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Mr. Darcy's Daughter

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by Rebecca Ann Collins

  Mr Darcy's Daughter

  The acclaimed Pride and Prejudice sequel series

  The Pemberley Chronicles Book 5

  Rebecca Ann Collins

  By the Same Author

  The Pemberley Chronicles

  The Women of Pemberley

  Netherfield Park Revisited

  The Ladies of Longbourn

  My Cousin Caroline

  Postscript from Pemberley

  Recollections of Rosings

  A Woman of Influence

  The Legacy of Pemberley

  Copyright © 2008 by Rebecca Ann Collins

  Cover and internal design © 2008 by Sourcebooks, Inc.

  Cover photo © Bridgeman Art Library

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  The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.

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  Reprinted 2001, 2003, and 2004.

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Collins, Rebecca Ann.

  Mr. Darcy's daughter / Rebecca Ann Collins.

  p. cm.— (The Pemberley chronicles ; bk. 5)

  ISBN-13: 978-1-4022-3484-2

  ISBN-10: 1-4022-3484-8

  1. England—Social life and customs—19th century—Fiction. I. Austen, Jane, 1775–1817. Pride and prejudice. II. Title.

  PR9619.4.C65M7 2008


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  Dedicated with affection and deep appreciation


  Miss Jane Austen

  On the occasion of the 225th anniversary of her birth.

  December 16, 2000



  An Introduction

  Prologue: Sorubg 1864

  Part One

  Part Two

  Part Three

  An Epilogue




  The Pemberley Chronicles

  About the Author


  IN THE PEMBERLEY CHRONICLES, her first novel, Rebecca Ann Collins borrowed the characters created by Jane Austen in Pride and Prejudice and chronicled their changing lives in what was a complex and dynamic period of history, nineteenth century England.

  Extending the families and their social circle in The Women of Pemberley, Netherfield Park Revisited, and The Ladies of Longbourn, Ms Collins has recreated the world of the Pemberley families in a way that has captured the imagination of many readers of the original Austen novel.

  Her gift for telling an interesting story while creating credible, consistent characters is remarkable. Happily, there are no strange and inexplicable distortions of character to outrage Jane Austen's fans and, throughout the series, the author remains faithful to the manners and values espoused by Miss Austen herself. While Ms Collins makes no attempt to imitate Jane Austen's literary style, she maintains a sense of decorum in language and manner that is both pleasing and appropriate.

  The Pemberley novels of Rebecca Ann Collins are characterised by the author's assiduous attention to detail. While the characters evolve within their environment, their horizons expand to take in the political, medical, and social context of the time—in Parliament, commerce, and community service. Careful research adds both depth and authenticity to their stories.

  Many readers of Ms Collins's books will already know Cassandra Darcy, the daughter of Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy. She is a very Austenian young woman, charming and sensible, with a mind of her own. Mr Darcy's Daughter, the fifth book in the Pemberley series, is her story and it is one that even Jane Austen might have enjoyed.

  Appropriately written by one whose love of Jane Austen's work is her chief inspiration, its publication coincides with the 225th anniversary of Miss Austen's birth: December 16, 2000.

  Averil Rose

  United Kingdom

  December 2000

  An Introduction…

  MOST WRITERS DEVELOP A special fondness for one or more of their characters. Miss Austen claimed her favourite was Elizabeth Bennet, and several generations of readers have agreed with her choice.

  Cassandra Darcy is mine.

  Mr Darcy's Daughter is the story of her life as a woman of deep conviction and passionate feelings, challenged not only by a series of unforeseen and difficult circumstances, but, as well, by her love and loyalty to her family.

  In Cassy are combined qualities of her mother and father, both of whom embody many of Jane Austen's own values. To care passionately, demonstrating both principle and compassion, while maintaining in her personal conduct the degree of decorum and sense of proportion that marks a woman of education and good sense, was not always easy. Yet, it was what Miss Austen demanded of her women.

  If they could also paint, sing, and play the pianoforte, while conducting an intelligent conversation spiced with some gentle wit and humour, why that was very close to perfection.

  Cassy Darcy lays no claim to such perfection.

  But, like many women of her time, she is a strong influence upon her husband and children, expected to support her family and friends in the crises that confront them. Cassy accepts her role, for the most part, without question. It comes as naturally to her as the love she feels for her family.

  The support and love of a good husband is her greatest asset, but it doesn't always protect her from the selfishness or the stupidity of others.

  While her selfless love is rewarded with her family's gratitude and affection, she pays a high personal price. When she realises this, it is occasionally too late to change what has occurred. Cassy's struggle to balance the demands placed upon her, while nurturing the warmth of her own intimate relationships, makes for me a love story as honest and poignant as that of her young daughter Lizzie, seriously in love for the first time. Perhaps, even more so.

