The Cosy Teashop in the Castle
Page 18
Who the heck was that? She flew up off the bed, flattening her hair down just in case. Of course, it might not be him.
Through the crack of the door, she saw hazel-brown eyes with dark, dark pupils like melted toffee you could sink and wallow in. A slow, steady, oh-so-sexy smile. His floppy, nearly black, fringe.
‘Hi, Joe,’ she smiled, trying her best to keep calm, though she could feel her heart pounding away in her chest.
‘I just wanted to thank you for last night.’ As she opened the door to him, he brought out from behind him a gorgeous bouquet in pinks and creams tied in pink satin ribbon. She recognised roses and carnations, but there were other, more unusual, flowers. ‘Thanks for the meal,’ he continued, ‘the evening, well, for everything.’
‘Wow! Thank you. That is so pretty.’ Her smile broadened, ‘Yeah, it was a good night.’ And she felt herself blush.
She let him in, took the flowers and popped them in her bathroom sink, wondering if she had a vase anywhere. Then they perched rather primly on the end of her bed. The few inches between them was like static.
‘Busy today?’
‘Yep, must have had about thirty tables through.’
‘That’s good.’
‘Yeah, things are really picking up.’ In more ways than one, she mused.
They were being awfully polite and proper, and yet just last night on this very bed there wasn’t a shred of clothing between them.
‘Anyway, after last night …’
Ooh was this it? Did he not feel the same? Was it just an awkward one-night stand, and the flowers were to say sorry, it should never have happened. She felt her throat tighten. She wouldn’t cry, she was a grown-up, these one-night stands happened all the time. Keep it professional.
‘Well, I wondered if I could return the favour.’ Her mind wandered deliciously for a second. ‘Cook for you, I mean,’ he blurted out, it was his turn to blush now. ‘Well, I’m no cook, really,’ he gabbled on. ‘Don’t get too excited or anything. But after your busy day, you might like someone to cook your supper for a change. Just something casual. My repertoire just about extends to chilli con carne or a spaghetti bolognese. I hazarded a guess and went for the chilli. It’s all made.’
She grinned. It wasn’t a one-off, quick shag, love ’em and leave ’em, after all. ‘Yes, that would be lovely. Thank you.’
‘Just up in my room, if that’s okay.’
She nodded, taking a deep breath. Hmn, were there some ulterior motives going on here? Jeez, it wasn’t like she was some demure damsel. Yes, that was okay.
‘Sure and thanks. What kind of time? I need a quick shower.’ Some hasty grooming preparations. Wash out the cooking smells from her hair.
‘That’s fine. Any time really. Seven-ish? Something like that?’
‘Great. See you soon.’
He rose from the bed. ‘See you later, then.’
They shared an expectant grin.
His room was rooms. In fact, a suite, taking up a whole corner of the castle. After the office, which she had seen, he led her through into the living area, closing the door behind her.
The room was panelled with dark wood. It smelled of that gorgeous aftershave (she’d have to sneak into his bathroom and find out what he used at some point this evening), red wine, and a hint of musty castle – well, that pervaded everywhere in this place. Through another doorway off the living area she spotted his bedroom, a massive four-poster bed dominated the space. Ellie’s throat tightened a little, her mouth drying, yet it wasn’t fear, more anticipation.
He had laid out a small table with cutlery and napkins, a bottle of red wine, and two cut-glass goblets; it looked rather like a hotel room. She wondered fleetingly if he regularly ‘entertained’ here; it seemed very cosy all set out for two, but she hadn’t heard any gossip, hadn’t seen him with anyone. She put the thought out of her mind.
‘Would you like a coffee or a tea?’ his tone was nervous, which after last night seemed laughable, and yet … She was feeling it too, like this really mattered. ‘Or wine?’ he continued.
She looked at him. Didn’t answer. She so wanted to touch him, her fingertips tingling at the thought of it. To know his skin, every inch of it. She wondered where this sensual goddess in her head had come from? It certainly hadn’t been there when Gavin was on the scene – she could see that now.
