Love's Foolish Punch

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Love's Foolish Punch Page 17

by S M Mala

  Jamie was looking at her before he did the same thing.

  ‘You’ll always have life membership at the gym in Acton,’ he said quietly.

  ‘That’s so nice,’ she replied sarcastically. ‘Is that my break up gift?’

  ‘You’re upset, aren’t you?’ he laughed and stepped closer. ‘The idea of not seeing me again. I can tell.’


  Then she decided to go for it and try to punch him but he was now starting to box properly. He was very good at dodging her. Whereas, she was useless though he wasn’t hitting back hard.

  ‘You had sex with Sam then?’ he asked, starting to laugh at her missing all her shots. ‘Was it good?’

  ‘Why are you asking?’

  ‘And if you say you don’t want to speak to him, why do you have his number in your phone?’

  ‘I never got round to deleting it,’ she said, knowing that was a lie. ‘And he was very good in bed.’

  ‘Anal sex.’


  ‘Never took you up the aisle?’


  Again another lie, but she refused to do it again when he tried, and it hurt.

  ‘So you had an amazing sex life?’ he asked, looking unconvinced. ‘How many times did you do it in a year?’

  She stopped and looked at her glove covered hand.

  ‘Oh my god! Were you going to count on one hand?’ he laughed, catching her out. Molly started to go red. ‘You’re joking! And you say he’s not gay!’

  ‘Shut up!’ she said, getting upset. ‘Not everything’s about sex.’

  ‘Obviously not in your case.’

  ‘I like sex!’ she shouted loudly, making a few people stop and look at her. ‘I just don’t do it all the time!’

  ‘You’re frigid, aren’t you?’ Jamie said with a smile.

  ‘Why don’t we wear gum shields?’

  ‘Because the chance of you landing a punch on me is slim, and I’m punching as if you’re a five year old.’

  ‘And I’m not taking part in your benefit humiliation!’ she snapped.

  ‘Oh yes, you are! It’s April Fools’ Day and what better person to represent that day than you. A fool when it comes to your ex and an even bigger fool to think that he’s not bent.’

  ‘Why you shit!’

  Molly went to go and punch him, but he managed to hold her by her head so she couldn’t land a punch.

  ‘You’re a pig!’


  ‘And he’s not gay!’

  ‘Could be straight and didn’t fancy you?’

  ‘That’s not true!’ Then she snapped. ‘Just because Danika was in love someone else, don’t take it out on me!’

  Next thing, she was pushed back hard and fell on her arse. Jamie was looking angrily at her.

  ‘Who told you that?’

  ‘Several people. It’s horrible when people say nasty things, isn’t it,’ she said, furious at being pushed.

  ‘Don’t mention her, do you hear?’

  ‘Then don’t speak to me about Sam!’ she screamed back, jumping to her feet and running up to him, ready to punch. ‘I know I’m not right in the head about him. You don’t have to tell me!’

  ‘I think the guy’s a saint for putting up with you,’ he said in all seriousness.

  ‘And I hear your Danika was a bit of a slapper, and you were the last to know.’

  She didn’t see it coming.

  The punch.

  ‘Is she okay?’

  Jamie sounded panicked. ‘She was supposed to duck, but before I could pull back, I hit her. It was like … shit! Shall I call an ambulance?’

  ‘Molly, can you hear me?’ Mr Mac asked looking down, gently holding her head.

  ‘I can hear him, and that’s a problem,’ she said, trying to pull herself together. ‘Tell him to call a lawyer because I’m going to sue him for GBH.’

  ‘Her mouth’s working, so she’s fine,’ Mr Mac said, slowly helping her to her feet.

  There was no doubt; Jamie looked ashen.

  She felt dizzy, but there was such a surge of anger, Molly went for him. Slapping him as hard as she could, still with her gloves on. It was quicker than punching.

  He stood there and shielded himself.

  Suddenly her body was lifted up, and Mr Mac had put an arm around her waist, taking her away from the intended victim.