  Many readers of the Pemberley series have asked to know more about Cassandra Darcy, not because she is a paragon of virtue, but because she is like a lot of other women, even though she is Mr Darcy's daughter.

  I hope they will enjoy reading her story, as much as I loved telling it.

  An aide-mémoire, in the form of a list of the main characters and their relationships to one another, is provided in the Appendix.

  RAC / 2000


  Spring 1864

  CASSANDRA GARDINER WAS NOT generally given to attacks of anxiety.

  Being of a calm disposition, with sufficient good sense and understanding to withstand the appeal of paranoia, she usually had little reason to be troubled or apprehensive. Married happily to Doctor Richard Gardiner, a physician whose knowledge and skill were widely recognised, her life was generally well ordered and satisfyi
ng. Her husband and children gave her such affection and pleasure as many women would have envied, and even after five lively children, she was a remarkably vivacious and handsome woman. Moreover, her health was good, her education and understanding excellent; by most standards she would have been judged a very fortunate woman indeed.

  Yet, on this mild evening in the Spring of 1864, Cassy was unable to shake off a persistent, inexplicable feeling of unease. It had surfaced as she had returned home from a meeting with her sisters-in-law Caroline Fitzwilliam and Emily Courtney. The women had met to make plans for a campaign to collect funds to equip two new classrooms at the parish school at Kympton, on her father Mr Darcy's estate, Pemberley.

  Mr Darcy had recently informed her that the buildings were ready for the new term. They needed only to be suitably furnished and Cassy, together with Caroline and Emily, had decided to form a committee to raise the funds required. Cassandra had thought to invite Rebecca Tate, the influential wife of Mr Anthony Tate and mother of Josie, who was married to Cassy's brother Julian, and everyone agreed there was no more active and energetic member of the community than Mrs Tate.

  While Cassy led a somewhat quiet social life, Mrs Tate, by virtue of her husband's business contacts and her own charitable work, moved in a far wider circle of society. Cassandra was sure she was a good choice, and the others had concurred, noting that Becky Tate would be an asset to their committee.

  "If Becky cannot raise the funds from her business friends, no one can," Caroline had said, as they arranged to meet for tea at the Fitzwilliams' farm at Matlock to discuss campaign plans.

  But despite her stated enthusiasm for their project, Mrs Tate had failed to appear that afternoon, nor had she sent any apology or explanation for her absence. Cassandra had been rather irritated; it was not very polite or responsible, she thought, trying hard to conceal her aggravation from the others, especially when it was their first meeting.

  Disturbingly, it was also very uncharacteristic of Becky Tate, whose reliability was a byword in their community.

  Furthermore, Cassy had been counting on Mrs Tate to represent her daughter at the meeting. Julian and Josie, who lived in Cambridge, rarely found time to attend any of these occasions in Derbyshire.

  Cassy's parents had long since ceded to the younger generation the organisation of such activities. There was the annual Harvest Fair, the Music Festival, and the Pemberley Children's Choir, which gave concerts around the district. All had been initiated by Elizabeth and had grown so prodigiously in size and popularity, they were now run by professional managers. Cassandra represented her parents on almost all the boards and committees and felt it was her duty to keep her brother Julian informed, even though he showed scant interest in them.

  Indeed, to everyone's astonishment, neither Julian nor his wife had attended the wedding of his cousin Frank Grantley to Caroline's daughter Amy at Pemberley just a week or so ago. An express had brought their apologies—Josie was ill—but Cassandra knew her parents had been very disappointed and, though their aunt Mrs Grantley, mother of the groom, had said little, it was easy to see she was both surprised and grieved by their absence.

  "I suppose, they must be exceedingly busy at this time," Georgiana Grantley had mused, softly adding,"and Derbyshire is rather a long way from Cambridge, is it not?"

  But Cassy had not been fooled. Her gentle aunt was clearly hurt by Julian's non-appearance.

  As they had sat waiting that afternoon in the parlour for Mrs Tate to arrive, Caroline had pointedly reminded Cassy that her brother and his wife had not participated in any of the events at Pemberley since they had returned to Cambridge at the end of Summer.

  "They do seem quite disinterested, Cassy, content to leave it all to you," she had remarked, adding pointedly, but without any trace of malice, for it was not in Caroline's nature to be deliberately hurtful,"Sometimes, I do wonder whether Julian wants to be Master of Pemberley at all."

  Though the remark affected her, Cassandra had laughed and shrugged off the implication, replying casually that she and her parents understood the very great importance of Julian's scientific work at Cambridge.

  "He is working very hard on an important scientific study to do with the prevention of certain tropical diseases. His work is highly regarded by his fellow scientists," she had said and continued,"In any event, the matter of becoming the Master of Pemberley can only be speculative at this time. As you well know, Papa is in the best of health and likely to remain so for the foreseeable future."

