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Bloody Beginnings

Page 5

by Laura Hysell

  The doctor walked over to me, setting a hot cup of tea on the table. “Well, it’s good to see some color in your cheeks,” she commented, and I knew my face must be bright red. I felt Mark’s chest move in what I presumed was laughter, even though he was quiet about it.

  The doctor took my temperature again, and I think we were all happy to see it was up to 94 already. As soon as she left the room I sat up and grabbed the mug, carefully taking a sip of tea. Mark moved behind me, wrapping me in a cocoon of blankets before he stood up. Mark’s back was to me as I peered over the rim of my cup, taking in the pair of black silk boxers he was wearing. Well, at least he had some clothes on. He stretched his arms, the muscles of his back rippling with the movement, before he looked over his shoulder at me.

  “I was on strict orders to keep you warm,” he said, turning and looking at me, his face looking very serious. “You scared the crap out of me, Izzy. I didn’t know what happened. One minute, you were talking to me. The next thing I knew you were passed out and your body was seizing or something. You were moaning and thrashing around for the longest time. I couldn’t wake you so I just drove here as fast as I could, but you started getting so cold. I was sweating with the heater on full blast, and you just got colder and colder.”

  I was moaning? Oh, the dream, I thought. I felt my face flush once again and I hurriedly looked down, hiding my face behind my hair. I took a sip of tea, and ended up gulping down the rest of it. I set the mug down and stood up, pulling the blankets with me. Mark followed me like a large shadow, hovering behind me. I moved toward the fireplace, warming myself in front of it. “So, where are we?” I finally asked.

  “We’re at Jed’s house,” he said as though that was explanation enough.

  Mark moved up beside me, his hands nervously running through his hair. “You need a shave,” I said casually, observing the thick growth on his face. He barked a laugh, but he seemed nervous. “So, who’s Jed? The friend you mentioned?”

  “I don’t know if friend is the word I would use,” he said softly, suddenly stiffening and turning around. I peeked over my shoulder and turned as well as a tall, dark-haired man wearing a navy flannel shirt, jeans and cowboy boots walked in.

  The man smiled and walked towards us. He was tall and obviously muscular, and I have to admit a little intimidating. He held his hand out to me, “I’m Jed Harris.”

  I shook his hand while tightly holding the blankets with my other hand. “I’m Isabella, but most people call me Izzy,” I replied.

  He nodded and rocked back on his heels, his brown eyes darting from Mark to me. “So, Mark tells me you’ve had quite the interesting last few days. Run-ins with vampires usually don’t end well for humans.”

  Another person who says vampires exist. Great, just what I need. “Well, it has been an interesting few days. I must be having a weird reaction to the vaccine,” I muttered.

  Jed laughed, shaking his head. “I get it,” he said softly, still chuckling. “You don’t want to admit in a thing such as vampires. Normally I’d say it’d be better for you that way, but since you’re already under vampire control, I think it’s a moot point. Vampires do exist, as do other things.”

  I’m under vampire control? What was that supposed to mean? I shivered, and Mark immediately placed his arm around me. He wasn’t normally this protective of me, but I guess my almost dying may have something to do with that. Or maybe he just didn’t trust this Jed guy.

  The doctor walked in with the thermometer in hand once again and I waited patiently while she took my temperature. “Well, well, well, looks like you’re back to normal,” Dr. Humphry said, smiling as she looked at the thermometer. “I think Isabella has had a rough day, so why don’t I get her some food and clothes.” The doctor looked pointedly at Jed, then at Mark.

  Mark dropped his arm from around my shoulder and I let Dr. Humphry lead me out of the room and down a hallway that branched off toward another large living room and a staircase. I could hear people talking beyond the living room towards what I assumed was a kitchen by the delicious aromas wafting my way. The doctor continued to lead me up the staircase at the end of the hallway. The second floor opened up in a hallway that appeared to be made up of bedrooms and a single bathroom.

  We stopped before the bathroom, where a set of towels and several clothes were lying on the counter. “Hopefully the clothes fit,” the doctor said, pointing at the pile. “Why don’t you take a shower and get cleaned up, then come downstairs to the kitchen. Talk can wait until after you’ve been fed.”

