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An Angel All His Own (The Gifted Realm Book 5)

Page 48

by Jillian Neal

  Garrett glanced back into the suite. Dan heard the shower water begin to fall. He handed Dan the massive bouquet of Hawaiian Gardenias. “Well, have fun tonight.” Understanding that he was being dismissed, Dan nodded.

  “Yeah, we will. Thanks,” Dan gestured to the bouquet as he backed away.

  “You’re not going cheap, I take it?” Garrett’s extensive tattoo work tensed as he crossed his arms over his chest.

  Dan shook his head. “She’s worth every penny and more.”

  “Agreed. I’ll bring the food when it gets here,” Garrett offered a half-wave before he shut the door. His eyes, and Dan assumed his groin, were very obviously and anxiously awaiting the shower with Chloe.

  Returning to Fionna’s suite via his own, Dan lifted his cast from all of the cameras in the corridor, except those nearest their rooms. He slipped back inside and set the large bouquet of Fionna’s favorite Hawaiian flowers onto the coffee table in the seating area, as he began to contemplate where exactly they should eat.

  “Dan?” Fionna stirred. He kicked off his shoes and slid back into bed beside her. “Where did you go? I missed you.”

  Smiling, Dan kissed her forehead. “I was trying to get everything ready for our date, since I am now extremely involved with the reigning, greatest Receiver in the American Realm.”

  Her eyes blinked open, though the task seemed to take a great deal of effort. A broad grin spread across her face.

  “We’re going on a date? I thought we were celebrating here. Is the date my surprise?”

  Ignoring the pang of regret, Dan kissed her again.

  “We’re sort of staying in on a date and, yes, the date is part of your surprise.”

  She giggled and rolled towards him. She entwined her legs with his.

  “Unless, you want to go out with Chloe and Emily tonight. I’m fine hanging here and watching TV or getting some work done.” Rather impressed with his ability to lie outright and sound nonchalant, he braced himself.

  She rolled her eyes incredulously. “Greatest Receiver in the Realm, remember? I want to stay in with you, and I think it would work better if I stayed with the guy I’m crazy in love with, who no one knows I’m dating, and if Chloe stayed with the guy she would never admit to being in love with but that the whole Realm now thinks is dating me.” She sighed. “My life is kind of confusing sometimes.”

  He knew she was kidding, but his stomach clenched uncomfortably. “I’m sorry, honey. I swear to you I will end him, and then we’ll tell the whole Realm who I belong to.” He changed his typical vernacular. He wanted her to know that he considered himself entirely hers as well.

  She giggled. “I like it better when I’m all yours.”

  Delighted, Dan cradled her body and slid her just slightly under him. He was careful of her hand. “You are most definitely all mine, Miss Styler,” he growled for her as he leaned and held her eyes with his own. Watching her anxious smile, he brushed a kiss across her lips, and then a moan escaped him as she laced her hand through his hair and pulled him to her hungrily.

  They laid there, lip-locked, for several long minutes, neither really wanting to pull away or force the other to go back to the confusing and occasionally cruel world that existed outside of their embrace. A moment later, she grinned against his lips. He chuckled and lifted his head. “And what are you smiling about, baby doll?”

  “I really like being all yours.”

  Dan brushed another tender kiss over her lush lips before he settled back beside her.

  “Nothing in the world makes me happier than being with you, Fi. Doesn’t even matter what we’re doing.”

  She tucked her head under his chin and nuzzled his chest. “I guess I better go get ready. I, apparently, have a hot date tonight.”

  “Someday, I swear to you I’m going to take you on real dates, with nice restaurants, expensive drinks, dancing, whatever you want; hell, pizza, movies, the stuff we should be doing now.”

  She considered this and slid languidly upwards to prop herself on her elbow. Her bottom lip slipped through her teeth as she studied him. “Dan, I don’t think anything about this relationship is normal or typical. But it’s the best relationship I’ve ever been in, and I love you. I only want to be with you, I want to be with you…” she choked.

  Unable to watch her equivocate, Dan brushed a kiss across her forehead. “Forever?”

  “Yes.” Relief flooded her energy.

