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15 Erotic Stories BUNDLE: Huge Collection of Individually Sold Short Sex Stories

Page 21

by Danica Williams

  “I didn’t realize it was so late,” he said. “I guess we’d better go,” she told him, “the sun must be coming up outside!” Neither of them was ready for the night to end. It was a cool morning, but not cold. They stopped briefly outside the bar and watched the sun come completely up above the horizon. It was glorious. “I’m really not ready to call it a night” he said, “unless you are.” She asked him how he liked his eggs and took his hand.

  All through the night of conversation he had touched her. Her fingers, her hand, the inside of her forearm, her wrists; it had all been done idly and inoffensively. His arm casually around her waist felt as natural as if they had been friends their whole lives. When they found their heads close together there was no sense of having their personal space invaded, it just felt…natural. The first time their lips met was no surprise to either of them. The heat of her body’s response to his kiss was a major surprise to Cassie.

  Her response triggered an alarm inside her. She knew from experience that her sexual responses were not always in her best interests. Her bad boy attraction for her ex had proved that…but this guy was different. “No way,” she thought, “am I going to just hop into bed with some guy I just met?” She pleaded exhaustion and asked if they could continue at some other time. He smiled and kissed her gently, asking if they could see each other again sometime.

  Tired as she was, Cassie couldn’t sleep. She kept thinking about his eyes, and how his strong hands had been so gentle on her. She flushed when she remembered how he had seemed to read her mind when she wondered how he would be in bed. Her hands had been unconsciously touching herself where his fingers had been. She hitched up the long tee shirt she wore for sleeping and raised her knees up under the sheets. Throwing one arm over her eyes, she began leisurely running her fingers down to her pussy. It was surprisingly damp already. She thought of him watching her, seeming to read her mind. She felt again the sweetness of his lips brushing hers. She thought of his hands going other places on her body, places he had not even seen. She felt her own fingers penetrate her seemingly of their own volition and she shuddered because it felt so good. Suddenly she was imagining his gentle fingers inside her pussy instead of feeling her own. Cassie wondered how big his cock was, and how hard it would be. How would it look, pulsing in her soft capable hands. How would it feel to have his scalding hot cum running over her fingers. She came with a wrenching, jarring sensation in her belly.

  Even her ex didn’t know how much she loved making a man cum. She had often cum just from the feeling of sheer feminine power, watching the hot cream spilling from the end of his cock. More times than she could remember she had opened her mouth to him, taking his essence into her while staring into his gorgeous eyes. When she watched the look on his face as she gulped at him greedily was the only time she felt he truly belonged to her and her alone. Once she had ridden him until he was just on the brink of his orgasm and leaped off of him, quickly moving her mouth to where her hot grasping pussy had been seconds before. His loud moans and the involuntary jerking of his body as he shot into her mouth gave her a sense of pleasure at her mastery so intense that she came as well, squeezing her legs together, trying to hold the feeling inside her. He was even nice to her for a few days afterwards.

  “You seemed to be kinda cozy with Virgil the other night” Steve said. “He’s a nice guy” she responded, “I liked him.” Instead of teasing her more about Virgil, Steve began to tell her of the gossip making the rounds about him. He seemed happy to tell her of what he’d learned, what he knew versus what he’d just heard. He knew that Virgil was forty three, had never been married, had been a highly decorated soldier. There was a rumor going around that he was a Medal of Honor recipient, but that had not been confirmed. Cassie wondered if Steve had ever learned how to turn on his home computer and use the internet. A Medal of Honor was very simple to check, and the citation was posted with the award…anyone with internet service could look it up in seconds. Steve had heard from the gossip that Virgil had killed all six of the bank robbers in mere minutes with his bare hands. The F.B.I. had taken over the case, as was the case in any bank robbery or kidnapping. Usually the kidnapping was plea bargained down to unlawful imprisonment in a robbery, to keep the juries from feeling pity for the defendants because the cops “loaded up” all the charges they could to make an example of them. She thought the idea was absurd, but in this case the point was moot wasn’t it? The perps would never get a trial.