Joe’s eyes held hers as he walked slowly across the room to where she stood. Close enough now for her to feel his warmth. She touched his cheek, felt his breath against her skin, traced a finger over the slight stubble on his chin, wanted to kiss there, so she did. It was rough against her lips. She could smell the scent of his aftershave and the saltiness of his skin.
As she drew away, he stared at her.
‘Is everything alright?’ her voice came out huskier than usual.
‘More than alright,’ his lip twisted with amusement.
So she thought she’d plant a kiss there too.
He responded, from his groin as well as his lips. His erection was nudging hard against her hip. Her newfound sensual goddess punched the air.
The kiss became more intense and they stumbled back towards a chair. Still standing, she began to unbutton his white cotton shirt … slowly undoing the buttons … one by one … from the neck down. He seemed to unleash some sexual instinct within her. She had him pinned between her, the chair and the panelled wall. He sighed, well, something between a sigh and a moan.
They never got as far as the chilli …
The sex was hot, tempestuous. Bodies pressed sweatily against the wall, their kisses licking like flames. Then she pushed him down by the shoulders, down onto the velvet padded chair, taking his shirt off, then her dress off in one swift move, his jeans, her bra, his boxers, her panties. Until, after carefully placing a condom on his hot and ready shaft, she slid down deliciously over him, taking him within her. Slowing down her moves to a delectable glide that filled her. Part of her wondered what the hell had come over her. This wasn’t the woman she used to be – the missionary queen. But it was this man, this gorgeous man beneath her, Joe. Just being with him filled her with such sensual delight, and opened up all sorts of possibilities. Such sweet, hot, horny sex.
‘Wow’ was all he could utter. As he sat sated beneath her.
She had shifted carefully on to his lap. After a minute or so, he grinned at her like the cat who had got the cream. ‘And we never even made it to the bed.’
She grinned back, ‘Oh well, we can save that for later.’ And she had a look in her eye that told him she was not joking. She moved off of him. Her limbs ached a little. The sexual athletics finding muscles she hadn’t used in a while. He popped his boxers back on, while she put on his shirt and her panties, and they moved across to lounge on the bed, where it was more comfy.
‘Wine, some supper … or more sex? Now we’ve actually made it to the bed.’ He smiled cheekily.
‘Can I have all three?’
‘Now that’s just plain greedy … all at once?’
She grinned back. ‘Actually, can I have a breather? Just some wine – and then we’ll see.’
‘We’ll see indeed, you little vixen. And there was me thinking you were a quiet girl, more on the shy side.’
‘The quiet ones are always the worst. That’s what my nanna used to say.’
‘Well, I think your nanna was most definitely right.’
She was, mused Ellie. And she knew instinctively that she would have liked Joe. It was such a shame they would never get the chance to meet.
He fetched the bottle of Merlot and the two glasses, and poured while Ellie held them tight, afraid of spilling the plummy liquid over his velvet covers. Then he walked across and opened a big dark-wood cupboard. Out popped a very modern flat-screen television. She laughed, twenty-first century technology hits seventeenth-century furniture; it seemed so incongruous with the room, and yet so very Joe – a real mix of traditional and modern.
‘Rom-com? Thriller? Something scary, then I ge
t an excuse to hold you close on the scary bits?’
‘It’s a bit late for that,’ Ellie smirked.
‘Hmn, true.’
They watched a nice, easy rom-com featuring Jennifer Aniston. It was light and fun, and they chatted and sipped wine. It was strange and yet lovely that after being so intimate they could just lie back and chat – it felt so natural being there with him.
‘So, how do you like spending your downtime? Any hobbies?’ Joe asked.
‘Well, obviously I’ve always enjoyed baking. That’s what I loved to do outside of work. But now, since I’ve been baking all day, hmn, been watching some films, reading books. I always have a stack of novels ready by the bed.’
‘Okay then, favourite film?’
‘Ah, that’s got to be The Notebook. I’m just a soppy romantic at heart. It was just so beautiful. Have you seen it?’
‘No, not that one, though I don’t mind the odd rom- com. Me, well has to be a Batman film, obviously.’
‘Which was the best version, then?’
