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Super Base (TNT Force Cheer Book 5)

Page 12

by Burkey, Dana

  “Yeah, it could work.”

  Although it was true that it might help with hitting stunts, one of the big reasons I agreed was the hope that if I spent time with Jackson then I could either curb my feelings, or at least put a lid on them. Either way, since the suggestion came from TJ, I knew it wasn’t exactly an option. As my coach, he called the shots, and as my coach who also knew about my feelings for my stunt partner, he called the shots more than ever before. Not going along with his plan likely meant I would need to find a different way to deal with my stunting setback and fast.

  “What’s your favorite color? That’s a good place to start,” Jackson asked, bringing my focus back to the present.

  “Green, kind of,” I shrugged. “I also like blue. So maybe teal since it’s a little of both. I’ve never really cared too much about favorite colors.”

  “Really?” he asked, his expression confused to say the least. “Isn’t having a favorite color basically a rule for all girls?”

  “Maybe,” I replied. “But I’m not really like most girls.”

  “Yeah, I noticed that,” he nodded, then continued quickly. “Well my favorite color is red. How about a favorite animal?”

  “That one’s easy,” I assured him. “Cats.”

  “I should have known.”

  We continued like that, going back and forth covering standard ‘get to know you’ questions. We had an hour before dinner to hang out and rest as needed, but Jackson and I used the whole time to sit in the grass outside the gym and chat. A few people sat with us and joined in from time to time, but moved on to do more necessary tasks, like showering. I knew I should likely do the same, but after covering all the basic info, we had moved on to talking about our families and growing up and things that made the time spent with Jackson feel a lot more like what TJ had suggested.

  “It’s still really hard sometimes, but I don’t have too many days where I can’t get up out of bed without feeling like I’m going to totally fall apart like I used to.” The comment was made about my mom, a subject Jackson pretty much avoided before finally bringing it up. “I actually got a necklace from her at Worlds last year. It was a present she left with my dad for him to give me when the time was right. Without it, I don’t know if I would have pushed on and hit the mat that final time. I wear the necklace to school every day, but any time I’m at the gym I keep it in my pocket. It’s kind of a way to feel like she’s with me all the time.”

  As I spoke, I reached into the hidden pocket at the left hip of my cheer shorts to take out the necklace. The thin gold chain had two charms on it, one an ‘X’ and the other an ‘O.’ I held it in my palm for Jackson to take a look at, the sun glinting off the metal. He leaned closer, reaching out to hold one hand under mine before gently passing his fingers over the charms. The action surprised me, since most people tried to grab at the necklace when I showed it to them. It never bothered me exactly, but the way he chose to appreciate and look at it while still leaving it in my hand was really special. It was like he knew the importance of the necklace, and didn’t want to take it from me even for a moment.

  “So, what about you?” I asked, feeling my cheeks warming with blush.

  “Well, my mom’s a dental assistant, which is why my older sister Jillian decided to be a dentist too,” he began, slowly removing his hand from mine. “My dad’s an Army recruiter. Growing up we moved to a lot of different bases, but after his second tour in Iraq he went on some administrative leave. Basically, he saw a whole lot of stuff and needed some time to enjoy civilian life. So, we moved to Houston and he’s a recruiter now.”

  “Will he ever be on active duty or anything again?” I asked, imagining how hard it must have been for Jackson knowing his dad had been deployed to such a dangerous place.

  “He says he wants to one day,” he nodded. “I think deep down the time to stay in one place has been really great for him. My mom would be happy if he stayed in his position for a while longer too. But if he gets the call to move or go back into active duty then he’ll go and do his best. Even when I was little my dad always told us it was his job to defend our country in any way he could or was asked to. Even if it means being away from us or being in danger. It’s where I get my determination from, I think.”

  “Your dad sounds really cool,” I noted. “You said your family is coming to the showcase tomorrow, right?”

  “My parents are,” he explained. “My sister lives in Chicago so she won’t be here, but my mom and dad will be there cheering as loudly as possible.”

  “Sounds like my dad,” I laughed.

  “For sure,” he agreed with a smile. “Well, should we get ready for dinner?”

  “What?” I asked, then looked around to see we were some of the only people still outside. “Oh yeah, I should change.”

  “Same,” Jackson said as we began walking into the gym. “Do you think we’ll have another workout after dinner?”

  “Good question,” I said with a sigh. “But I’m thinking it might be something a little more fun than that. I mean, we all were told to pack our swimsuits but haven’t used them yet. That has to be some kind of a clue, right?”

  “I hope so. All of the games so far have just been workouts with a fun title to trick us into working hard.”

  “You catch on quickly.”

  Two interesting things happened as dinner was ending. First of all, the athletes on our junior and prep teams all loaded up into busses and headed out. They were told to change into their swimsuits and bring towels with them, so we all assumed there was some kind of water fun involved. But that was the last thing on my mind as Tonya walked over and sat down with my friends and I on the blacktop. It wasn’t until she sat with us that I remembered TJ assuring me she would be a good person to confide in about everything going on with Jackson.