  “What would you say to a picnic in the City Park?” Virgil asked her over the phone just before their next set of off days. Cassie took a moment, because she didn’t know if she’d mentioned Tina in their earlier conversations. Better to find out now if he’s the kind of man who turns tail and heads for the woods at the mention of children she thought. She took a deep breath and plunged right in. “My daughter lives with me on the weekends, she stays with my Mother when I’m working swing shifts” she said into her cell phone. “How old is she?” Virgil asked. She explained that her daughter was a rowdy ten year old tomboy. Virgil didn’t seem to bat an eye. “Does she like dogs?” he asked. Cassie laughed and told him the biggest problem she had with her daughter was that Cassie wouldn’t let her have a dog. “You don’t like dogs?” Virgil asked her. “I love dogs,” Cassie said, “but my mother is allergic to them…and Tina has to stay with her when I’m working swings. We couldn’t take care of one.” “Well, if she likes dogs bring her with us” he said, “that doesn’t sound like an insurmountable problem to me!” Cassie laughed and asked what she should bring. Virgil told her to bring Tina and he would handle the rest. They agreed to meet at the park.

  The day broke bright, sunny, and warm. Cassie set about her regular weekend chores with energy, and Tina helped. Both were looking forward to the picnic, and Tina was ecstatic about getting to play with the dog. Cassie couldn’t resist packing up a bottle of White Zinfandel to take on the outing. She didn’t mind drinking a few beers with the guys, but she preferred the light wine. It would probably go passably well with whatever Virgil picked up at the local fried chicken or barbecue place.

  “Where’s the dog?” Tina asked immediately after she introduced Virgil to her. He grinned and whistled one short piercing blast. Across the park came an answering bark, and Cassie turned to see a brownish black blur racing towards them carrying a Frisbee in its mouth. The dog was obviously delighted to meet Tina, and it started to rise up on its hind legs and lick her face. Virgil said, so quietly that Cassie barely heard him “Sit.” The dog obediently sat in front of Tina. Tina looked wide-eyed at Virgil, “Can I pet him?” Virgil smiled at her and nodded. He said, “Mind your manners Bear,” and the dog raised its paw to shake hands with the happy girl. “Bear, this is Tina. She’s our new friend. And this is Cassie.” The dog turned to extend his paw to Cassie. “He’s adorable! What kind of dog is he?” she asked. Virgil said “Heinz” with a perfectly straight face, and Tina looked at him with puzzled eyes. “Like the steak sauce” he laughed, “57 Varieties!” Mother and daughter both laughed at the old joke and Tina ran off with Bear for a game of Frisbee.

  Virgil went to his Jeep and brought out a giant two-handled basket to take over to the picnic tables. “We’d better get a place before they’re all taken” he told Cassie. “I’ll come back and get the cooler in a bit.” Giving him a mock scowl, she ran to the Jeep to get the cooler. By the time she reached the tables she wished she hadn’t jumped to the conclusion that he thought she was helpless…the damned thing was heavy!

  To her amazement, Virgil began to unpack the giant basket with real plates, silverware, and cloth napkins. There was a pickle tray, deviled eggs, a green bean casserole, a roast chicken, and homemade potato salad. “You cooked this?” she asked in amazement. “Couldn’t eat it raw” he told her as he spread the tablecloth. “Geez, my ex couldn’t even work the microwave” she said. Virgil looked at her. “I’ve been on my own for a long time” he said. “And why is that?” she asked, somewhat teasingly but curious as
well. “I was married” he said, “to the Army. The nature of my work sent me away to places I couldn’t write from, or call home.” His face was serious, but there was no trace of self-pity or resentment on it. She asked if he had been a Ranger, Special Forces, or some sort of Special Ops trooper, but he laughed and told her he worked for the Defense Intelligence Agency. “I served with those units.” he said,” and collected all their little qualification badges, but they were just that, qualification badges. My job was Intelligence.” She discovered that he had worked in U.S. Embassies around the world, and that he spoke several languages. “Enough about me,” he said, let’s eat. He unleashed another piercing whistle and shortly Tina and Bear came running to the table. Wide-eyed, Tina said “Wow, this is like Sunday Dinner at Grandma’s!”