‘The Dark Knight, no doubt about it. Heath Ledger played such an amazing role as the Joker in that film.’
‘Yeah, I watched that one – it was pretty gripping.’
‘So, which lucky books are by your bed, then?’ He quirked an eyebrow.
‘The latest Jojo Moyes, love her relationship dramas. And I also like a historical novel. You know, like Philippa Gregory, that type of thing. God those Tudors were a right brutal bunch.’
The bed was big and bouncy, and by the end of the movie she was testing it out like a kid. It was like something out of a medieval film; big wooden posts carved with decorative flowers and fruit, drapes of plush plum velvet. His plain grey duvet was more twenty-first century, but the throw was velvet plum too. Hah, she could be his Guinevere or something. Or maybe he was like Henry VIII. Ooh dear, all those wives he’d got through, that was a scary thought. She obviously had been reading too many historical novels. ‘Off with her head!’ she spoke the words aloud as the credits rolled. He eyed her quizzically.
‘This bed, it’s like something out of the Middle Ages!’ She bounced harder.
‘Hmn, suppose so. Maybe not off with her head, but down?’ He gestured cheekily towards his crotch. Oooh, she couldn’t possibly. But then, he was opening her up to a world of new possibilities.
‘Now any bad behaviour or thoughts of non-compliance, well … The axe just might have to come out …’
She felt a bit uneasy. Did he really want her to? Could she really do that? It had always been a no-no with Gavin. She began to think she’d been a bit of a prude.
Joe burst out laughing. He’d been teasing – well, there may have been a hint of longing in his eyes.
‘You horror!’ Well, maybe one day, sensual goddess chipped in. She wasn’t that much of a prude. She hit him with a pillow and they were rolling about the bed like a pair of teenagers. He trapped her under him, then caught her hands above her head, grasping her wrists as if he could do anything he liked with her. God there was no one around, no one on this level of the castle, and Lord Henry was safely tucked away in his third-floor suite of rooms in the other wing. The tension was palpable between them. But something in her knew he would never hurt her, or force her. He released his grip as if in recognition of that.
She raised her head up off the bed to meet his lips. He lay, his weight upon her, kissing her as though he never wanted to stop. And she didn’t want it to stop either. But then it got harder to breath, with his body crushing down on hers. She wriggled a little, their lips still clasped together, and then it got really hard to breathe and she began to make little suffocating sounds. He pulled up quickly.
‘Coming up for air,’ she gasped.
‘Aah, sorry,’ he smiled, his eyes smouldering, ‘Well, I’m going down to do some real suffocating.’
‘What …?’ He amazed her as he moved down over her tummy, pushed up his shirt that she was wearing, slid off her panties and then nestled his head between her legs. OH MY GOD! He started licking her slowly down there, flicking with the point of his tongue, tasting, lingering there. She gulped back a knot in her throat, tried to concentrate on breathing, tried to relax, but that was a virtual impossibility.
He lifted his face to grin up at her. ‘Ladies first, of course.’
Gavin had tried this once, and it had all gone horribly wrong. He’d lapped like a cat at a saucer of milk and made this funny noise, expecting her to writhe in ecstasy and come within seconds. What seemed like minutes later her ex had finally given up, giving her a look as though he’d just tasted something awful. It hadn’t inspired them to try it again.
But this, this was something else. She could see the dark silky hair of Joe’s head, down there, his face buried into her. Those gentle tickling licks, and then his groan of pleasure as though he were loving it. Shit, she may as well give in to it. She was tightening, tense, quivering, and then, then she couldn’t think any more. Feeling had taken over everything, drawing herself tight to the core. His tongue dipped inside her, then out, teasing again. Ah, sweet Jesus, she was going to come. Her hands were through his hair, tugging at it, yet not pulling him away, no way José.
‘Jesus, Joe,’ her voice rose to a crisis. Then she couldn’t speak. Drawn into a core of pulsing orgasm, like light and quivering flame through her. Her back arched up to him and the softest scream escaped from her lips.
They never did have the chilli. She lay in his arms all night, feeling sexed-up, protected and loved. Wondering when life had become so sweet. Sensing that something wonderful was starting to happen.