  The doctor left and I immediately stripped and turned the shower onto its hottest setting. I winced at the heat until my body adjusted. The shower felt wonderful and I would have lingered if it weren’t for my stomach rumbling a protest. My skin was red from the heat by the time I turned off the shower. I dried off with a luxuriously soft towel and pulled on a pair of jeans and a blue buttoned shirt. Once again there was no underwear, but I couldn’t complain too much since the clothes fit perfectly. I looked at myself in the mirror and wondered at how great I looked, despite the fact I wore no makeup. I didn’t think after all the ordeals I’d been through that I’d look good, but I think I actually looked better than ever.

  I toweled off my hair and ran my fingers through the damp strands before heading down the stairs toward the smells of food. The large living room I had passed opened up on a massive dining room, complete with a thick mahogany table laden with food. Several people bustled from the dining room to the kitchen beyond, carrying food and drinks to the table. I counted eight place settings and there was still room at the table for more. I stood back, watching the people bustle back and forth, laughing and joking as they went.

  Dr. Humphry walked into the dining room on the arm of a giant of a man. The man had shaggy auburn hair and a massive beard and was carrying a large platter of ham in one hand. He dropped the tray on the table and looked over at me, the smile that had been on his face vanishing. A smaller brunette woman walked in carrying a tray of biscuits, followed by two other men who were identical in looks but were dressed very differently.

  “Isabella,” Jed said from behind me, making me jump. “You’ve met Mirabelle Humphry, our good doctor. This is her husband, Hugo.”

  I held my hand out to the red-haired man, but he just looked at me and sat down at the table. The doctor, Mirabelle, smiled apologetically at me before sitting down beside her husband. “This is Beth,” Jed continued, indicating the pretty brunette woman who nodded to me before sitting down across from Mirabelle. She had a pixie-like face and large brown eyes. Jed pointed at the two twins. Both had sandy brown hair and rugged good looks. One wore a suit and tie, his face clean-shaven and his hair cut short. The second was dressed casually in jeans and a t-shirt, with slightly longer hair and a 5 o’clock shadow. “These two are Logan and Lucas.”

  The twin in the suit and tie walked over and shook my hand, smiling at me with perfect white teeth. “Logan Hill, investments,” he said by way of introduction.

  The second twin shoved Logan aside, laughing. “And I’m the better, more handsome brother, Lucas,” he said, taking my hand in both of his. “You have such soft skin,” he commented before he kissed the back of my hand, his blue eyes twinkling mischievously.

  “Come, sit down,” Jed said, pulling out a chair for me beside Beth.

  I sat down and looked across the table at Hugo, who glared at me menacingly. I shivered, looking around for Mark. Lucas sat down beside me, pulling his chair close to mine. “So, are you single?” Lucas whispered in my ear.

  “Lucas,” Jed said warningly, and Lucas laughed before grabbing a fork and piling several slabs of ham on his plate.

  No one seemed to stand on ceremony, everyone simply filling their plates with whatever food they wished. I looked around the table, noticing the empty plate where Mark should be. Lucas leaned across me, his hand brushing across my breasts as reached for the bowl of mashed potatoes. “You’d better get some food before it’s all gone,”
he said as he piled potatoes and ham on my plate.

  “Thanks,” I muttered, taking the gravy boat from him. He smiled again, his eyes darting toward my chest. I poured gravy on my potatoes and began piling food on my plate. There was enough food to feed an army and everyone had their plates overloaded, except for the doctor and me.

  The food was delicious and I savored every bite, helping myself to extra crescent rolls smothered in cranberry jelly. To me it seemed like an early Thanksgiving, although I couldn’t help but notice Mark’s absence more and more as the food vanished. At first it was quiet at the table, an almost uncomfortable silence, until Lucas started throwing peas across the table at his brother. For several minutes Logan ignored it, until he finally scooped a spoonful of peas up and chucked it back at Lucas.