  After cleaning up from the absolutely delicious lunch, Tina and Bear ran back off to play while Cassie and Virgil lay on a blanket in the grass with glasses of her White Zinfandel. He stroked her forearm so lightly that the tiny hairs on it stood as if they were electrically charged. Cassie’s nipples rose in response. Everywhere he touched her she felt as if she were on fire. She felt the pull deep between her legs and she wanted so badly to just ravage this man beside her. She could plainly see that he wanted her, his cock bulging tightly against his jeans. He saw her glance, but made no mention of it…nor did he try to hide it. She rolled to her forearms and stretched her neck out for a kiss. He halted just before he reached her lips, his breathing stopped completely. She looked to see why he had stopped, and she glanced down to where his eyes were locked. Her shirt had pooched out when her shoulders hunched to rest her body on her forearms, and he could clearly see the tips of her perfect breasts, the nipples hard and upstanding. “I want you too” she said in a husky voice, “I’m not going to deny that. But I listened to my body once before and I ended up with a bastard who made me happy in my bedroom and turned the rest of my life into a living hell. The only good things that came out of that relationship are my job and my daughter.” “I want to get to know you,” she said, “before I give my body up as a sacrifice to lust. I don’t mean I have to be married, I just want to know that I can trust you with my feelings.”

  “It still hurts, doesn’t it?” he asked, kissing her gently. She nodded. “It hurts more that I believed him to start with. Do you know what it’s like to doubt yourself?” Soberly, he said “More than I hope you ever know kid!” He smiled and jumped to his feet. He held a hand out to her, and pulled her up. “I’ve waited my whole life for you. Not what you could be, not what you were, but just exactly who you are. A few more days or weeks won’t change that. I’m not going to stop seeing you, but I can wait till you’re ready. When you are, I’ll know” he whispered. “Now let’s go see if those two will let us play.”

  Cassie sat up late that night. Unable to erase the image of his cock straining against his jeans or the look on his face as he stared at her breasts, she reached for her cell phone a half dozen times, and each time she set it back down. “You’ve had plenty of offers for a ‘friends with benefits’ arrangement” she thought to herself, “and you’ve been disappointed with every one of them.” She giggled to herself “There’s only one electronic device in here you need tonight!” She reached into the drawer and withdrew her small battery operated personal vibrator. She set it on the bedstand and went to make sure Tina was asleep.

  She had used the vibrator twice, but it had not really helped. She tossed and turned grumpily in her bed. When she finally slept…

  Virgil was naked above her, his proud cock standing stiff at an angle from his pelvis, and her hand was wrapped around its girth. She was trying to guide it into her, her hips writhing frantically on the sheets. His knees sank to the bed, and his lips sank to her breasts, sucking and gently biting the nipples. He raised his head from her breasts, and his blue flecked smoky grey eyes peered into her own as his lips bore down sweetly on hers. His kiss was intimate, gentle and soft…but insistent. He seemed to be devouring her mouth with his own. He seemed to be sucking the very breath from her, and sharing it back so they could stay this way. His rigid prick was tapping against the folds of her pussy, tantalizing her, inside her, but not quite. She could feel the slit in his glans rubbing against her clit, sweet slippery friction that seemed to last forever. She spoke into his open mouth, her voice rough with pent up passion, “I need you inside of me, I need it so bad” she said. Her hips worked furiously trying to get more of him inside her. “What do you want me to do?” she asked. “Do you want me to get on top, do you want me to fuck you?” she breathed. Cassie succeeded in sliding a little more of his cock into her. She squeezed his strong back with both her arms, pulling his taut chest to her aching breasts. “Do you want to fuck my ass?” she asked louder. Do you want me to suck you?” With a groan Vergil settled himself deep within her. Every pore of the inside of her womb sucked at him, her greedy pussy grasping at him. “I will, you know” she said breathlessly, “I’ll fuck you till I can’t move my hips anymore and I’ll suck your cock till you fill me with your juices!” Her hips were battering him now. She screamed as she came, twisting violently from under him, hungry mouth searching for his hotly spurting cock. Finding it, capturing the throbbing piece of hard flesh, she drove it deep into her throat…

  She came awake with a start, soaked in sweat, her face stuffed into her damp pillowcase and her mouth as dry as the desert. And that was how her work week started.

