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15 Erotic Stories BUNDLE: Huge Collection of Individually Sold Short Sex Stories

Page 8

by Danica Williams

  “I'm gonna come!” exclaimed Brian. “NO! Not yet!” shouted Beth. I pulled out the vibrator, and Beth raised her hips, freeing the large cock from her stretched hole. I grabbed the torch and watched his cock intently, fully expecting him to come. I had reacted just in time, his cock was incredibly stiff and throbbing slightly, but he was just short of climaxing.

  Beth got behind me and licked my pussy, pushing her tongue into my hole. I pressed two fingers hard against the muscles between Brian's balls and ass. I knew this would delay him coming long enough for me to ride his cock. I faced him, and lowered myself onto his cock. It slid right in. Beth stood in front of me, Brian's face buried in her ass. She opened her pussy with her fingertips, allowing my tongue to explore every part it. I rode Brian's cock, until he tapped my leg, saying breathlessly: “I'm gonna come! Can't hold back!”

  I got off him in a heartbeat. Beth knelt down in front of and ripped the condom off. She placed his hard, throbbing cock between her lubricated, shiny, slippery boobs. The soft, huge breasts and the skin-on-skin contact was too much for him. His cock shot out messy, sticky ropes of cum. He was really excited, with cum squirting high enough to reach Beth's chin. She sat back, letting the cum drip down her neck, onto her breasts, where she rubbed it onto her nipples. I set the vibrator to maximum speed and pressed it up against my clit, climaxing moments later.

  Beth cut the last cable ties, freeing our captive fuck-buddy. We collapsed on the bed together. I was way too wired-up to sleep, so I scratched around in my bag, and pulled three small rolled-up cellophane balls, each containing a gram of high-grade coke. We did lines, taking turns performing oral sex on each other. It was nothing too hectic, just slow, comfortable sucking, without any goals.

  By the time the sun rose, the drugs were finished. Beth was sucking Brian's cock as the first rays came in through the tiny window. She stopped sucking him off, and leaned over to kiss me. She gave him a handjob, and after a minute, he shot a small load. She licked her fingers and polished his cock clean with her mouth and eager tongue.

  She got up and rinsed her mouth out with rum.

  “Let's get the fuck out of here, guys. Today's going to be a scorcher.”

  Beth was quite right about that. We packed up and took Brian with us, making our way down the contour path before the heat of the morning could catch us. By noon, we reached the delicious coolness of the river and streams, between the canyons. The cold water kept us awake, as the coke wore off and our exhaustion set in. By late afternoon, we had one last short section of the trail ahead of us. We were about 10 minutes away from before the parking lot. Our adventure was drawing to a close, and we were sure nothing more could happen to us – until we rounded the last bend in the path.

  There was a commotion to left of us, the sound coming from where a couple of tall trees grew, surrounded by large boulders and low bushes. We could see our baboon friends, lazing in the afternoon sun, content as all hell. Beth's hand automatically went for her Norinka, but the baboons made no attempt at stalking us. They just sat there on the rocks, and in the branches of the tree, chilling. One of the baboons had a remnant of Brian's hiking gear: an empty Tupperware container.

  Brian chuckled and said: “Dagga cookies, man, dagga cookies.”

  We walked on, leaving the baboons to enjoy the stolen space cakes. For a change, they were stoned in a good way.

  We made our way back to our cars and drove to the city. I slept over at Beth's place. The extra drive to my apartment was too risky, because we'd been awake for 38 hours straight. We slept for a solid day. By Tuesday, things were back to normal. The routine of working, studying and partying, was in full swing.

  Beth and I didn't become partners or regular lovers, but occasional tryst did occur at random times. I added Brian on Facebook, but we didn't pursue any kind of relationship. I didn't have much in common with him, and he lived on the other side of the peninsula. It just wasn't worth the effort.

  On the outside, nothing much changed for me after that weekend's events. Inside, a lot has changed. I have decided to explore my sexuality more, push my boundaries, and not tie myself down to relationships that restrict me. I'm eager to experience new things in my sex life.

