Guard Me

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Guard Me Page 2

by Holly Ardent

Ryan timed his move carefully. He waited until the man was closer and, when the knife-wielding arm thrust out again, stepped slightly sideways and seized the wrist of the hand holding the knife. He bent the wrist at an angle designed to force the fingers open and the stiletto dropped to the floor.

  The man wasn't deterred. His face contorted with pain from his bent wrist, he sent his other fist flying at Ryan's head in a roundhouse that connected solidly. Ryan shook his head as he saw stars, but he stayed on his feet. A snapping noise, like twigs being broken, echoed as he applied more force to the man's wrist. Ryan let go of the wrist and the man's hand dangled uselessly.

  The man's face turned a sickly shade of whitish-green, but he stooped and reached for the stiletto with his remaining good hand. Ryan, shaking off the effects of the roundhouse, stomped down on the hand before it reached its target.

  The man came up from his crouch, his hand lifting Ryan's foot off the ground. His shoulder impacted Ryan's stomach hard and spun him to one side. The man continued his rush past Ryan, trying to make it to the door. Ryan spun around and noticed that the other man, the one he'd kicked between the legs, was already at the door, hobbling out into the hallway.

  Ryan's opponent was fleeing. He caught up to the the other man and pushed him along, hurrying the other's pace down the hallway. Ryan was torn between chasing them and checking on Nancy.

  “Nancy, are you alright?” he called.

  Her answer was muffled.

  “Mostly? I wouldn't have been for much longer. Thank you, thank you so much!”

  “I'm going to see if I can get their license plate number and give it to the cops. I'll be right back.”

  “No, don't leave...”

  Her voice trailed off as Ryan ran out of the room, trying to find a window where he could see the car in the driveway.

  He watched as the would-be rapists pulled their car out of the driveway and tried to memorize the plate number. He made his way to the kitchen, pulled out paper and pencil, and jotted it down.

  Let's see what the cops can do with that, he thought.

  Finally, he made his way back to the bedroom.

  I hope she's doing okay. I also hope she covered up some more. This would probably be a bad time to lose my resolve about not making a pass at her, and if I get to see as much of her flesh as I did earlier, I probably will.

  He walked in and found Nancy sitting on the bed, ineffectively clutching her torn clothes together, and trying to stave off tears.

  “It's okay, they're gone,” he said.

  She lost her fight than and burst into tears. Ryan moved closer and awkwardly slid an arm around her, patting her back.

  “It's okay. I chased them off. I got their license number and we can give that to the police.”

  She flung herself against him. He was ashamed that he noticed her letting go of the torn clothing and exposing herself again to do so. She wrapped her arms around him and sobbed.

  He continued patting her back even though he felt a massive surge of guilt from the erection he sported from seeing her exposed.

  What the hell am I supposed to do now? he wondered.

  “They're gone, there's nothing to worry about,” he said.

  She tried to stop crying and speak.

  “It... isn't that...” she hiccuped. “I... I... There's something... wrong with me. It's been so long that I... reacted to them. Even knowing they were going to... to ra...”

  The tears won out again and Ryan finally noticed the musky scent that filled the air.

  Oh, he thought. She thought she was going to be raped and it turned her on? I didn't even know how to comfort her when I thought she was crying because they almost raped her. I'm not a damned shrink, I don't know what to do here.

  Once again guilt flooded through him as he noticed the warmth of her breasts where she had them plastered against his chest. He jumped when he felt her hand move down his back and then into his lap. Nancy stopped crying again and her breathing evened out.

  “I've been trying to be nice and wait for you to make a move on me,” she said, “but you didn't. I know you're interested. I've seen the bulge more than once. So now, I'm going to make a move on you. I need it badly. Especially right now. I'm so turned on I can't think straight and if you don't do me I'm afraid I'll wish they had actually raped me. That's how long it's been since I've had sex.”

  “Uh?” Ryan said, taken completely off-guard.