  Lucas laughed as the peas splattered across his face and suddenly people were laughing and talking, the atmosphere in the room changing. I turned toward Jed, who was speaking quietly to Mirabelle. I opened my mouth to ask Jed about Mark, when I noticed Beth out of the corner of my eye shaking her head. “Don’t,” she said softly.

  “Do you know where Mark is?” I asked her quietly. She shook her head again, darting nervous glances at Jed.

  “Mark went for a run,” Jed said, and the room went silent. I looked up to see Jed staring at me and I felt my heart pounding in my chest. Polite as he was, there was still something very dangerous about him. “He’ll be back shortly. Eat.”

  Everyone returned to their food and conversation slowly resumed as though nothing had happened. I don’t know why, but I was scared. My palms were sweating, my heart was pounding, and I was looking around the room for a quick escape. Just then I heard a door bang closed from the kitchen and Mark sauntered in, wearing a pair of ripped jeans and an unbuttoned flannel shirt. He certainly didn’t look like he’d been running, especially since he wasn’t wearing any shoes, but his skin was drenched in sweat.

  Mark didn’t look at anyone, just grabbed a plate and began piling food on it before sitting down on the other side of Lucas. I looked over at him, noticing the bruise developing on his cheek and the drying blood on his chest. Mark glanced up at me briefly before buttoning his shirt and continuing to shovel food in his mouth. Lucas leaned toward me, placing a hand on the back of my chair and blocking my view of Mark with his body.

  “So, sweetheart, you never answered my question,” Lucas said softly as he leaned closer to me, his eyes blatantly trailing down my body. “Do you have a boyfriend, or maybe a husband? Is there a man in your life? I could be that man,” he added, placing a hand on my thigh.

  Mark’s chair dumped on the floor as he stood up. In one swift move he had grabbed Lucas by the back of the neck and threw him into the wall behind me. I jumped up in surprise, but Mark simply righted his chair and sat back down. Everyone else resumed eating as Lucas picked himself up off the floor, laughing the whole time. I was still standing in shock, wondering what had just happened while everyone resumed eating. I slowly sat down, before turning to Beth. “What was that?” I asked. She shook her head and stood up, gathering plates and taking them into the kitchen.

  As people finished eating, they gathered their own plates and started clearing off the table. Appetite gone, I stood and picked up my plate, but Beth quickly took it out of my hand and told me to sit back down. I watched Mark shovel a large quantity of food into his mouth, seemingly without stopping to breathe as everyone else cleared the table of food and moved into the kitchen.

  “Mark?” I asked tentatively when we were alone. He glanced at me, shook his head, and finished cleaning his plate. As soon as he was done he stood up and took his plate into the kitchen, leaving me alone.

  This place was strange to say the least, but at least the doctor seemed nice. I smelled coffee and got up, making my way into the kitchen. The kitchen was huge, but barely large enough to hold everyone. The twins and Hugo were at the sink doing dishes, while Mirabelle and Beth were getting trays of coffee and pie together. Jed and Mark were nowhere to be seen. There was only one other way they could have gone, so I moved through the kitchen toward the back door, but was stopped by a menacing Hugo.

  “They’ll be back. Go into the living room,” Hugo said, moving his massive body to block my way outside.

  The kitchen got quiet, until Lucas moved up beside me, placing an arm around my shoulder. “I’ll escort the pretty lady into the living room. No need to get your frilly, lace panties in a twist, Hugo.” Lucas smiled up at Hugo, but Hugo just moved back to the sink and helped with the dishes.

  I let Lucas lead me into the large living room that was attached to the dining room. This room was packed with furniture, all leather and all expensive looking. I sat down on a couch and Lucas sat uncomfortably close to me, his arm still draped around my shoulder. “Do you need to help your brother?” I asked, scooting away from Lucas until I was pressed up against the end of the couch.

  Lucas scooted closer, his leg touching mine. He leaned forward, sniffing the air. “You smell good,” he reached out and touched my neck and I jumped up, moving away.