  “Did you ladies get the message about changing?” she asked, looking at all of the athletes around me. Once they all nodded she looked at me directly. “When you have a minute Max, I wanted to chat with you about tomorrow.”

  “I’m done eating,” I said simply, picking up my empty plate and standing up. “Now works for me.”

  “Perfect,” she grinned, then walked with me through the gym and to her office.

  As we walked, Tonya chatted idly about how the earlier competitions had gone, commenting that the winners would be announced before the showcase began. I nodded along as if I cared, but my eyes were roaming the room looking for Jackson. He hadn’t been sitting outside to eat like most of the athletes, so I knew he was somewhere inside the gym. The idea of him sitting anywhere near the office terrified me, so when I saw him sitting with Connor and the other boys from the level 5 teams I felt a certain amount of relief wash over me. Not as much relief as it might have been if I wasn’t about to talk to Tonya about my feelings for my stunt partner, but relief all the same.

  “So, how are things?” Tonya put an emphasis on the word things as we entered her office and she closed the door. Anyone could look in and see us through the open blinds, but unless we started screaming our conversation then no one would be able to tell exactly what it was we were talking about.

  “Good,” I shrugged, plopping down onto the brown leather couch. “I’m excited for the mystery field trip.”

  “Okay, but how are you really doing?” She took a seat on the arm-chair adjacent to the couch as she spoke. It was the same seat she sat in two years prior when I confided in her about wanting to quit cheerleading and leave the gym for good. This was hardly the same situation, but a stressful state in my life and cheer career all the same.

  “Okay, I think,” I mumbled, with less confident than I meant to. “I just feel like it’s this big deal and it shouldn’t be. You know?”

  “Well, it’s kind of a big deal if it’s keeping you from stunting,” Tonya reminded me. “Worlds is a long way from now, so I don’t think it’s a massive thing to worry about. My bigger focus is that our little Max has a crush on Jackson. TJ said it’s your firs
t crush too, right?”

  “Yeah,” I said slowly, resisting the urge to roll my eyes at how lame I felt even admitting that much.

  “Really?” I nodded in confirmation to her question. “I really thought you and-- Or rather that he-- Never mind. So, did Jackson talk to you today like TJ suggested?”

  “For a little bit before dinner,” I explained, still a little confused by her response to him being my first crush. “I don’t see how it was a good idea though. I feel like it just made me like him even more.”

  I didn’t like stating that fact out loud, but knew I could trust Tonya. Lexi and Halley would also get to hear about it before too long, so I figured there was no harm in letting the news out a little early. Only, it felt weird to say it. Sure, it was how I felt, but actually admitting it made it even more real. All of which made me feel that much more silly, and almost stupid even, for not only liking Jackson, but also letting those feelings get in the way of my cheerleading.

  “That’s actually good to know,” Tonya explained. “If getting to know him made you not like him, or didn’t have an effect at all, then it could just be that you think he’s cute. That happens around the gym all the time. I don’t think we’ve had a single season since I’ve been here where someone on one squad or another didn’t get distracted by another athlete they thought was cute. But, when spending time with him only makes the feelings grow, then it means your feelings might be based off of more than just his eyes or smile or whatever it was that made you start liking him to begin with.”

  “I actually don’t know what it was that made me like him,” I admitted. “When I met him I just felt kind of weird. And when we were working on tumbling it was really different than when I tumble with other people. The way he would watch me or make comments or whatever was like, really important. I know none of this makes any sense.”

  “Far from it,” Tonya said with a smile. “Jackson has a lot of tumbling experience so it’s normal that you would be impressed by his skills. But the feelings you get when he looks at you have more to do with how he makes you feel. Now, I wish I could tell you why that happens, but I’m clueless myself. Sometimes you can’t help the way your heart races or the way you feel those butterflies when you’re around a certain person. It just starts, and you have to go along for the ride.”

  “How do I make it stop then?” I asked her, not really seeing any solution up until that point.

  “That’s not exactly an easy one to answer either.” When I let out a sigh, Tonya moved to take a seat next to me on the couch before continuing. “What’s really hard about this one is that it’s really all up to you. You can try to move on from it, or you can wait until Jackson makes it clear that he either does or doesn’t have feelings for you. But those can both take time. And, sorry to say, you’re not very good with just waiting to see how things turn out. So, the other option is trying to tell him how you feel. You might not get the good news that he likes you too, but at least you will know and can try to move forward. One way or the other. Not that I think you have much to worry about. Jackson seems to keep a close eye on you from what I’ve observed.”

  “That doesn't mean much,” I said with a shake of my head. “A lot of the girls at the gym like him. I think half of Nitro alone thinks he’s cute.”

  “Well, that could be the case,” Tonya finally said after thinking it through for a moment. “But sometimes just letting someone know what you’re thinking or feeling can help make it better. Think of how much easier Worlds was once you didn’t have to hide your injury from TJ anymore. Sure, you still had to work on resting your ankle and even pushing through the pain. But everyone was on the same page after that. It was no longer just your burden to bear, and TJ was even able to help make it a bit easier. The same thing could happen with Jackson.”

