “Fat chance,” Fionna huffed.

  “Come on, honey. He’s misguided, but he does love you. And let’s be real, my reputation certainly precedes me.”

  Before Fionna could combat Dan’s reasoning, her parents returned. Her mother gazed adoringly at Dan with Fionna cradled in his lap. Her father, however, appeared to bite holes in his tongue. Fionna adamantly refused to move. She threw her father defiant glares.

  “Come on, Fi,” Dan whispered in her ear. Without thinking, he patted and squeezed her backside as he helped her scoot off of his lap to the seat beside him.

  Rage burned in Mr. Styler’s eyes. Gretta all but slapped her hand over his mouth. It took several long moments for him to calm. Dan refused to apologize, and the standoff between them caused the rhythms in the air to tense.

  Finally, Gretta pried the tray of apple crisps out of Mr. Styler’s hands and offered them to Dan.

  “Maylea, I just love you,” her father huffed.

  “I know that, Daddy, so stop trying to change me. I’m not a little girl anymore.”

  A deep and distant pain etched her father’s features.

  “You are just as stubborn as your Tutu, lunatic woman.”

  “Samuel,” Gretta spat.

  “Stop it, Daddy, or we’re leaving.”

  “You are always my little girl, Maylea. No matter how old you think you are,” he ignored her protests completely.

  Fionna rolled her eyes and took a pointed sip of the coffee Gretta offered her.

  “If you’re certain about this,” he gestured to Dan as if he were an inanimate object, “do you plan on selling your home?”

  “I don’t know. I thought about renting it out. It’s close to the Arena. No one can know where I move, Daddy. It’s to keep me safe, so we won’t be doing anything with my house immediately.”

  “You can always move back in here, Maylea.”

  Dan understood that her father wanted her to have an out, if she should move in with Dan and decide she didn’t want to stay.

  “You know you can always come back home.”

  “I know that, Daddy,” Fionna made no effort to hide her eye roll.

  Already at the end of his rope, Dan stepped in. “Mr. Styler, sir, I know that you’re concerned about Fionna being in a relationship with me.”

  “Dan,” Fionna interrupted, but Dan shook his head and took her right hand tenderly in his own.

  “I promise you that I have not lived with another woman since I lived with my fiancée ten years ago, before she was killed. I will take care of her. I’m not going to walk away and break her heart, or mine. I guess I’m just asking for a chance. I adore Fionna. She is everything to me. And I would never treat her with anything but the utmost respect and dignity. I really do love her.” His heart stuttered from saying the word, and he hoped that telling her father would cement it in Fionna’s heart, because he still didn’t think he could actually say it to her.

  Tears leaked down Fionna’s beautiful face as she gazed at Dan.

  “Well, Samuel, do you have anything to say?” Gretta urged.

  “Yes, well,” Mr. Styler huffed, “he better.”

  Impetuous Desires

  Dan helped Fionna with her coat and thanked the Stylers again for dinner. Gretta hugged Dan good-bye and, Mr. Styler did offer his hand, which Dan accepted gratefully.

  After seating Fionna in the Expedition, Dan rushed to the driver’s side, turned on the car, and forced warm air from the heater with a cast.

  “So, other than my becoming a complete idiot and announcing to your father that I think you’re adorable when you first wake up, all in all, not a horrible evening.”

  Fionna shook her head, though Dan was pleased her smile had returned.

  “I’m sorry. He has hated everyone I’ve ever dated. It’s not just you.”

  “Well,” Dan winked at her, “your dad and I have something in common, because I also find myself hating everyone you’ve ever dated, only, I would add before me.”

  She giggled. “It was still kind of a horrible evening.”

  He wasn’t accustomed to her lack of optimism. It bothered him.

  “I got to see you naked, so for me it was a fantastic evening.”

  A warm smile finally broke through her dejected anger. She cracked up.

  “You know, if you want to pose like that on the beach for me now, I could take the pictures, just so you could have a comparison.” Dan reveled in her hysterical laughter.

  “Officer Vindico, that is the second time you’ve offered to take naked photographs of me. I’m starting to think you have a deep, dark fantasy about having pictures of me without clothes on.”

  Dan guffawed as he nodded. “Honey, that fantasy isn’t deep or dark. It’s pretty much an affliction of the Y chromosome. You’re gorgeous in clothes. You’re drop dead stunning naked, and you know, since I haven’t convinced you to forgo clothing altogether, pictures are my only outlet when you’re dressed.”

