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Stronger with You (With You Trilogy)

Page 6

by R. J. Sable

  “Let me help you?” Jason asked tentatively.

  “How?” I asked, looking up at his beautiful malachite eyes and admiring his thick lashes.

  “I’ve gone through the weight cutting and gaining process a million times over the years. Let me help?”

  I was familiar with the process. Craig went through it all the time. The strict dieting regiments, not being allowed to touch most foods, and eating only at religiously strict intervals. It didn’t sound like fun. Jason must have registered the horror on my face because he chuckled slightly.

  “It won’t be like that,” he grinned.

  “How’d you know what I was thinking?” I asked, desperate to understand his psychic abilities.

  “You were thinking of Craig when he cuts weight, yes?” He laughed.

  I nodded in response.

  “Craig is in the same weight class as I was. I’m guessing he weighs almost exactly 185 most of the time, but if you weigh anything over that you get knocked into the next weight class at a huge disadvantage,” he explained. “Which means the dieting can get pretty strict at times, trying to maintain the tricky balance to keep yourself at the maximum possible weight during periods of competition.”

  Jason took my empty mug off me and placed it on the table, turning back and shifting so he could sit facing me on the sofa.

  “It won’t be like that for you. I’ll help you make better choices, that’s all.”

  “I don’t like eating when I’m not hungry,” I shook my head pathetically.

  “Well, tough luck,” he shrugged and I looked up at him in shock. “It might sound harsh, my little squirrel, but you don’t eat enough and your body is used to that. You need to retrain your body to remember what hunger should feel like, okay?”

  I frowned at him but nodded reluctantly.

  “Let me try to help you for a week or two at least, okay?” He asked again.

  “Okay,” I conceded. “But what if…” I drifted off, feeling my cheeks blush again.

  “What if what, baby?” Jason asked, pulling me onto his lap so I was squatting over him and our faces were level.

  “What if you don’t like me anymore if I get fat?” I asked bashfully.

  “Don’t be silly,” he chided, grinning mischievously. “Firstly, you won’t get fat, you’ll get healthy. Secondly, why would I have been pushing you to eat more all this time if I wouldn’t like you with a bit more weight? Thirdly, if you had a bit more padding, I wouldn’t be so scared you’d break when we fuck.”

  “You’re very pervy today,” I giggled, blushing at his words.

  “You bring that out in me,” he laughed, kissing me and tightening his arms around my waist. “So what do you say, let me help you?”

  “Two conditions,” I said, trying my best to keep a straight face. I knew I was probably failing miserably but it was worth a try.

  “Oh?” Jason asked, slipping his hands up the back of my top and tracing my spine with his long fingers.

  “Firstly, please don’t get mad at me if I struggle with it,” I paused, waiting for him to nod in agreement. “And secondly, if I’m a good girl, I get rewarded with lots of these.” I leaned forwards to kiss him, my tongue meeting his as he parted his lips in invitation. He removed one hand from my t-shirt and brought it up to the back of my head locking his fingers in my hair and pulling me impossibly closer to him as our lips locked.

  “You’re very bossy, aren’t you?” He teased, his breathing slightly disjointed as we broke the kiss.

  “I could say the same about you,” I pouted, thinking back to the lunch disagreement.

  “Fair enough,” he grinned. “I’ll agree to your conditions, but only because the second one suits me very well.

  He kissed me again and I came out of it grinning.

  “Now!” He announced. “Let’s get you something small to eat before we hit the gym for your self-defence lesson, then we can have a proper dinner when we come back. Sound like a plan?”

  I nodded back and let him lift me up and carry me into the kitchen, my legs round his waist as he supported my weight as if it was nothing. Will he still want to carry me when I get heavier? I pushed the thought out of my mind. I didn’t want to be miserable while Jason was being fun and playful.

  Chapter 7

  Friday, 18th January 2013

  Adam grinned across at me as we were told to put our pens down on our final exam and we both sagged into our chairs with relief. He caught my arm as we left the room together and hooked it around his.