  “Or it could get worse, right?” I challenged her. “I could tell him how I feel and he could think I’m super lame since I’m a tomboy, and then every time I go to practice I will just feel stupid and like everyone is looking at me and judging me for being dumb enough to think that someone like Jackson would like someone like me, especially when I can’t even stunt or anything right now.”

  To my surprise, Tonya laughed when I was done with my massive worry-filled-honesty-moment. At first I was a little offended that she would laugh, but then I realized how dramatic I sounded. Not only was I freaking out about Jackson on a level I didn’t know I was capable of, I did it all without taking a breath or any kind of pause to allow her to reply. Knowing that, I couldn’t help but crack a smile myself.

  “Yes, you’re a tomboy, but you’re still pretty remarkable.” Tonya said, her tone much more serious. “Even if you don’t always act like the rest of the girls at the gym, don’t ever let someone tell you you’re not as important or beautiful or special as anyone else. Not all guys are looking for someone girly, and if Jackson isn’t a fan of girls a bit rougher around the edges, then he’s the one missing out. But try not to worry about it too much just yet. If you decide you want to talk to him about what you’re feeling, you can figure it out then.”

  “Thanks Tonya,” I finally said, moving to give her a hug.

  “Any time Max,” she reminded me, squeezing me a little tighter before letting me go. “Now you better get out there so you don’t miss the announcement. The night’s about to get a whole lot more exciting.”

  When I moved to Texas, the only thing that helped me deal with the hot weather was the pool in my backyard. I spent as much time swimming as possible, especially once I made friends with Peter and Kyle who had been dying to swim in the pool for years. Apparently, the former owner was a little older and didn’t let anyone come over to swim. But, with no one else to talk to, I made friends with the neighbors and barely left my own backyard for the first few months I was living in Wichita Falls. Because of that, I never bothered making a visit to the water park across town. Or at least not until the final night of cheer camp, just hours after talking to Tonya.

  “This is so cool,” Juleah said in awe as we all walked off the school busses that transported us to Castaway Cove. “There’s legit no one else here.”

  “Yup,” Lexi confirmed from where she stood bouncing on the balls of her feet. “I think this might be the coolest camp surprise ever.”

  “I told you it was going to be a good year,” Emma said with a laugh.

  As my friends went on and on about how Emma should have given away the secret sooner, I look in the sights of the lit up water park that was completely devoid of anyone that wasn’t a part of the TNT Force gym. When we gathered for a meeting after dinner, the coaching staff explained that the junior and prep level teams went early to enjoy more of the pool time since they weren't going to be staying as late. Spending two nights at the gym was a lot for some of the younger kids, so they got to enjoy a few hours at the park with the normal public, and then would still get a little while with the rest of the athletes before they went back to the gym and were picked up for the night. That wasn’t a big concern of mine as we walked toward the park though. Instead my focus was on getting my stuff set down somewhere and taking off toward the biggest slide I could see. Even with the sun setting quickly, it was still hot enough out that the idea of cool waters along with an exciting ride sounded like the greatest thing I could think of. And, based on the way my friends all but ran with me to the nearest poolside chairs, I knew I wasn’t alone in my thinking.

  “Who wants to go on the big one?” I asked my friends as I set down my cheer bag and started pulling off my shorts and tank top to reveal my bright blue bikini.

  “Me all the way,” Jade grinned.

  “Mind if we join you too?”

  Turning around, I saw that Jackson, Connor, and a few guys from Detonators were approaching. Jackson had been the one to ask the question, so I said a quick, “Sure” as the guys all began taking off their shirts and shoes to be water ready. Once we all got rid of what we didn’t need, we took off across the park toward the large tower t
hat started the scariest slide. Or at least that was the description Halley gave as we walked. To me it looked more exciting than scary, but considering I was thrown in the air regularly, I likely had a different stance on things like height and risk than my best friend.

  “So, what do you think, is this better than the carnival two years ago?” Connor asked, falling into step beside me.

  “Totally,” I nodded eagerly. “I feel like all we do during practice is complain that we want to go swimming, and now all our wishes have come true.”

  “Good point,” he said with a laugh. “Although all that carnival food was really good. Especially the nachos.”

  “Connor!” I all but yelled, smacking his arm with the back of my hand automatically. “You know not to mention nachos around me. Now that’s literally going to be all I can think about all night.”

  “Maybe one of their snack stands is open and you can buy some,” he offered, holding his arms up in surrender.

  “I hope so, for your sake,” I added, giving him my best angry face.

  Looking around to see if there really was a snack bar open, I happened to notice Jackson looking my way with a rather odd look on his face. I wasn’t sure if it was directed at me, but his expression looked to be a mix of confusion and maybe even concern. It didn’t seem to fit with what was going on, so I assumed it wasn’t in reaction to me and finished looking around for a spot that might sell nachos. I came up empty by the time we reached the steps for the slide tower, but was determined to keep looking later. The need for nachos was real, although the prospect of the ride was going to be a good distraction for a little while.

  “Single or partners?” Emma asked, lifting one of the inner tubes stacked next to the stairs.

  “Partner,” Nick announced. “Then we don’t have to wait as long.”


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