  Well shit! he thought. Now I'm screwed either way. I'm sure to lose my job if I don't, probably will if I do also, I might as well get fucked while I'm getting screwed.

  Her hand was continuing its explorations while he thought. By the time he decided he had nothing to lose, she'd wrapped it around the erection he'd felt guilty about and was squeezing tightly.

  “I know you want it too,” she said. “I can tell.”

  She emphasized her statement by squeezing his cock even harder.

  “Well?” she asked.

  Ryan's hand answered for him. It crept up and inside her torn shirt, sliding along her rib cage up to her heavy breasts. His fingers stroked the underside of them as they slid across her skin, searching for her nipples.

  Nancy took a sudden, sharp, intake of breath. She leaned back to give him better access and he saw her staring at him, her eyes wide and sparkling.

  “Thank you,” she gasped. “But you're already hard. No need for that. Just throw me over the edge of the bed and fuck me until you cum. If you want anything else? You're young, you can get hard again after and do it then.”

  Ryan blinked and shook his head.

  Is she for real? A woman who doesn't want any foreplay? I'd love to spend some time playing with her body, but I guess that will have to wait until later.

  He stood and took her at her word. His hands grasped her around the waist, lifting her clear off the floor. He put her down over the edge of the bed, facing away from him, and moved the shreds of her skirt out of his way. Her panties were torn away, the elastic from one leg still intact and holding them in place. He grabbed the elastic and pulled. As it snapped and he tossed the shredded panties away, Nancy spread her legs wide.

  Her breathing was already heavy and he saw that her pussy was glistening with moisture. He undid his pants and dropped them around his ankles. His underwear followed suit and then he leaned in against the bed, bending his knees slightly to line the head of his cock up with her pussy.

  He pushed forward and felt the soaking wet heat of her as he slid inside. There was no resistance until he was almost halfway into her, then he needed to use a little force to keep going.

  Nancy gasped when his cock first entered her, then started trembling when he had to push harder.

  “Oh god, yes! Fuck me! Make me cum. Make yourself cum inside of me. Then roll me over and have your way with me.”

  How exactly do I answer that? he thought.

  “If that's what you want, I'll be happy to oblige,” he said, wincing at the thought of how corny it must sound to her.

  She pushed against the bed, trying to drive herself down onto his cock even more. Ryan shrugged and moved his hands. He grabbed her hips and pulled her down towards him as he thrust himself forward. Nancy groaned with pleasure as he forced his cock deeper into her.

  “My god, it's so big. I've never had one that big. It's going so deep, it feels incredible,” she muttered to herself.

  “Fuck me!” she screamed as Ryan continued to force his way into her.

  When he was finally all the way in, he drew back. Nancy let out a long breath, as though she'd been holding it. He drove in again, hard, and still didn't make it as deep as he had been. Her pussy was loose and wet near the entrance but farther in it was snug enough that it forced him to work at getting all the way in again.

  Once again when he made it all the way in, he drew back. This time when he slammed forward, he made it farther than the last time, but still not all the way in.

  Nancy was trembling, almost to the point of shaking. Whe
re her pussy was snug around his cock, he could feel the little tremors as she shook.

  I hope she isn't counting on me lasting too long this time. Not with her doing things like that, he thought.

  After a few more thrusts, he was sliding in and out of her easily, except for the last inch or so. Every few strokes he'd pause to thrust harder and get that last little bit in, but she wasn't loosening up there. He noticed that each time he thrust that last little bit, she started shuddering again and decided that it might be a good thing.

  Nancy kept up a steady stream of pleas to be fucked, until Ryan settled into a hard, fast pace. Every fifth stroke he paused at the deepest point to thrust that last little bit. It seemed to be getting her off. Each time he paused and thrust, she'd tense up a little more, start trembling a little more, and her hands would ball up the blanket, clutching it in her fists.

  Ryan tried as hard as he could not to cum. He was sure he wasn't going to last much longer though, not with the way she was reacting and that tight bit he kept having to force himself into.

