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Blood Bound

Page 16

by Tara Sampson

  Leo sighed loudly, his frustrations riding him hard.

  “My sweet, they are only humans,” he said, clearly exasperated with this discussion. Why couldn’t she just accept the inevitable? “There are billions of them out there. No one will miss just one or two. Blood bars are unnatural and disgusting. I forbid you to ever step foot in one.”

  “Forbid me?” she exclaimed. “Are you serious right now?” She shook her head at him. “I thought you knew me Leo. Maybe I was mistaken. No one forbids me to do anything, least of all you.” She left the window and went back over to the bed, dropping down on the edge. “And, I still refuse to go hunting with you.”

  “Fine,” he snapped, going from highly aroused to highly irritate in the span of two point two seconds. “I’ll go hunting and you can feed from me.”

  “No!" She rounded on him so fast that a gush of air swirled around in the room, circling around them in a whirlwind frenzy paralleling the anger that she was feeling. “If you kill someone then I will not feed from you Leo.” She closed her eyes, “I told you,” she said more quietly, “I will not be a party to human murder. Did you forget that I was once a human not so long ago too?”

  Leo bellowed out an angry snarl, whipped his body around and plunged his fist into the wall. The deafening sound of the impact echoed in the room.

  “I won’t let you suffer because of your apparent newfound affinity for human life. You are all that matters to me. I won’t do it Shelby! You will feed from me and that’s final!”

  Shelby pulled herself up to stand on the bed, pointing her finger in his direction. She was getting ready to tell him exactly what he could do with his final declaration when he waved that all mighty hand of his and pulled his infamous Houdini act on her—again.

  “Dammit!” she hollered into the hollowness of the room. She huffed out a breath and stared at the closed door. She was getting tired of his childish disappearing acts whenever they got into a heated argument. It was beginning to border along the lines of ridiculousness.

  No more, Shelby told herself determinedly. She wasn’t letting him walk away from her this time. Closing her eyes, she forced herself to try and focus on where he was in the house. She tuned into him and locked onto his aura. She smiled.

  “Not this time Leo. You aren’t running from me again.”

  “Have you found anything yet?” Ric jumped at the sound of his master’s bellowing. He was still at the desk, doing research; but not the type of research that he was ordered to do. He was researching prime real estate because once this thing with the Prophecy was blown wide open; he fully expected to be a rich man.

  Turning around, he faced him with a false smile on his face.

  “Not yet, sir; these things take time.”

  Leo whirled around, his emotions still running high from the tiff with his little bride. He drew his hand through his hair and slowly exhaled. He had faith in his servant to get him the information that he needed in a timely manner. Soon enough he would know what he needed to know to protect Shelby.

  He also had this honeymoon that he had planned for Shelby. It should soothe her and with time, he knew that she would come to accept everything—including her new vampiric nature. He just had to have some patience and give it time. The rest would fall into place as it should.

  “You’re right,” he said to Ric. “I know they take time, especially when it’s done right. Also, I wanted to inform you that Shelby and I will be gone for the next week. We will be completely indisposed. Am I correct in assuming that I can trust that you can handle the affairs of the estate while we’re gone?”

  “Of course,” he said his attention on full-scale alert. “Where are you going?”

  “A honeymoon; I’m taking her to the Cocos Islands but I don’t want that bit of information to go any further than this room.”

  “Duly noted,” he remarked. Ric leaned up on the desk, placing his elbows in front of him. Watching his master, he thought that it was such a shame that he came from the seed of one of the greatest coven masters in history; such a waste. Leo’s father had great plans for their kind. He knew that they were far more superior to the humans and that their day to rule was coming fast upon them. “Sir, may I ask you a question?” He was pretty sure that he already knew the answer, made plans as to such but just wanted confirmation; needed it, in honor of his original master.

  Leo glanced back at Ric and shrugged.

  “I suppose.”

  “Why is this human girl so important to you?” Ric noticed the red tint around his orbs start to brighten in his master’s eyes and quickly added in, “I mean…if she is part of this prophecy, couldn’t that be a sign that she might be more trouble than she’s worth?”

  Leo took a step forward, feeling the beast rise within him.

  “She is my bride,” he hissed through his elongated teeth, “and you would take care to remember that.” Approaching the desk, he lifted his hand and pounded his fist against it, causing the oak to crack right down the center. “I will not tolerate questions as to her worth. She is not a human and has not been for years; the day that I fed her my blood, she was bound to me. She’s one of us, blood of my blood and she would be worth all of the trouble in the universe if that’s what it came down to.”

  Ric leaned back in his chair, feeling the fury that was emanating off of his master. It was clear that he would never see the light. As he thought, he was a lost cause and because of that, he would have to be dealt with too.

  “Do you mean that?” Leo snapped his head back. Shelby was standing there just feet away from him. She had heard everything that he’d said and it really got to her. No one had ever stood up for her as vigilantly as he had.

  Her face was crestfallen and he wanted nothing more than to pull her into his arms and hold her there forever.

  “I do,” he said softly.

  “Can you not kill for me? Can you only take what is needed when you feed?”