  And I'm looking forward to my next adventure.

  To be continued.

  By Danica Williams

  Copyright © 2012 Danica Williams

  This is a work of fiction. Any similarities to actual persons, alive or dead, are purely coincidental.

  This book contains sexually explicit content and is intended for a mature audience only.

  Its amazing how one simple question can force you to analyze your life.

  Does Jennifer Hult like to party? Click here to see what your Facebook friends say about you.

  Yes, I'm a chick, but I'm not a dumb chick. Clicking on stupid links and willingly sharing personal information to dodgy third parties on social networks, is not something I do regularly. However, my female friends do not practice such restraint, so I'm bombarded with Wall spam on a daily basis.

  Still, the question intrigued me. My friends and co-workers certainly knew me as a party animal. I was always game for going out clubbing till sunrise, doing the odd line, all the usual stuff you'd expect from a waitress working in Cape Town. Life is easy in this city, if you have the right job. For me though, partying meant much more than just going out and getting wasted. It meant that I absolutely had to get shagged. Up until fairly recently, this wasn't a problem. I'd always been in a series of steady relationships since high school.

  The last one ended badly though, and it's almost a year since I've been in a relationship with a guy. I made a decision to broaden my horizons, try new things. So far, I've had a couple of memorable experiences, and found that I quite like getting intimate with women. Also, I was in a threesome with a girlfriend of mine, and some random guy we met. Now, threesomes are nothing new these days.

  In fact, I kinda avoided the whole group sex scene on purpose, mostly because it was just too 'fashionable' over the last decade. Seriously though, I'm attractive enough to be desirable to most swinging couples in my age group. I consider myself to be a good catch. At the age of 26, I'm taller than average, weighing 120 pounds, and I have a fairly good body that I maintain with daily jogging and recreational rock climbing on the weekends. I have fair skin and light auburn hair, along with blue eyes, which are really quite striking.

  So, back to the concept of partying: I was talking about our little threesome with Beth Weinstein, reminiscing about how amazing it all felt, and how I felt that I'd accomplished a goal in my sexual development. That's when she said: “Jen, honey, you need more guys in the mix. You don't know what a threesome really is, until you you've had at least two cocks inside you at once.”

  Now, I was sure she had a good point there, but I had my reservations about being a receptacle for multiple pork swords. As with most things in life, early experiences tend to influence you the most. If your parents gave you shit-tasting vegetables when you were little, you probably ended up disliking vegetables when you become an adult.

  The first significant penis-related incident occurred during Grade 8, when I started High School. My older brother was a senior, and very involved in sports and other after-school activities - me, not so much. I liked running in the forest, but wasn't into team sports. I did things like archery and body boarding on the weekends. As a result, I used to come home before him on school days.

  For about a year, I used to sneak into my brother's room, to steal his girly mags. At first, I just enjoyed looking at all the naked, fully-developed women, comparing their curves to my tall, lean frame. As time went by, I got more interested in the harder stuff, and enjoyed looking at pictorials with couples. It wasn’t long before I discovered my brother's folder of porn movies on his hard drive.

  My brother, James, was almost always home late, so I used the late afternoon privacy in the house to do my porn missions. I used to get away with my illicit fun at least thr
ee times a week, and I was fairly confident that I wouldn't be caught out.

  One particular Thursday afternoon, I got home early, as usual. James was usually at the local gym until 6pm on Thursdays. My parents were never home before 7pm from their furniture factory, so I reckoned I was safe. My brother's computer was always on, and he was lazy about using difficult passwords and security measures. Besides, my parents were technophobes, so he didn't have to worry about them snooping. I went upstairs, put my case in my room and got changed. I wore tracksuit pants and a long T-shirt. The pants were loose, and the black material was fairly thick. I always wore these for my clandestine masturbation sessions. They provided easy access to my pussy, and they hid the evidence of my fooling around, in case I got interrupted.