  “Time to celebrate!” He grinned broadly, dragging me with him towards halls.

  “Can’t we just order takeaway and chillax in bed in our pyjamas?” I whined. We’d been revising and doing exams for two weeks now and I was thoroughly exhausted. The exams went better than I’d expected and I was cautiously optimistic but it had completely drained my energy and I just wanted to sleep.

  “Normally, I wouldn’t turn down an evening in bed with a hot girl but this time I’m putting my foot down,” he grinned. “Please, shorty, I want to go and have fun!”

  I could hear in his voice that there was something he was holding back and my curiosity peaked. “What aren’t you telling me?”

  “Nothing,” he averted his gaze.

  “Adam Collins!” I admonished. “I’m definitely not coming if you don’t tell me.”

  “Fine,” he said with an exasperated sigh as he rolled his eyes. “I may have invited Laura.”

  I grinned at him. Laura was a girl who Adam had met in a coffee shop in November. Adam was not the sort of guy who went out with a girl more than once. Not unless the sex was particularly awesome. He came off as exuding confidence from every pore but I’d learnt that it was somewhat of a mask. He was very good looking, and he knew it, but he hated when people didn’t see past it.

  I think he resented the women that he hooked up with because they weren’t interested in anything other than his looks. I’d contemplated pointing out that he wasn’t interested in much more than that from them but that just seemed mean.

  With Laura, he seemed different. They’d been on actual dates. I wasn’t sure, because I hadn’t asked him, but I didn’t think they’d actually gone any further than those dates. Adam seemed both delighted and frustrated by it and it meant he’d been hot and cold with her and almost messed things up a few times.

  “So why on earth would you want me there?” I asked.

  “Because if you and Jason come it’ll be a double date and you can make sure I don’t mess it up,” he pouted and squeezed my hand.

  “Fine,” I smiled, giving in to his pout. “I’ll ask Jason if he’s free.”

  As it turned out, Jason was free. He’d been pretty busy the past week and I missed him. He hadn’t had much chance to work on his thesis over the Christmas break, mostly because my brothers insisted on constantly getting in the way.

  Whenever I’d been revising, they’d insisted Jason play football, or go the pub, and once the twins had interrupted to get him to settle a dispute about which one of them was strongest.

  Jason had put up with it all and not complained once. I’d been annoyed with my brothers, but not annoyed enough to say anything because at least they weren’t trying to kill him. There had, of course, been a fair amount of scuffling. Mostly when one of them was pissed off at me and Jason tried to intervene. Other than that though, they’d been relatively civil, and I was grateful. I was almost certain I wouldn’t survive a repeat of the pre-Christmas drama. Jason might not either.

  I was still in my undies and stressing over what to wear when Jason text me to get into the building. I grabbed a t-shirt and some shorts and ran down to let him in. I almost stumbled over my feet when I caught sight of Jason on the other side of the glass door. My eyes scanned him greedily, taking in his charcoal suede Gazelles, his smart, navy jeans and admiring the way they clung to his strong thighs. He had on a slim-fit, cargo style, burgundy shirt that flattered his sculpted torso. I found my skin heating u
p as I imagined the delights that I knew to be hiding under the clothes but was interrupted by Jason tapping his knuckles against the glass and reminding me to let him in.

  “You look delicious,” I grinned at him as he pulled me into a kiss.

  “Glad you approve,” he chuckled. “You do too, but I’m not sure it’s date appropriate.” He tugged gently at my t-shirt, slipping his hand underneath to rest on my hip as he guided me up the stairs.

  “I was trying to decide what to wear when you came,” I explained.

  “Good,” Jason grinned.

  “Why is that good?” I asked curiously, looking up at him and noticing that I could see the tip of his tattoo poking through the collar of his shirt.

  “Because I get to choose what you wear,” he answered with a mischievous grin.

