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The lost sermons of Jesus,revealed

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by Eric EH Buddhadharma


  1.Your inner voice is your religion, your protector, your advisor and your guide for ever. It helps you come out of difficult situations, it allows you to take correct decisions for which you are happy in the long run, and at every step, it keeps telling you the dos and don’ts in life. It is up to you how much you can hear it and how much you ignore it. Your inner voice is always active and always suggesting, it never betrays like the beat of your heart.


  1.In the jungle, there is no law and order, yet the loss of lives is limited to the bare necessity for the predators. In mans’ world , in spite of having voluminous work on law and order, each and every moment such laws are disrespected and broken.


  1.Once you learn to perform Good karma, you tread the path of self-healing and positive energy. You heal yourselves and Good karma helps you in healing others too with the energy you release while performing such positive deeds.


  1.You own land from end to end that you survey. You control your subjects and your word is the law. When you are in gentlemen’s gathering you wear a crown, you decorate yourself with ostentation and have people in uniform all around you. You call yourself a King. Oh king do you know how small, weak and insignificant you are compared to this universe? How temporary is your abode and your rule in your land? You take pride in being the head of your land and with one finger, you signal your command. Oh King of the land! When the breeze turns into storm, the water turns into flood, and the earth shakes and swallows up your land, do you still stand and command the air, water, and earth to stop? In addition, do they stop? Your kingdom is as weak as a house of cards and the spider’s web.


  1.Knowledge that takes man and his world towards destruction is no knowledge. Knowledge that helps bring up good people and environment and reach a stage of enlightenment is true knowledge.


  1.Man speaking another language and with compassion readily makes you understand his feelings towards you. There are ways; man conveys his feelings that come naturally to him. He need not take the help of any language to make someone understand his feelings or the message he wants to convey.


  1.First, you commit crime and then go to prison or correctional centre. This is not the true answer in discouraging crime. Even when men are being hanged for rape the very next week or month later there is another case of rape and murder, which means punishment does little to ward off such heinous crimes.


  1.When this world will be completely possessed by religious hypothesis, myth ,rituals, sacrifices, empty promises and god men, the legends will be born in different regions of the world in their own languages and culture and appraise man of what is right and what is wrong. They will be legends who will bring back mankind to the ways of reality and truth. Reality and truth will show man the way to peace and happiness again. They will be the true legend for mankind who will live in their hearts as saviours and the leader to show them the path to ultimate understanding about the world and nature. They will show man why man should not worry about things beyond their control, such as who are mankind and all living beings, from where they have come and where shall they return, who is the creator and whom to worship. What is beyond the cosmos and where does the universe end. Questions that do not concern mankind only eat into their energy. They will teach man not to worship or believe in myth and hypothesis but believe in brotherhood and love all living beings alike. They will show the path to oneness of all living beings; how man had been cruel and indifferent to all other living beings. How man destroyed the habitat of the living creatures for his own benefit. Man will see through his mistake and the legends will bring back the love of mankind for all those creatures wronged by mankind. When these living creatures will befriend mankind and mankind will befriend the creatures, man will see happiness and brotherhood for everyone prevail. These will be the true legends that will walk this earth one day amongst man and beast. Such legend will live on forever in the hearts of man and beasts alike.


  1.Wise people amongst you came on this earth and will continue to come. Most of them professed that life exists in everything on this earth. Truth is Lord has given life in everything across this universe. The wise men told you that life was in different form on this earth and other planets. However, Lord provided life within life, meaning in the water you see sea life and exclaim, but the sea and water itself has life, otherwise how it would help in maintaining all life forms in this world. A drop of blood attracts shark at a long distance, man is yet to discover and utilize it for mans’ benefit. Likewise, on this earth, you see different life forms and exclaim, but the earth itself has life, otherwise how would the plants and the sentient beings survive on this earth. . In the air, Lord gave the invisible lives, but the air itself has life, otherwise how would it carry all the wavelengths that you use in your day to day life. Everything on this earth and the entire universe has life. It is how you see it and feel the life in each one of them.


  1.Spare or idle times are best utilized thinking and meditating. Whether you are in a bus, train or in a car, whether you are waiting in the bank queue or in a post office queue, the time you have is all your own to spend to meditate and think ways to improve your lifestyle. Time is time anyway, lost once, and cannot be found.


  1.Amongst the creatures, other than man, there is no law prevailing in the jungle, one eats the other. In spite of this, not all the creatures have perished in so many years. Amongst men, in spite of all the laws of their lands, there is a great potential to perish the entire mankind, even though man does not eat man. They kill each other for gains!


  1.The closing of the market place and the downing of the shutter will also lead you to the section where you will find stray dogs and cats sniffing their way to some gutter. This gutter has been the dining table for a few generations of dogs and cats, for the blood and wastes from the dead animals thrown into it, some still sticking on to the gutter. When you reach this section and stand in deep silence, you can see it not as a market place but as a slaughter house for animals, animals, which withered in pain till its last breath, which shoppers happily, bought as freshly cut meat. In a little while, the place will haunt you and you can feel the cry of the animals seeking justice. You can smell their blood still fresh and their soul lurking .In the morning you can come and ask those butchers what their lives have been as butchers. Believe me my people! They are never a happy lot. They are always in misery and their lives are pathetic. For they live and thrive on killing and selling lives. Pain never allows anyone to lead a peaceful and respectful life.


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