  “Sorry, babe, but I love clothes way, way, way too much to stop wearing them. P
lus, I love the way you take them off of me.” The flirtatious challenge tugged at his zipper line. Dan gave her the growl she was clearly after as he felt his heart pick up pace.

  “Well, when I get you home, I might have to see what I can do about that. See if I can’t show off my skills.”

  A few minutes later, Dan pulled in to her driveway, with his mind full of the things he wanted to do to her. Suddenly, Fionna leapt. She crawled over the center console, straddled her legs across Dan’s lap, and hoisted her cleavage in his face.

  The wild look in her eye had Dan reeling as he pulled her face to his and kissed her heatedly. He moved his hands down her back and then to her backside. He began guiding her hips in rhythmic circles over his burgeoning erection.

  “You feel that, honey? My bad girl, you make me so damn hard. I ache for you.”

  Loud, evulsive moans began to sear from her chest. Unable to think with the head above his belt line, Dan popped the snap on her jeans and had the zipper down in under a second. His eyes goggled as he took her in, lit by the streetlight at the end of her driveway.

  “You are a naughty girl, aren’t you, baby? All for me.” He pulled her jeans down. There was nothing underneath them. As he’d said the very thing she so desperately wanted to hear, she went wild. “Now what am I gonna do with you?” Dan growled as he traced his fingers tenderly over her mound.

  Her eyes flashed as her energy spiked in hard, jagged arcs. She was spun so tightly she was frantic in her need.

  “Something my dad would hate,” she commanded as rebellion flooded her energy. He’d never seen her so wild and impetuous, but as Dan had spent the last nine years doing things to girls that their fathers would most certainly hate, he considered himself an expert on her request.

  Fionna leaned in and devoured his mouth again. He nipped her bottom lip, and listened to her gasp as her mouth fell open for him. She pulled his tongue inside and sucked hard until he jerked away.

  “Oh, baby, I have something I’m gonna make you suck,” he let his voice take on the commanding tone that she needed. “I’m gonna make you suck it, and then I’m gonna make you take it all, just the way I want you to. And if you don’t, I’m gonna spank that sexy ass because it’s all mine.”

  “Yes,” she panted and trembled from the effort of fighting what he planned on being the first of many orgasms of the evening.

  “Now, go inside the house, and I want you to put on something that I can fuck you hard in. You know what I like. Then I want you to wait for me, like a good girl.” Another gasping moan lit through her as she writhed over him. Her head fell back in the erotic dance, and he grasped her breasts. She shuddered as his fingers sought her nipples. He squeezed them between his thumbs and index fingers and spun them until she trembled against him. “All mine.”

  Fionna pulled the handle on the door and stepped out. She hoisted her jeans back up.

  “Don’t make me wait long. I will start without you.”

  A shuddering growl echoed from him as he envisioned that. “I’d like to see that, so go right ahead, baby.”

  Her eyes lit, and she turned away from him. She sauntered up her walkway. He stared unabashedly at her backside, bare under the tight jeans she was wearing, until he couldn’t see her anymore.

  Panting and forcing himself to calm down, lest he lose it all before he’d even begun, he reached and yanked the wires from the camera inside the car that he’d completely forgotten about until that moment. He sent several pulses back through the camera, effectively erasing the digital copy of what went on in Senate-owned vehicles. He reminded himself that he was the guy who ordered them to be checked, if he was concerned about the activities of his officers, and that no one checked them except on his orders. He turned his attention back to Fionna and what she needed from him.

  He had to force himself not to sprint up the walkway. He jerked open the front door, halted, and remembered to turn the locks before he raced up the stairs.

  He felt his body clench tightly. His heart pounded as he took in Fionna, wearing nothing at all, posed on her bed, lying on her stomach, propped up on her elbows. Her knees were bent, with her feet crossed, showing off the highest black lace stiletto heels Dan had ever seen.

  Her eyes were dark and ravenous. She shot him looks that said not only to come hither but to take whatever he wanted.

  Removing everything he was wearing in a second flat, he moved to her.

  “You are sexy as sin, honey.” He moved his groin in front of her face. She licked her lips and kept her eyes locked on his. He’d never seen anything hotter. She didn’t move. She wanted to be commanded.

  “Suck me now, like my good girl.”

  A breathy moan panted from her as she dragged her tongue up his length. She cupped his sac as he shuddered from the exquisite sensation. A deafening growl tore from his chest as she spun her tongue over his head, and then drew him in deeply. He laced his right hand through her hair and guided her.

