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Sins of the Fallen

Page 5

by Daniele Lanzarotta

  “What are we doing?” I asked.

  “Getting you ready,” said Xavier.

  He grabbed a key and opened the closed cell.

  I gave him a look like there was no way in hell I was going in there.

  “Don’t worry. There is no one in there,” he said.

  I walked toward that room, which was way too close to the other cells. Demons started to whistle and make all kinds of disturbing hissing noises, until Xavier ordered them to stop, and surprisingly, they did.

  We walked in the cell and Xavier closed the door behind us.

  I was seriously considering just leaving the crazy angel in there and making a run for it.

  “Hunter, this part of your training is necessary and it’ll be the most difficult one. You need to learn how to resist the demons.” He paused. “I’ll be here to stop her if things start to go too far.”

  I nodded. As much as I hated this, he was right.

  “I’m going to bring a succubus in here. You have to trust me that she’ll not hurt you.”

  “She better not. I’m not sure if I’ll do this again if anything goes wrong.”

  Xavier nodded and stepped outside.

  He came back in minutes later, followed by a girl who looked to be about my age. She looked the exact opposite from Hannah, the succubus at the other Academy. This one was tanned, had blond hair, and large brown eyes. As soon as she saw me, she smiled; typical succubus reaction, I guess.

  “This is Theodora. She was already made aware of what she is supposed to be doing and what she should not do.”

  I ignored her and looked at Xavier. “And what am I supposed to do?”

  “You are going to focus on protecting Kayla and avoid any of Theodora’s attempts to seduce you.”

  Xavier turned around to leave.

  “Wait! Where are you going?”

  He looked up toward a small camera above the door, then back at me. “Don’t worry. There are monitors outside. I’ll know when to come back.”

  “Why are you leaving?”

  “Because if I don’t, you won’t try your best, even if it’s subconscious.”

  “Fine, let’s get this over with.”

  As soon as Xavier was gone, the succubus got closer to me.

  “I’m not going to hurt you,” she said in a sweet tone.

  I looked at her and all I saw was hunger.

  “So, Hunter, is it?” she asked.


  “How was it? I know that you kissed a succubus before. I bet you miss it.”

  “Not exactly.”

  “I bet you would if it was me who had kissed you.”

  “Doubtful.” All I thought about as I looked at this succubus was Kayla and how me kissing that succubus had hurt her.

  She grinned as if she enjoyed the challenge and got even closer. This time she brushed her fingers against my arm and I pulled away.

  I started to wonder just how long Xavier would stay away, I mean, I clearly managed to avoid this one. I could handle Hannah just as well.

  And then, I don’t know what she did, but we were no longer at the Academy. I was at a park back home. For a split second, I realized that it was a spell, but that didn’t stop me from getting distracted and losing focus. It didn’t help that I could see Kayla at the park too, but she didn’t even notice that I was there. She was there with her friends and her ex-boyfriend Justin, and she actually seemed happy. Why wouldn’t she be? Her life was normal again. Everything was okay until Kayla kissed Justin and I felt strangely weak. The succubus stepped in front of me and said that she could take the pain away. I started to tell her to go to hell, but I couldn’t speak. She leaned in closer and kissed me. Then, everything around me vanished. This girl in front of me was getting more and more hungry, and stronger. I tried to stop kissing her, but I couldn’t. That was when I heard Xavier yelling at her and forcing her away from me.

  I instantly fell to the floor. She had taken more from me than she should have. Xavier took a look at me and said he would be back in a second. He dragged the demon out of there and toward the cell across from the one where I was. I passed out sometime before he returned.



  Once again, Clarissa practically ran inside the gym. This time, she looked even paler. I assumed it was because she heard our argument and maybe didn’t want Samael to suspect anything about Hunter being an immortal.

  She seemed to get a hold of herself when she noticed my curious expression. “Kayla, Samael, I have to step out to help someone. I assume you’ll be okay training alone?” she asked.

  I nodded. “Is everything okay?”

  “Not quite, but it’ll be. Actually, I think you trained enough for now. You should probably go and get something to eat soon, Kayla. Also, before I forget, you shouldn’t expect to see Hunter for a while today.”

  I got the feeling that she was hiding something.

  “Oh, well, can I watch him training then?”

  She looked nervous. “It is best you don’t. Not today,” she said in a firm tone. I would have argued—I wanted to, but I was already exhausted from my own training with Samael.

  Clarissa practically ran out of there, and once she was gone, Samael picked up right where she had interrupted us.

  “What is he, Kayla?” he asked.

  “What he is, human or not, doesn’t concern you.”

  “Well, it does if you need my help defeating the succubus.”

  I laughed. “I thought I was to stay away from her and get to Benjamin.”

  “That is not what I meant. Maybe I can help you. All I know is that we need every weapon we can against both of them and in her case, I have a feeling that your little boyfriend could help.”

  My fists were clenched. “I don’t want him involved.”

  “Why are you so damn difficult?”

  I rolled my eyes at him.

  “Fine,” he said. “He;s not a ghost, not a angel or a fallen angel, and obviously not human. That leaves—”

  I knew he wouldn’t leave me alone. I doubted, but maybe he was right about this information being able to help us. “Fine! He’s an immortal.”