  I went into his room, sat down in front of the computer and moved the mouse to turn the screen on. I logged on using his password that was written on sticker, attached to the side of his PC. Like I said, James wasn't all that security-conscious.

  I navigated through his movie folder, into a sub folder named ‘Special’. This was where he stashed all his porn flicks, ranging from short free samples from websites, to DVD rips he got from his friends at school. I selected a movie with a college sorority theme and turned down the speakers, so I could hear if the phone rang, or if someone was downstairs at the front door. After about five minutes, I was really absorbed in the movie. The scenario looked like a lot of fun: two sorority sisters were discussing their favorite masturbation techniques, and they decided to demonstrate those techniques to each other.

  I had my fingers on my nipples, and I could feel the first tingling sensations in my pussy, when I heard what sounded like the front door being opened. I sat upright, paused the movie and listening intently for the sound of keys or footsteps. Maybe James is home early, I thought to myself. I heard voices. James was having a conversation with someone, and they were in the house already!

  I panicked. I couldn't just slip away to my room. I needed to shut down the media player software and open search windows. I clicked on the little red 'x' in the upper right corner of the movie window. The visuals grayed out, but the program did not close immediately. 'Program not responding' was the message. “Shit!” I cursed softly, while opening the task manager and manually shutting down the program. James and his visitor were already on their way up the stairs.

  I logged out and switched the screen off. By then they were at the top of the stairs. I had no way of getting out from his room to mine, undetected. I really, really did not want to be caught out and embarrassed in front of one of his friends. I dashed across the room and hid myself in the large closet.

  I didn't dare close the door to the closet, in case they heard the locking mechanism click shut. I sat in the darkness of the closet, peering out through the crack in the doorway, hoping that James wouldn't stash his gear in the closet immediately – he was untidy and usually just left his bags and stuff lying around for days.

  I was in luck. He casually tossed his gym bag next to his bed. He had two friends with him, a guy named Trevor, from his school cricket team. Trevor visited fairly often over the weekends for informal practice at the nearby sports grounds. There was also some other boy I didn't know. They all three stashed their bags next to the desk. Jackets and shoes were taken off, and ended up on the floor. Trevor and the mystery guy lay sat on the bed, resting up against the headboard, while James closed the door, securing it with a chain latch. My parents didn't believe in using proper locks for the bedroom doors, but we had those chain latches for safety and privacy. I groaned silently, knowing that I was trapped in the damn closet for the duration of the visit. I hoped that it would be over quickly, since my long legs were starting to cramp already.

  James fiddled around with the computer and turned up the speaker volume. Dammit, I thought, they're going to watch a movie. The prospect of spending at least ninety minutes in the closet was not appealing. On the plus side, I had a decent view of the computer screen and could see most of the bed from my vantage point. I sat still in resignation and waited for the movie title to appear. I hoped it wasn't going to be a comedy – I didn't want to choke myself while suppressing laughter. I'm a big fan of comedies, and my brother and I had similar taste in movies.

  The screen went black and James joined his friends on the bed. A familiar logo appeared on the screen, and at first I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Then there was a montage of women in their early twenties getting screwed by well-built black guys sporting gang tattoos. Scenes of facial cumshots, deepthroating and double penetration flashed on the screen, accompanied by a hip-hop soundtrack.

  Well, fuck my life I thought, as the first absurd scenario started playing out on the screen. A young woman with big boobs and long flowing blonde hair, was unable to pay her car repair bill, and she was trying to negotiate alternative arrangements. Cue half a dozen big sweaty African Americans, with all sorts of proposals, mostly involving cock insertion. As the chance of being discovered got lower and lower, I got over my nerves and jitters. The porn movie wasn't the kind I usually watched, but the sheer energy and enthusiasm the 'actress' had, was quite amazing. I didn't care if she was faking her pleasure or not, the sight of those large, thick cocks penetrating all three of her orifices, was having an effect on me.