  Molly was so angry; she was still punching and now kicking. Jamie didn’t help matters by standing and laughing at her.

  ‘I hate you!’ she screamed. ‘Sam’s not gay!’

  ‘I know you hate me, and he is!’ he shouted back. ‘You now need to tunnel your anger into throwing a punch that will actually hurt!’

  ‘Will you shut it the pair of you!’ barked Mr Mac and took her into the ladies changing rooms, putting her down. Molly just charged at him, and he grabbed her by the shoulders so she couldn’t punch. ‘Cool down!’

  ‘He’s horrible!’

  ‘I don’t think you two should converse when sparring,’ Mr Mac gently said. ‘Go take a shower. Are you okay? Do you need to see a doctor?’

  ‘He thinks I should see a shrink!’

  ‘Right now, I think you both should.’

  ‘Just because he owns this place he…’ She didn’t know what to say. ‘He punched me!’

  ‘Molly relax. I could see things were getting a bit heated, and he’s a wind up merchant. He was worried when you passed out.’

  ‘Worried he didn’t kill me!’

  Mr Mac started to laugh loudly which surprised Molly.

  ‘I, personally, think the pair of you are very stupid. Now go shower.’

  Calming down, she took off her clothes. It was only her in the ladies' changing room so she sat there, thinking about what Jamie said.

  Could Sam be gay?

  She’d never thought that before. In their profession, most actors came out, and he was very good in bed… when they did it. That had been rarer towards the end of the relationship. Molly had got used to the rebuffs but always thought it was because he was tired.

  Then she shook the thought out of her head.

  Jamie was winding her up, and it worked. She’d delete Sam’s number as soon as she had a moment.

  This made her wonder if it was the same and she could text him if he were so desperate to speak to her. She’d have a better idea about what he wanted.

  Putting her head under the shower, she thought hard. Her head was all over the place. She couldn’t think straight and wondered if it was the punch. Then something touched her shoulder, and she turned to see Jamie standing behind her. Molly was about to say something, and he leaned down then kissed her gently on the lips.

  ‘You can’t just-.’

  He put his hand gently over her mouth.

  ‘Are you okay?’ he asked, looking into her eyes. ‘Do we need to go to the hospital? I’ll answer that. I think you need to be kept under observation for the next 24 hours. I’ve had it done to me many a time, being hit on the head. I didn’t mean to hurt you.’ Jamie thought hard. ‘I realise my comments about Sam and your sex life weren’t very nice. You were quite right to retaliate.’

  She removed his hand from her face and threw it down.

  ‘Sometimes, you’re not nice, Jamie Cohen.’

  ‘She hurt me. Danika broke my heart, and I went off the rails. In some ways, I’m still off them. And I know she screwed around.’ Then he blinked the spray of water coming into his face. ‘Plus she was in love with someone else which means she was probably having an affair.’

  ‘You accepted her being unfaithful and loving someone else?’ Molly was feeling sorry for him. ‘That’s not right.’

  ‘When you love someone, it doesn’t matter, does it?’

  ‘Yes it does. No one has the right to hurt another human being. Take all the trust away and leave them empty, like a shell.’ Gulping, she tried to steady her annoyance. ‘Not even you deserve it and that’s saying something.’

  She stood there, looking up at the naked man who seemed perplexed.

  ‘I fancy you, Molly. Can’t you see?’ It’s when he said it; there was a grimace as if it was an odd idea. ‘But when you punch, you look like an overgrown child.’

  ‘That’s you being nice, is it?’

  ‘Was he always nice to you?’


  ‘Bet it was boring, wasn’t it? Being in a relationship where there was no real passion. And I know you’ve got passion. I’ve seen your outburst, and there’s a very passionate, angry, woman in there. She needs to be coaxed out.’

  ‘Go play games with your geriatric lover or your one night stands. Leave me alone,’ she said, turning around, knowing that something was building in her body.

  Could it be passion for the man who just punched out her lights out?

  ‘You know I fancy the arse off you. I think you have the most beautiful backside I’ve ever seen!’ he shouted out making her smile.