  “I still want to take you on dates.”

  “You took me to Sydney. You brought me here. You somehow manage to take me wherever I want to get food. You make it work, no matter what I ask for. You’re an amazing man. You take such good care of me. I don’t need to be picked up from my parents’ house and taken out for pizza, and then to kiss you on the front porch before I try to sneak you in my bedroom.” She giggled at the thought.

  Chuckling, Dan considered all that had happened since the night she glided into Anglington’s and right into his heart.

  “Well, that’s good because I’m not sure your dad would let you date me.”

  “He never wanted me to date anyone. That’s why I became proficient at sneaking out by the age of sixteen.”

  Dan shook his head as he leaned and kissed her cheek.

  “We don’t have to sneak out, but at some point, I’m gonna take you out to nice dinners, and to movies, and to get ice cream. I’m gonna hold your hand while we walk, and put my arm around you, and I’m gonna lean you up against my new Ferrari, and make out with you and not care who sees us,” Dan promised.

  “I can’t wait.” Fionna gave him his smile. Both his heart and his groin stirred from the sight. “But, until then, I’m gonna make our house our home, and I’m gonna cook you yummy dinners, and then I’m gonna do yummy things to you in our bed after we watch movies and snuggle on the couch. And I will also point out that if we go to movie theaters, I can’t sit in your lap and make out with you, and then go down on you if the movie’s boring.”

  Dan cracked up and hugged her tightly. “I’ll scratch taking you to movies.” They laughed together. The sound was almost as intoxicating as hearing the sweet moans he elicited from her.


  “Yeah, baby?” He smoothed a lock of her hair and brushed it behind her ear.

  “You know all I really want is what I already have.” She stared deeply into his eyes, into his soul. “I want to hold your hand,” she reached and laced her fingers through his. He brought their combined hands to his mouth and brushed a kiss across her knuckles.

  “I want to laugh at your jokes, and I want you to tell me I’m beautiful, and to snuggle with you on the couch. I want to eat with you, and to wake up in your arms every single day. I want to have coffee with you, and for you to text me when you’re at work so I know that you thought about me. I want to watch you lose some of that control when I’ve turned you on, and I want to listen to you tell me you love me.”

  “I don’t need nice dinners at pretentious restaurants, or ice cream, or to walk around town holding your hand, because I already have everything I’ve ever hoped for and so much more.” She blinked back tears as he swallowed down the rock-like enclosure in his throat.

  He nodded his understanding. “I love you so much, Fionna. You are the most incredible woman in the world, and I will never, ever deserve you, honey, but I swear to you I will never stop trying.”

  “Will you kiss me again?”

  “Anytime, baby doll. You don’t even have to ask.” Cradling her face in his hands, he brushed her cheekbone with his thumb. He gazed at her, thinking nothing could ever be more beautiful.

  She let her eyes close as he leaned and hesitated for a moment, centimeters from her lips, kindling the passion and watching it ignite. He could feel her breath on his lips as he gave up the futile fight and kissed her slowly.

  She moaned. He could feel the reverberation in his soul as he traced her bottom lip with his tongue as she let it fall open.

  Unable to stop himself,
he slid his hand down her body, pausing to feel her nipples begin to strain against the cotton of his t-shirt that she’d pulled on.

  He kept his kisses deep and drawing, intimate, never moving more than an inch from her face as he turned his head and devoured her mouth.

  His hand moved of its own accord, however. He slid it up the hem of the shirt until he reached the dip of her stomach and felt her tense.

  She pulled away, after several long minutes, panting. Her lips were swollen and her eyes begged for more.

  “Another good thing about living together before we date,” she giggled at the odd complexity of her statement. “Is that we could shower together before our date.”

  He grinned at her unabashedly. “We could definitely do that.”

  She beamed as he brushed her long chestnut tresses behind her shoulder.

  “That what you need, baby? You want me to get you hot and wet before I make you hot and wet for me?”

  The Taming

  Fionna scrambled from the bed and stood waiting on Dan to follow her. The mattress creaked and the demons stirred anew as he stood and watched her hair swing as she turned and walked to the bathroom. The way her hips swayed, the way the low V-neck of his undershirt cut down, almost revealing her nipples but obscuring them slightly, made him ache to see what was covered.