  I decided to try and enjoy myself. There was nothing more I could do to avoid discovery. Either they would find me after the movie, or I'd get a chance to escape when they went downstairs. My nipples were already little granite bumps, sticking up proudly on my mostly flat chest. I caressed them with my left hand and adjusted my position to allow my right hand into my pants. I had to lean forward slightly to get onto my knees. As I did so, I peered towards the bed, where the boys were sitting.

  The sight nearly caused me to bump my head against the door in surprise. All three of them had their hands down their pants. The situation had just graduated from fucked-up to super fucked-up on my personal scale.

  To my horror, things started escalating. As the hardcore fucking continued on the screen, James and his friends grew bolder. Trevor was the first to drop his shorts and have his penis completely exposed. James followed his lead, but chose to remove his clothing completely. My parents are basically modern-day hippies – financially successful, but still had the free-thinking norms of the 60's. As a result, we were used to family nudity, it was never an issue to skinny dip together, or for my brother and I to share baths and stuff when we were younger.

  That being sad, I had not seen him naked for a good couple of years. He was quite athletic and he shaved a lot of his body hair off for cycling and swimming training. It appeared that his shaving extended to his pubic area – even though he was 16, he had perfectly smooth balls and no hair around the base of his penis.

  I couldn't help but stare at my own brother's masturbation session. I'm not attracted to him, or anything weird, it just so strange seeing someone I'd spent my whole life around – whacking off like that. He pulled his foreskin back, and his dark pink cock head bulged. It was so hard, that I could make out the reflection of the computer screen on the shiny, stretched skin.

  “Come on Chris, you getting left behind here!” said Trevor. The other guy was a little reluctant still, but after a bit of coaxing, he pulled his cock out too. Pretty soon, all three of them were stroking away at their cocks, like it was the most natural thing in the world to do among friends. I was strangely turned on by the scene. My pussy was damp with clear, sticky goo. I gently put one finger inside myself, lubricating it, so I could rub my small, sensitive clitoris with it. The boys were increasing their pace, wanking their cocks faster and faster.

  Chris kicked off his boxers, and was naked from the waist down. “This is so fucking good!” he exclaimed, “Just imagine what it would feel like getting that bitch to jerk you off.”

  “I'd cum in seconds,” laughed Trevor, “Fuck, I'd probably insta-cum if one of you guys jerked me off.”

  “Seriously?” asked Chris.

p; “Fuck, go for it, I dare you,” said James.

  “Do it! I'm almost ready to blow,” said Trevor, as he took his hand off his cock and angled himself towards Chris.

  Clearly, Chris was super-horny and caught up in the moment. Without hesitation he gripped the other boy's stiff shaft and rapidly moved his hand up and down the length of it. Trevor's cock got slightly bigger, and harder. Then his balls contracted. A split second later, his cock convulsed and he bucked his hips as a load of cum shot out. It was over in three quick bursts. Chris's hand was covered in sticky white splooge. He didn't bother wiping it away; instead he used that hand to work on his own pulsing, smaller cock. He came in seconds, his cum landing on his belly, combined with the mess from Trevor's orgasm.

  I watched in fascination as my brother leaned against the wall with his shoulder, his waist angled forward, his cock jutting up starkly, like a fat, curved banana. He was as aroused as he could get, his penis had no trace of softness. The skin was all stretched, veins bulging. Without warning, James spurted thick, white tendrils of cum. Hi cum shot upwards, before being deposited on his shaft, thighs and belly. I bit my bottom lip as a pushed my fingers harder against my clit, before climaxing silently in the darkness of the closet.

  Suffering from post-orgasm regret, or embarrassment, the boys awkwardly cleaned themselves up, wiping cum off their bodies, and soaking up the blobs on the bed covers with tissues and towels. They got dressed really quickly and didn't talk much. Trevor and Chris picked up their bags, and James walked with them out of the room. I listened as they all three went downstairs. I didn't know if James was leaving the house as well, so I took my chance to escape from his room. I stumbled out of the closet, the circulation not yet restored to my legs.


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