Guard Me

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by Holly Ardent

  Guard Me

  (Older Woman/Younger Man Cheating Wife)

  (Main Street MILFs #3)

  Holly Ardent

  Text copyright © 2016, Holly Ardent

  All Rights Reserved

  Find Holly's other stories on her Amazon Author Page:

  Holly Ardent's Amazon Author Page

  Ryan looked up as his phone chimed.

  I hope they aren't asking me to go out again. They know I'm broke.

  He opened the email he'd just received and scanned it.


  Hey dude, you know that $20 you owe me? No, I'm not asking for it right now but I know you said you didn't know when you'd have it to pay me back. Give this thing a try. I just got the link in an email from a guy who said it really rocked.


  There was a link attached to the email. The title on it read 'Quick Work'.

  I hope it's not another get rich quick scheme. Mark isn't the type to fall for those though, so I'll take a look at least.

  When he clicked the link it took him to a page for an app called Quick Work. He read through the description.

  'Looking for work or need a job done? Need more cash? Don't want to deal with a temp agency? Try the Quick Work app. People who need jobs done in your area will post the work they have and how much they're willing to pay for it. People looking for work can contact them through the app.

  Get to work quickly with Quick Work.

  This app is free, but if it works for you please consider donating through the Paypal link at the bottom of the page.'

  The app had a four and a half star average on the reviews. When Ryan looked, the only one stars were from three people who'd tried it and found no listings for their area. Two of them had gone back and added to their review saying that they'd change it to five stars since listings finally showed up in their area, but changes to the rating weren't allowed.

  Well, it's free and there's enough good reviews that I'm betting it isn't some kind of malware crap.

  He tapped the button to download and install, then went back to trying to squeeze blood from a turnip.

  The scholarship covers all my tuition and most of my books, but I'll need to be at practice to keep qualifying for the scholarship and that isn't going to leave much time for work. Three or four hours each evening, assuming I can do homework at whatever job I get. There's just no way I can free up any more time this semester.

  He got a cup of coffee and opened up the Quick Work app.

  Cool, it autodetects your area and loads the listings for it. Let's see whats available.

  Ryan was amazed when twenty-three listings showed within fifteen minutes of the college campus. He started scrolling through them.

  Mostly manual labor stuff that doesn't pay that great. But I could probably do a few of these in the times they want. Every little bit would help.

  The listings were arranged by date and when he got to the last one he noticed it had been up for a little over two weeks. The second oldest was only a few days old.

  I wonder what kind of scut work they want done that no-one wants to do?

  He clicked the listing and scanned its contents.

  'Wanted – unarmed guard for residential work. Must look intimidating and be available to work from six to nine, Mon-Fri. Length of job – indefinite.

  Or maybe not scut work, maybe they're just really picky. But twenty bucks an hour for three hours a night on weekdays? I can fit that into my schedule and that's some real money there. It says they want someone indefinitely too.

  He clicked on the 'apply' button and filled in the information requested. When it came to the end there was a field simply labeled 'other'. He decided that verifying his qualifications there would be okay.

  'I am a college student and on the football team. I've trained in some martial arts and have a large enough build that many people find me intimidating. My availability is limited, but does include 6-9 nightly.'

  Alright, let's see if they bite, he thought before hitting the 'send' button.

  * * *

  Ryan spent all the next day in classes and then practice. He was tired and sore by the time he got home again and when his phone chimed he let it sit there while he ate.

  When he finished dinner he went ahead and opened up his phone. He had an email with the sender listed as 'Quick Work'.

  “Crap, I'd totally forgotten about that. I better check and see what it says.”

  He opened the email.


  I looked over your application and would like to meet you in person. I'm considering offering you the position, but would prefer to interview you first. Please reply to this email and we'll set up a time as soon as is convenient for you.


  He quickly typed in a reply and sent it. Evidently Nancy was right near her phone or computer since a response arrived in under five minutes. They exchanged emails and settled on an interview at her house the following day.

  He spent the evening on homework before going to bed. The next day flew by, as most of them did when he was this busy. After football practice he went home, showered, and headed out to Nancy's house.

  * * *

  A woman wearing a silk shirt and slacks answered the door when Ryan rang the bell.

  “Nancy?” he asked.

  Wow, she's pretty hot for an older lady.

  “You would be Ryan?” she replied.

  “Yes, I am.”

  “I am Nancy, please come in.”

  Her words were cultured, but somehow it sounded almost forced to him.

  He stepped inside and she showed him to the living room.

  “Please be seated,” she said.

  Ryan sat.

  “Coffee?” she asked.

  He suppressed a chuckle, thinking that it probably wouldn't be a good idea to laugh at his potential employer.

  This area is solid middle class, but it looks like she's trying to pull off upper class high society or something like that. It isn't working though.

  “Yes, please. Cream, but no sugar.”

