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The lost sermons of Jesus,revealed

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by Eric EH Buddhadharma


  1.Each corpse tells you a story of his lifetime. Corpse is still, stiff and in its original form. If you spend time with the corpse you can read through them, learn through them, and brace yourself for your last days on earth.


  1.The cosmos is a bundle of supreme energy and a fraction of the God’s architecture. The cosmos is a mystery to you and let it remain so.


  1.Country is manmade and eye-wash for convenience. God made the earth for all of you without any demarcation.


  1.Sometimes man forcefully acquired the region where weaker section of the people survived. They destroyed their habitat, built their own bastion, gave a name to their country, and called it their very own.


  1.He also created evil for you. Amongst you are evil people and evil doers. They are His creation and He allowed them to mingle with you. Let them carry on their mission; you refrain from mingling and following them.


  1.You always stoned and hit the diseased dog when it came to your door to beg for food. You hushed him away even though you had food that you would throw in the bin. You advised others too to hush and stone the dog. The dog cursed you while dying in misery. You got rid of the dog but you got the disease in your skin that burnt furiously and when you went to pass urine, your urine burnt your passage like fire. Gradually you lost both your eyesight, slipped, fell, and broke your bones. You became a bundle of flesh, bones, and the pain and suffering became unbearable, and then you begged your Lord to end your life. You suffered the pain; you soiled the bed and eventually died to everyone’s relief. You died without dignity, a gift from the diseased dog to you.


  1.Death may be of your body or death may be of your mind and soul. When it is your body, you leave your remains in this world but if your soul and mind is dead in your living body, you are dead before your death. You do not remain a human because you are void of compassion, love, reasoning, kindness, and remorse. You remain detached from your Lord and lose all your spiritual qualities.


  1.Oh my people! Keep away from the enticement of possessing money or goods that is not yours and that which you may not be able to repay or return for sure, in this lays your dignity and respect. One moment of weakness of mind may lead you and your entire family into the vicious debt cycle from which you may never get respite easily. Such situations could damage your reputation, mental health, family life, and social life beyond repair.


  1.Then your desire grew to calm your biological needs. You asked your people to send in a few virgins who could dance in the temple, calm the demons, clean them, and be the slaves of the Demons. Your command got virgins into the temple. You abused the virgins by night and made them your slaves by the day. You showed them the ways you could harm them if they said a thing to the people.


  1.Man is a slave to desire. Since the time he was born into this world, he craves. Even as a child, before he learns to talk, he gestures at his desire to possess things. When he grows older, he expresses his desire to his parents. When he is grown up, he still desires. When he is old and withered, he desires to get back his youth. Before he dies, he desires to live a little more. The Lord made you good but you turn pathetic. See some of you closely and you will see disappointment and unfulfilled desires since man was born.


  1.You always believed that God is responsible for your prosperity or misery, that He control your future and your destiny. When man meets with any misfortune, you call it fate and hold Him responsible for it. When you go to any fortune teller, he predicts your rise or fall and provides you with details on the precautions that may be taken to avoid pitfalls. Amongst men, there are twist and turns in one’s life. A poor man turns rich or a rich man turns poor. A man meets with an accident and dies, you regard it as fate. Man otherwise unknown turns famous overnight you call it destiny. What would you call when a rich person takes a stray dog into its care or a creature meets with an accident and dies prematurely? How will your fortune teller prevent the creatures’ misfortunes? Is that the destiny of those creatures? Let me give you another example- When a batch of carts are sold to different kind of people, some are maintained very well, others are mishandled in some far off poor countries and a few meets with accident or crashes. These are non-living things, then how would your fortune teller predict their future and how would he prevent its misfortune? Does not all your ignorance show up now?


  1.Mankind always associate destruction with something negative and non-constructive. However, destruction only allows new ways to be constructed. Unless something destroys, new form will never get a chance to come in its place. Therefore, destruction in a way is a natural process to allow the change in forms from one material thing to another. When something destroys, one should remember and have solace that the destroyed form will one day take another form and present itself in the planet. However, the construction or re-birth of such destroyed form will not be able to be located, in neither its new form nor the location of its birth and growth.


  1.When you go by your tongue only, you feel the pleasant taste immediately on your lips but you cannot see the damage it is causing gradually to your entire system. When you go only by the taste of any meal rather than its unfriendly properties to your system, you are inviting disharmony in your physiological system leading to diseases eventually.


  1.You can perform within your world of five sense organs. Even when you claim to use your sixth sense, you cannot use your sixth sense beyond the three dimensions, five senses and the seven colours of the spectrum and a mix thereof. Your entire world revolves around these limitations, physical and spiritual.


  1.Discourse by people less knowledgeable and with a view to create hatred amongst mankind of different ideology is injurious and such people are the enemies of mankind and should be ostracised.


  1.Look at those developments in medicines. Since early times, there were diseases and there were medicines. For each disease, there is more than one medicine for the cure. Time passed and new medicines and research in medicines got you newer and better medicines. Did you find any eradication in diseases? When one disease is eradicated, another and more severe one, life threatening, takes its place. With newer and better medicines come more severe diseases. To combat and cure diseases you need to perform only true actions, karma, or deeds, true thoughts and true feelings.


  1.Dream is what you live in, day after day and year after year. It is only the dream that lets you live, otherwise life would be without hope and future. The irony is hopes and the futures are all dreams. You drown in a cauldron of dreams that never lets you out of it. Did you ever stop to think that all what you think to be real are in fact dream that you drift in?


  1.Economy of any country would only be stable if the citizens are honest in tax payments and learn to conserve energy and contribute towards the socio economic development programmes. It is not just the government that can handle the economy all alone; citizens contribute towards the development directly or indirectly.


  1.Why cannot all countries get together and educate the people of the world compulsorily? Had you done this years ago you would have reaped healthy dividend and people of your world would have been more rationale in their thoughts and activities. There would have been less violence and better interaction amongst people of the world. Remember, interaction makes better friends, more so, when you can converse in the same language. So pool in all the treasures of the world and spend it in educating people all over the world compulsorily and by force .So let all people of this planet interact with each other, for understanding creates brotherhood and brotherhood creates peace and happiness.
Without education, communication is a far cry and without education, therefore, most people around this world are missing out on knowing and making friends with each other.


  1.You thought embryo to be only a biological compound which goes to create a foetus. What you do not know is embryo functions also as a copy of the parental mood, diseases, health and other parameters at the time of its inception in the mother’s womb.


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