  He'd about given up and was going to just go ahead and let go when Nancy let out a muffled screech. Her body tensed and the rest of her pussy tightened up around his cock. He felt her flooding with moisture, which was the only thing that allowed him to keep thrusting.

  The next time he drove himself into the tight section at the end of her pussy, she started writhing, tossing herself back and forth on the bed. She tightened down on him even more and that pushed him over the edge as well. Before he knew it, he was flooding her pussy with his cum. She must've felt him cumming because even though he wasn't moving any more, she started cumming harder still.

  “Oh god! I can feel your heat filling me up,” she screamed. “Drive it into me, fill me up, Fuck Me!”

  Ryan tried to oblige, taking a few more thrusts, but her thrashing made it difficult. Finally he just pinned her down and drove himself all the way in to finish his own orgasm. She seemed to like being pinned. Even though she didn't say anything, after a brief moment where she determined that he had her thoroughly pinned, she wasn't struggling against him and seemed to be orgasming even harder than she had been.

  His brain went warm and fuzzy for a few moments, the way it always did when he came, and he closed his eyes and relished the feel of his cock surrounded by her warm, wet pussy. He stayed that way for a couple of minutes before releasing her and rolling to one side.

  The two of them just laid there for a while before Nancy leaned up on one arm. She looked at him and he saw that her face was still flushed. He also saw that she looked much more relaxed than he'd ever seen her yet.

  “Oh... My... God...!” she said, drawing out each word. “That was the best orgasm I've had in years, maybe the best one ever.”

  He grinned at her.

  “It would've been better if you'd let me play first. I like to get a girl really hot with foreplay, then do what we just did.”

  “If it was any better, I might not have survived it.”

  He raised his eyebrows.

  “Want to find out? You told me I could get hard again and do what I wanted later, it's later now.”

  “You aren't spent after that?”

  He shook his head.

  “Well, maybe for the moment. But if you let me play with your body for a few minutes I guarantee I'll be hard again.”

  “And you're going to try to make me cum even harder than I just did?”

  “I won't try to make you cum harder. I'm just guessing you will after I've gotten you going properly.”

  She raised a single eyebrow.

  “Oh really? I wasn't 'going properly' a few minutes ago?”

  Ryan held up his hands, palms out.

  “Whoa, step back there. I wasn't criticizing or saying that you weren't. I was just saying that foreplay can make the orgasms that follow more intense.”

  Nancy looked mollified. She glanced down at her body and a light sneer crossed her face.

  “Well, if you see anything interesting enough to play with there, feel free.”

  He shook his head.

  “What is it with women who are attractive. They almost always don't believe it. Even if you tell them straight out. That lets me know they weren't fishing for compliments and they actually believe what they said.”

  “My husband hasn't found me attractive enough to have sex with in almost a year. You're trying to tell me a young stud like you thinks I am?”

  “Hell yeah.”

  He reached out and ran a fingertip down her breasts.

  “Large, heavy breasts...”

  As he slid his finger down her body, she interrupted.

  “That sag down to my belly button.”

  Ryan continued as though she hadn't said anything.

  “Generous hips that give you an hourglass figure...”

  His other hand came around and he grasped her hips. Nancy felt the need to self-denigrate herself some more though.

  “An hourglass with a neck that would dump all the sand in it straight to the bottom.”

  He shook his head.

  “and that give you something to hold on to,” he said.

  “If you like holding onto rolls of flab.”

  “Will you hush please? I'm trying to explain what I find attractive and your comments are telling me that my opinion doesn't matter. Did you ever think that it might be something like that turning your husband off? No-one likes to be told that their opinion isn't even valid.”

  Nancy opened her mouth, then bit her lip to stop herself from speaking.

  “Here, let me prove it,” Ryan said. “Watch my cock.”