  Nancy poured, then handed him the cup. She sat down on the couch on the other side of the room and crossed her legs. Then quickly uncrossed them, pressed them together, and angled them to one side.

  “So,” she said, “Why do you want this job?”

  “My football scholarship covers all my college costs; tuition, books, and the like, but that's all it covers and I need to make more money. I've got a limited availability due to practice and the hours you've requested fit nicely with it.”

  He sat up and pushed his shoulders out, trying to appear as large as he could.

  “Plus, I think I have the requirements down,” he said.

  He saw her stifle a grin.

  “Yes, it does appear that way. No offense, but I thought you students with athletic scholarships all took easy courses so you could pay more attention to your sports. Shouldn't your schedule be more flexible?”

  God I hate that stereotype. The worst part is that it's true for more than half the guys on the team.

  “That's true for some people. Personally, I'm majoring in computer sciences, not basket weaving. I want a career that won't destroy my body. If some scout finds me and offers me a spot on a pro team? I probably won't turn it down, but I want to be able to do something else to support myself when that starts taking it's toll. If I don't get found by a talent scout, then I'll have a good career waiting for me if I keep my grades up.”

  “You... don't sound much like I thought a football player would sound.”

  “I can play the big, dumb, ox part pretty well when I need to, but that's just a role, not who I really am. I thought you'd prefer to know the person you were considering for your position for real though.”

  Nancy opened her mouth to speak, then closed it and nodded instead.

  “Well, thank you for that. Do you have any past employers I can contact? Perhaps some references?”

  Ryan turned on his phone and opened email. He went to the drafts folder and sent the message he'd prepared earlier.

  “I thought you might ask. You should have an email with my employment history, emergency contact, and three personal references arriving right now.”

  Nancy smiled.

  “I can see that you think ahead. Assuming those all check out, when can you start?”

  “Any time you like. Since today is Friday, I can start on Monday if you want.”

  “Let's not get ahead of ourselves here. I'll need to check those references first. But if they check out I'll contact you and let you know. Would you prefer phone or email?”

  “Email please, I don't much like phone calls. I prefer to see the person when I'm talking to them.”

  A smirk flitted across her face for a moment.

  “Then I'll email you with my decision by noon on Monday at the latest. Thank you for coming by.”

  This has been rather short and brusque. I hope I didn't screw up someplace, Ryan thought.

  Nancy stood and escorted him to the door. As she walked alongside of him, Ryan noticed that her nipples were standing on end, poking through her bra and shirt. A hint of musky scent in the air told him that, for some reason, she was turned on.

  Oh, that might be it. She's probably uncomfortable about being horny with a strange guy around. I hope that's it anyhow. The job seems perfect for me.

  Ryan felt her eyes on him as he walked out to his car. When he got in the driver's seat he discovered that she was still standing inside the door, staring at him. When she saw him notice, she turned and closed the door.

  * * *

  The weekend dragged out for Ryan. He did all the assignments he'd been given for his classes, but he didn't have enough money to go out with his friends. He didn't want to ask any of them if he could borrow more. He already owed most of them a little bit.

  I have to watch that. It's way easier to get in debt and forget about it than I ever thought it would be. My first two weeks pay from Nancy, if I get the job, should let me have some pocket money while still repaying everyone I owe.

  Sunday afternoon he spotted her email.


  Your references checked out wonderfully. I'd like you start this Monday at 6:00 PM.


  He tossed off a brief reply, telling her that he'd be there, then settled in on his computer for some games.

  By Monday evening he was chomping at the bit to get started. He wanted to get through his first week and collect his pay so he could do something, anything, the next weekend.

  I bet boredom gets people to do more things than any other motivation, he thought. It drives me nuts to just sit around and do nothing.

  He arrived at Nancy's house a few minutes before six. When he knocked on the door, she let him in. She was dressed down from the last time he'd seen her. Now she was wearing a plain button-down shirt and a pair of Capris.

  “Ryan, please come in. I'll let you know exactly what I want and why before you start.”

  He walked in and sat down. Once again, Nancy poured him a cup of coffee and sat across the room from him.

  “What I want is for you to be highly visible. You'll need to walk around the property at least once an hour if not more. When you aren't doing that, you can either be here in the living room or in your car, your preference.”

  Ryan nodded.

  “That's sounds pretty standard. Deterrence by visibility.”

  “The reason I need you here is that my husband habitually works late. Every single workday, he doesn't get home until around eight-thirty. He's done that ever since our children moved out. It wasn't a problem for a long time, but there have been several break-ins recently, relatively nearby. In all cases, there was a woman home alone and in addition to the house being robbed, the woman in the house was... forcibly taken advantage of.”

  “If that's the case, then I'll probably be here in your living room when I'm not walking the property. It would be harder, and take longer, for you to let me know you needed my help if I were out in the car.”

  Nancy looked visibly relieved.