  The doctor and Beth walked in carrying a couple trays of pies and cookies, followed by everyone else carrying trays of mugs, coffee carafes, cream, and sugar. Jed and Mark were the last to enter, both taking seats in chairs. I stood stupidly as everyone sat down and helped themselves to cookies and coffee, chatting amicably the whole time.

  “Come, join us,” Jed said to me, indicating the vacant chair beside his own.

  I eyed the chair warily before grabbing a mug of coffee, dosing it with sugar and sitting down. I felt exposed, sitting alone in the chair beside Jed, while the others lounged comfortably on couches chatting amongst themselves. Mark moved from across the room and sat down on the floor in front of my chair, wrapping his arm around my legs. It was an odd thing to do, but it made me feel better, safer.

  “So,” Jed began, and the room grew quiet, all eyes turned toward him. “Mark has come back to us with some disturbing news regarding the vampires. You’ve all been briefed on the facts so far, but this situation with Isabella is interesting.” I shot a look at Jed, then down at Mark. What situation with me? “Considering the circumstances, I have determined that no rules have been broken regarding Mark and Isabella. The vampires are the ones at fault, and as such they will be the ones punished.”

  Huh? What was he talking about? What rules? And here we were talking about vampires again.

  “He told her,” Hugo said, standing up. “She’s not his mate! The rules are clear on this.”

  “I decide here, Hugo, not you!” Jed said, standing up. “Mark has been punished as I see fit. This is not up for debate. You will sit down, and you will abide by my rules.”

  “Maybe I don’t want to abide by your rules!” Hugo roared back, his facing growing red with anger.

  “Is that a challenge?” Jed asked softly, crossing his arms. There was a great deal of menace in his quiet voice. “Is that what you want, Hugo? You want to be in charge here?”

  Hugo stood still, his whole body vibrating with anger. His eyes darted from Jed to me, until his eyes finally rested on his wife. His eyes softened and he dropped to his knees, head bowed before Jed. “Forgive me, Alpha. I forget my place,” he murmured.


  Chapter 6

  Jed relaxed back in his seat while Hugo remained on his knees in the center of the room. What was going on? Mark was rubbing his hand up and down my calf, but I wasn’t sure if the gesture was for my comfort or his own. All eyes in the room were focused on Jed, waiting. Finally Jed spoke, his voice soft and calm. “Isabella, what do you think about vampires?”

  All eyes turned to me, waiting and watching. “I, uh, I’m not sure. If you asked me that question two days ago I would have said they were fiction, make-believe, and a complete myth. Now, I’m not so sure,” I added, touching the spot on my neck where I had supposedly been bitten. I looked around the room, trying to read the people around me. They all stared at me, but their express
ions gave nothing away. I looked back to Jed and shrugged.

  Jed smiled as he leaned back in his chair, his hands relaxing on the arm rests of his chair. “You don’t believe in vampires.” It was a statement, not a question.

  I shrugged, glancing around the room. “Mark seems to think I was bitten by one, and there have definitely been some strange things the last few days. None of that says vampire to me though.” It wasn’t that I didn’t necessarily believe Mark. It was more that it was hard to believe someone who constantly talked about aliens and government cover-ups.

  “What about your dreams?” Jed asked, and I heard a sharp intake of breath from someone in the room. I glanced around, but I wasn’t sure who had made the noise.

  “What dreams?” I asked, but I couldn’t keep the quaver out of my voice. My thoughts turned to the man of gold and fire, who had been seducing me in my dreams. How would they know anything about that dream? My heart sped up as I pictured the man who had stalked me across an endless bed. I felt my face flush as I thought of his muscular body. Ouch! Mark squeezed the back of my calf, making me wince.

  “It’s best not to think overly long of the vampires, Isabella. To do so can allow them access to your thoughts and your dreams. Tell us, who is this vampire who has been invading your dreams?” Jed asked.

  “I don’t know what you mean,” I replied, my heart pounding quickly. “I told Mark about the woman who he thinks bit me. Patricia was her name. I did have a dream with a woman in it and I think it was her, but I really have no way of knowing for sure. I’ve never actually met her, just heard her voice, and she didn’t speak in the dream.”


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