  The statement in itself didn’t make me worry, but the gleam in his eye did. He’s up to something. I followed him into my bedroom and he immediately locked the door behind us and dropped his overnight bag on the floor.

  “Naked time,” he demanded, pulling me into a passionate kiss.

  “Reciprocal?” I grinned as he released me.

  “Not this time, baby,” he shook his head as he pulled my t-shirt over my head.

  I pouted up at him. I want to see him naked, too. But it didn’t work, he just continued undressing me.

  “Don’t look at me like that, we’d be a couple of hours late if it was reciprocal.”

  I stopped my pouting, I knew he was right. I let him undress me completely, resting my hands on his arms as I stepped out of my knickers.

  “I could look at you like that all day,” he smirked whilst I stood naked before him.

  Feeling a little playful, I did a naked twirl, blushing but only because it was habit by this point. I was so used to being naked with Jason and it was pretty much my favourite way to be around him. My nude dancing earned an appreciative growl from Jason and another mind-blowing kiss.

  “Spread your legs,” he said in his low, seductive tone.

  My body complied before my brain had chance to question it. Jason trailed his hands down my back before cupping my ass cheeks and kneading them, the slight roughness of his hands deliciously abrasive against my skin. I kept my eyes on his, rendered silent by the desire I could see burning behind them. He kept his left hand on my cheek as his right travelled around my hip and trailed through the curls at the apex of my thighs. I moaned slightly as he traced one finger up the length of my inner lips, letting it dip gently inside me before withdrawing it completely.

  “I love that you’re so wet for me,” he breathed appreciatively.

  My cheeks burnt but I smiled shyly up at him, desperate to feel his fingers on me once more. My hips bucked towards him instinctively but he smiled and shook his head at me. He kissed me chastely on the lips before turning around to root through my wardrobe.

  “Tease,” I grumbled, flopping down onto the bed to admire his behind as he pulled things out of the cupboard. The simple touch had brought my lingering desire to the forefront of my mind and I was feeling a little sexually frustrated.

  “I haven’t even started yet,” he smirked, putting my black lacy dress on the bed next to me and giving my nipple a playful tweak. “Stand up.”

  I did as he asked and found myself stood naked before him once more. He ran his fingers down my sides, looking at me appreciatively.

  “You are so very beautiful.”

  The blush on my cheeks deepened ten fold and I looked down to my feet.

  “Learn to take a compliment.” He landed a quick, sharp slap on my ass with a cheeky grin.

  I yelped slightly and jumped closer towards him so that I was pushed up against him and able to feel his very solid erection through his jeans.

  “What do you say when somebody gives you a compliment, Jamie?” He teased, stroking my skin and easing away the last of the dwindling sting from his slap.

  “Thank you,” I mumbled shyly, my eyes still on his feet.

  “Good girl,” he cooed, pulling my chin up and kissing me gently.

  He handed me the black dress and I blinked back at him in confusion. Isn’t there something missing? I held the dress in my hands but didn’t move to put it on.

  “Something wrong, baby?” He teased, brushing his lips across my forehead.

  “I need underwear,” I said, moving towards my drawers to fetch some.

  “You don’t need them, little squirrel,” he mocked, stepping in front of me and blocking my access to the underwear drawer.

  “Don’t be daft, of course I need my underwear,” I frowned.

  “Why?” He asked, cupping my face in his hand and brushing my cheek with his thumb.

  “Because I can’t go outside without underwear!”

  “Why?” He asked again, his other hand tracing circles around my nipple and making it very hard to concentrate.

  “Because… because people might see,” I blurted, hearing the note of panic in my own voice.

  “They won’t see, baby,” he soothed, his hands cupping both my breasts and massaging them gently.

  I was finding it very difficult to protest with Jason’s hands on me. I had absolutely no desire to leave the flat without any underwear, and even less desire to be in public with a bare behind.

  “Jason,” I pleaded, fully prepared to beg for access to my undies.

  “Do you trust me, Jamie?” Jason asked, removing his hands from my breasts and giving me a second to focus my thoughts on the matter at hand.

