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Sing to Me (The Highlands Book 1)

Page 23

by Ali M. Cross

  She hadn’t let go of his hand since the moment they unhooked her from all the leads. Doctors and nurses had come and gone, friends, her siblings, and she’d insisted Nix sit with her, holding her hand, through it all. When they walked out of the clinic, Gavin and Lindsay were waiting to take her home, but she asked that they drive her to Nix’s place, instead.

  “I’ll bring her home in a little while,” Nix assured Lindsay.

  “Hey, you should call Jodi today, Gav,” Fiona said, leaning forward so her brother could hear her over the road noise. “I bet you didn’t get a chance to tell her goodnight.” She grinned and Gavin grimaced.

  Nix caught Gavin’s gaze in the rearview mirror and raised his eyebrows, but the man looked away. Gavin couldn’t do anything to disguise the red blush that colored his neck, though.

  “Did you at least have a nice dance with her?” Fiona slumped back like a little girl with a pout on. “I thought you guys looked so good together.”

  “They did, didn’t they?” Lindsay gushed. “I could tell even from up on the stage!”

  “Well if you must know,” Gavin said softly, “I already have her number. And I made plans to call her before we even left the dance floor.”

  “You dog!” Lindsay exclaimed, slapping Gavin’s arm. He exaggerated swerving the car so they all laughed.

  Nix slid his arm around Fiona’s shoulders and watched the faces of the people he loved, the people he hoped to call family one day. He belonged to them. And they certainly belonged to him. He would love them always, no matter what, but it sure would be nice if they could one day love him back.

  Fiona curled against Nix, warmed inside and out. He’d lit a fire in the potbellied stove in the corner of the room and placed a hot mug of chocolate in her hands. Then he’d slipped in behind her, letting her snuggle against his chest, as he pulled a blanket up over her legs. “I’m in heaven,” she said. His answering chuckle rumbled against her back and threatened to make her spill her hot chocolate. “Hey,” she said, without any heat.

  “I am too.” He wrapped his arms around her and drew her even closer.

  “It’s only been a couple weeks.” She took a sip of her drink and was glad he couldn’t see her face.

  “Mmm, hmm.” He bent his mouth to her neck, running his nose along the line of her jaw, placing tender kisses behind her ear.

  “Is that okay?”

  “Does it feel okay?” His mouth was so close to her ear that his breath tickled her hair and made her shiver.

  “It feels perfect,” she admitted. “Is it too fast for you? Because we—” He tipped her back and silenced her words with a kiss. It wasn’t gentle, it wasn’t questioning. It was a statement, a declaration. He loved her, she knew it. She just needed to believe it.

  He withdrew, leaving her breathless, his face inches above hers. “I just don’t want you to feel trapped,” he said, his voice warm and rumbly.

  “I know.” She swallowed, then raised her fingers to trace along his jaw, over his lips. He closed his eyes, a low growl in his throat. “And I don’t. I feel free, Nix. Utterly and completely free.” His eyes glimmered with a wicked light and he bent to kiss her again. “It’s just . . . I need to hear it again.” He stopped, his eyes fixed on her lips.

  “Hear what? That I love you? Because I really, really do.”

  She shook her head, her lips curling upward in a slow smile. “Sing to me, Nix Elliott.”

  And he did.



  Trust in Me

  Gavin’s story

  Believe in Me

  Lindsay’s story

  Come to Me

  Jack’s story


  I owe this book’s existence to my critique group—namely, Elana Johnson, Sara Olds and Carrie Harris. Without their encouragement I wouldn’t have even tried to give writing inspirational romance a shot.

  And then I had to send it to author Tristi Pinkston and ask, “Is this even a romance?” She writes incredible contemporary western romance as Amelia C. Adams. Tristi actually said, “YES!” … and then I had to figure out what to do with that!

  Thanks to Tristi, this book is here.

  I’m a science fiction and fantasy author—so why did I decide to write an inspirational western romance? Because I love God and I am so grateful for the love He’s brought into my life. I feel a lot like Fiona and David, my husband, is like Nix who saw through my hard-hearted heart to the woman beneath. I owe them both for the happy life I live.

  Ali M. Cross, has always had a flare for the dramatic. As a child she organized backyard performances of classic plays and musicals and hosted tea parties for invisible friends and pets dressed in doll clothes. Ali told stories through music until as an adult she discovered she had a voice for writing, as well.

  After university, Ali traveled for love from the Great White North to the Utah desert and now entertains her devoted husband, grown twin sons and adorable yorkies with her wacky song renditions and random movie lines. As the only female in the house she considers this her right and her duty.

  Never one to conform to expectations, Ali enjoys writing in multiple genres: Ali Cross books for young adult paranormal romance; Ali Banks Cross books for middle grade adventures; and Ali M. Cross for inspirational romance. She promises to entertain you no matter which of her books you pick up.

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