  She knew that she was going out on a limb here but it was the only compromise that she could think of.

  “Not kill?” he repeated her words, looking totally perplexed.

  She walked over to him, closing the distance and rested her hand on his cheek.

  “Yes, my love. For me, can you not kill the humans when you hunt?” She closed her eyes, hoping against hope that he would give just a little on this. “If you don’t kill them, then I will I promise that I’ll feed from you.”

  Leo seemed to think about it and a second later, he pulled her into his arms.

  “For you, my sweet, I can do anything.” He pressed a kiss against her temple and inhaled her sweet scent. “If you insist that I let the humans live, then it will be.”

  Shelby leaned into him and sighed. Why couldn’t life always be this easy?

  “Thank you,” she whispered and at the same time, she looked up and could have sworn that his servant was snarling at her. She frowned, pushing her face back into his chest. Putting on her big girl panties, she figured it was now or never, she asked him, “Are you ready to go hunting?”

  Leo smiled down at her, already anticipating the night’s activities. He would feed then she would feed from him. He had to stifle his groan as his pants tightened against his groin.

  “With you,” he said huskily, “I’m always ready.” Not bothering to say anything else to Ric, he flicked his hand and they dematerialized under the cloak of darkness.

  Ric watched them disappear. The moment they were gone, he reached for the first thing that he could get his hands on and tossed it across the room. Glass splintered everywhere as the paperweight exploded against the concrete wall.

  Not kill the prey? What the hell kind of vampire leaves their dinner alive? That was just unheard of.

  What that pitiful human asked of Leo went against all of their natural instincts. It wasn’t right. It wasn’t the way of the vampire. First, she convinces him to take mercy on the maggots, what’s next? Were they to side by side, adhering to their pathetic rules? Ha!
Not happening; not in this life time.

  It was time to make another phone call. He reached for the phone, already knowing the Councilman’s number by heart. Leo and Shelby may make it to the Cocos Islands but they would never leave them; at least not breathing. He would make damn sure of that, if it was the last thing that he ever did.

  Chapter 24

  Shelby couldn’t believe what she was doing. She squeezed her eyes closed, waited a long minute and then opened them again. She wasn’t sure exactly what she hoped would happen by closing her eyes, it just seemed like a really good thing to do at the time, considering the alternative. The big problem remained though, when she opened her eyes, she still felt it. On the one hand, her mind rebelled against what she was seeing. But on the other, her body was getting crazy turned on and she didn’t think that was such a good thing.

  “This is insane,” she mumbled to herself, watching Leo feed from some drunken man that unfortunately made the mistake of shouting out several crude remarks to her when they passed by. It took Leo all of about ten whole seconds to put him under his mind control, walk him to the alley and sink his fangs into the pulse point of his neck.

  The gurgling sound that Leo made as he dined on the man’s life essence made her stomach churn, round and round. It also made her gums ache for need and her breast ache from want. She tried to force herself to look away but she couldn’t. Her gaze was so focused on Leo and his prey that she couldn’t even bat an eyelash. Instead, she found herself anticipating his next move.

  Focus on me, my sweet. Focus on what you’re feeling, what your body is telling you. Take those feelings and let the beast come out. I’m keeping my promise, although I don’t really think he deserves it. This one will not die by my hand on this night, Leo’s words whispered through her mind. She closed her eyes again and took a deep breath, forcing her mind to zero in on Leo and then turned that same intense focus to everything that she was feeling inside her: the building need, the heightening want. She tried really hard to keep her mind there but in the background, she heard another gag-worthy slurp and bile crept up her throat. This wasn’t working.

  No! Leo all but yelled out in her mind. Me, Shelby. Come back to me; feel the hunger that burns inside you.

  She gasped at the sudden demand. She was trying; really, really trying, but she just couldn’t get around the fact that he was killing another so he could live. It wasn’t right in her mind.

  She felt fingers grab a hold of her chin; hard fingers with a gentle touch.

  “Look at me Shelby. Open your eyes and see me.” She swallowed hard, her throat burning with the hunger that simmered inside her. She opened up those eyes and peered into the bottomless pits of Leo’s gaze. “He’s not dead. I kept my promise. Now I need you to keep yours.”

  Leo ripped open his shirt, and slashed his talon like fingernail across his chest.

  “Feed,” he said, pulling her closer to him. “Take what you need and let my life essence sustain you.”

  Shelby’s gaze locked onto the red river that was snaking down the length of his chest. Bright red crimson, tempting her in a sinuous glide as it moved further and further down his body. Her gums throbbed as her fangs elongated. Her tongue thickened with a thirst that begged to be quenched. The fight inside her was over before it ever truly began.

  Her head lowered, bent and she caught the tail end of the liquid trail with her mouth, licking it all the way up to the small incision where it first began. Looking up at Leo, underneath her fringed lashes, she opened her mouth and sank her fangs into the fleshy part of his skin. Keeping eye contact with him, she started to drink in big pulls, taking what he so freely offered to her.