  She had spoken quickly, her voice sounding more defensive than she had intended it to be. The remark had been lightly made, but as soon as she had said it, she could have bitten off her tongue, for Cassandra knew that Caroline and Emily's father, Mr Gardiner, was gravely ill and not expected to live out the year.

  Caroline's usually bright countenance was instantly shadowed by an expression of deep sadness, and tears filled Emily's eyes. Cassy apologised at once, sorry for the grief she had caused, however unwittingly, yet there was little she could do or say to comfort her cousins. They both knew the truth only too well. Richard had made quite certain of that.

  Thereafter, they had sat in silence, until Emily declared it was time to go home."Quite obviously, Becky Tate is not coming, there is no point waiting any longer. Besides," she said,"I have some parish work to do, and Mr Courtney will worry if I am not home before dark."

  The mild evening was drawing in as Cassy reached her home. On alighting from the carriage and entering the house, she was greeted by James, her youngest son, who was but four years old."Where's Papa?" he demanded, reaching up to embrace his mother, as she divested herself of her hat and wrap. Cassandra was surprised to learn that her husband was not home already.

  Dr Gardiner, whose enviable reputation had the sometimes unfortunate consequence of keeping him working late at the hospital, always called in at his parents' home near Lambton, at the end of each day. Aware of his father's critical condition and his mother's consequent distress, he never failed to visit them, no matter how busy his day had been. Often, his eldest son Edward, only recently down from medical school in Edinburgh, would accompany him.

  The Gardiners were always glad to see them, and Mr Gardiner had quipped that two doctors must be better than one. Not even his debilitating condition could dull Mr Gardiner's sense of humour. Throughout his ordeal, he had remained for the most part uncomplaining and cheerful.

  A quiet, serious young man, his grandson Edward had a strong social conscience, which made it almost inevitable that he would soon follow in his father's footsteps. Unlike his younger brother Darcy, whose interest in business and politics had steered him in the direction of London and Westminster, Edward rarely concerned himself with anything outside the world of medicine, unless it was music, which appeared to be his only other interest. A keen listener and a proficient practitioner on the pianoforte himself, he would travel many miles to attend a good performance.

  Their mother, who loved them both dearly, wanted nothing more for her sons than that they should lead happy and useful lives as their father had done for all the years of their remarkably felicitous marriage.

  To this end, she had given them all her love and devoted most of her energy and time to her family. She had been rewarded with their unconditional affection and a good deal of satisfaction.

  In this last year, however, the shadow of Mr Gardiner's illness, as he lay weakened by bouts of heart disease, had fallen over their lives. Though Richard did not speak of it often or at length, lest it should distress her and the younger children, particularly James, who was his grandfather's favourite, Cassy knew well that her husband felt deeply about his father's illness and was troubled by his inability to do more to ease his discomfort.

  Richard Gardiner was involved in medical research and had consulted many colleagues in the hope of finding some treatment that would alleviate Mr Gardiner's condition, but without much success. Time and again, his wife had detected his mood of sadness and tried
to comfort him. Always, he was grateful for her love and concern, yet there was an inevitability about the fate that awaited his father, which made him feel helpless and frustrated.

  * * *

  As the sun dipped behind the crags and peaks to the Northwest, setting ablaze the gorse on the hill slopes, while pitching into darkness the river gorges and valleys below, Cassy, whose disquiet had increased considerably over the past half hour, picked up her wrap and, pulling it around her shoulders, walked down the drive, which led to the road that curled away towards Lambton. The wind coming down from the peaks was cold and sent an involuntary shiver through her body.

  Richard had never been this late before.

  Seeing her mother leave the house, her elder daughter Lizzie, who had been practising at the pianoforte in the parlour, stopped playing abruptly and went out to join her. They were close and Lizzie had sensed her mother's unease. When she caught up with her, she asked,"What is it, Mama?What's been troubling you? Has there been some bad news, about Grandfather, I mean? Have you heard something?"

  Cassy, glad of her company, replied quickly,"No my dear, not at all; I was only wondering why Papa and Edward are so late tonight. They should have been home an hour or more ago."

  Lizzie knew her father always called at his parents' home and was sure it must be bad news about Mr Gardiner that was delaying him. Taking her mother's arm, she said quietly,"Could it be that Grandfather's condition has worsened suddenly?" and hearing her sigh, she went on.

  "Mama, you know we have been warned to expect it at any time. Papa has tried to prepare us for it; even my dear grandmother knows it will not be long now," she said, her voice both gentle and amazingly mature for her age.

  Cassy marvelled at her daughter's composure and wished she could have said something sensible. But she was devoted to her father-in-law and all she could say was,"I know, my love, but it does not make it any easier to bear, does it?"

  As her feelings appeared to get the better of her and she took out her handkerchief, Lizzie reached for her hand.


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