  He gave me a crooked smile.

  “What?” I asked.

  “It’s just that… the succubus tasted endless life. You can use that to your advantage. Your little boyfriend could potentially be her only weakness.”

  “I told you, I don’t want him involved.”

  He put his hands up. “I understand. You are smart not to. Make no mistake that as much as he’s her weakness, she’ll be his weakness too. If she kissed him and clearly more than once, well, he’ll go back to her willingly. I can’t even believe they are allowing him to go with you.”

  At that point, I was too frustrated, exhausted, and hungry. I told Samael I was done for the day and left. At that point I was even confused about whether Samael wanted Hunter to go to use him against the succubus, or leave him behind and out of the way. But I had made up my own mind about this and I had to find a way to leave Hunter behind.

  I was so exhausted I couldn’t even think straight. I went to grab something to eat, then went to my room and passed out.



  When I opened my eyes, I immediately remembered what happened with the succubus. Xavier and Clarissa were both by my side.

  “How do you feel?” asked Clarissa.

  I was furious. “I’ll live. How long have I been out?”

  “A couple of hours. It’s already dark outside,” said Xavier in an apologetic tone.

  “Does Kayla know what happened?”

  “No, of course not.”

  I shook my head and got up. I felt weak but not nearly as bad as the last time this happened.

  “You should stay and rest,” said Xavier.

  “I’ll rest in my room. And what happened today will not happen again. Not unless I’m armed. I’m not trying to play mind games with demons. I want to destroy

  Before they could say anything, I rushed out of there and toward the dorms, only, instead of going to my room; I went to Kayla’s.

  She was already sleeping when I got to her room. I just grabbed a chair and sat across from the bed. I felt like I smelled like the damn succubus. I didn’t want to be near Kayla, not like that. I also didn’t want her to have one of those nightmares without my being around.

  I stayed there and watched her sleep, wishing there was a way, any way, to keep her from going to the other Academy. I just wanted to take her out of this place and run away from everything and everyone.

  Eventually, I dozed off. I woke up several times that night. Eventually, I woke up and didn’t go back to sleep, partially because that chair wasn’t that comfortable, but also because something else was bothering me.

  It was around five in the morning when Kayla moved around and opened her eyes to find me there, watching her.

  “Hunter? Is everything okay?” she asked.

  I nodded even though things were far from okay.

  “You didn’t have a nightmare,” I said.

  She smiled. “Oh, I guess, I didn’t.” She sat up on the bed. “I can’t even remember when was the last time I didn’t have one. I guess I was just that tired.”

  “I guess,” I said as I got up.

  “Where are you going?” she asked.

  I needed to get that succubus smell off me. “I’m going to clean up and change. I’ll be back.”

  She lay back down and said to hurry. That actually made me smile.

  I rushed to my room to shower and change. I didn’t think I was gone long, but when I got back to Kayla’s room, she was gone. There was a note on her bed.

  “Sorry, Hunter. Samael stopped by and said we needed to get started on training. I’ll see you later.”

  As tired as I was, I knew I wouldn’t be training. Not today. So instead, I went to watch Kayla train and that was definitely a mistake.

  I was taking aback as soon as I stepped foot in the gym. Kayla was wearing workout clothes, her hair was up, and she had Samael against the wall, with the point of a dagger to his throat, and he was laughing.

  Clarissa and Xavier sat at the other end of the gym, and they both smiled as if they were proud.

  No one noticed me, and I just walked away. I felt as if I was losing Kayla to this place.

  Not knowing what to do, I started to walk back to my room.

  I didn’t mean to sound like a stalker or pushy, but Kayla’s response to this place; her confidence in what she had to do and wanted to do, scared me from the beginning. How could she not see that what they wanted her to do took years of training? It was far too dangerous… and honestly, sometimes I felt like there was nothing I could do to help. I couldn’t keep her away, and I obviously couldn’t protect her if the succubus was around. I knew I was bound to fail as far as the succubus was concerned. There was just no amount of training to fix that.



  I could hardly believe how much progress I had made that morning. I actually beat Samael two out of six times, which wasn’t bad considering that I didn’t even know how to hold a dagger at first.

  After a while, Xavier and Clarissa went back to her office. They still had not heard from Stephaine and were both very worried. They were hoping that she was saving her powers as she dealt with Benjamin, but I could tell they were getting more worried by the second.

  After leaving training, I was starving and went to get something to eat. Samael followed me.

  “I want to talk to you,” he said.

  “Hmm. Okay.”

  We walked to the cafeteria, or dining hall… whatever they called it there.

  “Are you serious about leaving Hunter behind?”

  I gave him a suspicious look.

  I wanted him with me, but at the same time, just the thought of the succubus around him… I wanted him safe more than I wanted him to be by my side.


  “I think I know of a way.”

  “Okay. What is it?”

  “Lunch first?”

  I rolled my eyes.

  We ate without talking much. We then decided that we were rested enough to go back to the gym for more training.

  “Now, tell me. How can I make sure he stays behind?”