  “Of course, but-”

  “I promise that nobody will know, apart from me and you, okay?” He soothed, his eyes searching mine with a penetrating intensity.

  “How about knickers and no bra?” I offered, seeking a compromise.

  “Other way round maybe,” he grinned.

  “Jason, I don’t think I can,” I shook my head despondently.

  “If you do this, I promise I’ll make it worth your while when we get back,” he said, his sultry tones evoking the tightening between my thighs. He traced his hands down between my breasts and down further, slowly, teasing me with his touch. He cupped my sex and pulled me gently closer to him. He began pushing one finger in and out of me ever so slowly.

  I tried to speak, tried to protest, but the only noise to pass my lips was a slight moan as Jason increased the pace of his delightful digit.

  “Now, if you’re a good girl, I’ll let you come,” he whispered against my neck, kissing me tenderly. “But if not…” He let his voice trail off as he withdrew his fingers.

  “Please,” I begged, feeling the knot of pressure inside me swell at the loss of contact.

  “Put your dress on, baby,” he said firmly.

  I slipped the dress on over my otherwise naked body. The only thought running through my head was of the pulsing of my tingling sex. Not its current nakedness.

  “Why though?” I pouted as Jason handed me my black kitten heels. I couldn’t understand why he wanted me to suffer without my underwear the whole night.

  The question hung in the air as I fastened my shoes around my ankles. I looked up at Jason expectantly as I stood up, waiting for his answer.

  “Because,” he said, pulling my dress up a little so he could slide his hand up my inner thigh. “For the rest of the night I want to know that there’s nothing in between us. Nothing to stop me from bending you over and fucking you until we both pass out.”

  “Oh.” That was all I could manage, my breath caught in my throat. That is rather kinky. I blushed at Jason’s bluntness. He’d never beaten around the bush when talking about exactly what he wanted in the bedroom department but it still brought colour to my cheeks.

  “Oh,” he mocked as his finger brushed gently over my moistened sex once more before he righted my skirt. “And we’re both going to be so hot for it by the time we get home that it’s highly likely I’ll want to be inside you until we do pass out.”

  I almost combusted right then and there. I was so turned on, I
could have come from a light breeze.

  I was about to beg Jason to let us skip the night out and spend the evening exploring every surface of my room when there was a knock on the door. I groaned inwardly as I went to open it, very aware of every movement thanks to my lack of knickers. I’d never appreciated how much protection I’d drawn from a millimetre thick piece of fabric before.

  “Come on!” Adam urged as I opened the door. “We need to get going or we’re going to be late.” He looked nervous and kept pulling on his light pink pinstriped shirt and trying to brush his hair out of his eyes.

  “I haven’t done my hair or makeup,” I apologised, stepping back to let him into the room. I didn’t miss the rather smug grin on Jason’s face as my eyes met his. I’ve not done my hair, not done my make-up, and I’m not wearing any underwear. I cringed inwardly. I was seriously contemplating trying to slip past Jason and grab some knickers from the cupboard but the slight smirk on his face told me he knew exactly what I was thinking.

  “Leave your hair like that, baby. It looks good down,” Jason said, running his fingers gently through the waves of my hair.

  I never left my hair down. I’d worn it up since I was a kid because having a ponytail pulled hurt way less than having small clumps of hair pulled. Jason always told me he liked it when I left it down though and I wanted to make him happy.

  I couldn’t compromise on the make-up; I couldn’t have both my face and my nether regions bare at the same time. I applied my mascara as quickly as I could and followed the boys out into the hall. I can’t believe I’m leaving the flat commando.

  “Are you okay, Jamie?” Adam asked as I locked my door and Jason handed me my clutch purse. “You look a little flushed.”

  “I’m fine,” I said hurriedly, feeling my cheeks burn even more. “Just a bit warm.” I shot Jason an uncomfortable look and he smiled knowingly back and wrapped his arm around my waist as we walked down the stairs.


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