  Steve looked over at his partner as she acknowledged a call for a burglary not in progress and hung up the microphone. Her eyes were puffy and it didn’t appear she’d had enough sleep. “Virgil keeping you up nights now?” he chuckled. “Sort of,” she grinned at him, “but it’s not what you’re thinking!” She had known she wouldn’t be able to hide her feelings from Steve, they spent as much or more time together as any married couple. She had helped him get through more than one family crisis of his own. “I really like him, and he really seems to like me…it just hasn’t gone that far yet.” “You’d better hurry up girl, I heard Marie wants him bad!” Steve said. He laughed, “And you know her record.”

  Marie was a twenty two year old dispatcher who had wanted nearly every police officer on the force at one time or another. Rumor had it that she had succeeded more times than she’d failed. She had nearly ended Steve’s marriage a year before. “I don’t really think Marie is his type” she said just a tiny bit grumpily. “Listen Cass, when Marie walks up to you, rips open her blouse so you can see those gorgeous titties, and grabs your Johnson there is damned little you can do, even if you are a good and faithful husband” Steve said, and he wasn’t laughing any more. “She blew me right in the locker room, sucked my balls into her mouth, and then yelled at me when I tried to pull out when I came!” he said, “If the Chief himself had walked in there I could not have stopped.”

  He had run straight home and confessed to his wife, who tortured and abused him for months. To be honest, it still came up when she was pissed about something. She looked at him closely. Steve was over fifty, completely grey, and had a paunch around his gunbelt from too many fast food meals on the street and not enough exercise. There was no way he was going to do anything but look at the Maries of the world wistfully and remember the old days. She could understand what had happened to him and why he had given in. Unfortunately for him, his wife couldn’t. She wondered how Virgil would fare under Marie’s onslaught.

  Virgil rode with Cassie and Steve for a week before he went to the Police Academy. The Mayor had given him a badge, but until he got his certification he was just a civilian with a badge. Steve ragged him a little, teasing him about being the oldest rookie but the two men seemed to bond and Cassie was a little envious of the ease with which the two men slipped into the routine. She knew damned well that women had to prove themselves repeatedly before they were accepted. Her face reddened as she realized she had accepted this man as well…in her dreams.

  “Just remember that you’re still in training, you just obse
rve” Steve said, “of course if it looks like this guy is going to kill us we won’t mind if you help.” All of them laughed, but they all knew Steve meant what he said.

  All three got out of the car, putting on their hats as they closed the doors. The Chief was death on officers in public without their covers. Steve instinctively headed for the giant drunk screaming in the yard, but Cassie waved him to the angry drunk woman screaming on the sagging front porch of the row house. Virgil seemed nonplussed, but he was about to get his first lesson in smart police work. “What seems to be the problem sir?” Cassie asked with a dazzling smile. The drunk, swaying but still dangerous, arms rippling with muscles developed not in some gym, but by wrestling steel and lumber into place every day of his life, turned slowly to face her.

  “I ain’t goin’ ta jail lady” he said slowly. “I’m afraid you are sir” she said as she glanced quickly at the blood streaked face of the woman on the porch. “Please turn around and put your hands behind your back” she ordered. Virgil began unobtrusively to loosen his muscles as he saw the big man’s hands bunch into fists and rise to the level of his waist. “What’re you gonna do lady? You an’ your boyfriend gonna beat me with them sticks? I’ll tell what I’m gonna do…I’m gonna take them sticks and shove up yer asses…make copsicles outta the both of ya!” The drunk laughed at his own joke.


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