  He took her breast into his hand and started stroking it. When his fingers made it to her areola he felt his cock twitch slightly. Her nipple stretched from its softened state, straightening and firming as he watched. His fingertip ran up her stiffening nipple, making it harden and lengthen even more.

  His other hand captured her other breast and started kneading the soft, heavy flesh. His mouth came down to her taut nipple and as he sucked it in, he felt his erection make it most of the way back to full. He let go of one breast, still sucking on the other nipple, and guided her hand to his erection. At her touch it lengthened even more.

  He leaned up.

  “So, do you think that would happen that easily if I didn't find you attractive? Especially after I just came?”

  Nancy flushed. She hung her head and shook it from side to side.

  “No, I guess not. But that doesn't make it any better. That means that I turned my husband off with my thoughts and words.”

  “No, it doesn't mean that. It's a possibility, but there are all kinds of other possible reasons; maybe he has problems getting hard now, maybe there's an outside influence, any number of other things.”

  Ryan stopped his list abruptly. He'd seen her eyes glint when he mentioned an outside influence. When he combined that with the perfume he'd smelled on her husband, he had a good idea what was going on. Apparently Nancy did also, she just wasn't willing to talk about it.

  Maybe she isn't even willing to admit it to herself. It might only be in her subconscious, but she knows there's some other woman.

  “Are you going to live up to your promise to let me do more?” he asked.

  “I suppose, if you insist,” she said.

  She had a problem keeping her face straight when she said it though. She started giggling a moment later.

  “Like I'm going to stop some handsome, young stud from having his way with me? Especially after I've been ignored for so long? Go ahead, play with me. If you can make me cum like I did last time I'm all yours.”

  She smirked at him.

  “As a matter of fact, if you can make me cum harder than I did last time, like you claim you can, then you can do whatever you want to me. I'll be your personal little fucktoy slut. Would you like that?”

  Ryan felt his cock stir and try to stiffen more as she made her offer.

  “If you have to ask if I'd l
ike it, you haven't been paying attention for the last few minutes,” he said. “It's a deal.”

  Nancy grinned and laid back on the bed. Ryan scooted over next to her and lowered his head to her breasts again. His tongue flicked out, lightly lashing the tips of her nipples and she quivered from the contact.

  His hands started to wander. Despite being older and a mother, her skin was surprisingly soft and smooth. She'd obviously worked on getting fit again after giving birth. The only evidence that she had, and that she'd most likely breastfed, was on her breasts. There were a series of silver lines that ran down the upslope of her breasts, showing that they'd once been significantly larger than their previous hefty size. Her nipples were dark and large as well, another thing that happened to women when they breastfed.

  Ryan didn't mind in the least. He ran his tongue along the silver lines, eliciting a gasp from Nancy. He toyed with her thick nipples, pinching and pulling on them, trying to make then even stiffer and larger than they already were.

  Nancy's body responded to his attempts. He felt her nipples stiffen beneath his fingertips. He could feel the tension rising in her again already, despite her recent orgasm. Her body stiffened as he gave it the attention she craved so badly.

  When he leaned up and pressed his lips to hers, she was shocked. He forced his tongue between her lips before she got over it and started to return the kiss with fervent passion.

  His hands wandered lower, sliding down her stomach. She was shaved bare, and that confused him for a moment. He ran his fingers along her smooth pussy, pausing. His confusion must have been evident to her because she broke off the kiss for a moment.

  “Do you like it?” she asked “As soon as I was sure you were interested I started shaving. I'd heard you young men prefer it that way. But then you never did anything about it. You even tried to hide that you were interested. I was about to give up and stop again.”

  “I was afraid that if I made a pass at you, you'd fire me,” he said. “So I tried to ignore it. I was sure you were flirting with me, but I didn't know if you were just teasing or serious, and was too worried about losing the job to find out.”

  “Mmmm,” she sighed as his fingers brushed over her clit, “I was serious. But I guess you had no way to know that. Now, enough talking. I think you were going to try to make me top my last orgasm.”


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