  He loved the way the hem pulled up slightly as she walked. She was perfect, and she was his, though he still couldn’t quite figure out how he’d managed to make that so. Certain that a higher power must’ve been involved, Dan gave a silent prayer of overwhelming gratitude as he followed her into the vast hotel bathroom.

  She spun with an extremely naughty grin that had him chuckling.

  “That look usually means trouble,” he winked at her, making her giggle excitedly.

  “Take your shirt off,” she commanded.

  Dan laughed and pulled the t-shirt over his head. “So, you think just because I fell madly in love with you that now I’ll just strip for you on command?”

  She cracked up. Her beautiful smile lit her entire face. “Yes,” she sounded quite certain as he joined in her laughter.

  “Sounds fair.” He reveled in her glee.

  Still sporting a sassy grin, Fionna reached into one of her many make-up bags and pulled out a tube of lipstick. Dan’s brow furrowed as he wondered just what she was up to.

  She turned to the mirror, puckered her lips, and smeared on a dark burgundy lipstick. She rubbed her lips together to coat them. Turning back to him, she waggled her eyebrows and moved closer. The leash frayed as the demons rattled the cage.

  She stopped to consider for a moment then she traced her index finger over his pecs and planted a kiss just below his collarbone, leaving an imprint of her lips on his chest just above the speared snake tattoo. She popped another one onto his jaw line.

  Giving her a cocky smirk, Dan chuckled. “You marking your territory, baby doll?”

  “Um hmm, and I’m not finished, so just stand there and be studly.”

  Laughing and shaking his head, Dan watched her as she worked. Fionna moved to his left arm. She pulled it up and formed it into a lifted flex then put another lip print on his bicep as he blushed.

  After going back to the counter, she reapplied and then came back for more. She placed kisses on both of his nipples but then spun her tongue around one, making him moan. She continued to let her tongue tease the sensitive skin, while she traced her hands up his groin.

  “As long as I get to play, too.” He watched her eyes flash with heated desire. “Only I’m not using lipstick.” He felt her teeth lightly move over his left nipple, and he clasped his hands around her waist, shuddering from the sensation. The demons rejoiced.

  “Careful, honey, you’re making me hungry, and there are other things that are all yours that I want your mouth on.”

  She pulled away from his grasp. He begrudgingly allowed this as she slid to his side, leaned up on her tiptoes, huffed hot air on his neck, and placed another quick kiss there as she whispered, “Yum.”

  She left kisses on his back, at his shoulder blades, and then at the top of his jeans. Reaching her arms around his waist, he watched her hands unbuckle his belt and pop the snap of his jeans. She slowly lowered his zipper, and he growled as her hands shoved them down, along with his boxers. She wrapped them around his cock.

  After letting her hands trail up him, in exploration that he thought would drive him mad, she moved back in front of him with that luscious grin. She spun and leaned across the counter, pushing her backside out dramatically and lifting the hem of his t-shirt. She gave him a quick flash of what he wanted desperately to see as she applied more lipstick.

  He grabbed her ass, squeezing her tightly, as she gave him a heady moan.

  “There are just a few other things I want to mark all for me,” she purred seductively. The demons roared.

  “It’s all yours, baby. You do whatever the hell you want, but when I get you in that shower I’m gonna fill up my territory, bury myself inside it, and take what’s mine. So, be ready.”

  Fire burned in her eyes. She kissed his abs, right behind his cock. She kissed each of his hipbones then in a quick move she spun behind him, planting a kiss on the top of his ass cheek making him chuckle.

  To his delight, a moment later she fell to her knees and very gently brushed a kiss across his sac as he groaned in anticipation.

  “This is all for me,” she sassed defiantly as he watched her begin to slowly kiss her way up his length, leaving a red trail of ownership in her wake.

  His head fell back as he gasped for breath. He throbbed in her face, hung so fiercely he burned. She licked the fiery trail that she’d just kissed.