  ‘You charm your way out if it, don’t you?’

  ‘I’m failing dismally when it comes to you.’ Then there was a groan. ‘You’re standing there, stark naked and it’s killing me. Why aren’t you throwing yourself at me, right now?’

  ‘Is that what happens?’ she asked, wanting to laugh.

  ‘It’s our sexual tension that made us snap at each other. I have a good solution to that.’

  ‘I bet you have.’

  Molly turned around and looked up at him. He did look pained.

  ‘You look like that and I…’ His eyes point down to his very erect penis. ‘And that’s what happens. Do you know how hard it was for me to make sure you didn’t feel it stabbing your back when we’re in bed together? At one point, I pushed it down and held it between my thighs. It was fucking painful!’

  He had a way of making her laugh at the most inopportune moment.

  And she did. But this time Molly flung her arms around his shoulder and kissed him with all the passion she could muster.

  It’s when their tongues met; there was an explosion of lust in her body.

  This kissing was different. She could feel the intensity.

  Probably because he was less pissed than before. And Jamie was kissing her back.

  His muscle swirled in her head, searching and caressing until it felt like she was going to faint.

  Slowly, Jamie’s hands crawled over her back and the glided up and down, caressing her buttocks. They were under the shower, and she took the opportunity to feel his skin and stroke his arse. He felt good, and she was getting very horny.

  Jamie was probably right.

  She hadn’t had sex for such a long time, she was probably in need of a good seeing to but not with Jamie.

  Slowly, she pulled away and smiled.

  ‘We’re not going to have sex. It would complicate things,’ she whispered. ‘You’re an annoying little shit, do you know that?’

  ‘I love complications.’

  ‘I don’t.’

  ‘Can we fondle and see what happens?’

  ‘Just keep it between your thighs, okay?’

  ‘Let me touch you.’

  He begged when they were in his flat. Jamie had her pressed up against the wall, bending down so they could kiss. ‘I want to feel every part of your body.’

  ‘We have to have an understanding,’ she said, hearing the panting in her breath. ‘I’m not a prostitute, so you haven’t bought special services into this.’

  ‘I know. I’m not taking advantage of… god, I want to kiss you.’

  And he did while thrusting his groin into her.

  Molly caught up in the motion of this foreplay, was still at loggerheads on what to do.

  Yes, she fancied Jamie, and he seemed to fancy her but something still didn’t sit well.

  ‘Listen to me,’ she said, pushing his head gently away. ‘You punched me today.’

  ‘Accidentally, Molly. I’d never hurt you,’ he whispered into her skin, closing his eyes. ‘Never hurt you, you know that.’

  ‘I’m at a vulnerable place at the moment.’

  ‘I know.’

  ‘I don’t want to be made a fool of again.’

  Jamie’s eyes darted open, and he looked straight at her.

  ‘I’d never do that, not to you,’ he said earnestly.

  She stroked his bristly face and didn’t know what to do next.

  Kissing and touching was fine but how long before it went further?

  Then what?

  ‘Can we go to bed?’ he asked, holding her face in her hands. ‘I won’t kiss or touch any part of your body other than your lips. I know you think I’m a slut.’

  ‘Tart,’ she grinned.

  ‘But you kiss me, in a way which makes me think you want more. Unless you’re using me because of that bloke.’

  Molly rolled her eyes.

  ‘You can say his name,’ she whispered.

  ‘The ugly actor man you lived with,’ scowled Jamie. ‘He’s going bald anyway.’

  ‘Yes, that’s true,’ she grinned then felt the urge to kiss him.

  Molly did.

  ‘Don’t trick me, Jamie. You promise?’

  ‘I’d rather lick you.’


  ‘Let’s go to bed and see what happens.’

  ‘Nothing’s going to happen,’ she sighed then smiled. ‘You’re a bit odd, do you know that?’

  ‘Coming from you, that’s quite insulting,’ he laughed and kissed her cheek. ‘Oh Molly.’ Jamie stopped and looked at her. ‘Do you have a nickname?’