  “Good, I'm glad you think that way. I'll want you to be my guard until such time as they catch the criminals that have been doing the break-ins. That's why I couldn't specify how long the job would last in my ad.”

  “That's fine. I have a question for you though. Would you mind if I brought some of my homework along and did it when I was in here?”

  “That would work, so long as you aren't doing it constantly when you're here.”

  “I shouldn't have to do it all the time and when I do, it will probably only be an hour or so.”

  Nancy nodded.

  “That's fine then.”

  Ryan stood.

  “I'll go do the first check. I brought a strong flashlight that I'll get from the car so I can see anything I might need to out there.”

  She relaxed, sinking into the couch.

  “Thank you so much. For the first time in weeks I actually feel safe.”

  “You're welcome. I'll just go do my job then so you can keep feeling that way.”

  * * *

  Over the first few days, Ryan noticed Nancy relaxing some. Each night he spent as much time just sitting and talking with her as he did patrolling her property or doing homework. He decided that, while the break-ins might be real, she'd wanted company as much as she'd wanted protection. She relaxed enough with him that by Friday night she was wearing jeans and a t-shirt when he arrived.

  Damn it! I liked her better in her fancy clothes. Those didn't hug her curves the way these do. I didn't stop to think that taking a Mon-Fri evening job was going to cut into my potential time to find a girlfriend, now that I could afford to have one.

  Over the past week he'd noticed, from time to time, her nipples jutting through her shirts and the musky scent of her arousal slowly filling the living room. He found her mature figure very attractive and she was incredibly insecure. He couldn't really resolve that with his first impression of her, but he was sure he could bed her if he made the first move. The only thing that stopped him was fear of losing the income he'd just barely started to earn.

  By the time nine o'clock rolled around her husband still wasn't home. Ryan had seen him in passing a few times over the week and he wasn't impressed. The man existed with a perpetual scowl and, if Ryan wasn't mistaken, had come home reeking of some other woman's perfume one time. He hadn't commented on that because if Nancy hadn't noticed herself it could only be because she didn't want to notice.

  She was now comfortable enough with him that she'd moved herself from across the room to sitting on the couch beside him. As of tonight she'd started slowly edging closer.

  I can't do this, he thought. I need the money.

  Ryan quickly stood up.

  “I'm going to go do another circuit of your property,” he said. “Hopefully your husband gets home soon.”

  Her face fell as he headed for the door and he felt a stab of guilt for making her feel bad. He walked slowly as he circled the property and, by the time he got back inside, Nancy's husband was home.

  Another reason to resist. If it's anywhere near the time he's going to get home I'd better watch myself.

  The following two weeks were filled with him doing his homework, examining her property, and dodging her tentative advances. Nancy refused to notice that he kept dodging her and her attempts became more and more blatant as time passed.

  * * *

  Ryan pulled his car to the curb in front of her house on Wednesday night. There was a strange car in the driveway where he'd normally park and the garage door stood open, which was also unusual.

  She didn't mention anything about company, he thought. But maybe if she has some I won't have to dodge so hard tonight. Wh
o would've thought that trying to dodge a sexual encounter would be harder than trying to set one up?

  He got out of his car and started to cross the lawn. A piercing scream echoed out of the garage and Ryan broke into a sprint towards the open door.

  He got inside of the garage and found the door connecting to the kitchen standing open. There was no-one where he was, so he took the short hallway at a sprint. Once he got into the kitchen he heard the sounds of a struggle. It sounded like it was coming from somewhere upstairs.

  He flung the bag containing his laptop and books onto the table. Then he was up the stairs and down the hall in a flash. One bedroom door stood open and when he burst into the room he found Nancy pinned to the bed by one man, while a second man stood at the foot of the bed, just dropping his pants to the floor.

  Ryan dropped his shoulder and took the second man in the small of the back with one of his best tackles. The man's legs buckled and his knees slammed into the frame of the bed. His upper torso snapped over from the impact and slammed onto the mattress. Ryan's foot lifted in a short snap kick that ended between the man's legs and the man let out a second scream that was, if anything, higher in pitch than the one Ryan had heard previously.

  The first man turned his head towards Ryan, his eyes flashing viciously.

  “Wanting to interrupt my play time boy? Not for long, you won't.”

  His hand snapped out and Ryan saw the blade of the stiletto as it sprang out of the handle. He stepped back into a defensive stance, his eyes staying on the man and his knife. When the man let go of Nancy, she rolled off the opposite side of the bed and dropped to the floor. Out of the corner of his eye Ryan couldn't help but notice that her clothes were torn, exposing her breasts and pussy. He filed away the fact that they looked very nice and put his full attention on the man with the knife.

  The man advanced, his arm thrusting out in front of him in short jabs.

  It looks like he almost knows what he's doing with that, Ryan thought. Fortunately Sensei trained us to defend against knife attacks.


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