  In a move that had him reeling, Fionna put her lips on the side of his shaft and sucked. Dan’s breath caught in a sharp inhale. His eyes rolled back in his head as a thundering, guttural groan escaped his lungs.

  She planted one last kiss on his head, and then cupped his sac and drew him deeply in her mouth.

  Dan’s growling moan echoed against the marble, covering the surfaces of the bathroom as she worked. He laced his fingers in her hair, guiding her head to him. “That’s it, baby. Suck me hard. Take it all,” he ordered as she moaned loudly against him. The reverberation incited the demons into a frenzy. Her mouth was soft and wet, drawing and full. He watched her cheeks hollow as she sucked.

  She spun her tongue around his head and then went back for more. It was exquisite and overwhelming. He shuddered from the deep, drowning pleasure. The demons shattered their chains.

  “You gonna drink it like my good girl, baby, or do you want me to put you in that shower and pound you, because I want it inside of you, now.”

  With one last fiery lick of exquisite pleasure, she stood. Dan’s eyes, dark and covetous, flashed in need, acute to the point of pain.

  Her hair was tangled from his hands, her cheeks, flushed, her nipples in strained points. Her mouth was covered in smeared burgundy lipstick, the rest on his cock, and he’d never seen anything so erotic in all his life.

  “Take me,” she beckoned the demons and began the dance. He turned on the water in the vast steaming shower.

  “Come here to me,” he reached for her. “I want you to take it for me. I’m gonna fill up that tight, wet hole baby, until you can’t walk and you can’t remember anything except my name,” he growled in warning.

  “Yes,” she gasped. She flew to him and closed the glass door behind her. She let the water cascade over the t-shirt, making it see- through as it clung to her luscious curves.

  “You are so fucking sexy. You drive me wild,” Dan groaned, making a shuddering moan burst from deep within her.

  Forcing himself to slow down, lest he lose it all before he even began, Dan pulled the soaking-wet t-shirt off of her.

  “I want to feel you against me while I take you, honey.” He watched the water cascade down over her curves, beading and then separating over her nipples, puckered ripe from need. The demo
ns howled.

  He pulled her body into his, melding them together as he caressed her left breast, spinning his thumb around her nipple.

  He dropped his right hand to her backside. He pulled and groped her, kneaded her flesh with force, and listened to her urge him on.

  With adept agility, he edged her legs apart with his right knee and then reached lower, until he was dipping his fingers inside her, and she was moaning in ecstasy.

  Her muscles clenched tightly. She pulled his fingers deeper. Her body begged for more.

  He panted and forced himself to think with the head above his waist for a split second. “You casted, honey?”

  She nodded, and Dan grabbed one of the many removable showerheads and set it to a low constant pulse. “Lean back against the wall for me. Keep your legs spread.”

  She fell back. He coaxed her clitoris softly with his fingers and then held the water spray, so that it kept her slick and wet while he taunted her. He kept up his teasing, torturous caresses over the delicate pearl, timid and yet so hungry. She swelled for him. Her entire body shook.

  Her eyes flashed open as she cried out for him. Wrapping her hand around his length, she began to plead for relief. “Now, please, please,” she whimpered and writhed. He kept her legs apart with his thigh.

  “I’m gonna take good care of you, honey. Just relax for me.” He dropped the sprayer as she clawed at him in desperation. The demons sang. “My good girl deserves a reward.” Dan lifted Fionna up, and she wrapped her legs around his waist. “Seems like she really liked this.”

  “Yes,” she hissed as he positioned her over him and leaned her back against the tiled wall. Guiding her down his shaft, Dan braced her as she gasped her approval.

  Overwhelmed suddenly, Dan groaned from the heavenly sensation. “You feel incredible, baby. Damn, so good.” His eyes rolled back in his head as he groaned from the way she tightened around him.

  She arched her back. She wanted more, and he had exactly what she desired.

  With a ragged thrust, he drove himself into the slick, wet heat the enveloped him fully. Sliding his hands to the top of her thighs, Dan leaned further. “Hold on tight, honey. I’m gonna take you for a ride,” he commanded as his name spilled from her lips in heated passion.


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