  Leo groaned, feeling himself prepare for her. His groin swelled in size, as the kiss of fire licked all over him. Feeling his bride take from him was one hell of a turn on but watching her, there was no sight that he could imagine being sexier.

  “That’s it,” he encouraged her, wrapping his arms around his bride and pulling her flush up against him. “Drink and feel. Feel what it is that you do to me.” He pushed his center up against her belly and caught a hint of her sexy smile.

  Oh yeah, she knew. Shelby pushed back, rubbing her chest up against his, giving back just as good as she got. She knew exactly what she was doing to him and if that little flicker in her eye meant anything, she was ready, able and more than willing.

  Leo glanced around the alley that there were shrouded in. The drunk was unconscious; breathing but definitely unconscious. There were no signs that anyone else was around.

  “Are you ready for the honeymoon, my sweet?”

  This time, there was no hiding her smile. She pulled her fangs out of his chest and still keeping her eyes locked with his, she used that pink little tongue of hers to swipe over her marks.

  “Damn,” Leo cursed, imaging that succulent little tongue in other places.

  “I’m more than ready,” she replied coyly.

  Keeping one hand wound possessively around his bride, he lifted the other one and waved it around them.

  The air shimmered and the earth tilted slightly underneath Shelby. She blinked and when she opened her eyes, they were in a cabana with nothing but the moonlight to guide them. The sound of waves gently crashing on the shore was their music and the air was scented of salt and sea. She turned her head and looked around her, taken aback by the sheer beauty of the location. Bringing her hand to her mouth, she fought the tears that stung her eyes.

  “What?” Leo asked, pressing his hands on his bride’s shoulders. “What’s wrong, my love?”

  When she turned around, she saw nothing but sincere concern in his eyes. How could she have ever doubted this man; this wonderful, handsome and way too sweet of a man? She turned back around in the circle of his arms and looped her hands around his neck.

  “It’s perfect,” she whispered, standing on her toes and lightly kissing his chin, “absolutely perfect.”

  “Are you sure?” In that one question, Leo showed her first sign of uncertainty. He wanted this to be perfect for her. He wanted this honeymoon to be one that she would always remember.

  She lightly bit into her bottom lip and gave a woeful sigh.

  “There’s one thing missing though.”

  “Really, love,” he perked up, ready to give her the world, “and what would that one thing be?”

  A seductress’ smile lit up her lips. She pulled herself closer to him so that they were chest to chest.

  “You, my husband, have yet to make love to me.”

  “Well,” he let out a husky chuckle and picked her up at the same time. Spinning her around, he headed for the large king size bed that was set up in the center of the cabana. “Shame on me; I think it’s time that I rectified that.”

  He laid her down and with a simple motion of his wrist, stripped the both of them. She giggled; obviously still getting used to some of the perks of vampirism.

  “I say, rectify away. There’s nothing standing between us but air and opportunity.”

  He crawled in the bed beside her, letting his hand run up the length of her leg, delighted with the little shudders she gave him from his touch alone. From her leg, his light touch moved along the silky curve of her hip bone, up her side and underneath the swell of her breast. A red flush, heated her cheeks, filling her face with new color.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered against the skin at the crook of her neck. Maneuvering himself around, he lifted his head and pushed his body up so that he was above her. “You’re so breathtakingly beautiful. I’ve waited so long for you; my love but now that I finally have you. I can definitely say that the wait was well worth it. You’re mine as I am yours.”

  Shelby shyly smiled up at him. This connection that they had between them was nothing like she’d ever felt before. It was strong and unyielding. When she breathed, he breathed; when her heart beat, his beat too. They were two parts of one brought together out of tragedy and bound by blood.

  “I am yours a
s you are mine,” she breathed out, repeating his words from earlier.

  Leaning over, he caught her mouth up in a passionate kiss and set out to take them across waters that had yet to be charted.

  “Where is my son?” Isabella demanded after stomping her way into Leo’s office.

  Ric looked up from where he had just hung up the phone and frowned.

  “On his honeymoon,” he told her dryly.

  “No.” She placed her delicate hands on her hips. “I refuse to believe that he took that mongrel on a…a…honeymoon.”

  Ric looked up at her with a wry expression.

  “Believe it or not, honey, he did and that’s not even the worst of it.”

  Isabella stared back at Ric, her eyes narrowing in on him.

  “What do you mean that’s not the worst of it? How much worst can it get? He’s bonded with a filthy human and I can’t make him see reason. His father would roll over in his grave if he knew about this.”

  “You’re right. Mr. Risso would have none of this. He would have gone straight to the root of the problem and exterminated it.”

  Isabella looked thoughtful.

  “You know, you’re right. But when I tried that, Leo was there. I don’t know what else to do.”

  “There is always the Council,” Ric pointed out. “You know how they feel about humans and you know about the movement that Mr. Risso started to put them back where they belonged.”

  She waved her hand in a gesture of dismissal.

  “Yes, but they won’t bother themselves with one stupid human. They would probably look down on us because we couldn’t get rid her of her ourselves. This is something that we need to deal with; and the sooner it’s handled, the better.”


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