  ‘When I was little because of my red hair, they called me ‘Reds’. Occasionally Squirrel will call me Molly red mop top.’

  ‘Did you get teased a lot?’

  ‘Because of my colouring, I stood out more than usual but it was harmless.’

  ‘Talking of standing out. I’ve got a massive hard on.’


  Pushing him away, she walked in.

  The place had been pristinely cleaned, as if trying to eradicate the fact anyone lived there. Molly realised he must have a very good cleaner. She was about to walk to the fridge to get a bottle of wine when she was stopped from opening the door.

  ‘You can’t drink,’ he said, in all seriousness. ‘When you’ve been slightly concussed, no alcohol. I’m going to have to keep you under surveillance for twenty four hours, which means you can’t do a shift in the cab office.’

  ‘Jamie, I need to work and they rely on me. Arthur’s off this week and that means Nikos has to drive. They expect me there at ten tomorrow morning.’

  ‘Do you fancy me?’ he asked, placing his hand on her neck and gently stroking it.

  This put Molly off as she was imaging him doing that to her, naked.

  ‘You’re a very attractive man who’s annoying with warped moral values.’

  ‘I know all this.’

  ‘But you make me smile.’

  ‘That’s good but you haven’t answered my question.’

  ‘What do you think?’

  ‘Octopus arms! Will you just stop?’

  Molly was stood on the other side of the sofa, avoiding being groped by Jamie, who seemed to be on heat. He’d chased her around the apartment, and she couldn’t get him to calm down. ‘Can we agree on this? Come to an understanding?’

  ‘Just let me kiss you all over and then you’ll understand that will make me very happy.’


  ‘You’re driving me crazy!’

  ‘I think you’re already there.’

  They both started to laugh.

  Then he pounced forward and jumped over the settee, making her stumble backward. Jamie managed to catch her before she fell.

  ‘What’s the understanding?’ he said, wrapping her arms around her and pushing his nose into her neck.

  She knew, for a fact, he was good at the seduction. Charming someone into bed.

  ‘We’re not going to have sex because it will cause a problem.’
r />   ‘It will if I explode in my underwear.’

  Molly giggled at his comment.

  ‘I’m very flattered, I am. I’m not sure if you're sincere, but you’ve made me smile, in between the grievous bodily harm.’ He was about to open his mouth, so she put her hand over it. ‘And no funny quips about wanting to inflict it on me, in a sexual way.’

  The smiling eyes gave it away that he was going to say it.

  ‘Jamie,’ she said in all seriousness, removing her hand. ‘I’m a bit troubled about one thing or another and I don’t want to be used. And I don’t want to use you because my head’s all over the place.’ Molly stroked his face, not sure what was going on. ‘And I like you but when this is all over, you’re not going to want to keep in contact. I don’t want to be left feeling so utterly alone it hurts worse than before. I’m not sure I could cope. I can barely cope now.’

  He instantly released her, stepping back.

  ‘You’re right. We can’t be doing this. It’s going to confuse everything, isn’t it? I mean, today’s 31st of November so we’re only stuck together for another two months.’

  It wasn’t what she expected to hear.

  ‘Only stuck together for another two months.’

  Molly realised the time for him was a hardship. And, probably, this was his idea of how to pass the time.

  Standing still, she had to think hard on how to respond.

  ‘That’s not what I meant,’ he then interjected, stepping closer. Molly stepped back. ‘What I meant to say was-.’

  ‘Doesn’t matter. You’re right. We can’t be doing this. I’m going to lie down just in case I have a funny turn because of the knock to my head. I think your punch muddled me, for a moment.’

  Forcing a smile, she went to the spare room and closed the door, locking it before sitting down on the bed.

  Her happy demeanour completely disappeared.

  She was confused.

  There were so many thoughts cramming her mind.

  And then there was Jamie.

  He could wind her up at the drop of a hat and then be so lovely; it was baffling.

  But it was how she had been feeling about him that caused the biggest amount of concern.

  In all the things that were going on, Sam, her work, everything… one thing stood out.


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