  “It’s easy. Just push him away.”

  That crossed my mind before but I didn’t think I could do it.

  “It’ll be for his own good. Besides, you don’t expect this relationship to last forever, do you? I mean… What is he? 17?”

  I nodded.

  “He’ll be 17 forever. You won’t. And let’s face it, it is not like vampires exist and you will be magically bitten into immortality. Sorry to break it to you, but there is no way around it. Sooner or later, your relationship will end. You might as well cut your losses and move on now. The longer you wait, the worse it’ll be.”

  Samael was right and I hated him for it.

  I didn’t feel like training anymore after that. I was in a terrible mood. I knew what I had to do, but at the same time, training was my excuse to avoid the inevitable. As long as I was training, my mind was off Hunter. I didn’t have to see him, and I didn’t want to… not yet, anyway.

  Clarissa and Xavier eventually returned, and after I beat Samael a couple more times, they approached us.

  “You’re doing very well, Kayla.”

  Samael cleared his throat and Clarissa faced him.

  “And you are doing very well in training her. We need you to focus on another area now.”

  “What area?” asked Samael.

  “We are concerned about Stephaine. Kayla had a connection with her before. We need you to help Kayla get into Stephaine’s mind.”

  Samael nodded and Clarissa and Xavier went to sit back down at the other end of the gym.

  Samael faced me. “You said you have done that before, right?”

  I nodded. “With the succubus. I couldn’t really read her mind, but I could feel what she felt.”

  He looked as if he was in shock. “You are kidding me, right?”

  “I’m not.”

  “Shit. Well, on the bright side, this should be easy for you then.”

  “Do you remember how it happened?”

  “Well, I closed my eyes and focused to try and hear her thoughts, but instead, I ended up in her head… I mean… really in her head. I felt what she felt and everything.”

  Samael stared at me, speechless.

  After a while, he walked over to the back of the gym and came back with a chair.

  “I doubt this will take long, but have a seat.”

  I rolled my eyes and sat down.

  “Now, do what you did before. Close your eyes, relax and focus on Stephaine.”

  I closed my eyes, but Hunter was the first person I thought of. I tried and tried to think of Stephaine instead, but I couldn’t, and then, before I couldn’t stop myself, I was in Hunter’s head, and I felt as if I could hardly breathe. I could feel the pressure he felt for protecting me, his love for me, his hate for the fallen for putting me in this position and for putting HIM in this position. The worse was getting glimpses from his training with Xavier. The succubus they used in the training, and Hunter sitting in my room, watching me sleep after that happened.

  I felt someone holding my shoulders and shaking me, but I ignored it at first. Then, I heard Samael, “KAYLA! OPEN YOUR EYES. NOW!”

  My eyes were now wide open. Samael, Clarissa, and Xavier stood in front of me, every single one of them looking scared.

  “Is it Stephaine? What happened?” asked Clarissa.

  I ignored her and met Xavier’s gaze, and then Clarissa’s. “I know you need me to do this and I agreed to it, but the only way I’ll continue to train and help you, is if Hunter’s training stops.”

  “Kayla, this was his choice as much as yours,” she said in a caring tone.

  I looked back at Xavier, “I seriously
doubt he had a choice when it came to training with succubi.”

  “Wow, you guys really messed up this time,” said Samael.

  Clarissa and Xavier gave him a warning look.

  Xavier was the one who spoke for Hunter. “It was necessary, Kayla.”

  “You know what? It doesn’t matter, because he’s not going with us.”

  I turned around and walked away.

  I was just outside when I heard Samael running after me.

  “Hold up.”

  I turned around, quickly, “What the hell do you want?”

  “Look, I just thought that it may not be a good idea for you to see Hunter right now.”

  “What do you care?”

  “You’re right, I don’t.”

  He turned around and started to head back toward the gym.

  “Wait! Why did you turn your back on what you are?”

  He turned around again and held my gaze.

  “Let’s go for a walk.”

  I followed him.

  After walking in silence for a while, I asked, “So, are you going to tell me?”

  He shrugged. “My father was a fallen. He turned his back on our family to get his second chance. I guess you could say that I don’t agree with angel politics.”

  “That makes two of us.”

  He gave me a puzzled look but didn’t say anything else.

  “Do you live with your mom?” I asked.

  He shook his head, looking uncomfortable, then looked at his watch. “It’s getting late. I should get back.”


  He was just about to leave, then he turned around, “I’ll go to the other Academy with you.”

  “What? Why?”

  “You deserve a normal life as much as I do. If I go, you’ll have a better chance of coming out of it alive, and then we’ll be done with all of this. I know I will.”

  I wasn’t sure I understood why he was doing this, but it was his choice.

  “I’m going to do whatever I can to stop Hunter from going.”

  “Not a bad idea,” he said. “It probably won’t work though, but good luck.”

  I didn’t want to get into yet another argument. We both went our separate ways. I wandered around the Academy for a while. I was still not ready to see Hunter. I didn’t blame him for his training with Xavier, or for not telling me. Getting into his head like that, I could understand why he made those choices, but I had to use something to push him away, and at that point, I couldn’t come up with anything else.


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