  He watched her intently as she sucked, and licked, and pulled the erotic energy from him in lust-driven, rebellious passion.

  “Good girl, now more,” he ordered as she pulled him deeper. He was unable to stop the guttural groans that echoed from him. It just felt too damn good. He backed away to make certain that he was able to give her everything she wanted.

  He stalked quickly to the other side of the bed. She watched his every move. His heart stormed against his ribcage as she waited for his next command.

  “Spread your legs, and shake that sexy ass for me, right now. Show me how wet you are; I want you dripping for me.”

  “Oh yes,” panted from her. She was on fire. She did as she was told. She held her legs wide, backed up on her knees, and arched her back low, shaking her ass for him. Dan felt his body seize from the provocative sight.

  He leaned and licked up her slit. He sucked the nectar as it poured from her. He groaned against her, before gently dragging his teeth over her swollen lips. She shook from the sensations he was bringing her.

  “You’re so wet, baby. I could make you take it now. You’ve been thinking about me, just like a good girl. You’ve been thinking about me filling up that sweet hole all day, haven’t you?”

  “Give it to me. I want it,” she threw her head to the side, staring him down and daring him to own her.

  “I’ll give it to you when I’m damn good and ready.”

  Her entire body shook in need as he slapped her ass. He leaned again and sucked the top of her thigh where it met her backside, right beside her lips. He left a mark of ownership on her left leg and then a matching one on her right.

  Her moans were unending. He’d never heard her so loud or so desperate.

  Unable to draw it out any longer, he traced his fingers down the center of her backside and then spread her apart with one hand and dipped his two fingers from the other hand deep inside of her.

  She pulsed against his hand as her muscles clenched tightly around his fingers.

  “So nice and wet, baby. My God, you are perfect.” Blood laced with need seared through his veins as he throbbed against her backside.

  She spilled out in his hand, and he immediately summoned the erotic energy and sealed her off. He poured soothing energy into her, pleased that she’d let him perform the cast this time.

  “You ready for it, baby? It hurts, doesn’t it? Ready for me to make it better?”

  She panted and pitched as ‘please’ echoed from her in a low, throaty plea.

  He leaned and thrust hard. He drove himself between her lips as her body closed around him, drowning him in the depths of her perfection. He grasped her hips and kept her up on her knees. He watched himself enter her and pull back. He pushed harder with each thrust. “Put your head down for me, arch your hips up, and push that sweet ass against me.”

  She convulsed and pushed her backside into him as he pounded into her hard and unrelenting. She screamed out his name as another orgasm claimed her.

  “Good girl, now I want more.
I want them all.” His name fell from her lips repeatedly in abject elation. “Feels better, doesn’t it, baby? You need to come for me again.” She cried out for another release. Her body contracted tightly around him as he brought her again. “Such a good girl; comes when I tell her to.”

  Her body surged and shuddered. She convulsed against his throbbing length. He felt it build as he formed her around him like she was made for him alone.

  He continued to pound into her just like she liked it, until his climax gathered fiercely in his groin. Everything pulled taut. His muscles vibrated in ecstasy. Their energy spun in tantric twists all around them. It filled him and made him whole again. His vision clouded. He couldn’t stop it. He buried himself inside of her. His heart beat wildly as he gasped for breath. He forced her flat on her stomach under him as, “I’m gonna explode, baby, take it,” poured from his mouth.

  She screamed out his name as his energy and everything that he was ripped through his resolve and he filled her full.

  He moved off of her. His legs were weak, his breaths haggard. He pulled her onto his chest as he tried to regain the ability to breathe and to form coherent sentences.

  She kicked off the heels with an extremely satisfied smile on her face.

  “Hottest sex I ever, ever, ever, ever had,” were the first words out of her mouth when she stopped trembling from her climaxes.

  Covered in sweat, Dan chuckled. “Well, I do aim to please.”

  She gave him an extremely contented grin.

  “Sometimes, I’m really afraid I’m going to wake up and this will all have been some kind of fantastic dream,” she admitted in a heartfelt whisper.

  “Sweetheart, I’ve been living a nightmare for a long, long time and you are truly the woman of my dreams. If this is a dream, I don’t ever want to wake up, but I’m not finished with you.”

  Her eyes flashed both in surprise and concern. He stood and lifted her into his arms. He glided to her bathtub, ran the water, and climbed in behind her. He washed away everything he’d done.

  “You’re tender, aren’t you?” he husked as he gently touched her again. She nodded and then melted in his arms as he moved his slick hands up her body to massage her neck and shoulders.


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