She thought it strange that she hadn’t seen him all day. She’d hoped he might pop in to the kitchens for a quick hello, and a glimpse of that gorgeous smile of his. It was now four in the afternoon and still no sign.
Oh well, he must be busy. He did have his own work to do, of course. She stopped herself from asking Doris or Nicola if they’d seen him about that day. She didn’t want anyone alerted to the fact that something was going on between them.
Anyway, it was merely hours since she’d stolen away from his big four poster and nipped off to freshen up and shower back in her own room. She remembered waking that morning, lying there and staring at him, mesmerised at the groove of his cheek bones, the tousle of his hair on the pillow as he lay asleep, afraid to touch him in case it all melted away and she realised it was just a dream … one hot dream!
Okay, then, just get on with prepping the last order, a soup and two cheese toasties. And there were cakes to bake for tomorrow. Hmn, she might just celebrate by baking a choffee special, he’d liked that at the interview, she’d save him a slice. She found herself humming a few minutes later as she mixed in the cocoa and espresso. Life was good, hum, hum. In fact, her whole body seemed to be humming happily, as if every nerve had been woken up last night and was still in a state of bliss.
So, he must be busy. She could always pop by and see him later. Or would that seem a bit full-on, as if she was expecting another hot session? Mind you the sex was A-MAZ-ING! Hum, hum. But she didn’t want it all to be about sex. Could she now rewind and turn up for just a cuddle and a bit of TV and a chat? Blimey, it had all moved on rather fast. What did he really think of her?
Maybe she shouldn’t give a hoot, just keep turning up at his door and enjoy the ride, so to speak. Oh dear, why was life, even when it was good, always complicated?
The choffee was smelling delicious, with just ten minutes baking time to go. Doris popped her head around the door.
‘We’re off now, Ellie, unless there’s anything …?’
‘Oh no, thanks, ladies, that’s fine. See you in the morning.’
‘Bye, then.’
They had settled together as a rather incongruous, yet happy, team. Yes, Doris was still a bit of a busy-body. She certainly wasn’t going to change now. And she still had her moments, making clipped comments about new additions to the menu, ‘It’ll never sell.’ And ge
tting het up if some kid demanded a choice of flavours in the crisps that came with the packed-lunch box. And often Ellie spotted her taking far too long clearing a table next to some locals she knew, keeping an ear out for any juicy gossip. They didn’t need to buy the local broadsheet, not with Doris around. God knows what she’d think, or say, if she ever got wind of her and Joe being at it like rabbits.
And Nicola, well she was hardworking and a real sweetie, if still slightly timid, though Ellie had noted she had started making conversation more with the customers lately. The day before, they had even shared a conspiratorial eyebrow raise and smirk over one of Doris’s comments. Ellie had learned from Nicola’s silent resolve that often the best way to deal with Doris’s barbed comments was to ignore them, then they could only fall like misplaced arrows.
The four sponge sections of the cake were cooling on the side; she’d already made the frosting. She’d pop back down to the kitchen later to sandwich it together. Walking up the stairs to her room, she felt a strange yearning in her stomach, a kind of longing. How could she miss him after just a few hours, silly moo? Maybe she could suggest a walk in the woods or the castle grounds? Some time to talk, be together. Ooh, it might even lead to open-air sex, another new experience … all sorts of possibilities.
Or, she could just go back to her room and stay cool, not pester him? Let him come to her.
She texted her mum, sent a brief message to Gemma, and Facebooked Jason, omitting any details of what was really going on in her life at the moment. It was all just a bit too soon. But, equally, she knew she sounded happy, was letting them know life was fine. She looked at Joe’s flowers there on the side in a jug she’d found. They’d wilted a little; she’d have to add some more water.
Then she soaked in the bath, soothing herself in the warm water, letting the bubbles foam over her. Her feet always ached after a day standing in the kitchens – it was bliss to let them soak. Ten minutes later she got out and dressed in her best knickers-and-bra set, just in case, popping a lacy vest top and jeans over. Well, he might just knock at any time.